Lunar Marked

Chapter 47

Consciousness was slow to come to me, cocooned in a warmth that I had no desire to leave. My mind drifted in and out of sleep as the morning sun steadily rose. It was only when its rays of light finally reached my face that my eyes cracked open, accepting the inevitability of the day. I shifted my face away from it, turning to the side and trying to blink the sleep from my eyes at a pace a snail would scoff at. The warmth wrapped around me followed my movements, tightening its embrace as though in protest. It was only when I stopped and my surroundings continued to curl around me that I realized it was not mere blankets encircling me.

I blinked my eyes fully open as I recalled the night before, of Camilla enticing me to bed with her and the soft cuddling that had ensued. To my back, the sorceress made a soft murmur in her sleep. Her arms had wrapped their way around my chest, one of them pinning my own firmly to my side. Her naked skin was like a fiery furnace, curled around much of my body in a hold that I wasn’t completely sure how to slip out of. And the frosty Autumn air against my face made me reluctant to try.

In particular, I couldn’t help but notice the feel of what I was certain were two shapely breasts mashed against my back. I fidgeted and let out a quiet huff. It was far too early to feel this embarrassed! With utmost care, I attempted to slide gently out of her grip …only to find that her arms refused to budge. She had me trapped within her grasp! 

My cheeks puffed up in annoyance. The woman really was too strong for her own good. Or in this case specifically, for my own good. Taking in a determined breath, I decided to be a bit more firm. Shifting to release the upper arm she had trapped below her own and with a bit of maneuvering, I pressed both of my forearms against her hold, strengthening the light pressure against her and striving to disturb her as little as possible. Though, I supposed it didn’t truly matter if she woke, considering that it was my duty as her maid to wake her, regardless. The light push became a more concerted one, and then a vigorous heave of strength. Yet even as my arms shook with effort from the strain, she barely budged. Instead, she muttered something sleepily and tightened her hold over me. 

Just—just how strong was this woman?! Biting my lip, I wondered if I was at risk of being crushed. And did I truly need to wake her up to get out of this? I unleashed a groaning sigh of exasperation. The annoying sorceress ‘responded’ back with her own appreciative murmur. As I scowled into the air at nothing, I pondered just what she might be dreaming about. One of her arms slid down my belly, and a gasp left my lips as her hand softly brushed against my cock, a cock that, to my frustration, was stiffening. I fidgeted and squirmed against her, what little that I could in her firm hold. 

Part of my mind wanted to give in, to snuggle back against her and sleep. Or perhaps to take her hand and rub... No, better that I not follow that trail of thought. I shook my head, tossing the idea from my mind. It was time for this hot sorceress to wake up. 

“C-Camilla,” I breathed out, a hair louder than a whisper. 

She mumbled and shifted again, her skin brushing sensuously against my own, making me squirm. 

“Wake up, p-please,” the words this time were marginally louder. 

“Goo ‘orning,” came the barely coherent and slurred response back. 

She let out a pleasant hum that I could feel vibrate from her chest, and her body moved once more to allow her legs to intertwine with mine. As her arms shifted, the soft skin of her palm slid along the length of my cock and then across my upper leg. 

I let out an undignified squeak. “Trapped. Can’t move.”

 Dreamily, she managed, “That’s good.” No, it wasn’t!

I squirmed once more, and she squeezed me tighter against her, pressing her face against the back of my neck and taking in a breath of air. Why did she always have to be so difficult to wake up? I should have anticipated something like this, though, when I agreed to sleep in bed with her… 

Well, enough was enough! I sucked in a breath of air, cleared my throat, and then, with as much maidly authority as I could manage, said, “Camilla, it’s time to wake up.” My voice only wavered a little. 

The sorceress groaned in annoyance, and I let out a sigh of relief, glad to see that my usual method of being loud and sternly maid-like was working. I just had to keep it up! 

“Come on, now. We can’t stay in bed all day. As your maid, it’s—” Her hand moved once more, pushing my cock to the side and pressing it firmly against me. I shuddered. Was that on purpose? “It’s m-my res-sponsibility to— to—“ Fingers slowly wrapped around my length and the words escaped me in a squeak that became a wheezy intake of air. 

“Be good girl,” the dangerous—and clearly evil—temptress mumbled out. 

Smooth fingers slid up and then back down, and I let out a groan. She was so good at teasing and fucking that she could do them in her sleep, it seemed. Or, at least, partially asleep. I wasn’t foolish enough to think that she wasn’t at least mostly awake by this point. 

