Magical Girls are the Best Toys 2

Chapter 17 – To Each Her Own Trouble (3)

Chapter 17 - To Each Her Own Trouble (3)


There was a strange sight in the student council room, two identical Yuis stood facing each other. One of the Yui had a glowing stone in her hand, which she pressed against the chest of the other. However, the stone resisted the motion, keeping a small gap between it and bouncy breast, almost as if they repelled. Only after applying force did it finally contact the skin and sink in, completely disappearing.

“Strange, well, no matter. Let’s see if it succeeded, please sort this out, Yui.” Yui said. The other Yui nodded and took a seat, shifting through the pile of documents.

The other Yui was her double, a special demon. It did not have any special abilities and its strength was similar to an average human. In fact, besides some limited functions, it completely relied on her input to do anything since it lacked any will or intelligence.

This was by design, for its total normalcy was its most important feature. If Yui controlled it properly, no one, not even Magical Girls or Witches would be able to tell it was a demon, save from using some exoteric magic.

However, because of its design, it would not be able to handle the leftover documents without Yui’s constant puppeteering. Yui could stay here and work on the pile, of course, but she had something more important to do. Spurred on by the potential teasing opportunities, Yui concocted an idea of how to allow her double to perform selected independent actions. She imbued a magic stone with her intent and knowledge of paperwork, and place it into her double.

It succeeded, to a certain extent. When she tried to place the stone into her double there was a faint resistance, even now, she could feel the rejection in it. The stone would lose its potency in an hour, returning her double to a lifeless puppet. Yui made a mental note to consult Vili on this.

Still, an hour was good enough, with the speed and accuracy it tore through the work, it was even better than her. Yui left the council room knowing the task was in good hands, her destination was a small glade of trees behind the gym.

Yui easily dodged the sight of anyone with her magically enhanced senses, what she was about to do was something best kept secret. She planned on chasing Argent as Lust.

She arrived, there were bits of litter scattered about and the faint sounds of clubs practising, here she could transform unnoticed by anyone. The thought of using the intricate magic formation on the roof did cross her mind, but she quickly rejected it. There was no knowing what type of surveillance TransMagica placed around it. Now, that she thought about it, perhaps she should set one up herself.

Assuming she would be required to transform on school grounds often, a similar formation that shielded her transformation and the small area would be invaluable. Unless someone placed a tracker in the formation as she did with the one on the roof, no one would be able to triangulate her place of origin.

All that would be a consideration for another time, she had a Magical Girl to track. After a brief sweep of the school, confirming there was no strong magical presence around the school, Yui transformed into the Witch of Lust and flew away.


The wall fan reached the end of its oscillation and, with a Tuk tk tuk, changed direction. The nurse fanned herself with her hand, despite the fan, the infirmary, in the almost-summer afternoon, was like a sauna. She checked up on her only patient.

The poor girl laid on the bed soaked in sweat, from the records she should have already recovered, but it seems like she was still recovering from the flu. The nurse had decided to let the girl rest, even though classes were over, disturbing the girl now would be counterproductive for her recovery. Only if the girl did not wake up by the end of school, would the nurse wake her. Ensuring her patient was resting, the nurse left to get a cold drink to stave off the heat. She really should ask the school for air-conditioning.

The fan chugged along at its lazy pace. All of a sudden, Aya shot straight up. Even though the sweltering heat and recurring nightmares trapped her in the cycle of drowsy waking and restless sleep, the surge of magical presence startled her awake.

It was a familiar presence, one that she interacted with intimately just three days ago. Despite her grogginess, Aya leapt into action. She barely took the time to put on her shoes before she was out the infirmary door and racing to the source.

Why was Lust here? That was the only thought going through her mind as she bounded down the stairs three steps at a time.

But, Lust’s mana signature had disappeared into the distance by the time she reached the first floor.

Without thought, Aya immediately turned around and bounded back up the stairs leading to the roof, she would give chase to Lust as Feeu. She did not even consider for a moment to look for clues where Lust transformed or ask the other students if they saw anyone walk behind the gym.

“Where’s Hikari at a time like this? She’s supposed to be on duty…” Aya asked herself when she could not catch Hikari on her senses. She reached the roof in record time, even then she was not breathing hard, courtesy of her constant training. “Lust in the school, what’s this coincidence… Is she a student here?”


Over empty highways that now served as bicycle roads and past the towering obelisk in the city square, Lust flew, yet she could not find Argent anywhere. Eventually, she enlisted the help of her demons to search for her missing Magical Girl, and find her they did, almost immediately, in fact.

In the forest outside the city, just off an overgrown dirt and cobble trail was a small waterfall where Argent sat on a circular tree stump.

Lust, receiving the call of her demons, arrived shortly and touched down a distance behind Argent. Argent did not move, prompting Lust to break the ice. “It’s a nice place.”

“Yes, it is,” Argent took in a deep breath of fresh forest air. She pointed up the hill, in the direction the dirt trail led. “My family would go to the shrine here, for the New Year. Too bad demons now infest the area.”

“Thank you for not killing them,” Lust said and waved her demons, who were hiding, away. Argent had clearly sensed them. The shadows shifted and retreated deeper into the forest, where her Garden laid. That was why they found Argent so quickly.

