Lord Savage of House Deveros

Chapter 9. From Hell to Heaven.


I woke in my bed in a fog and covered in a cold damp fluid. I sniffed the air and it smelled like pee. What had happened? Did I have too much last night? No, I wasn't hung over. What was going on? Looking around I saw Yen in front of me, Luhea behind me, but only my front was wet. Moving woke my lovers and a small bundle in Yen arms moved. This was followed by crying. She was holding a toddler. Then the whole of yesterday came back to me. I had broken my slave collar the moment it was put on, saved Luhea and passed out in Yen’s arms. There was something about someone calling me Papa and a girl with Arnald. Kindergarten Cop was playing in my mind for some reason. It felt like I was in a fog and just coming out of it. Yen made a strange sound, and I smiled at my lover.

“I’ll get Gen cleaned up.” Luhea said with a yawn. Yen nodded and stood.

“I'll get his sister back to bed.” My tiger said with a nod. There was a sound in the hallway, and I jumped. So, we had two children with us. Luhea took the boy and headed to our bathroom as Yen picked up a young nude girl laying in our hallway. What the hell? I had no idea what was going on. With a shrug, I started stripping the bed. It was the only thing I could do. Then it hit me. Champion of Love and Justice. I was able to give Yen children. I would have to warn her as soon as I could. I wanted to make sure she understood what the risk was before I pumped into her like I was doing to Luhea. I saw Luhea come back in dressed in only a towel and my little man responded despite the child in her arms. It wasn’t my fault as she was a little sexy with her breasts pressed together like that.

“Bathroom is ready.” She said, giving me a kiss on the cheek. I would have pulled her into a hug, but my pajama bottoms were soaking with the kid's pee.

“Thank you. Gen did you sleep okay?” I asked as I ruffled the child’s hair and pointed ears. My eyes went wide as I looked inside him. Now that I knew how to do it and what a core looked like, I was going to check everyone. “Luhea, remind me to talk about him later.” I said as I grabbed a change of clothes. She was using baby talk on Gen and it made me smile thinking about her being a mother.

An hour later, Yen held a girl who was far too thin as she helped her eat. Luhea was feeding Gen, and they looked nice in a way that melted my heart. Both women had a motherly side, and it warmed my heart a little. I shouldn’t feel this way though. Did the goddess of love give me emotions? No, I had feelings for Luhea and Yen before, but now it felt more, I didn’t know. The girl, Uta, kept shooting evil glances at me, but when her eyes fell to Luhea, her face would soften. “Luhea, I want you to stay home today. Yesterday was rough and I want you to take everyone shopping.” I said as I went to get ready.

“But Alex?” She tried to protest, but Yen put a hand on her shoulder.

“No buts, unless it’s yours.” I replied with a smirk. She gave the cutest giggle and Gen laughed. I noticed that Uta smiled at my words before sticking her tongue out at me. I kissed both Yen and Luhea before I left for work. Things felt different today and I was going to test my new core out. 


She wasn’t sure if she was alive or not. One moment she and her brother were horribly treated by the bastard who owned them. Then Lady Luhea swooped in like something out of a romance novel in her Knight. All bowed before her beauty and she had made sure not only Uta and Gen were safe but took in all the slaves. Luhea demanded, but didn’t order, them to call her mother. Uta had fallen in love with Luhea at first sight and had an almost childish crush on the human woman.

Even now her heartbeat fast as Luhea fed Gen. The little coyote boy seemed to be just as smitten as Uta was, but the way he looked at her was like he was looking at their mother. Their parents had been taken away and they were enslaved when someone tricked Gen. It was all worth it to meet her new master or rather mother. Mama Yen sniffed the air and gave Uta a weird look. Could the other woman smell her lust for the noble woman? Would she tell on her? Would they kick her out if she was in love with Luhea? Yen leaned in close at the table and whispered into Uta’s ear.

“You are safe to love who you want to love.” She said and her low purr tickled Uta’s ear making her stomach twitch. “Alex loves us both and we love each other.” She had to ruin it by mentioning that man’s name. Uta didn’t hate Alex, but knew if he wasn’t around she would have Luhea to herself. Yen was still an issue, but Uta knew that humans like smaller women. If she was being honest with herself, she was attracted to Mama Yen too. That might be just because Luhea was in love with the big woman. Uta shook her head when she realized that she was fawning over the beautiful blonde woman feeding her brother.

“Are you okay?” Luhea asked her. Uta inwardly scolded herself. Had she missed something important? Her deep blue eyes seemed to draw Uta in as her blood red lips pursed in a frown. “Are you still weak?” Uta shook her head, a blush rising on her face. Why was she saved by this amazing woman?

“I’m fine.” Uta said as her tail showed how much she was in love.

“I was asking if you would be up to going shopping with us?” Luhea asked again although this was the first time Uta had heard it.

