Lowly Ascent

Chapter 37 – Banquet

Cain and Rebecca patted the grass off their clothes and followed Targan back to the banquet. It appeared to be more lively than before, the main hall was filled with hundreds of people wearing embroiled clothes with their family crests.

Many were standing at tables as servants passed by and gave wine and drinks, there was a long table that held food at one side of the hall that guests were filling their plates with.

The hall was illuminated by white crystal chandeliers that hung above everyone, there were numerous lamps on the walls for extra illumination.

The room had a lively atmosphere. Cain heard laughter from a group of older gentlemen and murmuring from a circle of young noblewomen.

"Both of you don't have to walk around, just stand at a table and talk with one another, no one should bother you. I have to go greet the guests, please excuse me."

Rebecca wished her brother luck as she and Cain made their way to their own table and enjoyed the free drinks while discussing more topics.

Yet with all this wine, Rebecca became intoxicated and asked Cain more personal questions.

"Before meeting you, brother told me a lot about your situation, can you tell me about your family?"

Cain was prepared for a situation like this and Lina made a solid thorough background for Cain that would need much investigation before he could be proven to be a fraud.

The Lavedel family did exist, but it has long since been wiped out in an earlier war. However, with Lina helping, information could be faked and this family lived once more through the lie that is Cain Lavedel.

If anyone tried to investigate Cain himself, they would learn he did originally come from Free City. 

With that area now being infested with the dead, no one would investigate more. The only issue would be Cain was seen at the Kingdom's military camp.

But as a merchant that could also be explained.

"My family had land close to Free City, many of our elders and even our patriarch were in Free City for business when the siege of the dead happened. They died and since our estate was on the outskirts of Free City, we were attacked as well"

Cain's acting was superb, his face grew serious as his eyes reddened and he looked saddened from recounting his tale.

"They attacked at night of the second day of the siege. Before we knew it, they surrounded us as we fought with all we had.

I slowly watched my brother, sister, father and my mother die as they were devoured in the defense.

Before I knew it...I-I was the last of my generation and my elders were now fighting for my survival as they made a path for me to escape with some belongings"

"The rest you already know, I passed through Yoen and made my way from the capital of Puffrid to here."

Rebecca listened in her intoxicated state, she began to tear up and sob hearing his story.

"That's so sad! I can't even imagine what it was actually like, I'm so sorry for having you remember that night. Please forgive me."

She had her head on the table while sobbing with a glass of wine in hand, she drank 6 wine glasses and was already in such a state.

"It's ok, It's ok. Please stop crying."

Cain felt like he was dealing with a child, he tried placating the situation.

He then gave up and looked around to try and find Targan but he had no luck. Rebecca became worse and began to say incoherent sentences, through her mumbling, he could make out one of the words she spoke.


He sighed and went to go get food to hopefully get her to calm down and stop sobbing. He walked up to the long table and began to fill the plate with meat and some roasted vegetables and took a fruit or two.

As he walked back, he saw two blonde nobles next to Rebecca, they were not a day over 17.

As he got closer, he saw them harassing her and taking advantage of her drunken stupor. Cain's veins began to bulge as he kept his image of a gentleman and calmly walked over.

"Miss Rebecca. you are so beautiful, you should not have to stand here. Come to my carriage, it is comfy in there and you can rest your head!"

The youth began to run his hand down her back as it reached an inappropriate area. The other youth did the same thing but in her chest area.

Before anyone knew it, a plate of food was thrown and hit one of the youths on the head, the other looked confused before a fist connected with his face and he went flying to the floor.

"W-Who dares!"

The noble hit with the plate of food was on the floor covered in food and held his head as it bled profusely.

"You touch a drunk woman and take advantage of her, a noblewoman of the Garsh family no less!"

'Damn it, what is with these Nobles in this city! How do I fix this? If Targan finds out I left Rebecca alone I can kiss my ticket into the Mayor's mansion goodbye!'

Cain had purposely raised his voice so other nobles nearby could hear the altercation if they hadn't already heard the plate smashing.

Murmurs began to fill the room as the two nobles on the floor began to get embarrassed and lashed out.

"Noblewomen? Pfft! She's just a bitch who will go to the highest bidder, who are you anyway, I don't see a sigil on you? Wait...you're no noble you filthy commoner! How dare you touch me!"

"He is her fiancé and soon to be my brother-in-law!"

Targan's voice was commanding and cold, he walked through the crowd and set his eyes on the two young nobles.

"Cain, get Rebecca and bring her to her room on the second floor, a servant will guide you"

Cain didn't say anything and picked up Rebecca and headed upstairs. As he walked away he could hear Targan continue speaking, with a hint of anger that caused everyone to silence.

"The Ustav family will have a week to leave Barch, if they do not do this or make up for this mistake, they will be erased from the earth by me personally."

The two nobles began to sweat and one of them pissed themselves. Footsteps came from the crowd and an old man walked up to them. He looked at them with anger and put both hands on his cane like one would unsheathing a sword.


The cane made a click as a sword was unsheathed and quickly beheaded both nobles with fear still on their faces. The man immediately turned around and got on one knee.

"I beg Lord Targan to forgive this transgression and forgive my family, I have dispatched those who have wronged you and hope for your forgiveness"

Targan smirked, yet his tone was still cold. "Let us discuss this in private, the Garsh family needs more than this to be satisfied."

The old man was worried when he heard the young lord, lowering his head even farther to the floor. There was nothing he could do and followed Targan upstairs to his office.


Cain followed a servant to a room, he opened the door and was met with Rebecca's room.

There were tons of bookshelves, it looked more like a library than a bedroom.

'So spacious.'

Her bed held lots of stuffed animals so he tried to lay her down in a comfortable position. When he laid her down, he realized she was already asleep with a childish smile on her face.

'Acting even in sleep? Is she smug with herself?'

Cain sat down in a chair and waited for her to wake up or for Targan to return.

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