Lost in the Otherworld

The first note 8(1)

"Here's the deal—I need you both to help me with something. In exchange, I'll give you all the sequence numbers beyond the fiftieth," Officer Huang said, using his left hand to pick up a perfectly tender piece of spinach with his chopsticks. "Not only that, I’ll also answer one question for you—any question you want, as long as I know the answer."

"What do you need us to do?" Qingling asked.

"You need to agree first," Officer Huang replied with a smile. "It’s nothing difficult, I promise. No danger to your lives."

Qingling remained silent, as did Gaoyang, who knew he wasn’t in a position to negotiate with Officer Huang. Better to play the 'hidden depths' card, he thought.

"You’re aware of the one-in-ten-thousand ratio," Officer Huang sighed deeply, "so you must know how dire your situation is. We’re all orphans of this world, abandoned by the gods long ago."

Qingling hesitated, saying nothing. Gaoyang also kept quiet.

Officer Huang continued, almost coaxingly, "In my opinion, surviving in this fog-shrouded world requires more than just powerful abilities. You need to master as many rules as possible."

His gaze was serene, but his tone was firm. "I assure you, the information I offer is worth its weight in gold. This deal is a bargain."

"Deal," Gaoyang blurted out, thinking simply: Since the officer has said this much, let’s agree first, and we can always back out later if necessary.

Qingling glared at Gaoyang but voiced no objections.

"Smart choice," Officer Huang said with satisfaction, pulling a notepad and pen from his uniform pocket. He quickly scribbled down three notes. "Don’t think I’m being stingy, but I can’t fully trust you yet. In this hellish world, we have to do everything we can to survive."

He folded the notes and handed them to Qingling. As she reached out to take them, he quickly retracted the papers. "Remember, open the first note after your last class tomorrow. Complete one task, then open the second. Finish two tasks, then look at the third. You must follow these instructions."

Qingling took the notes and tucked them into the breast pocket of her school uniform. "Once everything’s done, I want to ask two questions."

"Fine, once the tasks are completed, I’ll contact you," Officer Huang said, standing up and pulling out his phone. "Liu, bring the bill."

Late that night, Gaoyang returned home, his mindset completely transformed.

After learning about the one-in-ten-thousand ratio, he could no longer view what was once his warm and happy five-member family in the same light. Based on the events from the night his host was four years old, Gaoyang was almost certain—Grandfather must be a 'beast', though which kind, he didn’t know.

And Grandmother, who shared a room with him, was most likely a beast too. As for his father, mother, and sister…

Gaoyang didn’t want to think too much. Deep down, he desperately hoped they were all human, even though the odds were as slim as winning the lottery. Still, he couldn’t extinguish that sliver of hope. After all, they had been his family, living together for twelve years.

If, on the night of his eighteenth birthday, he hadn’t been hit by that 'madman', if he had remained blissfully ignorant, grown up, married, had children, and died peacefully, perhaps that would have been a kind of happiness.

It’s not tragic for someone to live in lies and illusions—as long as they never wake up.

But there’s no 'if'. Gaoyang had awakened, and his once-peaceful life was over.

Now, hell is other people.

From now on, he could only move cautiously, every step a tightrope walk over an abyss.

At three in the morning, his family was already asleep. Gaoyang knew he would face a scolding from his parents in the morning, but at least tonight, he didn’t have to confront them. He still had time to adjust his mindset and find the best way to face his family.

Exhausted, Gaoyang sank into the bathtub, longing for a relaxing soak. When he looked up, the hexagonal symbol glowed faintly before him. This time, he didn’t touch it but closed his eyes and commanded silently, “Enter the system.”

[BEEP—Entering System]

[You have gained 27 luck points, for a total of 30. Do you wish to use them?]

—Use them.

[Opening attribute panel]

[Stamina: 12 | Endurance: 12]

[Strength: 11 | Agility: 11]

[Mental Power: 10 | Charisma: 10]

[Luck: 0]

Gaoyang immediately noticed a slight increase in some of his basic attributes, although the changes were minimal.

—Do the attributes increase automatically?

[Attributes fluctuate based on your physical condition and state]

[Today, you lived a fulfilling day and became slightly stronger than you were yesterday]

—So if I do 100 push-ups, 100 sit-ups, 100 squats, and run 10 kilometers every day for three years until I lose all my hair, will I become the strongest man on Earth?

[Theoretically, your body would become much stronger, but you might also suffer from muscle strains, knee damage, and other injuries]

—Then how can I become stronger?

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