Lunar Marked

Chapter 25

The sorceress paced back and forth with a scowl. She should have been furious. And she was admittedly mad about Pearl having snooped through her things and using her one vial of lezun. The rare substance was not something given out to just anyone. It was a symbol of trust, a test of sorts orchestrated by the Praevus. And Camilla had failed it. She'd been lucky to have been given it in the first place, considering her past. Even when they first received their marks, it was with only a small drop of the substance, just enough to Mark them and begin the formation of their core. In all likelihood, Camilla would never set eyes on even an ounce of lezun again. At least not from the Praevus’s hands. 

Pearl, meanwhile, had taken in an entire vial of the stuff, or seemingly most of one. It was an incredibly inefficient usage of it, given that new cultivators relied on the very wasteful method of natural mana absorption into their developing core. More than that, Pearl was lucky to have survived the process. Taking too much in at once could be dangerous, even for those who’d been cultivating for years. For someone not yet Marked to have absorbed most of a vial…

Camilla sighed. It didn’t truly matter how much she’d absorbed, what mattered was that she was now Marked and under the Praevus’s eye. It changed everything. 

Much more than anger, Camilla was full of a growing turmoil. The Praevus would find out, of that she was certain. The question wasn’t of ‘if’ but rather ‘when.’ It was a lingering blade above their heads, an inevitable death sentence. 

And she didn’t want to die. 

A shiver ran up her spine, goosebumps rising across her skin. Death had always lingered, hovering just around the corner, waiting for the moment where she messed up or for when Enver one day fancied it. But it felt so much closer now than it had in a long time. Camilla knew herself well enough to know that she feared the specter of death more than anything else. And it was closing in.

She stopped her pacing, her breath ragged and heavy as hyperventilation threatened to overcome her. Staring once more at the door, a dark thought crossed her mind, a twisted temptation that continually lingered. All she had to do was tell him, to hand Pearl over to him. She wasn’t sure whether the Praevus would believe that she truly didn’t know about the girl's secret, but he’d at least likely spare her own life. At the cost of Pearl’s. 

Clawed fingers gripped at her heart and she took another shuddering breath. Several tears rolled down her cheeks. No, she couldn’t do that to her, could she? Not to Pearl. She couldn’t. As things were, they were both doomed, and yet she couldn’t bring herself to betray her like that. Just the brief consideration of the idea had feelings of self-loathing and disgust rolling within her. 

Wincing, Camilla recognized what the ache in her heart meant. She was becoming much more romantically attached to the girl than she’d intended. Even after she’d done her best to stay emotionally distant, making it clear to Pearl from the very beginning that she was only interested in sex and not romance, she'd still managed to start developing feelings for her. Her hands clenched into fists, the frustration at her ineptitude building. 

It was dangerous for her to be close to people. At the hands of the Praevus and his sentinels, they became tools to be used against her, something that only led to pain and suffering for all of them. It was why she always insisted that her relationships be temporary and non-romantic. She thrived on sex but had to keep people emotionally at a distance, not just for her own safety but for theirs. Now would normally be the time for her to pull away, to find someone else to potentially play with. But things weren’t that simple this time. Pearl was Marked and mentally in a very vulnerable place. They were both in danger, both standing at death’s doors. She couldn’t just cut herself off from her. 

The sorceress gulped down air, taking in another heavy breath. Turning her in was never an option. She had to accept it, that they were simply both destined to die here in this small nowhere-town. It wasn’t really how she had hoped to die, but… Hands clenching once more, she slammed a fist against the wall as dread turned to anger. The wood splintered and cracked, and she knew it wouldn’t be long before the sentinels came to investigate the sound. 

After all she’d done for these bastards. After everything that had been done to her and Fionna. Camilla bit down on her tongue, suppressing a scream as a trickle of blood entered her mouth. She couldn’t even manage to escape, much less have any hope of becoming strong enough to pay them back in kind. Glaring at the wall, the anger within her boiled, as the seeping dread slowly began to come back. 



