Madness of the Heart

Chapter 27

Chapter 27 Demon Hunting (27)

Yang Nanke didn’t notice Hou Cheng’s abnormality at all, and continued to talk. He claimed to have resigned behind his parents’ back. It has been a short time since he left home for half a year. In order to prevent his parents from finding him, he didn’t make a call at home, so he changed it early. Mobile phone, have an anonymous calling card.

“As long as I hide well enough, they don’t even want to find me, and it’s useless to call the police. I don’t know what the level of the police is in our small place. It’s no longer in the north now. Hey, let them worry about it.” Yang Nanke shook his head and said, “Anyway, they have nothing to do all day long. I can find them something to do. They are capable of finding me. Hahaha, And my sister, after she got married, she quit her job and said she was helping her brother-in-law. In fact, she had nothing to do. I think she is quite boring when she is idle at home. It is better to worry about me with the old woman and the old man.”

Hou Cheng gritted his teeth as he heard, sweat already streaming down his forehead.

Yang Nanke talked more and more vigorously, and triumphantly said that his elder sister was like her own servant since she was a child. She had good grades in school, but because she still had her own little son in the family, she could only give up his studies, go out to work, and finally marry. He has a man who doesn’t love at all; and said that his parents are very stupid. He spends his entire life in a state-owned enterprise and waits for death.

“I really can’t stand my mother, who urged me to get married one day. I’m only 24 years old and I haven’t had enough fun. What kind of marriage? Besides, marriage also requires capital. They didn’t even buy a car for me. I haven’t saved enough money for the house. How can I get married? Our family, which is a small city like Lucheng, is good enough to see in a big city? For example, Los Angeles, hey, Los Angeles is better than our provincial capital. I don’t know how many times the city is developed. My coming out this time is an eye-opener!”

Yang Nanke can speak up and belittle his parents to nothing, as if they are a waste of resources alive.

Hou Cheng said: “They are your parents and sons of man. You shouldn’t talk about your parents like that.”

Yang Nanke has completely opened the chatterbox, “I just can’t look down on them. Really, they are, pitiful and hateful. I stay in a small place like Lucheng all my life, and I don’t want to leave, but he controls me, prevents me from leaving, guards With a dead salary, I don’t want to make progress, like a frog at the bottom of the well. You know, I don’t want to go back to Lucheng after graduation. I can find a job in the provincial capital. It’s not all my mother insists on me going back and telling me what to do. I buy a house.”

Hou Cheng drove the tricycle muffledly.

Yang Nanke squeaked and talked about Chase, feeling a little boring, and suddenly asked: “Uncle, do you have any children?”

Hou Cheng’s voice was already trembling, “No.”

Yang Nanke asked again: “Then your parents are still… alive?”

“They died when I was very young,” Hou Cheng said.

The tricycle was quiet for half a minute, and then burst into laughter.

Yang Nanke slapped his legs and said, “Uncle, I envy you. Have you ever heard a saying-There is a car and a house, and both parents die. This is the state of life I look forward to most.”

Hou Cheng’s hand holding the handlebar was wet.

At this moment, the killing intent rolled in his heart.

For many years, he has been living like a monk in Qingyue Village. Most of the villagers look down on him and do not associate with him. He didn’t bother to associate with them.

He is not really dull, just too lazy to communicate with the villagers.

He only went to elementary school, but this does not mean that he is illiterate. His parents left him a house and a field, which is enough for him to live. During the slack, he has read many books and newspapers, and most likes news that exposes the dark side of society.

I don’t know since when, anger grew in his heart day by day.

He feels that many people in this world deserve to die, such as children who make noise in public, patients who beat doctors, such as corrupt officials, such as celebrities who take drugs, such as drivers who run red lights, such as husbands who beat their wives, such as betrayal Husband’s wife…

But he was just a farmer, he hadn’t even been to the vast world outside, and he couldn’t punish those damned people at all.

No one can talk about his anger.

