Magical Marvel (HP X MCU)

Chapter 53: Last words

I would like to thank my beta, AvidReader2425, for his help in this chapter.


24th June 1995, Hogwarts

(Nathan POV)

Things haven't been well with our family ever since Dad officially kicked Jasmine out of the family. Well, that's assuming that she was even part of the family in the first place. He was still confused about that. Whatever happened had burned whatever bridges between the Potters and his former twin. While he regretted that he would never have any relationship with his own twin, it was the right move for the family.

Nathan would admit that he had never trusted Jasmine. At first, he refused to do speak with her out of guilt. And he was a bit resentful how she broke his parents' heart for no good reason. It was probably out of spite for them leaving her. After the first task, he was jealous of his sister's abilities. He was always a powerful wizard, and he knew it. But being outclassed by his own sister wasn't fun. It hurt his pride. So, he went to the most powerful wizard he knew, Albus Dumbledore, and begged him to learn, to be better than his sister. It was one of the best decisions of his life.

He had learnt more in a month of lessons with the headmaster than his entire stay in Hogwarts. The man was extremely kind and wise. He had a way to make you feel comfortable, to understand you. Nathan's understanding of magic grew after every lesson. He wanted to be like Dumbledore, a leader of light, a savior of the magical world with his own effort, not a fluke of magic like what happened with Voldemort.

As much as he wanted to reconnect with his lost twin, Jasmine was a dark witch. And while he tried to have an open mind about dark magic, it was still very unsafe for someone her age and it practically guaranteed that she would become unhinged when she's older. Having someone like that connected to the Potter family was just a recipe for disaster, not to mention her influence over Rose. As his mentor usually says, sometimes sacrifices must be made for the greater good and this was for the greater good of his family.

Speaking of Rose, she refused to speak with him or his parents. He had underestimated how deep her bond with Jasmine was. She really was devastated that their father used her to banish Jasmine from the Potter family. He went to far as to explicitly used his authority as her head of house, to forbid her from seeing Jasmine. It's sad that she doesn't understand that it was necessary for the good of the family and whenever he tried to explain it to her, she froze him solid. He even spent the night in an ice cube because he tried to talk to her on her way back to the Hufflepuff dorms.

Even Mordred, after learning what happened refused to teach him and started to ignore him as she did any other student. His swordsmanship lessons were over, but he had learnt enough to continue on his own. His father even started to teach him fencing and it complemented his style well. Another thing was that the sword of Gryffindor disappeared. He didn't know when, but it was some time after the second task. He wasn't worried though, Dumbledore reassured him that he would be looking for the sword himself. Speaking of Dumbledore, he had asked him to lend him his father's invisibility cloak. Apparently, it had some fascinating enchantments that he wanted to study.

So far, Nathan have been studying like crazy for the third task which was today. He was very nervous, but Dumbledore and his parents reassured him that he was ready for the third task. He trained like there was no tomorrow. He borrowed his father's auror training manual. He learnt every hex, curse, charm, transfiguration he could. He got dueling lessons from him. The truth was that he was as prepared as he would ever be to compete in the third task. He even read up on magical creatures and learn spell to specifically get past them. Hermione was huge help with this.

As for now, Hermione had just left to do her history of magic exam. Exempt from the end-of-term tests as a Triwizard champion, Nathan had been sitting in the back of every exam class so far, looking up fresh hexes for the third task. But this time he was a bit hungry, so he decided to go to the great hall to grab something to eat for breakfast.

He arrived at the great hall and almost sat down, but just then; Professor McGonagall came walking alongside the Gryffindor table toward him. "Potter, the champions are congregating in the chamber off the Hall after breakfast," she said.

"But the task's not till tonight!" said Nathan, accidentally spilling scrambled eggs down his front, afraid he had mistaken the time.

"I'm aware of that, Potter," she said. "The champions' families are invited to watch the final task, you know. This is simply a chance for you to greet them."

It didn't mean much considering that he practically sees his family every day. His mother being a teacher and his sister being a student. Even his father visits a few times a week as security for the tournament.

Nathan finished his breakfast in the emptying Great Hall. He saw Fleur Delacour get up from the Ravenclaw table and cross to the side chamber and entered. Krum slouched off to join her shortly afterward. There was no sign of Jasmine. Sighing in relief, He walked across the Hall and opened the door into the chamber.

