Love at the Right Time

Chapter 32

Chapter 32

Wen Qinghan basically drew a line from the work that he never left his hands in. The law firm’s affairs all fell on Jian Yizhi. The people in the law firm also knew from the beginning that Wen Qinghan and Shi Qingqiu were married. After that, the explosive enthusiasm turned into apathy, and I began to miss Wen Qinghan, which was a phenomenon that had never happened before.

Li Wenxiao came back from the tea room on the first floor with a water cup and sighed, “I miss her on the fifth day when Boss Wen is away.”

Chen Yi came back from the bathroom and met Li Wenxiao. His eyes were facing each other. Chen Yi sighed: “On the fifth day when the humanoid cooler was absent, I suddenly felt that the city was hot and smoking.”

Shao Qing held a document under her arm, swiping Weibo from the second floor, and muttering words as she walked: “The latest Reuters of “In and Out of Play”, Shi Qingqiu and his lover Wen Qinghan are extremely affectionate, on the scene. In the captured photos, you can clearly see the two people facing each other, with affection and envy of others.”

Meng Siqi and Liu Yi, who were typing on the keyboard, looked up at each other. The three people who were walking also glanced at each other, and then sighed in unison on the first floor: “Hey…”

Fu Anran still stayed in the archives to read the files. Basically, except for the occasional colleague who came up to find the information and chatted a few words, she was not distracted. Even if Jian Yizhi came in once to find information and did not disturb her, she did not realize that Jian Yizhi had come in.

Until lunch, everyone asked her to go outside in the WeChat group. After she declined politely, she planned to go out for a while. Who knows that she watched this one more for nearly an hour. She was about to use her mobile phone to find out what was delicious nearby, when she heard two knocks on the door of the archives room.

Fu Anran looked up and smiled instantly: “Senior sister, why are you here? Didn’t you go to dinner?”

In brief, he still leaned against the door, shrugged his shoulders with his hands around his chest, and said, “I didn’t finish a bit of work just now. I just saw you and I didn’t go out. How do you think about where you are going for lunch? It’s sufficient.”

The few people on the first floor would never ask her and Wen Qinghan to go out for lunch, and at most they would ask them if they wanted to pack, so she and Wen Qinghan always had lunch together. Now that Wen Qinghan is not there, she has been eating it by herself these days. Just now, she happened to glance at WeChat and saw that Fu Anran probably hadn’t gone out yet, so she came here.

Fu Anran shook his head: “No, I haven’t been here much before. I have eaten at the restaurant next to the law firm for the past two days. I want to change my taste today.”

In a nutshell, he nodded thoughtfully and asked, “Do you choose a place to eat? For example, what are the options?”

Fu Anran smiled and said, “No, I’m generally not picky eaters.”

Jian Yizhi also smiled along with Zhanyan, lifted his chin slightly and said: “Then follow me, I will take you to the one I usually go to. The price is affordable and the taste is good, but it is a little farther, and I walked for about ten years. Minutes.”

If there is a simple way to lead, why not Fu Anran? There is no reason for not agreeing, and being able to get along with Jianyi can get to know more things. She agreed more quickly, nodding her head happily with an “um”.

In short, the small restaurant introduced by Fu Anran belongs to this high-end office area. She usually asks her client to talk about things. If it is near lunch, she will bring her client to a restaurant that she thinks is good. Talking while eating, sometimes in such a relaxed chat environment will help the conversation to a certain extent.

On the way, I simply answered the phone and kept talking about going into the restaurant door. As soon as she hung up the phone and took her mobile phone back into her pocket, the owner of the restaurant greeted her face to face: “Lawyer Jane, are you here? She still sits in her old seat today. Huh?”

“Well, I brought a new colleague over, so I have to give me the menu.” Jian Yi smiled and embraced Fu Anran beside him.

The boss’s figure is a little blessed, and his smile is particularly kind, and he is embarrassed by anyone who looks at it. He took a menu from the counter and greeted enthusiastically: “No problem, you go and sit down first, I will make a pot of tea and send it to you together.”

Nodded briefly, and then led Fu Anran to the floor-to-ceiling window where she usually sits, patted Fu Anran on the shoulder and said, “An Ran, let me see what I want to eat. If I want to recommend it, it’s fried noodles. All kinds of fried noodles taste good.”

Since entering the door, Jane’s hand on her shoulder robbed her of her attention. I don’t know why, this action is very common, but she will subconsciously pay attention to it when Jane does it. It may be because of the relationship between the parents, their relationship is a bit ambiguous, which makes her pay more attention to the simplicity.

“Well, thank you Senior Sister.” Fu Anran pursed her lips and smiled at Jian Yizhi.

The owner brought the menu and served tea at the same time. In a nutshell, Fu Anran ordered first. Finally, Fu Anran ordered a tomato and egg fried noodles based on the simple recommendation. In short, he ordered fried noodles with soy sauce.

Two servings of fried noodles are fast, and you and I talk about work while eating. Simply put a spoon in the left hand and chopsticks in the right hand. Roll a few noodles on the head of the chopsticks and stroke them on the spoon. Finally, they were sent to the mouth to chew slowly. She casually asked, “Are you still used to these two days? Are there any problems?”

