Magical Girls are the Best Toys 2

Chapter34–Prepare For Trouble And Make It Double (9)

Merry Christmas!

Sorry for the long break, I have no excuse for why the chapter is so late. I knew what I wanted to write but I just couldn't put it into proper words. I never planned to drop this series, but the longer I didn't write, the harder it was to restart.

Well, I'm back now. Let's hope it stays that way.

AI images goes Brrrrr
I'll put them in spoilers and classify them into 3 tiers for viewing.

(S)afe - Keiko


(E)rotic - Feeu


(X)plicit - Lust


Chapter 34– Prepare For Trouble And Make It Double (9)


In the relatively spacious reception area of an inconspicuous family restaurant, four highschool girls met. Like two trains barreling head-on collision, two distinct dates ‘coincidently’ collided. Leaving the sole spectator, since one was a double of the other, watched on morbidly, hooked onto the unfolding disaster, and wondered how she could make the wreckage even more beautiful.

While Lust drooled over the exciting possibilities, the two Magical Girls were frozen stiff. Not even the din of a full house roused them out of their shock as their eyes darted rapidly from their friend and the other’s date.

Keiko + Yui = ???
Feeu + Lust = !!!
The math does not compute!

For what felt like an eternity, thousands of questions whizzed through their confused minds until Yui broke the silence. She noted Keiko gawking at the redhead who just entered and asked, “A friend of yours, Hara-san?”

“Eeep! No! S-she just looks a little familiar, that’s all. Hahaha. ” Keiko laughed hollowly attempting to deflect the question.

But that only prompted Yui to inspect Feeu more closely. She scrutinised Feeu, taking in her boyish clothes and handsome face. “Hmm. . . She certainly does look familiar—Ah! No wonder, she's Magica Feeu.”

“Eep!” “!!!”

Their hearts nearly lept out of their throats when they heard that. The Magical Girls scrambled over each other to explain.

“Misaki-san, she’s not the real one!” “Urg, t-that's right, I’m a c-cosplayer!”

Poor Feeu winced as she took emotional damage. 

“I know she’s not the Magica Feeu,” Yui stated matter-of-factly. 

" ". . . . . oh. . . . ." "

They averted a crisis yet somehow it felt like they lost. Unfortunately, it was a little too early to relax, after all, the opening act had only just begun.

"Since you recognised Feeu-chan here, do you know who I am?" Lust asked as she gave a pose.

"You're a Witch of Lust. I must admit you're costume is impressive." Yui marveled at the sheer lewdness of the outfit.

"Hehehe." Lust hugged Feeu from behind placing her chin on her shoulder and whispered loud enough for her audience to hear. "Come on, Feeu-chan, there's no need to hide it. For them to identify us so easily even though you're not wearing your Magical Girl outfit, they must be fans. Why don't you perform for them some of the fire tricks that you're always showing me?"

"That's because it's ya," Feeu shrugged Lust off, saying, "Don't mind her, she's a real joker."

"Hmph, since Feeu-chan refuses to admit it. . ."

A terrible feeling struck Feeu when she heard it. Before she could do anything Lust extended an upturned hand and announced.

"I am the Witch of Lust."

A crystal shrouded in a magical purple glow hovered slightly above her hand.

. . .

"Ya idiot! What are ya doing!" Feeu spun around to smack an idiot but said idiot had long stepped out of her reach.

"Tsk tsk tsk, Feeu-chan, must you always resort to violence? You did it before in the shop too. I'm starting to worry about our relationship."

"What relationship!" With the veins on her forehead throbbing, Feeu sent a flaming fist toward that hateful smile.

"Magica Feeu, to deny our bond even after all the firsts we've shared, all the fun time we've spent together." Lust clutched her broken heart while weaving under the punch. "How cruel."

"Hmph! Since I'm already cruel, there's no reason not to use more violence on ya. Maybe that way it'll get ya to leave us alone!"

"Ah~ Please be rough~♥"

As a response, the flaming fist that Feeu had charged up doubled in size. Lust began to sweat a little, her jokes provoked Feeu too much and she was now completely intent on hitting her. If she dodged again, it would destroy the front of the shop and ruin their date.

Forced to defuse the tension, Lust reminded. "Hey, Feeu-chan, I was wondering, weren't you trying to hide her identity? Aren't you showing off more than me now?"


Feeu hurriedly extinguished her fire but the damage was already done. Yui was staring at the two paying exceptional attention to their magic.

"Ya see, this is, errr, a show, a magic show." Feeu sputtered.

"It's not a sho—"


"It's not just a show," Lust corrected herself as she slid behind Feeu.

Seeing this gave Feeu a frown, particularly that annoying smirk. She knew that the pervert was up to nothing good again.

"It's the fruits of our love." She heard that pervert say, the moist breath tickled her ear, causing her to stiffen up.

"A display of our passion." Suddenly, two limber arms snaked their way around her waist and held her against a soft body.

