Magical Merchant in Fairy Tail

Page 35

"Ah, by the way, it's rare for you to come here. There is something I think you should want," Kira thought of something, got up from his seat, and took down something from the innermost shelf, "This The telescopic fishing rod can be freely extended and extended, and it is easy to carry. Most importantly, it will never fail to fish with it, and you only need to wait for 3 minutes—the premise is that there are fish.”


Really?Naz I want this!buy me this! "

"If you want to eat fish, you can just go into the water and catch it..."


Hubby and Natsu get into an argument over whether to buy a fishing rod.

"Really, these two guys clearly said they were here with me, but they actually had a good time." Lucy looked at the excited Natsu and Happy for a while, speechless.

At this time, Kira walked over holding a beautifully decorated square box: "I've been waiting for a long time, Lucy... You must have come here for this."

He didn't forget that Lucy was the main customer today, so how much money can those two poor ghosts, Naz and Happy, have?Most of the money they paid for the task was paid for the loss of public property, so it would be nice to have enough to eat.

Lucy is different, even if she has no money, she will definitely buy the key in her hand.

"Ah, is this...?" Lucy looked at the box in Kira's hand and exclaimed, she had already guessed what was inside.

"That's right, it's the Protoss Key of the Golden Zodiac in my hand."

Kira gently opened the box, and four golden keys appeared. The extremely precious box instantly shone brilliantly. Even Natsu and Happy stopped their quarrel and came to have a look.

"Oh oh oh oh! So dazzling! So powerful!"

In the golden light, the key in the box and the key on Lucy's waist seemed to be in contact with each other, and the strong aura of the gods instantly filled the entire Hope Cabin.

Do you still have to doubt it?This is of course Kira's magic effect!When it comes to illusion and special effects magic, and the entire Fairy Tail, Kira said that no one dares to say that he is the second, and even Mistgang is far behind.

Whether it is the magic that will glow as soon as it is opened on the box, or the breath of the gods surrounding it, Kira specially prepares it for customers.

Otherwise, how can I let this group of lovely customers have a feeling of "this thing is destined for me"; otherwise, how can they be willing to spend money to buy things.

It's all a trick!

Fortunately, although the routine is old, it is very useful!Not to mention Lucy's attitude towards keys that must be obtained, even former business partners are often tricked.

"Ah, Lucy, look! These protoss seem to be very satisfied with you!" Kira put on a show, "If you don't buy it, they will be very sad!"

Of course, these words will deceive Naz and Happy, these two mindless people. Kira knows in her heart that although Lucy wants it, she is not stupid. The daughter of Heartfilia didn't see anything. Pass?

"Listen carefully, they are telling you 'Buy me! Buy me!'!"

Naz believed it was true: "Really? Lucy, then buy it quickly!"

"Yes, yes, didn't you come here just for these Protoss keys?"

Naz, Hubby, thank you for your support, this business is done, and I will treat you to grilled fish later.

Chapter 51 I heard that there is a photo shoot task that is very profitable

"Well, how much is a key?"

"Each key is 300 million J, and we agreed to get a 1000% discount earlier, so it's [-] million J for you."

"It's so expensive!!" After exclaiming, Lucy showed a pleading smile again: "That... can it be cheaper? You know, I'm running away from home now, so I don't have much money on me..."

As for business, we still have to sit down and talk about it, especially this kind of big business. Kira also brought Lucy a cup of black tea, and the two sat opposite each other at the reception table of Hope Cabin.

As for Natsu and Happy?Kira sent them off with a few small toys.

"So didn't I give you a discount? This is a unique Protoss key! 4 million for 1000 keys is already a very low price!"

Kira asked: "I heard that the duke's mission you took last time wasn't paid 200 million J?"

"No... Actually, for some reason, I didn't get paid that time..." Lucy said awkwardly.

Didn't get paid for doing the task?Kira couldn't hear this, shook the white porcelain cup in his hand, took a sip of black tea, and started his sales routine that has remained unchanged for thousands of years: "If a protoss mage doesn't have a powerful protoss key, he will be able to fight." It's a bad time!"

"Anyway, money doesn't leave you, they just accompany you in another way!"

"Protoss keys are different from cards and armor. They will not be damaged and do not need to be repaired. Once you buy them, they will be your lifelong friends. How many friends can you guarantee to accompany you for the rest of your life?"

"Hey~ Actually, you also know that with my personality of staying at home, I know very few star magicians. Besides you, who else can I sell the key to?"

"As an excellent magic item master, do I really have the heart to sell these cute guys to unscrupulous buyers? Why don't I keep them for so long and wait for someone who can treat them well!"

"You appear in our guild, this is simply the fate destined by heaven!"

If Lucy had been in the guild longer, she would have known, these words would be said every time Kira promoted his products, not even changing the words much, but she was clearly persuaded now.

"There are not many opportunities to have 4 golden keys at the same time. With them, your strength will become stronger, and you will be able to take on more high-paying tasks. The money you bought for the keys will be earned back soon. Don't say it For an apartment with a monthly rent of 7 J, you might be able to directly buy a luxury house in Magnolia!"

"Big house, fancy clothes, financial freedom, fame and dreams, don't you think about it?!"

Hmph, no one has ever been able to refuse my mouth!

Sure enough, after talking about it, Lucy became more determined to buy the key. Unfortunately, money is not something that you can just make up your mind out of thin air.