Viktor Krum was over in a corner, conversing with his dark-haired mother and father in rapid Bulgarian. He had inherited his father's hooked nose. On the other side of the room, Fleur was jabbering away in French to her mother. Then he saw his family, his father, his mother even his sister was there although she was ignoring him. The surprise though was the fact that his Uncles Sirius and Remus were there to wish him luck.

"It's great to be back here," said Sirius. "Ah, the memories we made in this school. I can almost smell the super dungbombs we set off in the great hall during our second year. No one could go to the great hall for two weeks straight. We had to eat in our common rooms."

They ended up having a walk and Nathan had a very enjoyable morning walking over the sunny grounds with his family, joking and laughing with them. The Marauder's adventures never failed to make him laugh. The walked up to the lake, to find a figure napping in the shadow of a tree. With a closer look, it turned out to be Jasmine.

Nathan tensed as soon as he recognized her. His former twin hadn't been seen ever since that day at the headmaster's office, to Dumbledore's frustration. The headmaster has been looking for ever since that day, her for some reason, and was positive that she wasn't anywhere in the castle. He found no trace of her anywhere.

Rose, as soon as she saw her, ran towards her, and enveloped her in a hug. His younger sister seemed to brighten up. The kept talking by themselves, ignoring their entourage. After his father cleared his throat a couple of times, Jasmine looked up to him and raised her eyebrows saying, "Yes?"

"I though I made it clear that you two are not to spend time together," his father said.

"I was here by myself, resting. You're the ones that came to me. How am I to stay away from you if you're not staying away from me?" she replied.

Before anyone could answer, she continued, "But now that you're here, I have a few things to say. I am returning to America after the task. This is probably the last time I will speak with any of you. I will not say that it was a pleasure knowing any of you because I don't particularly care for any of you aside from Rose. Maybe things could have gone differently, but with your blind faith in Dumbledore, I don't see myself being any closer to you whatever happened. In another life, I could have loved you, I think. But alas, we cannot change what has happened. That being said, I have given Rose the means to contact me if necessary. If I hear any single remark about you mistreating her, you will know perfectly well how much of a master of the dark arts I really am."

Nathan would say that without a doubt, he had never been more terrified in his life, and he's including what happened in the chamber of secrets as well. His parents weren't any better, they were obviously shaking in fear from the teenager in front of them. It didn't make sense that a fourteen year old girl is that terrifying.

"Hang on a minute," Sirius said, "You never gave me or Remus a chance."

She answered, "I came here with no expectations or hostility. I was treating everyone as strangers. If you didn't attempt to talk to me then how was I supposed to give you a chance. Either way, I don't care because I never knew you, it's your loss in the end."

She looked at them, one last time and said, "Farewell, Potters. I wish you all the best." And she turned towards the castle and walked away. Nathan felt a sense of profound melancholy at her retreating figure. Like he lost something forever. Years later, he would realize that this feeling was the final remnant of their bond break. He instinctively knew that he will never see his twin again. His eyes were stinging, and he realized that he was crying. Looking towards his parents, he found them also tearing up. Rose, on the other hand, was bursting into tears. The rest of the day, they were all spent subdued and quiet.

(Jasmine POV)

After speaking with the Potters, I walked back to the castle, to the seventh floor, to be specific. I walked back and forth in front of a certain wall, a door appeared, and I entered the room. Waiting for me inside the room were the closest thing I have to daughters. Mordred and Helena were floating, conversating with Hogwarts. I smile contently; this was what I always wanted.

They still haven't noticed me, they were too busy arguing about who would win in a sword fight, Godric Gryffindor or Arthur Pendragon. Mordred was arguing for her descendant, of course, but Helena was said that according to the legends of knights of the round table, Arthur Pendragon was a legendary swordsman with no peer.

I interrupt them, "I have seen them both and I have to say that Artoria Pendragon is the better swordsman. Sorry, Mordred."

They were startled with my appearance and turned to look at me.

Helena just processed what I just said, "Arthur Pendragon was a girl?" She shouted at me.

I shrug, "Myrddin needed a king to rule Britain. Having Uther's heir be a girl didn't fit his prophecy, so he made everyone but a select few think she was a man."

This is somewhat awkward; I never introduced the three of them. "I know that you don't know why I asked you all to come here. So let me introduce you and your relations to me."

