Loss A Love And Gain Three





Bella hugged Kate closely as she sat between Kate and Irina. Bella could feel Kate's anger and pain for what she had been through. She also sensed it from Irina and Tanya. She sent love, devotion, and understanding through the bond.

I know it would be easy to let Carlisle have his revenge, but it isn't right. I can't let Rosalie or the others be hurt. Besides, I doubt Carlisle knows they're in Alaska and not in Forks. The newborns would tear down the town looking for them, and many lives would be lost in the process." Bella said, kissing Kate's cheek.

"Damn, I didn't think of it that way," Kate turned to Bella and rest her head on Bella's shoulder.

"It's okay, and you all should know that I forgive Rosalie and the others. Carlisle and Edward, however, will never be forgiven." Bella held Kate tightly to her.

Rosalie stood and moved toward Bella. She kneeled in front of Bella, took her hands, and squeezed them affectionately. "Thank you, sister."

"No, thank you, Rose. For what you've done for me." Bella smiled.

"I will always look out for you." Rosalie squeezed Bella's hands once more, then stood up.

Tanya sighed. "We have a war on our hands, but first, we need to vote on whether the Cullens—I mean, the outcasts," Tanya spread out her hands, "should join our coven. So, who's in favor?"

Only Bella raised her hand.

"I'm sorry, Bella," Tanya said, "but I have to go according to the vote."

Bella leaned her head on top of Kate's head. "It's okay."

"What are we going to do?" Alice asked in a worried tone.

"We're going to be okay, Alice. We'll just have to live in another location."

"Do you mind if we live near you?" Esme asked Tanya as she held Bree closer to her.

Tanya looked at Bella. "What do you think? Will it be okay?"

Tanya wanted Bella to feel comfortable and secure if the outcast lived nearby.

"Yes, it's okay with me. I don't want Rose to be too far from me." Bella said sadly.

"If you guys don't mind, I think Rose could join us since she's Bella's sister," Irina suggested, looking at the others for their opinions. She knew it would be good for Bella if Rosalie lived with them.

Rosalie smiled at Irina, wanting nothing more than to be close to Bella.

"I don't have a problem," Carmen said.

Eleazar nodded in agreement. "Nor do I."

"Neither do I," Kate added, now understanding Rosalie's treatment of her mate and even proud of her for taking Edward's head off.

"Then I agree," Tanya concluded.

"Hey, how come Rosalie gets a chance and I don't? Emmett will be allowed to join too because he's Rosalie's mate. I love Bella too!" Alice complained while holding Jasper close to her.

"Alice, you need to understand that you and the others hurt Bella deeply. You still went along with Carlisle and Edward, even though you didn't agree with them."

"Yes, but—"

"No buts," Kate interjected. "Only Rose is allowed because she's been working behind the scenes to ensure Bella's safety."

Alice leaned even closer to her mate, feeling devastated at losing Bella and now Rosalie.

"Don't look like that," Rosalie said gently. "I'll visit you when I can."

"But it won't be the same," Alice said softly.

"I know, but I need to be close to Bella," Rosalie tried to make Alice understand.

Alice sighed deeply.

Esme looked at Tanya. "We accept your decision," she said, then turned to Bella. "I hope we can be close again someday. And since you've agreed for us to live nearby, we will visit anytime you allow us to."

Bella smiled. "Okay.

And another thing—I can't speak for the others, but I will leave to take care of Carlisle and Edward's mess."

"You can't do this alone," Bella said in concern to Esme.

"She won't be alone," Bree replied, kissing Esme's cheek. "Is that okay with you?" she asked.

"Of course, it is," Esme smiled.

"Emmett and I will help as well. I'm looking for some payback," Rosalie said.

"Hell yeah!" Emmett shouted, grinning.

Alice was silent, still saddened by not being able to join Tanya's coven.

"We will help too," Jasper added, his honor not allowing him to abandon his friends. He knew Alice would help as well—he could feel it.

"First thing's first—we need to notify the Queens. So, pack your bags." Tanya commanded.

"Are we going as well?" Esme asked.

"Yes, it would be good for the Queens to hear your side of the story," Tanya answered.

"Good," Esme said.

Tanya sighed heavily. "We are leaving now to see the Queens. They need to know what Edward and Carlisle are up to and that we've found our new mate. Move, pack, we leave tonight."

Everyone moved quickly.

"Wait, Bree—you said you had to use your gift to escape. What is your gift?" Kate asked.

"I can turn invisible," Bree answered.

Everyone dropped what they were doing and stared at Bree in disbelief.

Kate's mouth went slacked then it turned into a sinister smirk. "We're going to have some fun together Bree.

Bree looks confused.

Kate's coven shook their heads, knowing that Kate would get into more trouble if Bree went along with her.

"Okay…" was all Tanya said before clapping her hands. "Pack up, everyone, and meet back in the living room with your bags. Only one bag, please. I'm looking at you, Alice."

Everyone chuckled as Alice's sadness turned to embarrassment.

Tanya had already notified the Queens that her coven needed an audience with them. They were expected in half an hour. She was currently waiting in the living room, with Bella sitting in her lap, holding her closely. Carmen and Eleazar sat together on the loveseat. They were vampires, so it shouldn't take them long to get ready. She didn't want to keep the Queens waiting. She eased Bella off her lap and stood up.

"Whoever is still upstairs, if I don't see you in the living room in five seconds, I'm going to leave without you."

Suddenly, the rest of the Denali coven and outcasts stood in the middle of the room with their bags. Tanya sighed and held out her hand to Bella, who took it.

"Okay, gather around in a circle and touch each other."

"Why aren't we going to the airport?" Esme asked, confused.

Kate and the other Denali coven laughed, while the outcasts looked at them in confusion.

"What's so funny?" Rosalie asked.

"You'll see in a second. Just do what I say—hold on to someone, along with your bags."

Tanya puts on her backpack while Bella does the same. They didn't see any reason to pack a lot of clothes. She held onto Irina's and Bella's hands, closing the circle. She sighed, and they were teleported into the Queens' throne room.

"What the hell!" Emmett shouted in amazement.

"Shhh," Tanya commanded.

She turned to the Queens and nodded. "Thank you for seeing us, your majesties."

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