“I can.” Uta said standing, but her body gave out and Yen had to hold her up.

“I can carry her.” Mama said and Uta wondered what those strong arms would feel like holding her like she was a small child. It would be embarrassing and Uta wanted to show Luhea how strong she was.

‘I can make it.” She said, using her arms to stand up, but they soon shook and she was forced to sit back down. Why couldn’t she have been rescued a few days or weeks before when she was strong enough to be useful.

“Uta, you don’t have to push yourself.” Luhea said, reaching across to hold Uta’s hand. Her heart beat so fast that she was worried it would leap out of her chest. Uta looked at the ground and felt her face glow with embarrassment. Why was this woman so hot? Why was she acting like a small child with a crush?

“I think she wants to go with us.” Yen added with a hidden wink to Uta. This big woman was helping her. Uta felt her heart warm to Mama Yen. Luhea broke their connection and gave her a heart melting smile. She nodded and struggled to eat her broth. They were feeding her, and she was going to gratefully enjoy every bite. “Luhea, let me take Gen for a walk, you help Uta.” Yen said immediately, looking like an angel to Uta. Luhea bit her plump kissable lip and handed over Gen. Fuzzball, her little brother, clung onto the amazing tiger woman as the two left. Luhea slid her chair over to sit next to Uta and she had to fight not to look at the woman’s large chest. Would her chest look like that when she was back to full health? What would they feel like? What would they taste like? Luhea picked up a spoon and blew on it before holding it up to Uta. She closed her eyes and pictured the lips blowing on the spoon pressed into hers.

Before she ever wanted things to stop, they were done, and she was being held by her knight in shining black stripes as they went shopping. She was right, those muscles felt strong, and so right. In what felt like no time, they were at the shop and soon Gen was trying on clothes and Mama Yen helped Uta try on dresses. It had been so long since she was allowed to have nice things, and she cried in Mama Yen’s arms as she helped her into a nice brown long shirt that would be wonderful to sleep in. “We are going to hold off on buying you anything nice until you regain some of your strength.” Mama Yen said and Uta agreed. She wasn’t sure what she would look like, but hoped she would be someone that the two women would like. She wanted their love and more if she was allowing herself to fantasize. Uta expected the town to be hateful, rude or even throw things at them, but to her shock, everyone seemed to act respectfully to her group. Was Luhea the town’s lord? No, she was a slave like Uta and Yen. Did that mean that man was the real town’s lord. She didn’t like the thoughts of him being in charge. What would he force her and Gen to do? Did he force Luhea and Yen to love him? Was that even a thing?

A man ran ahead of them and held the door open as they entered the shop. A strangely dressed woman bounced up to them. “Lady Yen, Lady Luhea, welcome back.” She said with a bow.

“Just Luhea, I’d like to hope we are close enough for that.” The amazing Luhea said with confidence. Uta sniffed and was sure the woman wasn’t attracted to Luhea or that Luhea was attracted to her. No, she smelled like she had been close to some man. Mama Yen put her in a chair as they fawned over Gen. Her little brother was enjoying the attention and the way they pampered him, showed Uta how much they loved him. Would they do the same to her? What would it feel like with Luhea helping her or fawning over her? They picked out several outfits for her brother and even gave him shoes. It was all too good to be true. Uta must have died as she was working at the camp.

“Uta, do you need help trying things on?” Luhea asked. Uta blushed and looked at her fragile body. Nothing would look good on a figure this small and frail. “I’ll take Gen to the inn and Yen can help you.”

“I can lock up so we can both help her.” The tailor added. The lovely woman took her little brother and left with him. Gen looked back at her and gave her a worried look.

“It’s okay Gen. Go with Mama Luhea.” She said with a reassuring smile. Her brother hugged the beautiful woman around the neck, a twinge of jealousy came over Uta as she watched them. The tailor locked the door and the two turned to Uta.

“As you are still growing and regaining your strength, I think looser clothing might be better. That being said, what colors do you think Luhea would like to see you in?” The tailor asked as Yen smirked.

“Is it that obvious?” Uta asked as she blushed madly, her tail lashing behind her. It made her feel lightheaded, but she was happy to have people like this around her. Both women laughed as they started gathering dresses. Uta was going to be allowed to wear nice things. As Luhea liked Yen and Alex, maybe pants would look better? She would have to wear loose clothing for now, but she could grow into them. Biting her lip, she cleared her throat.

“I was hoping for something a little more manly.” She said with a wince.

“Given what you must have been through, I understand fully.” The tailor said and Yen nodded.

“I’ll help you. Sorry we can’t put you in something attractive yet.” Yen added. Uta blushed again, but didn’t say anything. They worked on her and she enjoyed almost every outfit they put her in.