If leeks cannot be cut and eaten, it must be because the farmers do not know how to grow them.Seeing that Lucy really has no money and wants it, Kira can only help Lucy with another idea.

"If it's because of money, I saw on the mission board of the guild yesterday that the weekly SORCERER seems to be recruiting female wizard models. You can try it."

Lucy seemed to have a life-saving straw: "SORCERER?! That famous newspaper? Is it real?"

"Of course!" Kira nodded in affirmation, and then said another news, "I heard that Mira has also taken photos of them before! This one can be famous, make money, and the job is very easy. How about the mission? With fame, there will be no shortage of missions in the future!"

"'s really exciting!"

Although Lucy did not buy the keys in the end, in order to raise enough money to buy the keys, she did not hesitate to accept the task of taking photos, and claimed that she would come to buy these four keys as long as she could raise enough money. Kira was able to keep the key.

Before they left, Kira quietly called to Lucy: "You just said that you ran away from home, didn't you?"

"Yes what's the matter?"

Kira handed her a newspaper: "Hartfilia's recent finances don't seem to be ideal. If you have time, why not go home and have a look."

"Huh?" Lucy took the newspaper in Kira's hand, looked down, and saw the words "Hartfilia Group is suspected to be acquired" written on the newspaper.

Lucy didn't react for a while, her brain was a little confused, and her heart was a little flustered. How long has it been since she ran away from home, and she hasn't gained a reputation yet, and the family is about to go bankrupt?

Lucy left with a heavy heart. Natsu and Happy saw that Lucy was in a bad mood, so they rarely yelled loudly.

Kira's heart was also a little heavy, because the business was not completed, but this time it was different from the previous business, the meat was in the bowl and couldn't escape!

Thinking of Lucy's photo, Kira immediately became interested, and didn't know what it would look like?

Will there be dirty pictures?According to the style of the original, it shouldn't be too bad!

Since Lucy is the subject of the shoot, I always feel that there will be unexpected surprises... Of course, since Naz is there, it is possible that the filming will not be successful in the end.

After seeing off Lucy and Natsu, Kira started a day of study.

It’s really learning. Learning is like sailing against the sea. If you don’t advance, you will retreat. Kira, who has received a good education, deeply understands the importance of learning.

As for what to learn?What else can you learn in the wizarding world?Of course it is magic!Is it possible to still learn martial arts?

Every once in a while, Kira will go to the library to borrow a batch of magic books and come back to study. Although his speech magic is comprehensive enough in battle, this comprehensiveness is based on the breadth of his own magic.

For example, using the magic of words and spirits to launch "burning", which is actually similar to fire magic to some extent; launching "healing" is a magic similar to healing.

In the world of Fairy Tail, after most of the magic has been cultivated to a certain level, it will be expanded by adding magic from other fields.

Take Natsu's fire dragon slaying magic as an example. At the beginning, it was set to create fire attacks, swallow fire to recover, and be immune to fire, but later on, what burning souls and burning magic.

The same is true for Gray Ice's series of absolute freezing, which is patched later to be magic with disappearing attributes; there are also "changing the nature of space", "adding personality", "freezing magic power", "cutting off powerful" and so on. , It doesn't look like the original magic attribute at all.

Changing nature, what kind of nature has it become?Don't you need to learn the magic of the corresponding nature?

Additional personality, where does personality come from?Don't you have to pay the equivalent?

Is freezing magic also considered ice attribute magic?

Cutting off the powerful is the most outrageous, and this should clearly belong to the magic of the spiritual system, right?

When Kira read the comics back then, he felt that this was simply a no-brainer. Just saying a conceptual word followed by another word can become an outrageous magic.

Looking at it this way, wouldn't distortion magic be able to "distort thought"?Can receiving magic "receive elements"?The memory shape is all there, and the fantasy shape... Huh, it seems to be the concrete arc?

In short, it's a tough one!

It may be because I really entered this world, so the world has a small patch for magic.

Therefore, in order to become stronger and more comprehensive in speech magic, it is necessary to learn other magics. Maybe one day I will be able to learn "Exports come true"?

Word spirit magic, within the range of magic power, as long as the spoken content will come true.

It sounds outrageous, but it unexpectedly fits the painting style of Fairy Tail.Kira felt that if he was the boss in the end, the protagonists might defeat themselves by burning their real names, freezing their voices, and cutting off their words.

Thinking about it feels mysterious!

Chapter 52 Where did they go?

Once you have learned magic, you must practice it.

The so-called practice is the only criterion for testing the truth. If you don't practice the magic you have learned, how can you test your own magic control?

So Kira practiced spirit magic on various small things, and as a result of this operation, various magic props were produced.

Hope that's what the cabin is all about!

Because there are too many messy things, in the end Kira hit his head, why not open a magic shop?Not only can these experimental products be disposed of, but also can subsidize the family. I didn't expect this move to have unexpected joy.

Although he is now more in the business of weapons and armor, ordinary magic props are still being produced!

On this day, when Kira was about to start making new props for today, a figure pushed the door and walked in.

"Welcome... Hey, is it the dean?"

The person who came was the director of the Magnolia Orphanage, a woman in her 30s, whose life with children all the year round filled her with the brilliance of motherhood.

"Long time no see, Kira-sensei."

Kira is considered half of the magic teacher of the Magnolia Orphanage. Every month, he will spare a few days to go to the orphanage to teach children magic, and even write textbooks to donate to the orphanage.

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