Luck’s descent (BL)

Luck in coincidences 2

When Nielle was done with Shane, he went to find Iuwin, who was waiting in his chamber. Lacrisan sat calmly on the sofa opposite the bed and when he saw the prince in the doorway, he slowly got up.

Nielle smiled softly, "Don't look at me as if you expected me to leave him in a famine for a month...I didn't, I have to find out what his goal is," he clarified and sat down on the couch while Iuwin looked at him from above.

"I let him get away as you wanted," he said.

"I know...but I didn't tell you to do that so soon and to leave, if I'm not mistaken...even my men didn't expect you to disappear didn't behave in the most appropriate way," he clarified.

Iuwin objected: "He wanted to go, I let him go, but you didn't have to destroy him right could just ask the people in the businesses he went to, you didn't have to punish him, he´s not here of his own free will, he works for Lacris," he clarified.

"Aren't you always on Loui's side? You didn't stick up for the Lacrisans for long." Nielle laughed.

"Prince Louise said that I should only help you because the king required it...he has no interest in sharing in the credit you will get for solving the case," he explained, but Nielle didn't let him talk.

"When did I wonder what Louis's plans were? Let him mind his reign, I don't need your help...normally he would have advised me to leave you in the palace, he would have absolutely no involvement and the fact that you actually went with me only shows that he is interested in the case with the new Lacrisan. " he explained.

"He just doesn't want you to destroy him right away in case Lacris gets mad," he clarified.

"I didn't destroy him...I just tamed him," Nielle laughed.

"Anyway-" Iuwine started, but Nielle take a step towards him and lightly touch his white uniform, temporarily silencing him.

Nielle only lightly moved his hands over the hem of the fabric higher up to his neck, roughly pulling Iuwin closer. Iuwin didn't fight back, just stared into Nielle's black irises and remained silent. Nielle smiled softly. He looked at him for a moment before gently brushing Iuwin's chest:

"Anyway... you have the day off, you can't be running around with such a dirty uniform, can you? Get it cleaned up...come back when it´s done." he patted his shoulder and backed away from him gently. Iuwin let out a deep sigh.

"If you treated the Lacrisans more politely, your life would be easier," he said and walked out of the room.

Nielle laughed with pleasure: "If I were more polite to the Lacrisans, I wouldn't even be alive," he remarked.

When he was finally alone in the room, he went to the desk. He took out a key from his pocket and used it to open one of the drawers. He took out a box, used the second key to open the second drawer, where he found the third key. When he finally opened the box and looked at several other keys before selecting one. He closed the drawer and got to the bed. He took out a box from under it, which he opened and finally saw several precious stones. He looked at them for a moment before reaching for one.

It was a silver ring into which the required type of stone could be inserted, in this case a large black gem. It was a piece he had owned all his life and usually carried with him. Lately, however, he had gotten used to wearing the black stone on his body, as he had a sufficient supply of luck from the Lacrisans. However, since he was now able to torture his new Lacrisan by using it, he intended to wear it for a while. He put a ring with a large black stone on his hand and calmly looked at it. He could feel his bad luck getting into the gem that couldn't seem to get enough.

Common stones were for one or two uses. They filled themselves with luck or bad luck. The black ones subsequently burst, or when they were of better quality, they were able to fill one more time before bursting. However, this black stone was rare, only exceptional pieces were produced for members of the royal family.

The king was very sensitive to it, he always carried his with him, as if he was paranoid that something would happen to him if he took it off his finger. However, his youngest son found it easier to charge his luck from the Lacrisans than to rely on some special stone to prevent his bad luck to hurt him.

However, when he had it on his finger for some time, he had to admit that it was quite a good and fresh feeling. Therefore, he smiled gently, closed the box and hid it back under the bed. He then left the room towards the dining room.

He intended to eat first, then go to his new Lacrisan and continue his duties in his company. He couldn't wait for his new toy to finally behave properly.


