After entering the infirmary, Basara noted that there was no one else present in the room aside from Hasegawa who was currently working on the paperwork sprawled about on her table. 

This was the usual norm of their greetings in the infirmary, it seemed; as he thought, there was something wrong with this whole situation. He put that lingering thought in the back of his mind, however.

Looking up, from her paperwork, she showed a bright smile to him and stood up to welcome him, 

"Basara! I am happy to see you. What brought you here, today?"


A finger was placed on his lips before he could even utter a reply as Hasegawa shushed him with a soft coo.

"You still want to call me like this after what happened yesterday?"

There was a faint twinkle of mischievousness and expectations in her eyes while she showed a candid but roguish smile, causing Basara to heat up a little. Still, he did not argue back, nor did he show any signs of revolt, and once she took her finger away, he softly muttered the words she longed to hear; 


"Much better." The smile on her face was so bright it seemed like its intensity was enough to light the entire room. Then taking him by the hand, she pulled him toward the second chair and took her place in her seat.

"So once again, what brings you here today?"

Basara hesitated with his reply, he wondered why he was even here today. Was it really because he doubted her true identity or was it something else? He wasn't sure, nor could he gather the resolve to clear the doubts that plagued his mind and took away his sleep. So he opted for the easy way out. 

"I guess…I just wanted to see you."

All he could do was give a feeble smile and give a vague response.

"I see…"

Hasegawa's eyes narrowed slightly, almost turning into horizontal slits, clearly feeling that he was hiding something from her.

"Please Basara, you can tell me anything you want."

Basara hesitated slightly, the clogs in his head churning to get out of his situation, then abruptly, a thought came to his mind and he replied cautiously,

 "Let's say, hypothetically, what would you do if you were somehow stuck in midst of a dispute between two sisters."

He proceeded to explain the situation, he found himself recently wrapped into, as much as he could without giving out Koneko's and Kuroka's names while also avoiding talking about anything even briefly related to the supernatural.

"So the Elder sister attacked the adoptive parents, causing the little sister to lose her home and be adopted by another family? Meanwhile, the big sister became a criminal, is that it?"

Basara cringed outwardly, a little, at how cheesy everything sounded once she pointed out the key points of his summary but it was hard to explain it in another way that would make it more constructive and realistic.

Once Basara nodded, Hasegawa went deep in thought about the ostensibly unrealistic story. She of course knew what Basara was really talking about. She had wards and protection charms placed on him without his knowledge that kept her well informed about his physical and emotional state and his position at all times.

This might seem a bit, nay, a lot, overkill, but one could never know how the gods of this world would react when Basara's ancestry came to light.

Thanks to all her observation measures, she had seen and even observed Kuroka personally and while she wasn't privy to the information Basara relaid about her from the devil world, as a goddess, Hasegawa could see the soul of people around her and from what she had seen in Kuroka, despite the darkness in her heart — the girl did not seem like a bloodthirsty monster as the rumors and accusations against her drew her to be.

She was constantly brimming with the intertwining malices of sadness, anger, and bitterness. There were virtually no other harmful emotions that she could make out in her.

"Basara, you see, we live in a world where even though people are supposed to be innocent until proven otherwise, they are in fact guilty until proven otherwise. People are quick to judge based on what they see without digging deeper and end up casting stones, don't you think so?"

"Yeah" Basara could concur, he had been through much the same in the early parts of his life. After what happened on that fateful heinous day, rather than trying to listen to him, all he had received were insults and open animosity until he was completely banished from the Vatican even though the ones at fault were the higher-ups that let the sword get stolen by that man.

Hasegawa adjusted her glasses while giving a somewhat motherly smile to the depressingly pondering Basara who got caught up in his own dark past. 

"Then, before casting a judgment… Don't you think you should hear out the opposite side first? Mayhaps, you might see things differently. If you really want to meld in this situation, you can't do it by basing yourself on one-sided information."

"I…Thank you. Really."