Over an hour later she had loose brown linen pants that allowed her tail to swing freely and a white linen shirt. With the boots and a large belt, it made her look almost like a rugged adventurer resting after a day of killing monsters. Or at least she would look like one if she didn't also look like a starved child. Would they look down on her if they knew she was really thirteen winters old? (17.0 earth years.) She would be fourteen winters in just a few more weeks but compared to the others she was nothing more than a frail pup. She would have to work hard to be useful to Luhea and make her see that she was worthy of her love.

Yen held her up so she could look at herself in the mirror. She looked like a different woman even if her legs wouldn’t support herself. “You look wonderful.” The tailor said as she packed up everything into bags. “Yen, would you like to take the bundles or would you rather they be delivered?”

“Delivered, I have a feeling, Luhea would like to have lunch at the inn.” She said licking her lips. Uta’s ears flicked as she nearly fell again. Her body was becoming a burden and she wished she could hold herself up. This was so annoying, but she loved the feeling of the stronger woman holding her. The tiger woman in question, picked her up and held her as they walked through town again. The air was slightly cold, and she loved how the new clothes felt as well as how warm Yen was. “You know if you love Luhea and I, you will have to love Alex too.” Yen said, voicing Uta’s inner dread.

“I know, but he is just so,” Uta looked for the proper word, but nothing seemed to fit.

“Different. He is human, but small, strong yet weak, cold, but warm. Alex is complex and that is why we love him.” Yen said as her eyes seemed to drift off. The scent of lust filled the air and Uta took in the woman’s scent, wishing it was because of her and not that man.

“I will try.” Uta answered with a sigh. Yen seemed to hug her as they walked to what was clearly an inn. Another man was walking by and ran ahead to open the door. It was like Yen was royalty and by proxy she was royalty. Uta felt pampered and never wanted this feeling to end.

Inside the inn she found something that melted her heart even more than she thought possible. Gen was sitting in Luhea’s lap as they played at some type of table. A large man was sitting across from her and two tiny Knight-like dolls fought openly. Gen was cheering along with most of the bar. Yen slid Uta to a nearby table so she could watch everything. Then Yen was just gone. Uta didn’t see her leave as her whole focus was on just how beautiful Luhea was as she gave her opponent a feral smile. Was this how she looked in her Knight? If so, she was so hot? Uta propped herself up on her elbows and looked over at the other woman. A big human man set down a cinnamon roll that was bigger than her face in front of her. “I’m sorry, but I don’t have any money.” Uta said with a wince as she looked up at his smiling face.

“No money needed. This is a welcome to our town, gift.” He said as he went back to the kitchen. A small bunny woman danced up to her and set a tea in front of her.

“This town is weird, but you are safe here.” She added as she patted Uta on the shoulder. She smiled at the strange, cute bunny woman. Why were all the women in this town so attractive? Was there something in the water? If so, Uta was going to drink every drop she could get her hands on. A cheer rose up and Gen was openly shouting as Luhea hugged him tightly, a heart melting smile on her face. She must have won and Uta was a little upset she had missed it. Those deep blue eyes focused on Uta, and she felt her heart skip a beat as the pair stood and walked over. Gen was giggling like a small boy who had just been given a bag full of winter's end gifts.

“Mama Lu is amazing. She can make the Dolls move.” He said in a rush. Uta couldn’t help herself and started openly laughing. This quickly turned into tears and she felt Luhea and Gen hold her close. Today was just too perfect and her heart spilled over. “Is big sis Uta okay?” Gen asked.

“I'm just happy, Fuzzball.” She said as she cleaned her eyes. If though the gods had a sense of humor, the man she wanted to outdo and stand above walked in at this time. On seeing her, he ran to her table and put a hand on her shoulder. It helped sober her and when he broke away, he breathed a sigh of relief.

“Nothing's wrong on the inside. What’s going on?” He asked in a voice that just sounded evil.

“She’s happy.” Luhea said and the scent of lust started rolling off her. Uta had to fight a growl at the scent.

“Then why is she crying?” He asked, a puzzled look on his stupid face.

“Alex, do you know that people can be so happy that they cry?” Luhea asked and Uta could see the worry on her face. He shook his head and scratched the black fuzz on his pointed chin. “They can. It’s a good thing.”

“Will you tell me when it’s happy tears?” He asked and Uta started laughing. He couldn’t understand emotions. It was something she had over him. It was a small step that she would use until she stood tall over Alex. In the back of her mind though, she liked how worried he was about her and the way he ruffled Gen’s hair. He wasn’t so bad even if he was an ugly idiot. She thought as she ate a bite of the roll. It was one more delight that she never knew existed in this world.


For any who wonder why Uta is more involved in Luhea over Alex, look at how they met. Luhea swapped in where Alex had to play things cool. She will warm to him, but it will take time. Fell free to let me know your thoughts as I love your feedback.

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