It would be great if my mother was still there—he often thought—mother was so gentle, she would listen to every word of mine, and maybe even comfort me.

But my mother is a soft-hearted person, and I definitely don’t want me to “hunt the devil”.

Dad is needed at this time. Dad is jealous and chivalrous, and may be on my side.

Many times he feels that he is not the “old bachelor” in others’ mouths, but that he is still the teenage boy who has infinite dependence on his parents. As long as he hears a word from them, his mood will become calm.

But only in the dream, the deceased parents would talk to him.

When he was awake, he was busy in the melon field while chattering about—

“Why don’t good people pay for their lives?”

“Why are you buried under the rocks when you encounter a landslide?”

“Why do those who do a lot of bad things live well?”

“Don’t they deserve to die?”

“It’s not fair!”

“I want them to die! I want all the demons to die!”

The dissatisfaction with reality and the longing for his parents were tearing him at all times. When he was most hesitant and helpless, he happened to see a suspense book.

This book made him suddenly enlightened, and instantly found the meaning and value of life.

The protagonist in the book is a serial killer who keeps committing crimes and kills seven damned people with his own knife in a place where justice cannot be made public.

In the end, the killer died at the gunpoint of the police.

He was very dissatisfied with the ending.

How could a righteous killer die? Don’t those who are killed deserve to die? Why should the police stand on the evil side? Why should true justice fall?

He is dissatisfied!

In the next half month, he picked up his pen and rewritten the ending.

In his description, the serial killer not only failed to be shot to death by the police, but also killed a corrupt bureaucrat at the top of the police. Later, he changed his body and put on police uniforms and continued to sanction those damned.

He didn’t show the rewritten ending to anyone, but suddenly realized that he could write it too!

Not only can you correct others’ flaws to perfection, but you can also write completely your own.

The moment he held the pen, he poured out all the anger he had accumulated over the years. In his writing, the person who made the mistake is no longer a human, but a demon in human skin. His protagonist is incarnate as a “demon hunter”, who “slashes demons and eliminates demons” in the book in the name of justice.

When I met Yang Nanke, he was writing the first book.

The early writing was very smooth, but there were some killing scenes, but he was not satisfied with how he wrote it.

He has read a book about writing. In the book, if you can’t imagine a detail, then you should try and experience it yourself.

The appearance of Yang Nanke gave him a great opportunity.

Arriving in Qingyue Village, he invited Yang Nanke to live in his home for the first time. Yang Nanke didn’t immediately agree, but after the whole village had turned around, knocked on his door.

For nearly a week, Yang Nanke stayed at his home in the name of taking a break and complained to him that his parents were wrong. He listened silently, and a plan gradually took shape.

On the day Yang Nanke left, he did not go out to see him off. He drove a tricycle to catch up until Yang Nanke was out of the village. He told Yang Nanke that there is a custom in the village that when guests from afar leave, they must ask them to eat a bowl of small glutinous rice balls. .

Yang Nanke didn’t doubt that he had him, and got into the car cheerfully. He took Yang Nanke to the basement and smashed Yang Nanke’s head with a hammer that had already been prepared.

“I’m not guilty.” Hou Cheng split his mouth, and the black and white words popped out of his black and yellow teeth. “It is the incompetence of the law, the incompetence of the law enforcement, and your incompetence, so that the guilty people…No, only the monsters and ghosts. Rampant in the world. You can’t hunt them down. Do you want to stop me and my “believers” from slaying the demons? Shouldn’t Yang Nanke die? He not only chewed the old, sucked his sister’s blood, but also insulted his parents. Young , The mind is vicious, the longer you live, the more people will be harmed!”

Hou Cheng was too emotional, like the king is showing his great achievements to his people.

He raised his head high, his eyes widened, “You policemen do not distinguish between right and wrong, and there is no righteousness and morality in your heart. It’s a pity…”

Having said this, he took a long breath, his sullen and mad gaze crossed Ming Shu’s face, and he suddenly shook his head and laughed.

