Magical Merchant in Fairy Tail

Page 90

Continuous gunshots rang out, and each shot was on the trajectory of Gerald. Although each bullet was a little slower, it was gradually approaching Gerald's figure.

Corrosion, explosion, rust, aging, penetration, twisting, sluggishness, fastening...

Every bullet is a magic spell that can directly determine the winner after being hit. Kira didn't hold back. The opponent is the final boss of the current dungeon, or Gerald. There is no need to hold back.

Anyway, Kira also knew that this gun alone could not take down Gerald at this time, and Chiklein is still in the Senate and has not returned, which means that Gerald is not in full condition yet!

Since Gerald is strong enough, isn't he... the best candidate to try new weapons?

Gerald didn't really rush in a single line like a shooting star in the night sky. On the contrary, his movements were extremely flexible, and there was no sign that he was too fast to react.

'Indeed, the speed of the bullet has increased!At first I was able to dodge it, and now I can wipe my clothes. It seems that he didn't use his full strength just now, so... now? '

With this question in mind, Gerald decided to take the initiative to attack, so after he dodged the bullet of the spirit again, he approached his body directly, attempting to attack with his fists.

Gerald's speed didn't decrease at all when he got close. He was really as fast as a shooting star. In just one second, he launched an attack from several directions. From the perspective of onlookers, it might seem that he had become multiple, attacking the base from different angles at the same time. Pull the same.

Aware of Gerald's purpose, Kira yelled in his heart: "Hey, hey, you are mages! Not fighters! Why do you all want to fight melee?!"

One is one, two is two, you only have one person, but you can launch attacks from so many directions, isn't this bullying honest people!

Sighing, Kira had no choice but to stretch out his empty left hand: "Change!"

After a brief burst of light, another identical Speech Spear appeared in his left hand!

Chapter 120 Eight

Dress-up magic is one of the easier magics to master. It is similar in popularity to transformation magic, but not everyone knows it. In addition to talent limitations, it is also somewhat influenced by the concept of "magic is more subtle than more".

Most mages only use one kind of magic because they don't have enough time and energy to learn the second kind of magic. Therefore, those who can use two or more kinds of magic are either knowledgeable but not proficient, or they are geniuses. Differentiation is serious.

Of course Kira belongs to the latter, so why not think about it?Adding a plug-in is naturally a quick way to learn everything.

After all, there are a lot of magic equipment, it would be a pity if you don't learn dress-up magic!

With this in mind, Kira was able to use the dress-up magic at will in less than three days.

Fighting on such a wide terrain, the attack method should not be too straightforward, otherwise it will be easy to be attacked from behind, and once you encounter an enemy like Gerald, you will be at a disadvantage.

Fortunately, Kira is not the kind of person who goes straight to fight. The Lingling pistol is still very easy to use, with enough firepower, great power, multiple functions, and no recoil.


The double firepower suppression and the attacking method with both left and right sides forced Gerald to increase his speed again, but in time, the bullets were getting closer and closer to the danger zone, and the entire cloak was riddled with holes.

Suddenly, Kira stopped attacking, and Gerald regained his strength.

'This guy, obviously not a mage in this field, has improved his concentration and reaction in battle, such a comprehensive magic is too difficult to deal with. '

'Breakthroughs...flawless...such a comprehensive magic is impossible without flaws!Where is his flaw?magic?speed?power?Or interval? '

Gerald was gifted from birth, and he is considered a rare genius in the field of magic. This can be seen from the fact that he has become one of the ten holy wizards and a member of the Senate at the age of 20. figure it out.

Kira suddenly stopped attacking, which made him think that it might be a defect of this magic, maybe it can't be used for a long time, and it must be stopped for a while every time it is used. If this guess is correct, then this intermediate time is the way to defeat him !

Still, have to try it out...

If Kira knew Gerald's thoughts, he would laugh out loud, and then say "Yes, yes! This is the shortcoming of my magic", and deliberately leave such a flaw in the subsequent battle.

In fact, the reason why he stopped was very simple, because Erza and Dispel had arrived.


As soon as Ersha came in, only Gerald was left in her eyes, and she turned a blind eye to the other two people who were exactly the same.

"Hey, hey... At least say hello to me!" Kira complained, "If I hadn't been merciful, this guy would only have the idea of ​​resurrecting Jeff in this world..."

"Kira, this battle..."

"This battle is entrusted to you. Dispel and I don't want to interfere. You mean to say this?"

Erza paused for two seconds, nodded and said, "I know this is very..."

"It's capricious, but I hope we can agree, because you want to make a break with him, you want to say this, right?"

"..." Erza nodded again, "If..."

"If you unfortunately die in battle, you hope we can stop his paradise plan and resettle your group of younger brothers and sisters. This is what you want to say, right?"

Dispell on the side couldn't take it anymore, and yelled at Kira: "Have you talked enough, Rory? Hurry up and watch the show! The protagonist of this battle is not you!"

"Here we come..." Kira trotted back to the two of them, "I leave the battle to you, but I won't just sit idly by when it comes to crisis!"

"Thank you!" Erza stepped forward, walked slowly towards Gerald, and stood still five meters away.

Kira and Dispel directly took two chairs, sat at the door to watch the show, and ate snacks with drinks. Kira even took out the magic video crystal, ready to record the next battle.

"What are you doing?"

"Collect materials on the spot, film their battle process, and make a movie after returning. I have already thought of the name, and it will be called "The Love Story of the Fairy Queen."

"The name is a bit vulgar."

"Actually, I'm not too satisfied, but this name can catch Erza's popularity, or it can be called "Tower of Destiny" or "Sukaletto", whichever sounds better to you."

