Lowly Ascent

Chapter 59 – The Masked Man’s Anger

Cain had a wide grin, he was looking at the table in front of him. It held a complete set of research apparatuses that were of high quality.

Over the last month, many such high-grade items have entered the market. Cain believed them to be sold by groups that had scavenged Free City and were laying low until now.

But it didn't matter; he now had everything he needed to research the virus Numineer had given him. 'The key to Grade 4' as Numineer called it.

Cain was eager to shut himself in his laboratory and begin his research. Even so, he had to do one thing to make sure nothing would happen in his absence. Not for the Merchant Group, but for his syndicate.

Having planned this in advance, Cain headed into the sewers to interrupt a certain event being held at this very moment.


In the city underground, massive buildings were made of wood and stone. Wood houses lay above the ground suspended by ropes, while stone buildings were carved out of the natural cavern where the sewers were built.

In the biggest column of stone was the monthly meeting place of all the underground organizations. They would converse and strengthen relations; the leaders of these syndicates would be followed by their most trusted individuals and henchmen.

"To commence this monthly meeting, we, the Pinkmen group, will talk about the recent influx of high-quality goods. We have-"

The meeting began, and no one was none the wiser of Cain's presence. He felt like he had to appear nice for this meeting, so he wore fine-crafted robes that appeared more formal.

The robes were matte black and had buttons going down the middle. He had another white robe draped over him and wrapped it around certain parts of his body like the arms and chest.

The robes were separated for the upper and lower body. The lower part was made up of silky black pants that looked luxurious and comfortable.

Cain looked majestic, like a hidden emperor enjoying his evening. He loved the outfit so much that when the finished product was given to him, he already made plans to make a more casual one made from stronger fabrics.

A mysterious man had already taken a seat at the table during the meeting, yet no one noticed his presence.

It was only when one of the bored guards looked around and realized the man was there did someone noticed his presence. The guard yelled out in wariness.

Gazes fell on Cain one by one.

The underground bosses studied a strange man wearing what looked to be ceremonial robes and a theater mask depicting a happy face. He gave off a sense of warning and dread.

"Who are you, and why have you interrupted this meeting?"

Cain knew who spoke just by looking at him. He was Tony Krones, the leader of the Black Death Syndicate. The Black Death syndicate dealt with 'extreme' drugs and trafficked those who couldn't pay their dues. They had other businesses, but those weren't as important.

Cain already knew that everyone in this meeting was only an augmenter, with 1 or 2 being plague bearers, but none were above grade 2.

He was like a human getting involved with ants, but these ants could harm the seeds he had sown, so he had no choice but to make himself known.

"Well, I've come to make sure a few children don't spoil what I am trying to create. I have just come to warn you that if you harm my people, I will kill every last one of you in the most painful way imaginable."

Dumbfounded, anger rose in many of the people present. However, someone raised their hand, and silence enveloped the room.

"What makes you think you have the right to say such words?"

"Ah, the man known as Grym. Leader of the Keitis Foundation, which acts as your cover on the surface and your power in the underground. I would say that I have the right to say this since I can butcher all of you like animals."

Grym frowned, and he motioned his hand. A guard near Cain nodded and immediately attacked where Cain sat. Piercing the chair.

The guard stared in confusion. The mysterious man had disappeared!

Cain suddenly appeared behind the guard; he stood still. His mask had a bit of blood on it, which only made the onlooker's confusion grow.

But this wasn't for long.

The guard didn't move since he attacked but instantly fell apart into a pile of gory pieces. Stunned, the faces of the criminals present turned tense.

Grym was the first to speak, his voice a little shaken, he was frightened.

"I-It seems I need to apologize, sir. It seems that you do have the right to speak as you wish, forgive me."

The mask on Cain's face seemed to warp. Before, it appeared to be a joyful face, but now it was one of rage.

Cain spoke softly but clearly in a stern and angry tone.

"I will say this once: If I have to come back here ever again, know that none of you will survive. I will make you feel pain that can't even be described to you because there is no word that can capture just how painful it will be. I will submerge this place in despair and watch as your minds break into fragments from the madness I will instill."

As soon as he finished his sentence, the rest of the guards in the room collapsed into piles of blood and flesh. The crime lords became horrified. They instinctually quivered witnessing such a scene.

No one spoke until Grym muttered, "Would it be acceptable for this lowly one to know the great lord's name?"

"I am simply a Pestilence."

Cain then disappeared from their sight. The remaining survivors had a look of relief, but as they looked at the floor to see their men, fear overtook them.

As the social leader of this sad bunch, Grym spoke "We should do nothing to any new organizations that pop up. We cannot survive that...'things' anger."

"Agreed." Everyone answered the same, agreeing with his proposal.


Cain returned to his laboratory after cleaning up. He had already announced his enclosed research.

No one knew how long it would be until he came out. Cain closed the double doors to his laboratory and locked it.

Now, he could finally spend his time discovering the secrets of this law-defying virus.

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