Luck’s descent (BL)

Luck in money 3

A distinctly delicious scent hit Shane's nose, forcing his eyelids to open slightly. His whole body was in excruciating pain, he felt as if a herd of horses had run over him, and for a while he didn't know what had happened. But once he blinked, his vision cleared and he could see people around him, he recalled. He jerked his hands shackled behind his back against the tree, making sure the ropes were too tight for him to get out of them right away.

He didn't want to draw attention. Firstly, he wanted to familiarize with the situation he wanted to find out how many people were around, if he was the only one who had been kidnapped and if he had anything available to escape.

Blood was running down his forehead, how the guy must have hit him really hard if it hadn't dried up for all night. He was slightly sick at the thought of what would happen if they noticed he was conscious. His thick black hair partially obscured his vision, and he only gently moved his face to the side to see through it.

"Oh, he´s awake!" He suddenly heard a voice from the side, where he looked immediatly. The guy who overpowered him due to his strength was looking down on him and gave Shane an unpleasant feeling that he should never have come to Rinsel. But he was aware that his opinion didn´t matter.

Shane didn't know what to say, so he just kept silent. He guessed their goal. However, he had no intention to scream or beg.

"Did he recover, boss?" One of the guys ran up to them and excitedly approached him.

Shane gave him a silent glare and looked down at the gnawed piece of meat in his hand. At least he knew where the scent that overcame him was coming from.

"What are you looking at? Are you hungry?" The man waved the food in front of his eyes, whereupon Shane looked down.

He felt incredibly embarrassed, could feel everything hurt, and he was sure that his compass in the carriage was lying, since he really didn't think he had luck. At the least, it was strange that he was caught by a group of Rinsel people and that they knew about his transport yesterday.

"How cute he is," the leader of the group snatched a piece of meat from his subordinate's hand and took a satisfied bite, "what are you looking at?" He was having fun.

"How many Lacrisans did you rob that you have this luck?" Shane wondered.

The guy laughed amusedly: "This luck," he threw the leftovers on the ground, "you Lacrisans attribute everything to luck...I'm just stronger than you, boy. Wait ten years and we can have a rematch," he laughed, "oh, wait, it probably won´t happen." He lightly reached out to him and ran his hand over his cheek.

Shane pulled away and glared at the guy with displeasure: "Don't touch me." He disgusted.

The guy gave him a sickening grin and gently wiped a bit of blood from Shane's cheek. He brought a bloody finger to his mouth and licked it gently as he only wanted to assess the taste, "Pretty sweet...I wonder what your luck tastes like." He laughed.

Shane was disgusted by his words, but didn't react. He just looked at the man next to him who called more guys to join.

"I want you to be a good boy. Then I´ll keep you longer," he promised, "but if you decide to be cheeky, I'll sell you to the biggest scumbag I know." He laughed.

"I see one right here." Shane said.

The guy raised his eyebrows slightly and laughed amusedly. Shane didn't have time to react when he immediately slapped him hard, forcing him to turn his face to the side. The guy was really strong and Shane could feel his cheeks burning.

"Next time I'm going to use a fist, you'd better be polite, otherwise I'll let you get beaten first before we all have fun with you." He clarified.

Shane looked at him again and scanned the guys behind him. Disgust filled his insides, but he tried to stay calm, knowing that panic would only put him at another disadvantage.

"Boss, boss...when do we start?" One asked.

"Don't get ahead of yourself! I didn't even get it last time...a tree almost fell on me twice today, you don't need the luck like I do." Another pushed him.

"Of course I need it! Didn't you see yesterday?" He shouted.

"Shut up!" The leader raised his voice and glared at Shane, "Of course I'll start...looks like there's enough for all of us." He smirked.

The guys quieted down after being assured that everyone would be allowed to join and backed away. Their boss approached Shane and looked at the young man closely: "If you apologize for your impudence, I'll give you a chance and only take your saliva." He lied.

Shane had no plans to comply with anything the guy wanted. In addition, he had experience with crooks and knew that none of them would keep their word. That's why he kept silent.

"As you wish." Criminal laughed and roughly grabbed Shane's chin between his fingers.

Shane only tried to move his head to the side in protest as he brought the knife to his cheek and as if he hadn´t enough bleeding wounds on his body, he cut his skin. A fairly deep gash created a new source of blood on his face, which ran down his cheek to the guy's hand.

Shan's eyelids moved slightly as it hurt, but he didn't react much. Only when the guy hid the knife in his pocket and brought his lips to his wound contentedly, he closed his eyes. He clenched his teeth as he expected a sharp pain, of which he immediately received the impulse.

He squeezed his eyelids together and let out a soft breath as he felt his luck leaving his body. If it wasn't for the guy being surprised by the taste of Shana's blood, he probably would have had to endure the pain longer.

"Ahh," he wiped his lips and looked at Shane, "where were you bred? I've never had such a quality...unique." He was amazed.

"Is it good, boss?" The subordinate asked immediately.

"Try it." Allowed the guy.

