Lowly Ascent

Chapter 61 – The Eternal Lord Of Pestilence

For the last few weeks, Austin had been training with each of the heads of the Syndicate. They taught him their skills and showed him the ropes, though the ropes were few, just like the syndicate members.

Austin had improved drastically, and as he grew so did the syndicate, albeit steadily. 

Young recruits would enter a division every once in a while, but the syndicate hasn't even broken the hundreds yet.

Today specifically, was the day for the Syndicate's usual meeting.

Austin was with Sarah when they entered the meeting hall. But today was different from the last few meetings. Everyone was kneeling to a figure dressed in black—it was Cain.

Austin and Sarah wasted no time kneeling, and only the newer recruits were still standing, confused, quickly being pulled down by their superiors.

Cain started to speak.

"Looks like everyone is here. For this meeting, I will be giving a gift to those who have been loyal thus far. The six heads, please step forward."

Without a word, the six heads walked up and kneeled in front of Cain. Cain took out six wine glasses and his dagger.

He suddenly cut his wrist, blood flowed into each cup.

The six were alarmed but stayed silent in front of their lord's actions. Cain handed each of them a cup of blood and commanded them to drink. They did so without question and went back into the small crowd.

"I will also be announcing my title that you should refer to me from now on. 'Cain' is too obscure and can be connected to the Defiant Slave. From now on, refer to me as just 'Lord' or 'Pestilence' for short. That is all. Continue as you usually would."

Cain disappeared, and the torches in the room burned brighter. Austin could hear all sorts of things in the crowd.

"You idiot, that was the Lord! How dare you stand?"

"Fool, why did you stand there like an idiot?"

Many seniors beat or reprimanded the recruits. However, Austin's attention focused on him and the other five who were given their lord's blood.

"What do you think the lord's gift is? He drew his own blood and gave it to us to drink. Could it be that we are now his kin?" Cassian spoke first, his look of excitement layering his face.

Yonio quickly disputed him. "Of course not, fool. We will know with time. The Lord would tell us otherwise. Don't get caught up in your delusions!"

They conversed a little more before the group split, and Austin left with Yonio to learn from him this week.

It was only the next day that they found out the truth about Cain's blood.

"Young Lord, Young Lord! Look at me, is my hair darker!"

Austin was woken up by Yonio, but he grew shocked when he saw his face. Yonio's beard had turned brown, and the wrinkles on his forehead were also less pronounced. He overall looked at least 5-10 years younger.

"What happened to you? Did you augment yourself?"

"No, no! I woke up like this. I believe it to be the lord's blood!"

The greatest thing about the virus was that it had a piece of the consuming virus, which made a balance. This allowed Cain to use it even if the receiver was an augmenter. They would not be affected by it and would still retain the longevity trait.

It was good to add Cain also slightly improved the longevity trait so his underlings would get almost instantaneous effects.

Otherwise, it would take decades to realize the effects which was too slow and against his new image.

The six heads quickly met. They all had signs of reverse aging, and they began to fawn over the Lord's blood, even wishing for more.

Their loyalty turned more obsessive with a single cup of his blood, just as Cain wanted.

Without anyone's knowledge, Cain additionally gave his blood to Freddie and a few other higher-ups in the Merchant group, but it was a very small number, fewer than the six syndicate heads.


Around the time Cain stopped his research, the three caravans he sent out returned with more than they left with. Not only did they bring wealth, but also hundreds of contaminants that Cain now had at his disposal.

Ever since they were bought and brought here, the caravan's contaminants have been non-stop told about Cain and their unified mission.

They were all buttered up and ready for Cain to harvest. Of course, a few were skeptical, but these people were quickly shut down in light of Cain and his generosity.

He spent his time meeting every single one of them. It took weeks of his time, but he eventually made profiles of every single one and gave them positions suiting them.

This led to a large influx of members joining the syndicate.

Many of these former slaves were willing to do anything to get back at the people of Netherane.

The Merchant Group continued to grow, and the syndicate grew at a rapid pace. Facilities began to spring up throughout the large sewers—hideouts, research facilities, education facilities, and even an embassy was made in the underground city.

The Syndicate became bigger and bigger as Kilvish rapidly improved his program and quantity of "teachers." He also began to buy anyone from the age of one to sixteen years old.

The foundation of the syndicate continued to grow and overtake the other organizations in size.

These recruits were brought up with reverence about their lord. He was described as a god, and once many heard the rumors of gaining longevity by earning his favor, everyone began to try and earn a spot in the elite forces.

Austin became overworked and had to hold many tests and "tryouts" for those who fit Cain's criteria. However, many couldn't pass.

Either they weren't fit for daggers and stealth, or they didn't have the disposition and loyalty. Many only wanted to gain longevity.

Cain reprimanded Kilvish for this, and intense brainwashing and manipulation were redone on many recruits. Kilvish even got help from Yonio on a lobotomy project. This strengthened the foundation even more, and Austin was able to recruit a few members and begin teaching them the dagger technique.

After they learned the dagger technique, they were able to meet Cain. Those who did became even more zealous. Many of their fellow members asked if longevity was true, and their response was, "Anything can be given if it is from God."

This sparked even more members to try and gain a high position. Many joined the intelligence division to try and gain the abilities to join the elite force.

Others opted to stand out in their own way. Some of the more promising members did get to meet Cain and became more fervent as a result.

Cain was glad to see this, his organization slowly became his own private force where he ruled as a god over mortals.

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