"Let me think twice..."

Short blue hair and long red hair, embarrassed man and tired woman, evil mage and kind magic swordsman, first love in the past and enemy today, sharp contrasts and strong emotions make this battle a joyous one. Very dramatic.

"Long time no see, Erza!"

Gerald lost the look of being chased and beaten by Kira's pistol just now, but instead regained the look that a boss should have: "If you want to leave, you can leave at any time, can't you?"

Erza's tone was firm: "I want to free my former companions."

"As you please, but there is no need for that, the Tower of Paradise has been completed," Gerald said indifferently, "10 minutes! After 10 minutes, the power of the magic wizard will fall, and you, Erza, you Will die as a living sacrifice to Zeref."

"Everything is already doomed, this is fate!"

Erza took a deep breath: "Ten minutes...isn't it enough?"

Gerald was full of pride: "Of course! You can't beat me in just 10 minutes!"

"No! That's not what I said!"


"I already know your plan. Use the power of the magic wizard to obtain the 27 billion magic power needed by the R system, and... me, as a sacrifice for the resurrection of Zeref."

Gerald showed disdain: "What if you know the real plan?"

Erza smiled and said: "You are really slow! Is it because you have stayed in the house for too long so you can't change your mind?"

Hearing this, Kira tilted his body in Dispel's direction: "Hey, why does this sound familiar?"

Dispel glanced at him: "Did she tell you that?"

"Have it?"

On the court, Erza continued: "So, it's not that I want to defeat you within 10 minutes and stop your plan; rather, you have to defeat me within 10 minutes to complete your plan!"

"When I say 10 minutes is not enough, it means you want to beat me, 10 minutes is not enough!"

Gerald was immediately overwhelmed by Erza's words: "You bastard?!"

Kira and Dispel's eyes lit up, and the movement of eating snacks in their hands became faster: "Oh, I didn't expect such a turning point. As expected of Erza, she turned against the customer all of a sudden!"

"Look at the trick!" Gerald waved his hand and cast a spell, and several magic attacks like undead ghosts attacked Erza.

The undead attacked extremely fast, but Erza reacted faster, jumped up and dodged it perfectly, and then a magic circle flashed in the air, reached out and drew two broad swords from it.

Each of the two swords was half the size of the body, but they swung freely like toys in Erza's hands.


The giant sword made a rough wind sound in the air, and the sword wind swept away, engraving marks on the floor along the sword's trajectory.

Erza is getting closer and closer, while Gerald is fighting and retreating, his figure is leisurely and contented in the battlefield, as calm as walking in a courtyard.

Chapter 120 Nine Magic Spirit Power (for Subscription)

This kind of scene is not as expected by Kira, Gerald is indeed stronger than Erza in terms of strength, besides, he also needs time to recover the magic power he just consumed, and wait for the arrival of the magic wizard power.

The two attacked and defended, advancing and retreating. In the shadow of criss-crossing knives, Gerald looked for the opening, and a lightning-like assault was launched from his closed fingers, crushing Ersha's hand. The two gigantic swords, which seemed to be very hard, hit her in the stomach, and at the same time led her to rush out of the tower.

In the battle just now, he intentionally took Erza to the wall. These walls were already in tatters due to Kira's magic just now. It shatters when touched.

Erza's body spun vigorously in the air, stepped on a stone that was only the size of the sole of her foot, and jumped up again. When she reappeared, she had already replaced a slender sword in her hand.

"Are you willing to destroy the tower of Paradise? You are really willing!"

Gerald jumped back, dodging Erza's blow and said, "That's just a decoration."

Erza swung the sword again, this time holding the sword with both hands, which is stronger than holding the sword with one hand: "Just to make this decoration, Ah Xiang and the others have believed in you for 8 years!"

"Don't pick on the small flaws in other people's words bit by bit," Gerald evaded sideways again, and at the same time rubbed out an energy light ball like a spiral pill in his hand, "I spent 8 years for it !"

"Since you already know the true face of the Tower of Paradise, you should also know that its real function is to store magic crystals, so as long as you can get you, it doesn't matter even if it has a little flaw!"

Erza was angry at Gerald's depravity, she attacked fiercely with a long knife, and the sword went forward, but was easily dodged; Gerald was amazed at Erza's power, magic kills her, and she was merciless, but she was slashed with a knife broken.

Gerald knew that the Three Feathered Crows he sent did not consume Erza's physical and mana power. On the contrary, not only was he not in his prime, but he also consumed a lot of mana in the battle with Kira just now, so After the start of the war, he didn't release the water, so he shot with all his strength.

It is also for this reason that he persisted longer than in the original work.

Kira vaguely remembers that in the original work, Gerald faced Erza who had just finished fighting Turtledove, but he couldn't even last 7 minutes, and finally had to play emotional cards to delay time.

But now?First I fought with myself, and then I faced Erza who was in a nearly complete state, but I persisted longer than in the original work!

"It seems that even if most of the strength is with Zikelein, the main body is still very strong! Sure enough, the logic of this world is quite reasonable!"

if not?It can't be that he added a buff to Gerald, right?

Ten minutes passed in a flash, and when the two stalemate were in a stalemate, the power of the magic wizard finally arrived!

In the senate, the plan of Chiklein and Urrutia was carried out perfectly. Under his persuasion and Urrutia's lead in favor, the ten members voted, with nine votes in favor and one vote against. Make sure to activate the magic spirit power.

The Magic Spirit Power is a magical cluster cannon that has assembled a huge amount of magic power. It is positioned with a satellite magic array and can be projected to any place in Ishgar. Its destructive power is said to be able to easily destroy a country!

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