"Just one more time would be fine... Please… Hug me even tighter."


Having taken off her white coat and heel, and now wrapped completely in Basara's embrace, she seemed no different from Lucia and the others, just like a delicate woman in need of warmth and comfort — desiring asylum from all of her anxieties and pain that life constantly threw at her. 


Hence, Basara listened to Hasegawa's request and proceeded to hug her even tighter — in his own way, that is.




Hasegawa let out a ringing sound, surprise etched on her sweet tone. He turned Hasegawa, who had her back facing him, around with his hands and proceeded to hug her tightly and intimately — fully wrapping her in the confines of his arms, making her snuggle into his muscular body. The two shared their warmth, their hearts drumming in an exciting beat, and a brief silence fell between them as they basked in this intimate and ecstatic feeling that provided them peace and serenity.


".....Thank you. I am fine now, Toujou-kun."


Hearing her softly spoken words, he slowly released both of his arms, previously wrapped tightly around her body; though for reasons unknown to him, he felt reluctant to release her from his grasp, giving him a sense of loss and confusion. 


"I made your shirt dirty. I'm sorry for this inconvenience."


"Just some foam is noth--"


He then realized, when his eyes zoomed in on a particular area of his shirt, that there were some red marks too blended in with the foam.


Looking at Basara who just noticed the lip mark, she kept her smile and provided him a way out of his new trouble.


"Allow me to wash it. It wouldn't take much time to just wash and dry one piece of clothing. Why don't you make use of the time to also take a shower and refresh yourself?"


Basara hesitated a little bit, he didn't really need to shower right now as he was feeling fine. Yet, when he thought deeply about it, his heart tingled with a premonition — a faint feeling of anticipation, of which he couldn't identify the origin of, was whirring in his chest, coaxing him to take her up on her offer. Believing in that feeling, he nodded his head and slowly made way to the bathroom of the lavish home; innumerable thoughts and equal amounts of complex emotions whizzed in his mind throughout his stride to the bath.




As one would anticipate from a house, or specifically an apartment, of this caliber, the bath here was not something the bath in his house or any conventional household could ever hope to compare to.


White haze rose in a steady upward stream, blurring his vision and covering the whole bath in a foggy atmosphere, making it straining to see far with one's naked eyes. Basara who was soaking in the bathtub while staring at the expensively garnished ceiling let out a sigh of relaxation and satisfaction.


"...I really need to find time to relax and let go of some stress."


He mumbled in a depressed note accompanied by an equally depressed mood. The last few days had been pretty stressful overall and he really needed some time alone like this to relax and rejuvenate his mind. 


Just then, a voice came from behind the door of the bathroom.


"Toujou-kun… It'll take about one and a half hours to remove the lipstick stains and the perfume, then wash and dry it. You should be able to catch the last bus back or I could simply bring you back home if you wish."


"Thank you and sorry for the trouble."


 “You're welcome... Also, I'd like your help with another thing. If that's alright with you, of course. So, could you help me for a bit?"


“Oh, of course. Tell me, how may I be of your assistance?"


"Is that so. That's great then..."


Basara sat upright in the oversized bathtub, thinking about what Hasegawa's request could be but his brain stopped all its functions, fully incapable of catching up with reality, due to what followed next.


The frosted glass door, of the bathroom, was pushed open and what followed was the entrance of a stunning Hasegawa in her nigh naked form. After all, she had already taken off all of her clothes, and the only thing that stopped him from seeing her fully bare, in all of her splendor and beauty, and all she had to offer was a short bath towel that barely covered her impressive curves — letting him see the view of her upper breasts, smooth and plump thighs and graciously long legs, and almost take a peek of her plump bubble butt.


Hasegawa walked into the bathroom while giggling, a mischievous glint twinkling in her emerald green eyes, yet all Basara could do right now was to stare at her glamourous body in awe, shock, and rising trepidation.


He already went through such a scene not long ago, however, he had to admit that the shock of seeing Lucia and Asia was far inferior to what he felt currently, watching Hasegawa in her half-naked form. 


The way her jouncy breasts bounced and jiggled every time she took a single step was like the greatest mind control spell he had ever experienced or even thought he could experience; how else could he rationalize his eyes being glued to their shaking form if not for a dastardly hypnotic spell someone deliberately cast on him.


Hasegawa’s small laughs, as she watched his cute reactions, were what ultimately woke him up from the trance-like stupor he had fallen into and, without wasting a single breath of time, he promptly turned the other way in panic, not even daring to look at Hasegawa anymore, in order to hide a certain dastardly part of him that had woken up for the occasion.