They could find a way to escape before the Praevus found out. Finding a way out from her servitude under the Empire’s thumb was something she’d been hoping to achieve for years now. The likelihood that she could pull it off right here under the man’s nose was dubious. But she would have to try. It was why she’d done her best to be assigned here in this small town in the first place, so far away from the Capital. That the Praevus had arrived only a few days after she lost the vial of lezun meant that he either had already been on the way, or he had been close by when the news of it reached his ear. It was likely that he had been waiting somewhere nearby, already expecting her to attempt something. 

The chance for escape was minimal. The lezun she had been saving was gone, and the chances of finding and communicating with the smugglers before the Praevus and other sentinels located them all were perhaps even smaller. 

Yet what other option did she have? To have a real chance, she needed power, an unexpected edge of some kind. Especially if she was going to be dragging Pearl along. Taking the train would be speedy, yet far too clear in what direction they’d gone. And taking the roads on foot would be suicide. The town had been thoroughly surrounded by sentinels when she’d first arrived here. In the forests, she’d be easy to track, and there were always other potential dangers hiding within it even if she managed to lose the sentinels. This far out from the Capital, even the roads could be dangerous to travel due to wandering beasts. 

Perhaps if she could advance her cultivation, find a way to properly hide her presence… as well as the presence of Pearl. The sorceress sighed. It seemed like a long shot, but she supposed that was what she would have to hope for. An absurd amount of luck, searching, and hard work. She just hoped she could keep her activities hidden from prying eyes. 

Camilla tapped her chin once more. With Pearl on her side, she didn’t have to be the only one out searching for solutions. Her eyes drifted over to the maid’s door, and she imagined what a nervous mess the girl likely was on the other side. If they could convince the Praevus that Pearl was thoroughly in line and on his side, then the maid might be able to take action on Camilla’s behalf without many prying eyes. On its own, that wouldn’t be enough to give them the edge they needed, but it would be a start. 

The sorceress took in a slow breath of air. She was willing to do nearly anything for her freedom, anything for the chance to live. It was time the two of them continued that talk, before the Praevus and his dogs came sniffing. 

— — — 

The door to my room closed behind me before I sat gently down on my bed. Had Camilla been serious about possibly taking me to the Praevus, I wondered? It was clear that the thought had at least occurred to her, but was it possible that she was actually considering it? I bit my lip, fretting over the possibility. If only I had a better idea of what was going on in her head, if I just knew her a bit better. 

Instead, I was left worrying that I’d been a fool and made the wrong decision in trusting her. There was, admittedly, little that I could do if she decided to tell him. I’d made my case, apologized, and at least somewhat explained what had happened that day. It was about the best I could do, given the circumstances, besides explaining things further. And perhaps I’d deserve it if she did decide to go to him. I’d been deceiving her for nearly a week now with all my secrets. 

Still, I could hope that she wouldn’t. She was obviously angry and frightened, but she could also be very caring and intelligent. If she really was the sort of person that I hoped she truly was inside, she would come up with a brilliant plan of some kind, I was sure. Perhaps she even knew how to stop the curse. Would I take a cure, knowing that it might mean not being able to ultimately help Lena? 

I sighed and laid back into the bed. Camilla wasn’t the only one with things to think about. It was clear that I couldn’t rely on the Praevus to save Lena, not when I had no plans to actually spy for him. To think that I was planning to actually stand against the man; it felt absurd, insane even. Was it the right thing to do? My first instinct was to shout no — he was one of the Praevi, one of the Empire’s great generals who fought for law and order everywhere. And yet, he was still just a man, someone with flaws who was clearly willing to hurt others for his own aims. He was someone who would likely hurt me if he knew the full truth. Camilla seemed to believe he would go as far as to kill me for it.

I had always looked up to the sentinels and Praevi. They were the pillars that supported the Empire, strong beams of steel that held together the nation’s stability and peace and kept the beasts of the Deadlands at bay. I didn’t like the idea of being at all opposed to them. But until I could lose my curse, I might not have any other choice. 

I also needed to help Lena, and until I could figure out a way how, I would keep my curse and search for a way to use it. It seemed a bit of a stretch, yet who knew what one could do with magic? I simply needed to learn more, and figure out how I could become a proper sorceress. Or, err, a proper sorcerer. By learning everything I could about magic, I was sure to find something. Even… even if it meant passing up on a possible cure. For Lena, I would do it. 

