Lunar Shadows: Awaken

Chapter 50: Crescendo pt. 1


I manifest in my room and immediately turn on my shower, shucking off my clothes and run a brush through my tangled hair before taking a much-needed long wash. Wrapped in a fluffy white bathrobe, I cross my room to the door and pause for a moment. After everything that has taken place, I want nothing more than to collapse into my bed right now and bury myself in the blankets, but Luna was right, there is something I have to do, and sooner would be better than later.

Making my way down the stairs, I smell the hearty aroma of dinner cooking and I slide on my slippers into the kitchen to find Hekate and Ria arguing over which herbs to use in the potatoes. I smile warmly at them, feeling a thousand times better now that I’ve gotten myself back and I plop into a stool at the island. Snagging a warm roll, I tear off a bite and comment offhandedly, “You know, you could just separate it into two bowls and season them both how you’d prefer. I’ll take my share from Hekate’s, though,” I add with a smirk and Ria throws a dish towel at me.

“Fine, whatever, just finish the damn potatoes,” she grumbles as she pushes the boiling pot across the stove and leans against the counter.

Our gazes meet and we both crack a smile as Hekate shakes her head, waving her hand over the pot and the water evaporates from it, leaving perfectly mashed potatoes inside. She gestures toward her herb shelves and dried seasonings float into the pot as she takes butter and cream out of the fridge to add to it. Asteria hands her a large bowl to scoop the potatoes into and places it on the island, along with a roasted chicken and vegetables. We eat dinner together with the full moon peeking through our windows and nothing feels at odds within me as I can finally begin to relax.

The three of us sit together for a little while, Hekate and Asteria catch up with Luna while my mind wanders toward Kyran as they talk and how I need to meet with him. My nerves start tensing as the night goes on and I excuse myself to my room to sort through my thoughts. Sitting at the edge of my bed, I finally pick up my phone and check the time, seeing that it is eleven-seventeen and I open my texts, tapping on my messages with Kyran.

Guilt washes over me as I notice the texts from him a few days ago that I never responded to, asking me if I was okay and to let him know if I needed anything. His messages progressed with concern before the last one only said that he is sorry for what I’m going through and that he will always be here for me. A tear drips down my nose and plops onto the screen, my apprehension making my chest tight. I hope he understands, I pray as I consider how exactly to go about what I need to say to him. Steeling myself before my anxiety gets the better of me, I wipe my phone clean before quickly tapping out my text and hitting send.

Kyran, I’m sorry for being so distant,

things have been difficult for me this

past week…I know you must be busy

with the Convocation tonight, but if

you have a free moment, I need to

talk with you. You don’t have to get

me, I can travel on my own. Just let

me know when you have time, I don’t

mind how late it is.

I stare at the screen for a few moments debating if I should say anything more and decide to just wait for his reply, clicking off the screen and placing my phone onto my nightstand. Flopping onto my back with a sigh, I stare at the ceiling fan as it spins lazily above me when my phone vibrates twice and I fling myself over to grab it.

I have the commencement ceremony

in half an hour at midnight to perform.

Right, of course. It’s been a while since I’ve been to a Convocation, I think after I read his text.

You can arrive at any time though

His second text was sent immediately after the first and I chew on my lip as my nerves tense, knowing that I’ll be talking with him soon.

Okay, thank you. I’ll let you

know when I’m there.

I drop my phone onto my bed when he doesn’t respond and push to my feet, pulling the towel off my head and walk into my bathroom to get ready for the night. I methodically dry my hair and curl it at the ends, leaving it down to flow over my shoulders and around my waist. Frowning at the dark circles under my eyes, I turn to call out to my sister and gasp in surprise when I find she is standing in the doorway to my bathroom with a mischievous grin. She whispers something and taps her fingers to my cheekbones before flicking my nose with a wink and vanishing. I laugh at her antics and turn to face the mirror again to look at my reflection, finding my skin clear and bright, any trace of exhaustion completely wiped away.

I may be an all-powerful werewolf queen, but my magic lies in defense and movement rather than elemental and glamorous like that of Asteria’s. The thought of my powers has me narrowing my eyes as I glance over my shoulder at my vanity across my room and focus on my makeup bag sitting on a shelf. With a slight push of intention, the bag levitates and flies into the bathroom, coming to a gentle rest on the white countertop.

Grinning into the mirror, I pull out some dusky eyeshadow, black liner, and mascara as I enhance my eyes, thinking about how dull life has been without my abilities. It has definitely been humbling, I’ll admit that. I choose a soft, dusty pink color for my lips and leave the bathroom, deciding my skin looks fantastic thanks to Ria and head to my closet. I want to look commanding yet sexy and flip through my clothes, my mouth turning down at the side as nothing seems…right. My clothes here are more on the plain side, steering toward the direction of comfort over style and I’m pulling out a simple black dress when a breeze brushes my hair from behind.