“What is happening, sensei? Why did you enter the bathroom even though I'm inside already?”


Basara couldn’t understand why Hasegawa had suddenly barged into the bathroom with nothing but a towel wrapped tightly around her curves and the answer he received certainly didn’t help him make some sense of this situation either.


"Didn't I ask for your help with something a moment ago? To tell you the truth, probably because I'm the infirmary teacher, students from the school, mostly girls, would quite often talk to me about some things very close and intimate about them... Like when the vacation period ends, there would be a lot of them coming to me with questions about love, giving me endless amounts of headaches."


"Oh... Alright… But, my question remains, what does that have any relation with what you're doing right now?"


"I'm getting to it… I am a little ashamed to say this but… Up till now, I haven't actually dated anyone, so I am unable to give those students any useful advice. I've been averting them all this time with excuses but I'm at my limit. With these reasons in mind, since I have you with me today I decided to try and experience some of their feelings. It was thanks to you that I had the chance to cook for a man and experience being hugged while washing the dishes. I really am grateful for all the help you've been giving me today."


By now, hearing her reasons and troubles, Basara had calmed himself somewhat and settled his unruly body part a little, enough to not shame himself in front of his teacher and make room for any misunderstanding.


"Ah, it finally makes sense. So that is your reason for doing things with me that seemed like they were from a typical tv drama..."


He uttered out a response, suddenly understanding why all the events today unfolded as they did, resolving most of the confusion and questions he had all about today's circumstances. Nodding as a response, she continued quietly.


"Yes. I had originally thought that it would be enough, there would be no need to experience anything further. But after you hugged me so tightly and intimately in the end and even came into my bathroom, I was constantly wondering, just why not also experience the feeling of bathing together with a man? Being in his embrace and experiencing the surging feelings of the act  I guess there should be no problems with that, right...?"


"Of course, there is a problem and a big one at that too! Isn't our relationship that of a teacher and a student?! In no way is it plausible for us to bath together. It's just not right."


"But does it really matter now? After all that we've been through today."




Basara gasped quietly before opting to close his mouth, deeply perusing her statement. Indeed, after everything that had transpired today and even before, their relationship had long since gone past what was considered appropriate or what could be said to be ethical conduct between two individuals in a given relationship format. 


Even at this very moment, she stood nearly completely naked in the bath in front of him, a scenario that should only be plausible between lovers head over heels in love with each other and ready to explore the carnal pleasures of indulging in each other's bodies in various circumstances. In this context, talking about what should be normal or not was nothing more than plain hypocrisy.


Taking his seemingly prolonged silence as his way of voicing out his refusal, a thoroughly disappointed and slightly quivering voice came from behind him — the voice of his beautiful teacher who felt awkward and embarrassed about this situation.


"Is it really not fine then, Toujou-kun? Who knows, you might really be the first and last man ever to be allowed into my home..."


‘To think that sensei would have such a delicate side to her as well.’


Until now, he had kept a firm belief that Hasegawa, the gorgeous infirmary teacher of his school, was a woman with no flaws.


She was beautiful to an absurd degree, so much so that it was to the point where other men wouldn't even dare to get close to her, rousing them to believe to be inferior and unworthy to even approach her, moreover her personality was calm, gentle, and motherly — giving one the feeling that she was someone to be admired, not possess for oneself.


Also, she drove an expensive sports car and lived in a condominium, which would mean that she was likely to be the daughter of a wealthy businessman or woman. 


Yet Hasegawa was a serious teacher who gave plentiful care to her students, even when it came to newly transferred students like him. Moreover, she was someone who would probably be the type to worry about someone else over her own interests. 


Beautiful, smart, wealthy, and caring. 


How could Basara reject a request from a woman like her? He would need to be a moron to do that given the circumstances.


Furthermore, what if after he rejected her she naively asked for the help of another man like she asked him?


God knows what kind of man she would ask, and in turn, get herself tangled into harm and danger. Thinking along those lines, he decided not to take that risk. 


At least this was the thought process of Basara, as he convinced himself to help fulfill her requests.


He definitely didn’t feel a deep desire of possessing her for himself… No, none at all, not even in a million years…


“Let’s take the bath together.”