I closed my eyes and resolved my heart to what I would need to do. This was the path my little adventure had led me on. It wasn’t the noblest, perhaps. But so long as I was careful and followed my heart, I was sure I could do this. 

My eyes blinked open as a loud thump and crack resounded through the room. I sat up, puzzled at the noise. Realizing that it likely came from Camilla’s room, curiosity overcame me and I got up to peek through the door. Then, too nervous to actually open it, I moved down onto my hands and knees and laid onto my side to look through the small crack. I had to press my face up against the hard wood to really see anything, and even then, it was very little. When a dark opaque shadow began to approach the door along with several footsteps, I panicked and shot back to my feet. 

Several knocks tapped against the door, and without thinking it through, I quickly opened it. Camilla stood in front of me with her fist still raised and lips parted to speak. She blinked in surprise. 

“Hi,” I said, frazzled and feeling like a complete idiot. 

Her brows creased. “Have… you been just standing here at the door?”

“…Yes?” I chewed nervously on my tongue. 

“Right,” she muttered. “We don’t have much time. I made a bit of a commotion,” she gestured behind herself, “and sentinels will likely be coming to find out what in just a few seconds.”

Leaning to the side, I glanced past her to spot the large crack splitting along the wall. Had… she really done that? Just how strong was she?

“If we are to survive the next few days, we’re going to need to work together,” she continued. “I need you to do something for me, alright?”

“Okay.” I braced myself for whatever daringly amazing yet dangerous plan she’d concocted. 

“I need you to lie to the Praevus, to do whatever you need to do to make him believe that you’re on his side. To do what he's asked of you.” She turned and moved to her desk, pulling open a small drawer and delicately taking out her diary. Following behind her, I was a bit surprised when she turned with the book gripped tightly in hand and pressed its edge against my arm. With a resigned yet firm stare, she said, “I want you to give this to him.”

“You want me to — to actually spy on you for him? To give him the diary?” Wasn't this exactly what we wanted to avoid doing? 

“I do,” she confirmed, “I’d be tempted to give it to you now, but we’re about to have visitors.” She placed it gently back into the drawer and closed it before turning my way once more.

I frowned. “But, I — I don’t want to!” She had to have a better plan than this, something that didn't involve playing right into his hands. Something a bit bolder?

“Don’t pout. I realize that. And I know you’re probably not the best liar. But you have managed to at least keep your Mark hidden in the few days that I’ve been here. If you cannot lie outright, do your best to lie by omission. The best lies are usually the ones hidden within truths.” She moved past me, making her way toward the cracked wall. Once more, I followed a little behind her. 

“I’m not pouting,” I muttered. “Is this really the plan?” Surely there was more to it than this, I thought. I blinked as a realization occurred to me. Perhaps she wanted me to actually spy on him while pretending to spy on her? 

“The plan is to keep suspicions away from you as best as we can and make the Praevus think that you’re just the naive and impressionable little maid that he thinks you are." She muttered something under her breath before continuing, "Meanwhile, I will try to find some way for us to escape from him and his men. Please try not to do anything rash or dangerous, little Pearl.” Camilla eyed me seriously for a moment until I gave her a reluctant nod. A smile managed to slip onto her face. She reached out a hand, rubbing the top of my head, her quick movement catching me by surprise. As her palm moved across the headband and rubbed against my horns, I felt them give a peculiar twitch. Her eyes narrowed and I looked away from her gaze. Thoroughly busted. 

A loud and insistent knock rattled the door to the hall, and we both looked toward it. 

Camilla’s voice lowered to a whisper. “…We’ve got a lot to talk about still, but it will have to wait, unfortunately.” I gave her a nervous jerky nod, my eyes flipping between her and the door. “I’ve got a plan for the crack in the wall, something that should keep suspicions low.”

She hesitated. “Do you trust me?”

The question that I’d been asking myself since yesterday. My lips parted, and the door rattled once more. “Camilla? If you could get the door, please?” a deep voice rang through.