Shane jerked harshly as another man walked to him and repeated the process. Another one, as if he didn't want to drink from the same wound his boss did, took a knife in his hand. He tore off a piece of Shane's clothing to gain access to his chest and made a shallow cut on his collarbone.

Shane wondered if each of those guys wanted to cut him and steal some of his luck. He considered how many of them there were and whether he could handle everyone before he´ll collapse. The thought of giving something so valuable to vile criminals caused him a surge of aggression and disgust he couldn't get rid of.

"Ngh!" He gritted his teeth as the guy latched onto his wound and chewed it gently with his teeth.

The sheer luck which was coming out of him set his collarbone on fire, then the muscles around it, and as the guy greedily continued, he felt how the rest of his body was starting to burn spasmodically. If he didn't know he had enough luck, he'd think he'd been exhausted in just two rounds.

"Don't exaggerate," one of the guys grabbed the man who was currently torturing Shane, "we all want some."

Shane glared at the new guy and when he saw another knife in his hand, he violently twitched his hands behind his back. However, the rope still held, and although he tried really hard, he couldn't avoid the new guy. His chest was slowly sliced open, the shallow wound bled lightly and forced Shane to wince as it stung. However, the guy didn´t pay attention to him and immediately approached his body with his tongue.

Shane wasn´t content that his nice clothes were torn to shreds because of these bastards, but he was more pissed that he was simply giving away his luck. Involuntarily, but still.

"They had no right to take it, it´s ours, only ours...the most valuable, the luck we got because it belongs to Lacrisans, no one has a right to do this. So why do the Rinselians think they can take it from us?" He was thinking with hatred while his body was tortured by hard pain.

"Boss! Can we only have blood?" Asked one, therefor Shane, whose body was still painfully hot, glared at him aggressively.

"At least for today...I'll play with him tonight and leave him for you to try tomorrow...but only blood." He said.

Shane broke out in a cold sweet the moment he heard his words, but he quickly pushed them out of his head. Until the night comes, he knew he would get out of it somehow. The new guy walked up to him and tore his robe from his shoulder to his elbow, revealing the rest of his chest. He pointed the knife at his arm and cut the blade deeper.

"Nhh! Ágh!" Shane gritted his teeth again and looked to the side at how aggressive he felt. The guy didn't stop though, and as if the minor wound wasn't enough for him, he moved the knife lower. Slicing through his skin, he cut right into his muscle, which made Shane gasp loudly in sharp pain.

"Don't play with him, we're waiting!"

"Come on! Look at his crooked face. He´s cute when he´s scared." He objected, but he hid the knife and moved on to the most unpleasant part for Shane.

Shane closed his eyes and tried to stifle a moan as the man bit into his bleeding wound and began to steal his luck again.

His aggression only increased as his arm became aching again, a hot pain washed over him and he could almost feel the one thing he really wanted to protect leave his body. But he had no way to do so. He hated them, he hated all Rinselans.

"Agh!" He screamed as one of the guys unexpectedly latched onto the wound on his chest from the other side. The pain sharpened, and he only tried to calm his pounding heart.

And while he didn't know how to focus on escaping when everyone was torturing him in the worst way Lacrisan could ever experience, one thing he was sure of. He doesn't intend to stay here until the evening.


Rue walked contentedly along the path towards the town he had seen before by the river. He wanted to see everything, he wanted to meet new people, he wanted to get to know the local life and find out everything possible.

He moved his hand to the pocket in which he hid an apple he got from a guard at the camp and happily bit into it. An enthusiastic smile appeared on his face, what a fresh taste filled him. Actually, he had no reason to be in a bad mood at all. Everything was beautiful and a minor disagreement was not worth thinking about.

As he walked, he finished eating the apple and picked out the seeds from inside. He threw the rest of the apple into the nearby grass, where the birds immediately took it.

He put the seeds in the inner pocket of his robe and stopped in surprise after a moment. He wasn't sure if this piece of clothing really had second pockets inside, so he was glad to find out that it did. But not noticing before that there was anything in them was another matter.

Surprised, he reached inside again and felt something hard. He slowly took out a smaller pouch he hadn´t seen before. It wasn't the one he found in the forest, nor was it any other he saw in the camp, as he would never steal anything. It was another one that he must have had with him all the time. He just didn't notice it.

He peered into it and blinked in surprise at the sight of the money. There were not as many of them as in the forest, but still more than what a normal person would not notice on the body. He just gently took out the shiny coins. Some were golden like the ones in the forest, some were silver, which the guard once mentioned...and some were strangely translucent, shimmering and the most beautiful to look at. Rue had no idea how he got to have them, but he knew their owner would be the same individual who got him out.

And since no one but Luck itself would save him, he enthusiastically looked up and hugged the pouch to himself: "Thank you." He laughed and hid the money back.

He didn't want them, but they would make it easier for him to get to know the countries. It didn´t bother him that if he had found them earlier, the water situation wouldn´t have arisen. Thanks to a misunderstanding, at least the pouch was returned to its rightful owner.

And so he moved on towards the city, where he intended to get to know the world that he had never seen in this form and enjoy life to the fullest. Because it was the only thing he had wanted for years...and now that he had the chance, he was never going to waste a day.

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