Those words and the expression on his face made Hasegawa giddy with happiness. It was more than enough for her but she couldn't help but want more from him. Give an inch and you couldn't help but want the entire yard.

"Then…How do you plan to repay me?"

Basara was a little startled by her sudden desirous tone, but there was something he had in his mind, something he really wanted to share with her.

"How about a date?"

"Date? At my home?"

"No. I mean a true date. Walking around, visiting places,s and simply discussing. I realize that I do not know much about you."


If before she seemed to have the control of the situation, for once Hasegawa was completely lost for words. In the end, all she could do was stammer a little before nodding to his proposal.

"By the way, this will be my first date. I am happy that it will be with you."

Hasegawa made a weird noise at this assertion, like a broken robot. It was clear that while she was somewhat shameless when it came to certain matters, she was still a maiden at heart and consequently was quite weak to direct approach… like she was subjected to right now, in this situation.

At the same time, it surprised her to see Basara be so assertive. It seemed that spending time with those demons and witches helped him change quite a bit.


She could feel her sentiment for him overflowing once again. She knew that she was falling too easily for Basara but she simply couldn't help herself from falling deeper still.

Standing up, she walked up to him and plopped down on his lap, her arms wrapped around his neck as he whispered wantonly in his ears.

"Hug me tightly, please."

She didn't want much today, just to feel loved, and sometimes, a simple hug could be worth more than anything else.

Feeling her soft butt on his hips, Basara shuddered briefly but didn't hesitate in hugging her, wrapping his arms tightly around her waist.

Even though his hands were around her waist, he could feel the weight of her bountiful big breasts on his upper arms.

"It seems like a part of you is rising for some action."

Basara could only give a weak and awkward grin to her licentious mention. One would need to be impotent or have a different sexual orientation than the norm to not harden in such a situation.

"Do you want me to take care of it for you, right now?"

The sweet murmur filled with the depravity that reeked in her voice, as she enticed him, made him wonder if Hasegawa's true identity was also a succubus like Lucia. They both had the same power to drive his lust to its limits, so maybe it was the most probable guess for her identity right now.

Nevertheless, his answer to her enticement was of course in the affirmative.

And so Basara stayed for one more hour as Hasegawa proceeded to suck out everything from him and his hardened mast.


When Basara came out of the infirmary and walked towards the school gate, Koneko who had been hiding not far from there walked out with a blush on her face.

She had planned to follow Basara and thanks to her super senses as a Neko, she could stay quite far away from him without being discovered as long as she didn't have ill intentions and avoided looking in his direction too much.

This time though, her sense made her the witness of something she shouldn't have.

'So Basara is in a relationship with Hasegawa-sensei?'

She hadn't been able to hear anything, as though her ears were blocked, surely by some kind of barrier or spell to blockage the sounds, however, that didn't stop her sensitive nose and while she didn't recognize the scent at first, once she did, she was astonished for a while before blushing heavily and stopping eavesdropping on them for the time being.

Feeling a little flustered and with how fast her heart was beating, Koneko knew that there was no way she could follow Basara without getting caught at the moment.

'I should leave–'

"Found you."


She turned in a hurry only to see Basara standing right next to her, eyeing her with his stern gaze.

"I had the slight feeling of being observed for a while now but it was so faint I thought I was imagining it. Well, it seems like I wasn't."

As he said so his hand stretched towards her.

Koneko closed her eyes in reflex at that movement, anticipating the pain that would follow. However, Basara had something else in store for her.


"Nyaa~__ !!"

With a gentle pat on her head, Koneko let out a mewling sound, something she hadn't done for years.

She wanted to jump out and screech at him, but she didn't want to lose this sensation either.

When he stopped and she finally opened her eyes, she could see him crouching down so that they were now at eye level.

Like this, golden and green eyes gazed into each other. Conveying more in that one instant than hundreds of words ever could.

"Would you follow me? I am thirsty. Let's walk together until the park outside. Alright?"

Koneko, dazzled as she was could only nod in acceptance and follow behind the youth with a slowly walking gait.

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