Lowly Ascent

Chapter 35 – Targan Garsh

Cain sat in his office, he was finishing his work for the day and only had one more hurdle until he could rest.

That hurdle was the meeting with a powerful noble of the Empire who resides in Barch.

Knock Knock Knock

"Come in"

The door to Cain's office creaked open. A young gentleman walked through the door, he had brown hair and dark yellow eyes.

"Hello there, I am Targan Garsh. I was told you wish to do business with my family?"

Targan was the young master of the Garsh family, the noble family that has defended Barch since its making, they are one of the 3 founding noble families of Barch. Targan was only 27 but he has already taken over many duties in his family and had a pristine reputation.

The Garsh family was one of the noble families interested in Cain and took the chance when Cain invited them to meet with him.

Although Cain wasn't a good merchant, it didn't matter when he knew the market trends.

"Yes I wanted to speak with your family on how to regain my status as nobility, your family seemed to be the best bet to achieve that goal."

Targan graciously smiled.

"Well, then there are no worries! It might have been hard if you were never a noble but since you are a fallen noble, it is quite easy. Nobility is just a term for people who have been in power for a long time, if weren't a noble prior, it would've taken a few generations. Luckily for you, this will be much quicker."

Cain was surprised by his eccentric attitude and how forthcoming Targan was. Targan was upfront and didn't act like a noble other than when they made greetings, their conversation had no etiquette or any manner of nobility at all!

It was then that Targan dropped the bomb. 

"Oh but to do that you're going to have to marry someone. Though you seem set on getting back what you have lost. I doubt there are issues.

"This is the only way to gain back standing quickly since you don't want to wait and build influence quickly which requires backing...like my family."

Cain sighed internally. 

"You seem very straightforward for a noble, you're treating me like some old friend and breaking all pretense."

Targan paused, then grinned.

"Well, I've never met someone close to my age who is also quite successful. Plus, who would dare go against my family, you surely don't have the ability, so there's no problem."

'So it's pride....'

Targan spoke as if it was some royal degree from god, his eyes became darker and a tinge of red appeared around his irises, he looked like a tyrant drunk on power but still sober, it was an odd feeling.

"Well then I would be happy to help the Garsh family however I can"

Targan clasped his hands, "Good! We welcome talented individuals! All we require you to do is to marry into our family and become one of our own!"

Cain looked visibly upset and his face darkened.

"So I would become a Garsh? What about my family name?"

Targan's eyes once again darkened as a vicious red surrounded his irises "What? Isn't being a Garsh an honor, don't you wish to become nobility again? ...Will you deny me a new brother?"

In response to his anger, Cain appeared to be sweating and looked nervous. But it was just a façade.

"Of course not...brother. I am ecstatic to become a part of such an ancient and noble family"

Targan's face lightened up, and he spoke a few more words with Cain related to him joining the family and leaving.

The noble said he would contact Cain to schedule a visit to his family in a few days to make things proper.

As he left, Cain's face began to creep into a smirk, the edges of his lips went from cheek to cheek and his blood-red eyes gave off an eerie glint.

'Step one, done. Only a little more time until I can finish this mission, I should climb the military ladder by quite a lot.'

Cain spent the rest of his day in bed, he did teach Anders a bit and had a few drinks with his team.

But he soon went to his bed to spend the rest of the day sleeping like a baby.


A day and a half passed before a butler handed a letter to Sarah who was working as Cain's secretary.

"Captain, a letter from the Garsh family"

Sarah handed him the letter and walked back to her desk to continue working. Cain opened the letter and read its contents.


Dear Cain Lavedel,

You have been cordially invited to the banquet my family is holding three days from now. You can bring someone with you if you wish and the attire must be formal.

I hope to see you there.


Targan Garsh


Cain put down the letter, he then called out to Sarah.

"Cancel anything I have three days from now, I have a formal event I have to go to."

"Alright I'll get someone to contact the merchants and suppliers about the change in schedule."

"Thank you."


Another three days passed.

Cain's carriage stopped in front of a huge mansion, there was a bright light illuminating from the building. There were people conversing on the lawn while others were arriving and heading inside.

Cain, wearing a black and red striped suit, seemed a tad bit out of place. The stripes on his suit were vertical and he wore a red tie with it. He looked like a mobster but when paired with his red eyes, it gave a dignified aura.

As he got out of his carriage, as soon as he got out he could see Targan approaching him. He was wearing a dark yellow suit that fit his eyes perfectly.

"Its so good to see you here! Your coachman can bring the carriage around to the back where the other carriage are being stored. Come, follow me, I will show you around!"

The mansion was big, it had 3 floors and took up 2 blocks. The mansion was one of the first building constructed so the city was built around it, this gave a more quiet atmosphere.

Garsh mansion was near the center of the city where there was less people and noise from the factories were barley audible.

The mansion's first floor was usually for events like this, it had a huge hall where many tables were situated and nobles were walking around and talking to one another.

There was also a garden in the back where many people went to get fresh air, a kitchen, dining hall, and recreational rooms were also on the first floor.

The second floor was where people slept as well as some home offices for certain family members.

The third floor was for the patriarch and elders of the family, even Targan couldn't enter often, they had their own offices and they mostly stayed there all day working.

"Cain follow me, I will let you meet my sister"

The fallen noble undoubtedly followed Garsh like a dog. Cain's plan relied on using the Garsh family to get him into the mayors mansion, if he had to play house with some girl, so be it.

The pair walked up to a girl standing by herself and Targan introduced her, "This is my sister Rebecca."

Rebecca was beautiful beyond words, she was of short stature and had long light brown hair that seemed to look ethereal under the light.

Her eyes looked like they were made of amber that seemed to reflect everything. She was truly gorgeous and Cain's heart stopped for a 5th of a second when he saw her.

"Hello, I am Rebecca, it is nice to meet you, brother Targan says such good things about you!"

She bowed with etiquette, her voice was smooth and had a higher pitch, it sounded like flowing honey. Cain was awestruck. He immediately turned to Targan with suspicion.

Targan pulled him aside for a moment when he saw Cain's disbelief.

"I know what your thinking, and yes, this is illogical. You may be talented but she is out of your league. Even if your somewhat good looking. The reason my family chose her as your partner is because of some internal matters and to show our goodwill. As long as you make us wealthier and serve the family we are glad to make this deal."

Cain was perplexed, what internal matter makes a girl as beautiful as her used in a deal to acquire a lowly merchant? It didn't make sense.

Clearly, Cain didn't think his luck was this logic defying either!

He took a deep breath after taking everything in and looked back towards Rebecca, and then put on a gentlemanly smile.

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