As her dexterous fingers glided around sensitive skin, I moaned out, “Right there.” It was too much. I felt myself slipping, giving in. We could lay here, spend all day in bed sleeping and playing

“Just a little more rest,” she bargained, and I nodded. 

But no, that would be bad? As tempting as it was, as seductive an offer as she was presenting, I couldn’t allow myself to fall into this darkness. I was, much like those in the stories, a daring hero of legend and wouldn’t give in. I had to be strong here. It was my duty! I wouldn’t fall to the alluring call of lust that threatened to pull me under. No matter how nice—and pleasurable—it would be... 

My mind churned. “N-no!” I stuttered out with a moan. “We should— We should— Fuuuck,” I moaned in pleasure as her fingers moved. “We should—” I groaned out as she removed her hand, the spot between my legs feeling empty without her touch, “keep going.

No… that wasn’t what I was going to say, was it? As her hand slipped back around my cock and my body shuddered in delight, I decided I didn’t care. Perhaps on this day, evil could win. 

“Such a good girl~,” the corrupted demoness cooed and continued to fondle my cock. “It’s good to be honest with yourself.” As much as she had insisted on sleeping, the woman was quite clearly awake now. In that way, I’d been rather ironically successful. However, I wasn’t sure if I was prepared for this to be our new way of waking up in the morning. Something that was looking to be increasingly likely with how eager she’d been to sleep together. 

As she continued to fondle me, something hard pressed firmly up against my ass, and it took me only a moment to realize it was her own hardening length. As though in response, her body shifted downward and the hand around my cock moved to my inner thigh, spreading my legs just barely apart. Her cock easily slid between the gap as she pushed firmly up against my ass. I squirmed and Camilla moaned into the back of my neck as the end of her length was squeezed and twisted between my fidgeting thighs. She shifted her hips backward, and I felt her slide between the upper part of my legs before pushing back in, her lower belly slapping hard against my ass as she fucked the tight gap between my upper thighs. My brain melted. 

With a satisfied sigh, she said, “That’s better. Though I can’t help but anticipate what it’ll feel like sliding between your two cheeks.” She emphasized the words with another thrust and a slap of her palm to my backside. My cock throbbed along with her, exposed and missing the feel of her hand tightly squeezing around it. 

Several nonsensical syllables left my mouth. 

“What was that, my sweet little maid? I didn’t quite hear you.” She drove in once again.

“G-good morning,” I managed. It was all I could think to say.

Her delicate touch met my member once more, and I gave her a needy moan. 

“More than good. I’d say it’s an incredible morning, my beautiful little Pearl. Although,” her cock pushed into me once more and her lips brushed against my ear, “you should call me Mistress when I’m fucking you.

I spluttered out another string of nonsense. Fingers squeezed around my cock, a not-so-subtle promise of reward should I give in. But I couldn’t! I wouldn’t! I had to be strong.

“I—” Another deep shuddering breath left my lungs. “Y-Yes, Mistress.” Betrayed! And by my own mouth. Oh, the lows to which I, the great hero of Sunridge, had fallen!

Camilla’s hand slid back and forth along my length, following her own pace as her cock sunk through my thighs.

“What a good girl,” she purred as I moaned, and my mind melted all over again. 

I could feel the tide of lust within me reach a peak and knew that I was close. My breathing picked up, becoming heavier. 

“That’s it, my beautiful Pearl. I can tell that you’re close. Cum for me. Cum for your Mistress,” her words came out in a tantalizing whisper, tickling against my ear. 

I had no chance of holding back the wave of pleasurable heat that rushed to my head, even were I to try. Another squeezing stroke of my cock was all it took. My mind sparked like kindle begging for flames, becoming overloaded with hot pleasure as I came right into her hand and the surrounding blankets. The sorceress was without mercy, kneading my cock as she continued to thrust up against my ass. I moaned out, the only voice of complaint that I could manage. 

“I’m so close,” Camilla breathed out, her voice full of need and desire. 

Rather than ending, as she continued to shove her cock into me and rub my own, the orgasm magnified into a second one. Shining stars flooded my vision before my eyes rolled. A completely unrestrained moan of pleasure echoed throughout the room. And my cock continued to soak Camilla’s hand and the bed in cum. 

My cries of pleasure seemed to finally bring Camilla over the edge. She thrusted forward one last time, and I felt her hard dick throb within the space between my thighs. A wet warmth spread between my legs. All the while, my own orgasm fell from its peak and I sucked in a ragged breath. 