“I’m just not in the mood for fighting right now.” Argent still did not turn.

Lust took a step forward, wanting to sit next to Argent, but was greeted with a silver beam landing before her feet. “What happened to not fighting?”

“I’m not in the mood for company either,” Argent said flatly.

“Oh, so there’ll be a mood for when you need company.” Lust smiled suggestively.

Argent remained silent and unmoved, Lust’s smile lost to the back of her head. But Lust remained undeterred. “You must have encountered some kind of problem to be moping like this. Demon problem? No, you would kill my cute demons if it was. Witch problem? No, you’ll attack me. Could it be a love problem?”

This finally triggered a response from Argent, forcing her to turn away from the waterfall and face Lust. “Why are you here, Lust?”

“Well, you see, Argent-chan, a particularly rude Magical Girl ignored me and flew here to have love troubles.” Lust hinted, happy that she managed to elicit a response from Argent.

“And on the topic of love troubles.” Lust patted her breast. “You can confide in this love guru Onee-san.”

“Whoever said I had love trouble,” Argent scoffed, “even if I did I won’t tell you of all people.”

“Why? Aren’t we close?” Lust curled her fingers into a ring and inserted another finger inside.

A silver light coalesced in Argent’s hand materialising into a silver spear. With a thrust, she sent a beam streaking towards Lust. “You dare say that after using a hostage!?”

Lust was prepared, her four floating crosses appeared before her and projected a shield to block the laser. “It’s not nice to attack suddenly.”

“You earned it.” Argent lowered her spear, though she kept it in her hand for whenever the need arose.

“Okay, okay, I guess some people aren’t appreciative of the pleasure I provided.” Lust sighed, Argent wanted to stab that melancholic face again. Lust continued, “But if you weren’t thinking of me, why are you so horny?”

“I’m not aroused!” Argent denied it a little too quickly.

“Really?” The slightest raising of Lust’s eyebrow, caused Argent to sweat. “I’m the Witch of Lust, Argent-chan, you should come up with a better lie. Was your lover incapable of satisfying you after you experienced my amazing skills? I’ll gladly help out~one~finger~at~a~time~❤️

“I’m sure you would—Another step and I’ll attack.” Argent raised her spear, and it hummed with a faint silver glow, bringing Lust to a halt. “as I was saying, I’m not horny, nor do I have boyfriend problems.”

“Hmm? Boyfriend? I said lover, yet you said boyfriend.” Lust snapped her fingers, she figured it out. “Ara~ I see. Girl trouble, not bad, Argent-chan, not bad…”

“Hmph, think what you will. There’s no point arguing with you when anything I say will be twisted into something sexual,” Argent snubbed.

“Oh, I will. I don’t need you to reply, I’ll just be here spouting nonsense.” Lust winked with a knowing smile which annoyed Argent to no end. “Hmm… Is she a beauty? She has countless suitors that the famed Argent is unable to attract her attention.”

“Perhaps she’s terrible in bed? It does explain the frustration. Maybe she’s cheating on you? But that doesn’t explain the horniness… Could it be illustrious Argent-chan is into NTR?” Lust had a lot of fun coming up with random scenarios.

But even these absurd claims failed to evoke a response from Argent. Lust was forced to pull out the big guns, something she had faintly guessed over the course of her interactions with Hikari. “I know, our Argent-chan has the case of unrequited love and doesn’t have the guts to confess.”

“Y-you’re wrong,” Argent faltered. She could not stop the flood of memories she shared with Yui. The very first touch they shared, where they stayed behind to pack up the council room, Yui had asked for a reward back then. How her heart pounded when she saw Yui unconscious in the clutches of Lust. Those soft lips in the infirmary. Yui, on her table, masturbating, spreading herself for her to see. And their most recent kiss, initiated by her…

Each and every thought of Yui cause Argent’s body to heat up. “Wrong! It’s wrong! Everything’s wrong!” Argent shouted, louder than she intended.

“Wrong? Wrong for who?” Lust punctuated each word with a step forward. Argent was too preoccupied to notice and make good on her threat. “Wrong for society? Wrong for that girl? Or wrong for you? Is Magica Argent, someone who cowers in fear of wrongness?”

Lust stood right before Argent, glaring straight into her soul. The only sound between them was the cascading waterfall beside them. The moment stretched out…

“R… Me…” Argent whispered breaking the stalemate. Even in this close proximity, it was too soft for Lust’s enhanced hearing to detect.

“I didn’t catch that,” Lust said.

“Help relieve me, damnit! I don’t want to keep thinking about her.”

A smile bloomed across Lust’s face. “So, you admit it’s really a girl you’re thinking about?”

Argent could only meekly nod her head. She had spilt everything already, there was no point hiding it anymore.

“I see, then, my answer to your request is no.”

“Eh?” This Witch of Lust, the perpetual horny Witch declined her offer to have sex. “Why?!”

“Because you’ll regret it,” Lust said and added as an afterthought. “Though, if your troubles were with a guy, I would steal you away in a heartbeat.”


Yui playing the long game

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