When Shane calmed down more or less and went with the guard to the room for the Lacrisans, he felt like sleeping the rest of the day. And seeing no reason not to, he immediately ignored his roommate's questions and went to bed. When everyone realized that he wasn't in the mood and that Nille probably had to take care of him more than usual, they let him take a nap. Shane was given a moment to gather his strength. He didn't feel like he was having a mental breakdown anymore, he was quite fine, just incredibly exhausted.

When he fell asleep, he wasn't woken by the calls of others for lunch, and even when the door to the room opened, he didn't register anything. He slept, and to his delight he dreamed nothing at all.

However, his peace only lasted until someone pulled the blanket off him. Exhausted, Shane opened his eyelids and tried to feel the sheets that had covered him until now, but he couldn't. So he just closed his eyes again and tried to fall asleep again. However, when someone subsequently threw a blanket over him and covered him all over, he recovered again. He peeked out from under the covers and looked at Nielle, who was talking to him the whole time, but Shane was ignoring him.

He blinked gently and listened to what the bastard wanted: "Get up, we have a lot of work," he informed.

Shane stared at him for a moment, taking in his eager expression, and after deciding that he didn't feel like going anywhere, he pulled the blanket back over himself and closed his eyes in an attempt to sleep. Nielle let out a deep sigh and tried to pull the blanket off of him, but Shane held it tight again.

"Get up," Nielle finally snatched it from him violently and threw the blanket aside, "don't expect me to consider your injury just because you're a newbie...get up or I'll use something you won't like." he clarified.

Shane looked at him indifferently and after a moment of consideration, he sighed deeply. He slowly sat up and yawned softly, how exhausted he was. Rinsel's lack of luck was one thing, but wearing a disgusting collar that could make him feel as if all luck had been drained from him at any time according to its owner's wishes didn't help at all. Having experience with it, he knew that the best way to recover was sleep. And since this idiot hadn't given him one, Shane knew he couldn't count on him being able to go to work today.

"You see, just like that, " Nielle said and walked out of the room.

Shane followed him slowly. They walked out into the hallway, then down the stairs, and as they moved to the floor facing the exit, Nielle said, "You look better than I expected." He laughed.

Shane ignored him. He walked slowly on, wondering if tonight would be enough for him to recharge or if he would be knocked out longer. His whole body ached, whether it was from the things the prince had done to his ass and muscles or from self-inflicted injuries. He didn't feel like talking with him anyway.

"And you finally know how to keep quiet properly," Nielle was amused, but when Shane still didn't answer, he pointed out, "I said that re-education is my hobby."

Lacrisan walked behind the prince, still ignoring his bullshit. He turned off for a moment and when Niella stopped after a while, he did the same and slowly looked at him.

"Maybe I cut out your tongue in the torture chamber." he laughed.

Shane looked at him. He stared at him for a moment before a sudden disgust filled him, with which he declared, "Animal."

"What?" Nielle didn't understand.

"We don't talk to animals in Lacris," Shane clarified.

Nielle just raised his eyebrows in shock and said after a while, "Me?" he laughed, "You are all animals in Lacris, but you call me one?" he had fun.

Shane just gently raised his fingers to his neck, which he felt constricted by something, "Such one but a disgusting animal would use. At first I thought you wouldn't live up to your reputation and people exaggerate, but I was wrong. You're not even human... you can make a deal with people, talk... but I have nothing more to say to you. You're just a disgusting animal…no Prince. In Lacris at least princes behave befitting their status, but you have nothing of human behavior." he stated in disgust.

Nielle looked at him for a moment before laughing with pleasure: "I only treat you as your kind deserves. You're really stupid if you didn't realize it sooner, Lacrisan," he took a step towards him and raised his hand contentedly to touch his cheek, "but don't think it will change anything. Whether you're going to talk to me or not, whether you're going to be submissive or not, we're going to spend every night together...seeing the difference in your politeness compared to the moments in bed makes me want to play with you more often." He laughed.

