Lowly Ascent

Chapter 77 – Conflict of Interests

For half a day, Cain had his believers build a raft. They were finally at the great expanse but now needed to build a boat to make it to Cardin.

This problem of having to build a raft had been known for a while by Cardin, and they did do something about it.

Cardin built small ships that could travel through the narrow paths. Even so, these ships weren't used often. The docks the ships traveled to were at the very south of the great expanse.

People would have to travel around the whole expanse to get to these ships and travel to Cardin. For large groups like Cain's, who could just build rafts, it wasn't worth it to travel the extra distance to get to Cardin.

With the raft built, Cain and his subordinates began their journey to Cardin. Even with this large area of islands, once they traveled deeper into the swamp, they could see a bright light coming from Cardin's direction. The city had built a structure similar to a lighthouse, which allowed ships to find their way by seeing the light.

With this light, the rest of the journey was smooth sailing, and Cain's group made it to the great city of Cardin the next day.

As they hit land, the group saw every building in sight was at least 5 stories high.

Because Cardin is on an island, the city is very compact, and buildings usually have different functions on their many floors.

The first floor usually holds a store, and the second holds one as well. But from there on, from the 3rd floor and up were residences for living or office buildings and the like.

Cain first wanted to find Xavier. His patience was already running thin from having to travel this far.

He sent his men to find an inn to rest while he himself went to find Xavier. It was going to be hard finding him when the streets were chaotic and filled with travelers and citizens alike.

Some popular stores had long lines spanning blocks, Cain was bemused that people would waste their time waiting like this. He had all the time in the world, but these people had a lifespan that was expending itself every second.

'Humans are so odd indeed.'

Taking in the views, he made his way to a quieter area. This area was specially designated for plague doctors and augmenters. It held shops that sold bacteria, viruses, serums, and even runic weapons.

Entering one of these stores that sold weapons with runes, he walked up to the counter and spoke with an employee.

"Excuse me, I am looking for a rune smith. Their name is Xavier Palmer. Would you happen to know who he is?"

"No one by that name works here, but there are a few other stores you can try."

The worker told Cain about the only 6 other stores in Cardin that worked with runes. He went to 2 other stores, but neither knew Xavier.

However, luck was on Cain's side when he went to the next store and found himself witnessing an interesting scene.

Walking into the 4th store, he saw a young man with a mustache yelling at a woman who looked wealthy just from the clothes she was wearing.

The young man was berating her about something, and as Cain neared, he overheard what he was saying.

"Do you know how hard an inscription like that is? Not even 10 people working here can do it, let alone each making one in 3 days! You're crazy, lady. We will not accept this order, please leave."

"Sir, I need these weapons done soon. How about 3 months for 50 of them? I will pay double."

The man put one hand on his chin while the other twirled his mustache. "Well, I guess- wait! I see what you're doing! ...And I accept your challenge! 50 inscribed weapons in 3 months, we're on it!"

Cain could tell the woman smiled at the man's response. With her long red hair, anyone else couldn't make out her facial features from behind.

However, as she turned around, a realization struck him, and he couldn't help but laugh inwardly. It was Alex, wearing a stunned expression like a deer caught in headlights.

Cain grinned slyly and spoke, "By your reaction, it seems you are surprised to see me. I wonder why?"

The man behind the woman leaned over to see Cain and smiled. "Sir, I am happy to help you. Is there anything you're looking for?"

"Actually, I'm looking for a skilled rune smith who goes by the name of Xavier Palmer. Do you know him?"

Looking at Cain with a raised brow, clearly wary, the man responded, "I am Xavier Palmer, but I don't recall that I know you, sir?"

"You wouldn't. Do you know the runes on this box?"

Cain walked past Alex and took out a small black box with gold lining in the middle. As soon as Xavier saw it, he grew insatiably curious.

"It seems that the runes are incredibly small. Follow me to the back, and I'll do an analysis of its material and runes."

Cain followed Xavier as they left Alex at the storefront, still bewildered by Cain's appearance in Cardin. As her thoughts slowed down and her panic receded, she quickly collected herself and left, preparing to confront him later that day.


In a back room, Cain waited as Xavier analyzed the black box. It took over 10 minutes.

Finally, Xavier stopped using his equipment and looked at Cain wide-eyed.

"Where did you get this box? It has runes only described in my family's records. Is that why you looked for me?"

"Yes, I need to know how to open the box."

Xavier paced around the room, his footsteps quick and erratic.

"My records only describe how old it is and what it was used for, not how to unlock it. Runes are made from tiny codes that need to be followed to unlock their capabilities. It's like a key entering a lock, but usually, the locks need a biological substance as the key."

"So what's the key for the box?"

"I do not know. All I know is that the runes on this box are sealing runes, sealing the inside from the outside. The only place you could find any records telling what these runes do would be in old ruins as old as the runes you have. Not only is that almost impossible to do, the ruins themselves are dangerous.

"Luckily I know of a few, and the closest one nearby is also the best bet to find records of this sort. The runes use similar carvings to the ones seen over there."

Such ruins used to be old towns or cities that were populated by plague doctors and the like. The one Xavier spoke of was the closest to Cardin.

It was on the edge of Netherane and used to be a massive city but is now just crumbling rocks.

Cain memorized everything Xavier told him but he was still confused. "How am I supposed to find the key to these runes in that place?"

"You need a rune smith for that. I would recommend someone from Inscribed Treasures. They do stuff like this from time to time."

"Can't I just hire you?"

"No, I don't do stuff like that. So find someone else."

Cain began to uncontrollably laugh at Xavier's rude reaction.

His patience had run out. "Do you think I was asking? I traveled so far to find you, and I'm going to make use of you until you're just skin and bones!"

Taken aback by Cain's switch in behavior, Xavier spoke respectfully with a serious tone, "Customer, please leave. You do not need to pay for the analysis as it is my treat. I will now direct you to the door."


Xavier's eyes widened as he looked at Cain in disbelief, but his eyes soon reflected fear as he saw Cain's mouth curve up into a wicked smile.

The air went stale, and Xavier's body went stiff, he felt as if a predator was hanging over his head with its mouth wide open, ready to take a bite.

His last thought froze, never to be fully formed. His movements had long stopped, and he closed his eyes. When he finally opened them again, he smiled like a child who had just been given candy.

Xavier bowed with his hand on his chest. "Hello, my Lord. How may this servant help you?"

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