The sorceress’s grip on me tightened painfully as she let out a lewd moan, and I felt the tip of her dick press hard up against my body, as though intent on piercing its way into me. A shiver ran through me as I felt another rush of her hot cum shooting up between my ass cheeks. My mind rushed to thoughts of her bending me forward and pushing her cum-soaked cock truly into me before fucking me until I felt raw and flooding my body with hot cum.

Camilla gave a long, pleasant sigh as her orgasm died down and her hold on me loosened. One of her hands, the one that wasn’t covered in cum, moved up to brush through my hair until they met my ears. A squeak escaped my mouth as she lightly pinched one of them and gave it a sensual rub. 

“We should wake up like this every morning,” she sighed out in utter satisfaction as I fidgeted.

Almost by instinct, I shook my head. “I think I’d die.”

The sorceress chuckled at the dramatic quip. Leaning closer to my ear, she retorted, “You’d love every moment.”

I groaned, though whether from pleasure or frustration was up for debate. 

“We should get going,” I insisted, deciding it was time to put an end to her fun. 

She hummed. “Or we could just stay here. Perhaps test your ability to focus a bit more.” 

Wet fingers slid up my form until they met my breasts. I sucked in a breath as she thumbed one of my nipples and it throbbed with a spike of pain. They were rather sensitive this morning, though that did little to dull the pleasure she was inducing. The demon certainly knew how to tempt me.

I worried if I didn’t put my foot down now, it’d be well into the evening before we ever made it out of bed. 

“It’s time to get up.” I kept my voice firm, thinking about how Rosetta would do it. Did she have trouble getting Lena awake, or any techniques for waking her? It was a thought which, unfortunately, only led to much lewder imaginings of the two of them. 

The sorceress grumbled before finally slipping from around me and sitting up in bed. I turned over to find her walking to the wash pan across the room. Her hips and ass swayed back and forth, and the small tail curled and swayed above them. She leaned downward, giving me a clear and full view of… nearly everything. Her gaze peered over her shoulder, appearing smug, and I realized she was teasing me intentionally. 

I looked away with a huff and tossed my feet off the bed. My balance wavered as I stood, and I swayed to the side before catching myself. My cheeks puffed in annoyance as Camilla chuckled once more. 


My efforts to ignore her failed as my cheeks quickly reddened. Still not looking her way, I moved to find the change of clothes I’d prepared the night before. 

“As your maid, it’s my duty to get you up and ready for the day in a timely manner.” I brought up a pair of underwear and shifted it in my hand to find the front.

Well, as your Mistress,” came a whisper right next to my ear, a hand brushing against my ass. I jumped away in shock and turned to find that the sneaky woman had silently crossed the room in a mere moment. Her hands grabbed around my sides, helping me to keep my balance as she leaned over me. Though, as her fingers slid along my naked skin, fondling my ass, I was certain it was more to feel me up than to keep me from falling. “I believe it’s my duty to fuck you silly.” She leaned further forward, a breath away from a kiss, and I let out a squeak. Satisfied, her eyes then trailed down to the panties in my hands. Before I could even consider reacting, a hand snatched them out of my grasp. “And I don’t believe you need these for that, do you?” she asked with a raised brow and daring smile. 

I spluttered, face becoming as hot as a furnace. She couldn’t seriously be suggesting… 

“W-wha— I— no!”

My hand reached out for them, and she held them up in the air, just out of reach. My half-hearted attempt became a bit more serious as I stood up on my toes and tried to jump for it. 

“That’s right, my little bunny. Give me a hop.” 

She dangled them above me, and I jumped once more, only for her to pull them away. 

I gave the evil sorceress a scowl. “Gimmie them.”

“You’re so cute. It’s a continual trial not to just tease you ceaselessly.”

I considered stating how she clearly wasn’t doing very well at that, but worried it would hurt my chances of getting them back. 

Her grin became a bit more crooked. “How about this? If you’re a good girl, and go without them for today, then I’ll give you a reward.” Once more, she dangled them in the air.

My face went through several shades of colors. There was no way! I surely couldn’t do something like that. Even the suggestion of it was completely obscene. I readied myself to turn her down when she continued.  

“Of course, if you really don’t want to, don’t feel like you have to.” She shrugged. “I’ll probably give you something either way. Though I’d have to think of something else.” Her eyes looked off to the side in thought. She already had something in mind? 

Her arm lowered, bringing the underwear back down into reach. I bit my lip, fretting over why I wasn’t just grabbing them. Clearly, the proper thing would be to take the underwear. It was the sensible answer. But something was holding me back… What if I really liked her reward? There was the chance that it was something ridiculous, or even just an offer of more sex. It might not be a true reward at all. Yet something seemed to yearn within me to accept. At least, that was the only explanation I had for the strange swirling emotions in my gut that had me considering this. 