Ming Shu was completely unmoved by his false statements, and asked coldly: “What a pity?”

Hou Cheng gritted his teeth, “It’s a pity that I exposed, and I didn’t have the opportunity to write another book about the police massacre.”

The young detective who accompanied the interrogation said angrily: “What did you say?”

Hou Cheng let out a deep and depressed laugh.

Ming Shu raised his hand and patted the young detective on the shoulder, signalling the other party to calm down.

“Are you scared?” Hou Cheng looked at the criminal police officer. “When I said slaughtering the police, I mean the evil police and the black police. If you behave properly and haven’t done anything wrong, what are you excited about and afraid of? You are in a guilty conscience! ”

The young detective turned pale, “You!”

“Go out and have a rest.” Ming Shu said: “Fang Yuanhang comes in.”

The young detective is a member of the Los Angeles City Bureau. He is younger than Fang Yuanhang and lacks experience. He panicked when he heard it, “Ming Team, I am not a bad policeman, I, I have no guilty conscience, just, just…”

Ming Shu sighed, turned his face, and said in a gentle and stern tone: “You take this kind of person seriously? He caused a family tragedy. Yang Nanke’s words and deeds are unethical and indeed unfilial, but when will it be his turn? He is coming to the trial? He is already a murderer, and you are still being brought into his logic by his few words? Don’t be nervous, go out and wash your face, and think about it again. You will understand that this kind of person’s words are not worthy of care at all.”

Hou Cheng smiled gloomily on the side.

The young detective straightened his chest and gradually struggled out of the snare woven by Hou Cheng, “Thank you Ming team!”

“Go.” Ming Shu smiled and watched the young detective leave before turning to Hou Cheng.

Xiao Yuan saw this episode all in his eyes, and his eyes became unusually gentle in a short period of time.

Ming Shu in the interrogation room is already a very good and mature leader of the serious case team. He not only has excellent professional ability, but also comforts and reassures the young team members, gives the other party’s trust, and becomes a person whom the other party relies on or even longs for.

All this happened in just a few years. Pushing forward four or five years, Ming Shu is no different from the young criminal policeman just now, and he is easily provoked by the suspect.

Once he was irritated to tears by the suspect.

That was when Ming Shu was 22 years old.

The Dongye police detected a serial homicide. The suspect was a woman who was full of perverted reasons. Ming Shu was one of the interrogators in charge of the interrogation.

Faced with complete evidence, the woman confessed guilty in a superior posture, but she had no intention of remorse. Instead, she aggressively accused the criminal police officer handling the case of being useless, foolish, and accomplice.

She listed the flaws she left one by one, mocking the stupid police officers for failing to catch her when she committed the first crime.

“Why can I kill so many people? Of course it’s because of your help!”

“Do you know who the people I kill most hate? Me? No, it’s you! Because your reaction is so slow, you don’t care at all, you are too stupid, they will lose their lives in my hands !”

Mingshu was the youngest of the three criminal policemen present at the time, and he could tell from his face alone.

The woman pointed the finger at him, yelling at him for being incompetent, unprofessional, and unprofessional, and must be responsible for the following victims.

Ming Shu was sprayed with saliva and was directly scolded under the woman’s continual cannons. Later, I was replaced by the senior, and washed his face with cold water for a quarter of an hour in the winter, and his hands and face were frozen, and he had not yet come out of self-doubt.

In order to solve this case, Ming Shu has done his best, and he hasn’t rested for many days, almost buying time by squeezing his own life.

The helpless murderer was so cunning that he was not caught until he killed the fourth person.

In fact, Ming Shu didn’t have to face the suspect at all, he took the initiative to participate in the interrogation. Before entering the interrogation room, he had asked himself over and over again-if I worked harder, would they not die?

Xiao Yuan received the desperate Ming Shu in the city bureau.

When Ming Shu saw him, there was no expression on his face, as if he was straining with all his strength.

After a few seconds, Ming Shu realized who he was. At that moment, he clearly saw Ming Shu biting his lip.