Smiling before I even turn around, I place the dress back on the rail and glance over my shoulder toward my bed, finding a white outfit laid out for me. Leaping over, I hold up the hanger and hum my approval at the shimmery white silk of the clothing, my fingers brushing the fabric and admiring the choice Ria sent me. Peering down, I don’t see any shoes and open my mouth to ask for some when a pair of silver strappy heels whump onto the bed and I laugh out loud.

“Thanks, Ria! I owe you one,” I call out to the house, a wide smile spreading on my face.

“I’ll take repayment in the form of a week’s worth of red velvet and cream cheese cupcakes. You know what? Make it two!” her tinkling laugh distantly dances through the halls and I laugh as well, nodding my head.

“You got it,” I chuckle, carrying my new outfit over to my closet.

Hanging the clothes up and dropping my robe, I slip into the fluid fabric, pulling the crop top over my arms, tying the wide band behind me and lacing the back of the high-waisted skirt tightly over my hips. Looking into the floor length mirror, I run my hands over the flowy skirt in awe. It has a high slit up my left thigh that cuts diagonally across my knees to my right shin, the white silk draping elegantly as it floats around me. My top has a sweetheart neckline and is a smooth, fitted panel over my torso, stopping just below my rib cage and leaving a couple inches of bare skin between the skirt. I adjust the thin, sheer capped sleeves, sliding them off my shoulders and push my hair behind me.

Twirling over to my vanity, I pick out simple white gold drop earrings and slide a set of thin bangles over my wrists. I turn toward my bed and perch on the edge, sliding my feet into the heels and grasp the wispy long straps, crisscrossing them up my shins and tying them with neat bows at the back. The material along my feet is speckled in little gemstones that reflect light like stars as I step carefully over to my mirror one last time. Distant howls echo through my open balcony, marking the beginning of the Convocation and I smile a little as I look myself over.

This is sure to make quite an impression, I muse as I twist to look at my back, adjusting the low v-cut of the bow holding my top together and turn to face myself one last time. My stomach dips with my apprehension and I press my hands to my middle as I inhale deeply, letting my breath out slowly. My fingers tremble slightly as I drop my hands, shaking them out while I cross my room and grab my phone, suddenly realizing I have nowhere to put it. I look up at my ceiling with a groan and a soft chuckle startles me from the doorway.

“Here,” Asteria says softly, holding out a small white purse lined with little crystals.

“Thank you, Ria, really. This is so beautiful,” I gesture my hand over my outfit as I take the purse from her, tucking my phone into it and finding some small necessities already inside. I look up and give her a warm smile which she returns before she moves her hands in a ‘turn around’ way. I silently obey her, slinging the long, thin strap over my shoulder as I turn my back to her.

“Final touches,” she says quietly as a gentle breeze ruffles over my hair. “There, perfect. You needed to wear something equally as impressive as yourself and I just knew you wouldn’t own anything remotely close to what tonight—and tomorrow— calls for,” she crosses in front of me with a sly smirk and I can’t help but laugh.

She takes my hand and pulls me in front of the mirror, my hair now more dramatically blown out with larger barrel curls throughout and…“is that glitter?” I ask incredulously, shaking my head to see if anything falls out.

Ria laughs and shrugs, mumbling, “Sure, let's call it glitter,” she grins wickedly and I take a couple steps closer to the mirror.

I lean over to get a better look at the shimmering in my hair, noticing something off about it and stand stark still, even holding my breath to ensure I don’t move as I see the tiny flecks in my hair twinkling on its own, like stars. I gasp at the sight of actual starlight embedded in the strands of my platinum hair and whirl around at my sister. “Asteria, how the hell did you do this?” I ask in amazement, a light laugh escaping me with an open smile.

She just shrugs again, murmuring, “Ehh, I had a lot of free time on my hands while you were in stasis and I made friends with a fun elf nearby. She showed me some cool tricks. Okay bye! Have a good night! Or a good week I should say,” she snickers, waggling her eyebrows at me and I swipe at her, my cheeks flushing and she vanishes before my fingers can grasp her hair.

“Ria! An elf? Where the fuck did you find an elf around here!” I yell out to her, knowing damn well she can hear me.

Her laughter floats around me and her disembodied voice floats around my room, “Oh, you’ll find out soon enough, now go,” her words echo before the ether swallows me up.

My agitation is easily outweighed by my amusement and I laugh as I’m deposited on the wide stone steps in front of Kyran’s home, brushing back my windswept hair before hissing through my teeth at the sky, “You’re incorrigible, you know that?” and Asteria’s laugh chases away with the wind. I roll my lips between my teeth nervously as the weight of this moment settles over me and pools deeply in my stomach.

I take my phone out of my purse and type a text to Kyran, letting him know I’m here. Checking the time, it’s fifteen minutes past midnight and I hear a cacophony of cheers, yips and howls echo throughout the vast forests surrounding his home as the thrum of music beats rhythmically into the night sky. A nostalgic smile relaxes me a fraction at the noise and I imagine how he must’ve looked at the head of the ceremony, raising the spirits of the thousands of unmated wolves around him with the hopes of finding their soulmates this week. I glance up at the full moon high overhead and close my eyes, taking a deep, calming breath as I wait for him.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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