My lower lip shook a bit as my mouth opened. “I… um. Alright.” No, no, I wasn’t actually doing this, was I? Surely I didn’t just say that. Why was I entertaining this? My eyes stared down at my feet in embarrassed shame, despite the fact that she was the one goading me into this. Then I looked back up at her face. 

The victorious and knowing smirk she was giving me made my eye twitch, somehow both in annoyance and utter embarrassment. 

“Don’t give me that look.” I gave the woman a grumpy scowl. 

“Now, now, no pouting.” With one hand still clutching the panties, she twisted me around. “Why don’t you get cleaned off and dressed?”

I wanted to protest, but on this point she was right. We’d spent far too long in bed. If I was to get anything done today, I needed to step up the pace. Several hard and long minutes later, I was fully dressed and ready for the day, minus one rather important piece of clothing. 

I stared downward, cheeks hot as flames as I tried to adjust the skirt one more time, before sighing in defeat.

Camilla turned the knob of the faucet filling her bath with steaming hot water, and it reduced to a trickle. “You’re still getting dressed over there? What’s wrong?”

I huffed, and with heavy hesitation, turned to face her. Despite being about to bathe, the sorceress had once more formed shadows around her body. I suspected it was a method of training her abilities, or something similar. She certainly wasn’t shy. 

Her eyes roamed up my form, and she let out an amused snort. “I see.” 

This time, even I couldn’t deny how much I was pouting. “It’s not funny. This clearly isn’t going to work.” I sighed, feeling a small tinge of disappointment. …I wanted that fancy reward she’d promised. Probably. 

“Nonsense. It’s not nearly as big of a deal as you’re making it out to be. Going out without underwear might clearly be a bit hard, but I’m sure you can manage. In fact, I might have a rather pointed solution.” 

My eyes narrowed as she gave me a purely innocent smile, staring me solely in the eyes. When her expression finally caved and shifted to a grin, her gaze lowered down to the rather obvious problem I was having. I couldn’t help but rub my thighs together at her intent stare and felt the resulting friction graze against overly sensitive skin. I twitched and squirmed even further. Glancing down, I watched as my cock rubbed side to side up against my skirt, leaving a very obvious and moving tent in the fabric. Why couldn’t I just stop thinking about lewd things when I’d been getting dressed? We even just had sex. This shouldn’t have been a problem!

Camilla sauntered over to me. As I looked into her eyes once more, there was something predatory glinting within, and I fought the urge to step backward.

“Let me take care of that for you, hmm?” 

I nodded rigidly. 

She wasted no time, and bent down to sit in front of me. Her eyes roamed from my face to the pointed skirt in facing her. I took in a breath, feeling weirdly exposed, and yet not. It was such a strange sensation, and peculiar how hot it felt, despite having spent so much time completely naked with her. I fidgeted once more, making my cock sway and brush against the fabric again, which, combined with Camilla’s gaze, only made me want to fidget even more. 

Her fingers reached down to the ends of my skirt near the floor and slowly lifted it. The fabric rose to my waist in a bundle, fully exposing my naked length to the cool air of the room. One of Camila’s hands rubbed against it, causing an uncontrollable whimper to leave my lips.

Was this… something you could become addicted to? The thought lingered, a heavy weight in my mind, before Camilla leaned forward and my worries floated away.

Hello! I’m back. Last week was a rough one. Honestly, this week was as well, though for different reasons. I was dealing with a lot of stress the week after Thanksgiving, and spent some time trying to work past it. I’ve also quit drinking things with caffeine in them (again.) This time for reals though. I’m committed! I’ve even talked with my therapist and roommates about it, so I should be able to stick with it this time? Caffeine gives me too many ups and downs from inconsistent amounts, so I’m trying to get the stimulant benefits from a caffeine pill instead starting today! I think it’s working okay, though the caffeine withdrawal was pretty rough over the past week. The unfortunate consequences of being a barista lol.

On the bright side, I’ve gotten through some stress issues, and I’ve been writing again the last couple of days! Or rewriting, I suppose? I had a whole chapter nearly done, and then decided that I needed to switch things up a bit. Thankfully, I’ll still be able to use a lot of what I wrote in an upcoming scene. But it was still a tad annoying lol. Chapter 56 just needs some editing and then it’ll be done! So, tomorrow?

I’m feeling really good about my writing again, and not so stressed. Though it might still be a little slow over the next few weeks with work picking up due to the holidays. In January I’ll be reducing hours though! Which will mean lots of writing time! Yay!


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