Hasegawa visibly brightened up at hearing his reply, her disappointed expression turning into a happy one in record time. It was so fast it made Basara wonder if her saddened countenance was a lie or not, but he didn't have time to think along those lines, as he heard her speak her next words with a cheerful tone.


"Well then, Basara. I'll start with your back first. I would like to try washing a man's back as the first experience in the whole bathing together process."


"Oh, please do..."


And with that reply, he got out of the bathtub — quickly taking a towel from the side and hanging it in front of his nethers, hiding it from Hasegawa's prying eyes — and sat on the plastic chair with his back facing her.


From behind his back, came the sounds of liquids being squeezed and mixed which was most likely the sound of mixing soap, he thought in his mind.


"...Sorry to keep you waiting. I'll begin now."


Not long after she finished uttering those words, both of her hands appeared from either side of his body, making his mind go blank at the sudden event that went completely beyond anything he had thought would happen.




Didn't she say that she was going to wash his back now? Then, why was it that, he saw her hands go past his body as if to hold him in her arms? Was he seeing things now or did his mind finally go nuts from all the tension of today's incidents? Dissonant thoughts of incongruence and incredulity ran along the tethers of his mind. 


His mind was going in a state of overdrive but all his thoughts sobered when he felt the sensations belatedly registering in his addled psyche. She was really hugging him from behind, applying gentle pressure while pushing her breasts up and down his back, he didn't imagine it, she was really doing what he thought and registered her going. He almost lost his shit when he realized that fact.  




"Why the surprised face?... I'm currently washing your back, using my breast, that is. It's perfectly fine, isn't it?”


Hasegawa used her bountifully large breasts to rub against his back, washing it thoroughly with the generated friction, as though it was a normal thing like any other to do. Her tone was so nonchalant and calm that Basara wondered if he was the weird one to think otherwise.


"No, of course, it isn't fine. Shouldn't you be using a towel instead? How is using your breasts to wash my back a normal thing, now?"


"What are you saying?... Only after experiencing how it feels to do these tasks, only then will I probably be able to help resolve their love problems... Would there be any meaning in just washing using the usual methods?"


‘Just what kind of questions do the students in that school ask of you?’


Basara felt a surge of debauched heat rush towards his lower half. From the sensations registered on his back, he was sure that she was using her bare breasts for the ordeal. 


Meaning that right now, right behind him, Hasegawa was fully naked with nothing to hide her body.


‘This isn't good. I need to quickly seize the initiative...!’

"Toujou-kun, does it feel good?”

At this moment, rather than falling deeper into the endless pit of panic and hysteria, Basara strangely calmed himself down and rationalized the situation.

Basara might still be inexperienced when it came to situations like these, scenarios where he had to deal with absurd sexual approaches, but he wasn’t the least bit dumb. He could rationalize the stream of events if needed, he had just been a bit too flustered due to his experience, but not anymore.

Hasegawa wasn’t affected by the liquid of a succubus like Asia had been in the bath the previous time a similar incident unfolded. She wasn’t as naive as Asia either, that he was also certain. Would a woman as smart and sensible as her really give such a service to a man she had no feelings for? Was she such a woman?

Basara did not think that was the case here.

That’s why he answered, resolving himself, hardening his mentality to get out of the whims of Hasegawa's control.

“No…Not really.”

He wanted to know just how far she was willing to go for him, how deep her feelings went when it came to him, and how much she was willing to do for his sake…he wanted those answers, and he was resolved to see this through.

“Oh? Is that so? Then, can you give me some suggestions on what I should do? So, that you feel good and comfortable with my service."

Not unlike his expectations, rather than backing down from his negative response, Hasegawa pushed for more, more ways of how she would be able to give him pleasure.

 Emboldened by her response, and things going according to his calculations, Basara swallowed a little, to gather his resolve once more, before giving her orders on what he would like her to do.

Hasegawa followed his instructions to a T, no longer just sliding her soft and heavy milk jugs up and down; rather she was implementing more and more variations in her movements, sliding them in various patterns, also varying the pressure applied according to his responses.

Basically following his every word, she was incisively using them to rub and glide against his back, generating blissful friction for him to enjoy. 

Soon after, there was a sensation of swelling coming from the tip of her breasts, from the area of her nipples, emphasizing their inappropriate presence on his back and announcing to him that he wasn’t the only one who felt pleasure from the debauched act of carnal ecstasy.

"Ah!~ Toujou-kun… Amazing, my body is getting hotter and hotter...!"