"Our baby after our diligence was impregnated by many—" A finger slowly glided over her stomach, tracing down from her toned abs that were hiding under a thin layer of clothes to her womb. "—long, hard, sweaty, hours polishing together."

Each drawn-out word slithered through her ear channel to violate her.

Feeu trembled as she desperately controlled herself from unleashing a fiery fist. This damn pervert was taking advantage of Yui's presence to do whatever she liked.

"Isn't that right, darling‹𝟹"


She really wanted to punch her! With a twitching eyebrow, Feeu answered, "Y-yeah, t-that's r-r-r-right."

"Darling, is something wrong?" Lust asked. "You usually call me honeybuns."

"Don't push yar luc—Arrhh" Feeu jolted when her vulnerable side was poked.

"Darling, are you ok? Was it our special performance? Should tell them the truth and get their help?"

Squeezing out a pained smile, Feeu persevered. "I-I'm fine, h-h-honeyb-buns."

"Then I'm relieved, darling," Lust said before addressing the audience. "I hope you've enjoyed our magic performance. We spent many hours practising it."

Yui nodded and asked, "How did you do that magic?"

"Well, I can't spoil the trick but I can give a hint. It's got to do with magnets and mini-propane tanks."

Yui narrowed her eyes and pointed out, "Your glove is translucent and her sleeves are short."

"Nice try but a magician never reveals her secrets." Lust placed a finger to her lips before turning to Keiko. "What about you, did you like it too?"

"Eep! Erm. . . Yeah, it was amazing," Keiko nodded listlessly, her attention was taken by something else. The whole time her mind had been consumed with a single conundrum until she could not help but articulate it to try to make sense of it.

"Those two sure are close," Keiko mumbled under her breath. Alas, her mumble did not go unnoticed by those with enhanced hearing. The veins in Feeu's temple popped again, she did not need to look at Lust to know that her detestable smile had grown wider.

To save herself from further humiliating situations, Feeu wiggled out of Lust's grasp and cried, "Would ya look at that, the shop's full, let's go somewhere else."

"There's a table available and it just so happens we need another two to get it."

But her escape was brutally shut down with a single sentence from Yui. The extent her face darkened was directly proportional to how much Lust's brightened.

Misaki-san!!! Are ya on our side or hers?! That's yar enemy, the Witch who kidnapped you! Feeu wanted to yell. Unfortunately for Feeu, Double Yui was most definitely on the opposing side.

"The four of us sharing a table? How fun~ I love making new friends as well as playing with them.” Lust chuckled ominously.

As if she did not hear the last part, Yui continued, "Since we'll be together, I believe it'll be prudent to get to know how we should address the two of you?"

"Ara~ We've only just met and you're already trying to get intimate. Aren't you worried your cute girlfriend will be jealous?"

"G-G-Girlfriend!? No no no, I'm not—eh?" Keiko denied frantically, but without warning, Yui boldly h*ld her h*nd stunning her into silence.





Keiko stiffened up, stiffer than a hard-on. Her brain failed to process anything besides the fact that Yui had taken her hand. Through it, Yui's encouraging presence seemed to embrace her. It warmed her soul like a seedling soaking in its first morning rays. The warmth gradually rose to her cheeks colouring them crimson.


Feeu bore a hole through the linked hands with her scrutiny. The longer she held her pointed gaze, the lower Keiko's head dropped and the more heat climbed to it until one could boil water with how hot it was.

Ultimately, when it felt like her cute bunny would overheat, Lust whistled, "Wew~ Aren't they just the most adorable couple, darling?"

This had the desired result of diverting Feeu's attention, who growled in retort, easing the pressure off Keiko.

"Ara~ Is darling perhaps jelly that I said they're the most adorable? Don't worry, we're still the best couple."

"Huh? Who's a couple with ya?! And who are ya calling darling!"

While Feeu and Lust started fighting once again, Keiko and Yui were sharing a more quiet moment. Keiko braved her embarrassment and finally lifted her head to look at Yui. Their eyes locked. And the world hushed. The only thing that mattered was their partner. The unspoken words they tried to convey.

The brief moment passed bringing the two back to the commotion between the fiery Magical Girl and the Witch.

"Are they flirting?" Keiko whispered to Yui.

"Nope~" "We're not!" The flirting? pair denied in unison.


"The term is 'bickering like a married couple'," Lust educated.

"I see," Keiko nodded understandingly.

Just when she thought that the perverted idiot had any semblance of sense, Feeu massaged her throbbing temple. And for her dear friend to believe that pervert instead of her. . . Was this what Caesar felt when Brutus betrayed him? Feeu groaned. They surely, without a doubt, unmistakably, were not flirting!

Lust walked over to the reception, "Let's get the table before someone else snatches it."

She approached alone, Keiko and Yui hung back while Feeu was dealing with her historical quandaries, getting her first impression of the waitress who managed to annoy kind Keiko. And they were. . .

"Yahoo~☆ It's Ririn-poyon!" The waitress held her blinged-out phone to her ear where a large glittering earring dangled, while her other hand twinkled with sparkly extra-long fake nails twirled her bleached hair tied in a side-tail. "Aww~ Can't Ririn call because she misses Papa?"