I point at Mordred, "This is Mordred. You probably all know about her from the history books. I rescued her and raised her as my daughter when I went by Morgan Le Fey."

Helena gasps, "You're Morgan Le Fey. Oh, I was taught by Morgan Le Fey."

I sigh with exasperation, "Not now, Helena. I then point at her, "This is Helena Ravenclaw, I practically raised her when I was Helga Hufflepuff."

This time Mordred gasps, "You're Helga Hufflepuff."

"Really, Mordred? Do grow up." I say, "and finally, this is Hogwarts. And I mean this is the consciousness of the school."

Helena looks intrigued, "I knew that the school was somewhat sentient, I didn't think it was to that degree."

Hogwarts answers her, "It was a slow process but over the centuries, I just became aware."

Mordred interrupts them, "As fascinating as that is, I know you, Mother. You wouldn't make a big fuss out of just us meeting. Why are we here, really?"

I chuckle at that, "I forgot how much you know me, Mordred."

I continue, "The reason I asked you here is because, soon there will be an event. Something that could mess with the balance of life and death permanently."

I see their looks of concern, "Don't worry, we're decades away from it happening. But this will be like nothing I ever face before."

"Can't you just look into the future and know how it will end?" asks Mordred.

"Not for this, I cannot. I have seen but a single vision of what would happen, should I not interfere. The balance would be broken and while a few would be able to reverse what had happened, the damage will leave scars in the very fabric of reality. In the end, it will be too much. The expansion of the universe will reopen the wounds and reality itself will collapse." I answer.

All three of them looked disturbed. "Don't worry, girls," I reassure them, "I have a plan. I can follow the path of the future until the event begins. I will make sure to pave the best path with the better chances of survival of the universe. If everything goes to plan, we should save the universe in half the possible outcomes. But you know what they say, things don't always go according to plan."

This time, Helena is the one to ask, "But what does this have to do with us."

"She's saying goodbye," Hogwarts answer.

I nod, "To make sure that everything goes to plan, I have to observe the events carefully and involve myself in certain moments to maximize the chances of survival. Tomorrow, will likely be my last day in the wizarding world until the impending crisis."

"But you said the crisis was decades away. We'll only have to wait until then." Mordred says.

"No, you won't. This half life you're living is a lie. It's wrong that you're staying here, you're my daughters, I will not allow you to spend another century like this. You deserve to move on, as you should have centuries ago."

At their flabbergasted expressions, I smile, "I will not force you but both of you lingered out of guilt. Guilt that you shouldn't have. Mordred, you felt like you failed me, that you disappointed me. And that's not true, I am proud of you. You might have fallen to rage and anger, but you are my daughter and I love you."

I look at Helena, "you, Helena, lingered because you felt guilty betraying Rowena. The truth of the matter is that Rowena failed you long before you stole that Diadem and ran away. She failed you more so when she sent the baron after you. You do not deserve to linger with you murderer. You deserve peace."

Helena and Mordred were tearing up, "Do you not want us?" Mordred asked, her voice breaking.

"Of course I do, seeing you again was one of the most wonderful things I ever felt. But being a ghost is a curse. Rejecting death is a curse. When it's your time, you should move on. I am quite knowledgeable about this, and I will tell you that moving on is what's best for you. I will be heartbroken that I will never see either of you again, but I will be happier to know that you will achieve the rest you deserve. I have spent the last few months with you, in this room but today will be our last day together."

"What about me, mother," Hogwarts asks me.

"You, my brilliant girl, will continue what you've always done. Teach the children, protect them, help them when they need you. Make sure that the British magical world will not know divide and segregation. Educate them, as you always have. That was always your purpose, Hogwarts."

"But the wards…" Hogwarts says

I interrupt her, "You have my permission to take back control over the wards tomorrow. I will give you a signal for you to it."

She smiled brilliantly at me, "Thank you, mother."

I answer her with a smile. But Mordred intrudes on our moment, "What about us, do we just move on?"

I smile back at her, "Not right now, silly. Wait until the third task starts tonight. This means we still have a whole day together. Let's not ruin it with sad talks. I always wanted you to meet each other."

The three of them giggled at me and restarted their argument about Godric Gryffindor and Arthur Pendragon. This time I join in. I will have to say that this was one of the best days of my life, no matter how bittersweet it ended.

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