Her voice was beginning to swell with feminine sweetness and ardor, and he could feel parts of her body, attached to his own, rising in temperature to a scalding degree, warming him up and surging him up with more and more pleasure.

Her sweet voice, her hot breath, her intermittent moans, and the feeling of heaviness registering from his back — Basara could only imagine the sight of her alluring body writhing and quivering with pleasure while trying to give pleasure to him as well.

But why only imagine when you could see?

A small voice originating from his head sounded, tempting him to go further. Would he be able to resist such a temptation?

The answer was no. At the end of the day, Basara was first and foremost a young teen with a high libido that was awakened to the pleasure of carnal acts less than two days ago.

Basara Toujou gave in to the call of his temptation and slightly turned around to look at her alluring body and mesmerize himself in their movements. As a result–


As she was enraptured in the process of using her breasts to wash the teen boy's sturdy back, it was difficult for her to process any changes in the situation, not when her mind was addled with a surplus of pleasurable feeling that was disorienting her thought process. 

Consequently, the inevitable happened, she toppled into Basara's arms the moment he tilted sideways to glance at her lustful form. Quick to react, Basara swiftly reacted and caught her in his arms, panicking at the thought that she might fall; unfortunately, his sitting refused to bear their shenanigans and slipped under him, resulting in them toppling over each other, both in dangerously close proximity to each other.



Seeing each other in such close proximity, Basara finally glimpsed at what he could only visualize in his mind mere moments ago, finally being able to fulfill the temptation that lead to their toppled state.

Hasegawa was fully naked, her body hot and bothered by womanly pleasure. All Basara could think of was how stunning she was. 

In the first place, was it even possible for a human to be so beautiful as she was? 

That cream white skin of her body dyed pink from pleasure and carnal ecstasy was totally different from the usual her that was present in the infirmary room. Those cute wet flirtatious eyes, and her hot breaths filled with intermittent and shallow moans. Basara, seeing her in such a debauched and lustful state, involuntarily swallowed hard.

In the next moment, Hasegawa showed Basara an expression that he was definitely not prepared to glimpse.

She smiled, gleefully so — an enchanting smile that could put any being in a trance at her beauty. 

“I am happy.”

For what reason — she did not say nor did she need to, for the answer was all too clear for anyone to envision.

Transfixed, Basara watched as she slowly moved even closer to him, and put their lips together, kissing him with fervent delight.

He didn't make any movements nor did he show any form of resistance.

It was a sweet and fervent kiss. One full of passion and longing. As though she wished for nothing more than to keep him eternally, wrapped in her arms, and the clasps of her unending charms.

After quite a while, she parted from him first, panting to catch her bath, and while looking straight into his eyes, she said words that hitched his breath.

"Ohh... To think that I would also experience my first kiss at this time..."

Following her shocking declaration, she gave another one of her trance-inducing charming smiles. That expression — induced Basara to let loose of all his self-restraints and reasonings and let his carnal instincts of debauched lasciviousness take over his body.

He once again forced his tongue into Hasegawa's mouth, pulling her into another deep kiss, full of ferocity and desire. Following up, he used his other arm to grab and forcefully rub her glistening breasts which were so very large that they ostensibly overflowed obscenely through the confines of his fingers.

"Haa~~! Nn~!"

Just pushing her breasts around on his back had already excited her so much to the point of almost losing her reasonings. This time, the tingling pleasure was simply too much and she cried out, again and again, getting muffled due to the debauched kiss they shared, from the unforgettable pleasure he evoked on her body and mind, carving his presence on her psyche. 

Her reactions filled with ecstasy increased Basara's own fervent and uncontrollable desires, which in turn made her be on the receiving of even more pleasure that he systematically induced her with.

Not caring about the fact that their bodies were filled with foam and soap, Basara's mouth changed targets, from Hasegawa's inviting lips to her wonderful and gigantic tits, and latched onto Hasegawa's right breast. Just like the food from before, the taste and flavor of her breast spread within his mouth. 

He didn't use his teeth to stimulate them, but the moment he found the tip of those large breasts and sucked on them to his heart's desire, she quickly raised her voice.

"Hah~! No... Toujou-kun... Don't... use... so ..much … force... Ah~~!"

Hasegawa wrapped her legs around his waist and arms around his head and suddenly her body stiffened, trembling vigorously with all of her body the next second. 

For the first time in her life, the girl named Chisato Hasegawa climaxed.

(AN: They kinda avoided those details (H scene) in the novel and anime so I decided to create them

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