"Hehe~ Papa knows Ririn well." She giggled, pushing her buxom chest forward as enticement, despite her caller having no way of seeing it. Her movement placed an onerous burden on the buttons that held her top together, and from between the gaps, flashed hints of a leopard-spotted bikini. "Y'see, there's this super cute bag. . ."

"Huh? What do you mean 'we can't meet anymore'? Your wife? What a joke! Do you think I don't know the real reason, you limp dick!? Your wallet's too light to get me the—" Her phone abruptly cuts off leaving her cursing her innocent phone. "Tsk, fucking broke bastard, I should've known when he always asked for freebies but showed no dough. Damnit, if he wasn't a good fuck–She chewed on her fake nails—Shit. . . Where to find a replacement? I need it for Friday. . ."

A true blue blonde gyaru. Makeup, jewellery, clothes, the whole shebang, and a seasoned veteran to boot from the sound of it. The only thing missing was a tan. Little wonder she unlocked the achievement 'Piss Keiko off'.

Ririn S


As Ririn, the waitress, assessed her options, she realised that she had company. Squinting at Lust's seductive Witch dress, her gaze lingering a little longer on Lust's beautiful face, Ririn scoffed in disgust, "Who called the thotline?"

"A table for the four of us please," Lust requested, ignoring the rude remark, and pointed to Keiko, Yui, and Feeu, who were further back.

“Place's full, slut. This ain't like your maid cafe, there are actually customers here."

“Ara~ I don't know what I did to warrant such hostility, but dishonesty must be punished. You promised these nice young ladies that they could sit if they got another two people,” Lust smiled gently.

Ririn simply snorted, but for the Magical Girls, that gentle tone caused both to shudder and clamp their legs tightly together.

"Hmph, scram before those saggy tits infect someone."

Taking a pen from the counter, Lust used it to lift Ririn's chin, “Oh? How are you so sure they’re fake? Why don't you get a better look?” Her other hand shifted her long hair away to reveal her cleavage.

"Bitch! What are y—" The gyaru waitress cursed but her hostility tapered off when her gaze landed on a fractal tattoo. It beckoned her to explore its depths, to trace its path as it curved its way through the pure, soft, creamy white cleavage. She tried to follow the contours, yet each path branched off many times over for what seemed like infinity.

Everything around her faded to a blur leaving only a burning desire in her body. Unconsciously, her hands shifted upwards until they were on her sizeable chest. "Haah~" Sensual moans were produced each time she squeezed and each moan grew louder the harder she groped as her fingers tweaked her erect tips.

All the while, Lust, watching dispassionately the display like it was paint drying, sighed, "How boring. . . This just makes things too easy."

“YA IDIOT! Ya promised ya won't use yar magic on an ordinary person!” Feeu whispered frantically into Lust's ear as she simultaneously pulled it.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, we need to brush up on your biology, darling." Lust adjusted her pair of imaginary glasses. "Take a closer look, she clearly belongs to the canine branch of the genetic tree. That's a distance of one hundred million years between humans." [The last known common ancestor was in the Late Cretaceous]

“That’s not the point! Ya used it on someone who can’t resist! And quit calling me that!”

“Oh? So I’m allowed to use it on those who can resist?” Lust winked and tossed away the pen acting as if it was soiled.

Feeu growled, "What'd happen when she wakes up and remembers everything!?"

“Did Eisst-chan remember?"


"I thought not. So what's got your panties in a knot? Even if little doggy here remembers, it'll only be linked to me. Could it be you're worried about me?”

"Ya're dreaming."

"Then it is a good dream," Lust grinned. "Darling doesn't seem too concerned for little Ririn."

"Not one bit. I have better things to worry about than this bitch. Maybe yar lesson will fix her, though I doubt it."

"Ara~ Better things to worry about? Me, for example?"

"What did ya say?"


Meanwhile, Yui immediately noticed the commotion going on at the counter and called out, "Is something wrong?"

Upon receiving no reply, Yui started forward but Keiko intercepted her, using her body to block the sight of a masturbating waitress, and nervously held up the open menu. Her long hours of crisis management training had paid off, now, if only follow-up was included in the package.

"Misaki-san. . . You see, this, er," Keiko's eyes were swimming around as she tried to find an appropriate stalling tactic. Feeling Yui's suspicious gaze, Keiko panicked, and in her muddled state, blurted out. "I want to share with Misaki-san what I like!"

Once the words left her, Keiko panicked flapping her arms wildly like a headless chicken. "W-W-What I meant was. . . that. . . erm. . . we. . . I mean you. . .

"I'd like that."


"I'd like to know more of what Hara-san likes." Yui halted her advance and instead paid attention to the menu that Keiko presented, while Keiko turned bright red once again for the umpteenth time this date.

They discussed some of Keiko's favourite food until Lust called them.

"Sorry to disturb you lovebirds, but this bitch—cough—kind Onee-chan will be bringing us to our table now."


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