Shane simply pulled his palm away from his cheek and gave him an irritated glare, "You're going to regret it," he stated.

Nielle gently lifted the corners and declared contentedly: "I don't regret anything," he clarified and stepped forward after a while.

Nielle hadn't expected Shane to treat him with such rudeness after begging for mercy in the dungeon a few hours earlier. However, to his own surprise, it didn't bother him, on the contrary. He felt considerable interest and amusement at his unusual approach. The only thing that Shane evoked in him was the need to subdue him more intensively.

When the Lacrisans came to him, most were tame, some realizing they were supposed to obey after their first night with him. However, he didn't have to deal with obedience for long with anyone, and he didn't have to put a collar on anyone to make them listen. Shane's new behavior was an interesting twist to Nielle's life, and he was going to really have fun until he tame him.

Shane, on the other hand, was determined to ignore him and focus on his task, after which he intended to pay Nielle back and teach him to regret his inhuman behavior. However, he was currently at a disadvantage, so he just followed the prince out of the palace in silence.

They went to the part between the inner and middle walls, where people close to the royal family lived. He was surprised at how close the house he was with Iuwin was today. After Nielle stopped in front of the house, they only waited a moment after knocking before Elyan peeked out.

"Good afternoon," he didn't sound enthusiastic, "normal doctors would kick you out for waiting for the results on the day of the exam." he declared.

Niella laughed softly, "And since when are you a normal doctor?" he asked and entered.

Elyan let him through, followed by Shane, and when they were all inside, he closed the door. He went with them to the room where the distraught guys were lying, with Brelle standing next to them. He was holding a bloody doctor's knife in one hand, a sheaf of papers in the other, as if examining where to make the cut.

"Brelle," Nielle walked up to him, "are you messing with Elyan again?" he noted.

"Nielle...hi," Brelle smiled and put the knife down, "it's always see something don't even know what you're missing." he pointed out.

"If I gave up on everything like you and went to devote myself to my hobbies that won't bring anything to the king, he would probably disinherit me," he declared and looked at the papers his brother was holding, "what did you find out?"

"What did he find out?" laughed Elyan, who walked into the room and displeasedly took Brelle's papers, "I guess I found out, didn't I? Stupid kids." he noted.

"Elyan," Brelle frowned.

"Please accept my apology, I'm not expressing myself...stupid grown-up kids," he didn't take his eyes off the papers.

Nielle chuckled softly at how this doctor was the only one who could talk with princes like that. He even had a special kind of relationship with the king, but surprisingly no one found it strange.

"If it wasn't you, I'd have you flogged for such bullshit," Nielle remarked.

"Give it a try...I wonder which of your executioners will touch me," Elyan remarked, turning over a sheet of paper before stating, "we haven't completed the full search, but I investigated the method of killing first, so you're in luck," he said and passed to the guys on the table, "guess what killed them?" he looked at Nielle.

"Elyan, don't," Brelle sighed.

"Why? I haven't even eaten because of him yet," the doctor said, raising his eyebrows as he waited for Nielle to answer.

"I'd say decapitation, but since you ask, there's going to be something else…like the black spots on their necks…lack of luck." Nielle had known since he'd had the men brought here.

"Right," Elyan wasn't surprised that Nielle guessed correctly, "if he didn't cut their heads off, the lack of luck would have killed them anyway...I haven't studied everything yet, but it looks like their hearts stopped and then they were decapitated...probably at the same time....fascinating, though." he remarked dispassionately.

"It's fascinating," Brelle sounded more enthusiastic. He ran his fingers gently along the black lines on one of the guys's necks and said, "It looks like something is drained them of luck." he pointed out.

"That's why I had them you know of anything that drains luck?" Nielle wondered and looked at the couple, visibly hesitating, "What? Do you really know something?"

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