Fu Anran didn’t have a trick on eating noodles like Jian Yizhi, she just put it in her mouth with chopsticks, and heard Jian Yizhi suddenly ask a question. She snapped it off when she just sent a bite of noodles into her mouth, and then shook her head. : “No, everyone treats me very well, I want to quickly get on track before Senior Sister Wen comes back.”

“She…” A brief smile, “She shouldn’t have time to take care of you when she comes back, as long as you don’t lag behind other people too much.”

There is something in the short words, Fu Anran thought again, yes, Shi Qingqiu and Wen Qinghan just got married, and the news was blown up on Weibo.

“Sister Wen and Senior Sister Shi…” Fu Anran frowned and thought about it, but couldn’t think of a better idea, so she smiled and said: “It’s really surprising. I can’t imagine the two of them meeting. Together, I have never heard any news about the development of the relationship between the two of them to this point before.”

He smiled briefly, poured a cup of tea and pushed it over to pay An Ran, then poured himself a cup, meaningfully said: “This is the only way to prove a truth. What you can see and hear is not necessarily true, and there is no sign of it. , On the contrary, it is the most possible.”

Let’s not talk about what Shi Qingqiu did to Wen Qinghan, just talk about Wen Qinghan’s silence over the past few years. If it weren’t for the simplicity of closeness, no one would have known that Wen Qinghan’s thoughts were hidden. Unless she speaks it out herself, but obviously this is impossible. Before there is no hope, how could Wen Qinghan let Shi Qingqiu stay away from her because of this?

Fu Anran ate her face and raised her eyes to look at Jian Yizhi. She only felt that Jian Yizhi always had the feeling of seeing through the world when she said this occasionally. Her eyes were particularly light at this time, as if she never cared about these things. , And will not be entangled by these things.

Just as Fu Anran was about to divert the topic, the phone rang suddenly. She was taken aback when she saw the familiar caller number, but did not answer it immediately. This detail was captured simply and accurately.

“Hello.” Fu Anran finally answered the phone, her tone a little colder than when she spoke to Jian Yizhi just now.

“There is no need for this, it is not convenient for me to talk about it now.”

“I respect your decision at that time. Now that it is too late to say this, I don’t want to continue.”

Fu Anran hung up after speaking indifferently, and then continued to eat noodles, but her face was not as happy as before answering the phone, and she was obviously silent.

In short, she rolled a few noodles around the head of the chopsticks, then stroked the spoon, and pressed her lips when she lifted it to her lips. She seemed to be thinking of something. After a while, she put down her hand and spoke with the spoon. “I used to receive a client. She was very polite when she came to me, and she also cooperated with me to understand the case. At that time, I had just won a few lawsuits and only won a few lawsuits. She came here admiringly. , But it is also admiringly gone.”

Fu Anran was attracted by her “going in admiration”. She lifted her up to look at Jian Yi. She didn’t have any dissatisfaction with that matter in the conversation, but instead there was a smile on her lips.

In a nutshell, she continued: “She was introduced by someone, and after chatting with me for a while, she said she would have another appointment next time. Later, I was told that she wanted to find another lawyer because she had a better chance of winning.”

“What happened then?”

“Later, the lawyer she was optimistic about happened to have a case recently, and she really couldn’t spare the time to accept her commission, so she came back to me again. I saw that her attitude was indeed very low at the time, so she stopped. Mind that matter and plan to accept her commission.”

Simply raised his eyes to look at Fu Anran, put down the spoon, took a sip of tea from the cup, leaned back in the chair and said, “But at this moment, she said sorry to me again, another more famous lawyer Said that I could spare time to meet her.”

Fu Anran said in surprise: “This is too erratic. Doesn’t she treat your time as time?”

In short, she raised her eyebrows with an indifferent look. She put the cup on the table, but did not leave her hand, rubbing the cup with her fingertips, and said in a natural tone: “At that point, of course I know that I am the place. What kind of position I am in. I can only be counted as a back-up. Once I have a better choice, I will be left behind without hesitation. And since this is the first time, then It is very likely that it will appear a second time.”

Having said that, Fu Anran seemed to understand what Jian Yizhi wanted to express. She was taken aback for a moment, saw Jian Yizhi sitting upright, curled her lips and said, “Sometimes we can’t prevent a bad result from happening. But after it happens, we can choose to let it not happen a second time. You have to know whether it will happen a second time. This probability is in your own hands.”

Fu Anran lowered his head and rubbed the noodles back and forth on the plate with chopsticks, “Senior sister, did you hear what I just said?”

Simply shrugged his shoulders, put the noodles into his mouth, and slowly said after swallowing: “I heard a little man’s voice, a man chasing you, and you said that you respect his decision. I don’t think it’s weird that I don’t want to continue.”

So, did you use a previous experience to help her? Fu Anran couldn’t help showing a smile. She lowered her head and took a bite of the noodles, and asked in a low voice, “After that, has the client come back to you again?”

Jian Shiman said nonchalantly: “Of course there is, after all, that lawyer is only able to spare the time to see her, and it doesn’t necessarily matter whether he can accept the case or not.”

Fu Anran was about to ask what happened in the end, but in a nutshell, he was one step faster than her. He blinked his eyes and curled his lips slightly and said, “The final result is that I rejected her. The client has the right to choose a lawyer, a lawyer. There is also the right to choose not to take the case. People who are capricious are not worthy of being forgiven.”

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