He waved to Mingshu and said warmly: “Come on.”

Ming Shu walked towards him step by step, fixedly looking into his eyes, and then shouted in a hoarse and tired voice: “Brother…”

He pulled the car door, blocked the roof with his hand, and let Mingshu sit in.

When he turned to the driver’s seat again, he saw Ming Shu crying.

With his feet on the seat, his hands around his calves, the tall man shrank into a ball, his face buried in his knees, his shoulders trembling.

In front of his teammates and leaders, Ming Shu didn’t say a word, not even his eyes were red, until he saw him and got into his car, he started crying like a child.

“I am incompetent.” Ming Shu said: “If I were stronger, they would not die.”

He broke Ming Shu over, forcing Ming Shu to raise his head, comforting and understanding gently and powerfully—just like Ming Shu did to the young detective just now.

“Isn’t it me who is wrong?” Ming Shu asked sobbing at the time, with a blank look in his eyes, and he also asked for affirmation.

“The wrong person is the murderer.” He said: “Never be influenced by the murderer’s words and emotions. You have done your best.”

After saying this, the expression in his eyes looking at Ming Shu slowly changed from dazed to firm.

Firm and bright.

And now, Ming Shu looks at Hou Cheng with this gaze, “You have no chance to think about anything, and you will never have new readers in the past.”

The wrinkles on Hou Cheng’s face crawled like worms, and the hands that had been doing farm work for most of his life flicked in the handcuffs, and then clapped their palms.

“It doesn’t matter, I have done what I can.” Hou Cheng said: “My book has affected tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, and millions of readers. Among them, there are countless of mine. Heirs, and many others, have killed the demons with their own hands! Do you think that my “believers” are only in your Dongye City? No! They are all over the country! Even all over the world! Anyone who has read my book may become My fans!”

Ming Shu’s eyes grew colder.

What Hou Cheng said was something he had anticipated.

Two homicides related to the heart of the tomb took place in Dongye. Is it such a coincidence?

Not! Other cases have occurred in other cities a long time ago, but the local police did not investigate the murderer’s motives and found the heart of the tomb!

“I give you applause.” Hou Cheng said: “You are better than those useless policemen, but you are so powerful, why do you want to be an enemy of me? After all, you are also an accomplice, and you have not used your abilities in the right place. .”

“Is it the right thing to judge people who shouldn’t be judged by you? People are not sages, and there are very few people who are completely untainted in their lives. Should a person make a mistake, he should be killed?” Ming Shu said halfway through, he found himself It’s wasted effort.

An arrogant thug like Hou Cheng couldn’t hear any truth at all.

“They just deserve to die!” Hou Cheng laughed, “Who made the law? It’s human! Why does the person who makes the law have the power to judge others, but I don’t? Am I not a human? People are not born equal Then of course I can judge the devil in my eyes! My parents shouldn’t die at all, but they died, leaving me alone in this world! I want to correct the world’s mistakes and let all the **** people die. !”

It doesn’t make sense to remain in a stalemate. Ming Shu doesn’t want to listen to Hou Cheng’s speech anymore. Just about to leave, he listens to Hou Cheng again: “I will tell you one more thing.”

Ming Shu stared at him, “What’s the matter?”

Hou Cheng once again bared his foul-smelling teeth, “I was not the only one who killed Yang Nanke.”

Mingshu’s expression changed extremely inconspicuously, “Who?”

Hou Cheng smiled, “Guess?”

Ming Shu’s lips were pressed into sharp lines, and a name had appeared in his mind.

“Can’t you guess?” Hou Cheng smiled very proudly. “Then you will go and check it slowly. Maybe you will find his body soon. It’s good that I hunted before I was restrained by you. It’s a demon who is at odds with Yang Nanke.

Ming Shu asked, “The one you killed was Hou Jianjun’s son, Hou Pad?”

Hou Cheng’s laughter stopped abruptly.

Half a minute later, Hou Cheng applauded again, “You are indeed smart. Then guess where is his body?”

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