“I’m a bit busy,” she shouted out after it. “I’d very much appreciate it if you could come back later?” Much quieter, she met my eyes and asked, “Enough to be partially naked when they come in?”

I gulped and feeling a little pressed on time, nodded. “I trust you.” 

The sentinel at the door, banged against it several more times. “I must insist, Lady Camilla.”

“Good,” she whispered. Her hands wrapped around behind me and started to untie the strings of my dress. My cheeks began to redden, as I realized she was planning to take it off herself. “Then we need to get you quickly undressed.” I opened my mouth to question why exactly, but she instead spoke over me. “I’m sorry, we’re nearly out of time. Can you turn around?” With a hesitant nod, I turned toward the wall, silently accepting the fact that it would probably be quicker for her to do it. Not that it lessened my embarrassment.

“Lady Camilla?” questioned the man.

"Just a few minutes, if you would," she said back, politely.

Then to me, as she finished loosening the back of my dress, she spoke softly in a rushed but breathy voice. “The story we’re going with is that the two of us were fucking a bit roughly here against the wall. I smashed my fist into it,” she quickly tapped against the long splintering crack with her right hand, “which was what caused this. Only a little different from the truth, really.” 

During her explanation, the sentinel tried to further tell us why he couldn't wait, though I only vaguely listened, doing the best I could to focus on Camilla's words.

“Gods damn it,” the sentinel cursed through the door as no answer came. Much louder he shouted, “Open this door now, or we will.

At the same time, my dress loosened enough to slip down past my shoulders, and with a small tug from Camilla, to the floor. I let out a shudder, goosebumps running up my back as I stood in the room in only my panties and headband. Wasn’t I supposed to be only partially nude? 

“Ca-Camilla,” I whispered, my voice giving away my panic. 

“Sir, you could at least give us a few minutes,” Camilla replied loudly, the exasperation clear in her voice. "I truly doubt it is that urgent." To me, she quietly muttered, “Sorry.” Her fingers slid under the fabric of my panties. 

A loud ‘eep’ left my mouth as she tugged them down to the floor with a single quick thrust, leaving me completely nude except for the headband still hiding my horns. Meanwhile, the sound of footsteps shuffled around from the other side of the door. I could only make out vague murmurs as the sentinels spoke to each other.

“We're out of time.” Her hand pressed up against my ass, pushing me against the wall and away from my clothes. “Use your dress to cover yourself.” 

“Enough of this. Away from the door.” boomed a man's voice.

Panicking and red as a tomato, I twisted back around to find my dress being tossed against me, and I scrambled to grab hold of it. Unlike before, Camilla was completely naked, the shadows that made up her dress having disappeared sometime during the process of stripping me down. As I fumbled behind her, the naked sorceress turned to face the door and tossed my panties a couple of feet away. 

“Fine, fine then,” Camilla spoke with fire in her voice. With an air of complete confidence, she crossed her arms and waited, shielding my body with her own.

After catching my dress, I frantically tried to make up or down of it and took far too long to realize that there was no time to put it on. Instead, I pressed it up against my body to hide my more delicate parts the best that I could, and just in time.

Milliseconds after, the door burst open and several sentinels rushed in, two of them armed with spitfires that were immediately aimed at Camilla. Peeking from around her side, I watched as a slightly more fancily dressed sentinel, one I’d seen only a few times prior, stepped in after them. His eyes flickered down Camilla’s form in apparent shock, as though he couldn’t actually believe what he was seeing in front of him. 

I couldn't see the annoyed glare she was probably giving them, but I could imagine it. “Was this what you wanted then, Captain?”

Another chapter! I've finally started making a bit of progress with my day planning lol. Today I actually got quite a bit written, and have been working on both chapters 3o and 31, the former of which I've ended up rewriting most of. Because of course I did. =p Hoping to have both complete and on Patreon by Sunday. And then we'll see what I can get to before next Friday! With how work tends to go for me (usually leaving me exhausted) I doubt I can get two more completed after those. But maybe it can be a stretch goal to aim for lol.

Until next week, I suppose! Let me know what you thought of the chapter in the comments, and feel free to check out my links to stuff like my Patreon and discord server in my linktree link of links:

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