Lord of Fire

22. An Embrace


Zuko looked to Katara at the last second. She looked away to avoid meeting his piercing gaze of desperation. Perhaps if he had done things differently he wouldn't have had to get stuck in this situation.

Before the mysterious favour came, he had to do something. With no hesitation he punched a massive fist of flames that quickly covered the entire area. The attack had no force to it. He just wanted to use it as a distraction so he quickly ran and grapped Katara who held her hands up. While the others blocked the flames and dodged he ran behind a tree to hide.

Suddenly the ground started to rumble and quake. The shaking became so violent that even the trees started to sway. Right between Zuko and the group of four, the earth separated and a pool of lava shot up from the ground. It widened the gap between them. Even with his abilities it would take some time for the Avatar to ge across so Zuko used the opportunity. He threw Katara over the shoulder and started running with all his might. She kicked and screamed for help but he just continued to run. Taking so many turns and corners and paths that it became impossible to follow him.

He ran for a good five minutes until he arrived at an entrance to a cave. With no hesitation he ran straight for the entrance but his momentum was stopped by an intense gust of wind that cut across from him. Just a step later and his head would have come off along with Katara’s.

Taking a few steps back he noticed it was the Avatar who was hovering just above him. His mind immediately went about how he could have been followed but the thought passed quickly. He cursed the spirit who betrayed him in his mind.

“Relax boy,” another voice suddenly came. “I still haven't finished your favour!”

They all turned to see a rather short shadow emerge from the forest to reveal themselves as a young boy.

“Who are you!?” The Avatar asked with the many voices of one.

“It doesnt matter who I am!” the boy answered. “Raava my dear little sister! You need to allow this boy to live!”

Everyone was stunned by the sudden revelation. Everyone did not include Katara who didn't know about the light spirit. She only recognised the boy as Dolo, the same little brother of Suki she met at the generals mansion.

“How do you?” The Avatar asked in utter disbelief.

“You are killing the boy Raava,” Dolo continued. “You have been using that state for entirely too long. I suggest you go back to sleep and let him go with Zuko. Live the others to me!”

“You don't understand about this Zuko boy!” The Avatar tried to defy.

“Trust me and live the boy be!” Dolo roared in a voice very reminscent of a dragon.

Zuko couldn't believe how the Avatar was submitted.

“Trust me little sister,” Dolo continued in a much somber voice.

“Fine,” Aang replied. “You do however owe me an explanation.”

The intense glow faded from the eyes and tatoos of the boy. He descended from the air in his air sphere and fell to the ground unconscious.

Zuko turned to the boy with cold sweat.

“Are you Vaatu?” He asked the first thing that came to his mind. “Weren't you supposed to be locked up in the Tree of Time and Space?”

“So you even know about Vaatu?” Dolo smiled a little surprised. “One day you would have to tell me just what else you know. For now just know that I am not Vaatu. I cannot reveal my real self or my abilities because of those who brought you here. Take the Avatar and speak to his past self on the solstice. Find out as much as you can about Vumala!”

“Hey Dolo, help me out here!” Katara suddenly called to him.

“Oh I'm sorry,” Zuko said and lowered her down to the ground. As soon as he placed her she gave him a loud bitch slap.

“Why would you do that?” She demanded with tear filled eyes. “Do you have any idea how I would feel about that!?”

“Stay with the two of them young lady,” Dolo said before Zuko could reply. “I will tell your friends of your disappearance!”

“Why should I go with them!?” Katara asked. “I can't just live my brother and friends!”

Suddenly Dolo dropped to his left knee. His breathing suddenly became hurried as he huffed and puffed.

“This body is too weak for me to use for long!” He revealed. “Just trust your heart and it won't let you down!”

Suddenly a whole opened up in the ground and he disappeared into it. Zuko and Katara were left alone with an unconscious Aang laying by the ground.

“What did he mean by that?” Katara asked with an oblivious tone.

“He means trust the feelings you have for me!” Zuko unconsciously answered. Before he realised it the words had already left his mouth.

He awkwardly scratched the back of his head. Katara blushed pink at the sudden reveal. She shook her head and calmed her mind. Her face turned serious once again and looked straight at him.

“Listen Zuko,” she began in a matter of fact voice. “I do have feelings for you but it doesn't mean I will ever act on them. The things you and your family have done are simply too much for me to just forget!” She declared.

“Is that so?” Zuko asked and walked up to her. Their faces were barely just separated he could feel her breath on his face. Once again she blushed at how forward he was.

“I-I-I can’t!” She answered and backed of.

She tried to turn and run but he grabbed her hand and pulled her back. Before she could even react their lips met. At first she tried to pull herself free from his kiss but he held her firm. His large warm hands wrapped around her neck. Eventually she opened her mouth and gave in. She wrapped her arms around his back and joined in the deep kiss.

Her lack of experience made it awkward at first but he was experienced. He led her through and eventually she caught on. Soon it felt like the entire world fell away and only them two were left standing. Time seemed to slow as their tongues entertwined. Saliva switched from one mouth to another.

After what felt like an eternity of heaven, Zuko pulled back in a daze. Katara eyed at him in a similar daze.

“What do you think now?” Zuko asked her. His hands had lowerer down to her narrow and soft waist.

“I-I d-d-don't k-know,” she answered unsure.

“You don't have to worry about it,” Zuko assured her. “We are going to spend quite a while together right?” The young girl smiled at him with that.

“Mind if join you?” Another voice suddenly spoke.

They both turned to see a figure dressed in all black standing high atop a tree branch. By her figure and the round potrusion on her chest it appeared to be a woman. She carried a pair of daggers in each hand that shone under the afternoon light.

“Who are you?” Zuko asked as he pushed Katara behind him.

“It seems you don't recognise me,” the woman said. She unwrapped the cloth covering her face.

“Manori?” Katara suddenly asked from behind Zuko.

“Who the fuck is Manori?” Zuko once again demanded.

“She was the girl who showed us to Suki’s father's place.” Katara explained.

“So what do you want from me Manori?” He turned his attention back to her.

“For you to die!” Manori declared and jumped straight for him.

Zuko tried to run for her but he noticed Katara was just behind him. So he instead just threw his right fist and a fire ball launched at the oncoming Manori. She easily changed her direction to dodge the fire ball. Zuko wasn't fazed and simply launched another fire ball with his other fist. Yet again Manori dodged and took a dash towards him.

Suddenly a whip of water send her flying away. Only then did Zuko notice Katara in a bending stance behind him.

“Thanks but I had her,” he said. Katara simply smiled at him with a bit of a blush.

“I ain't done yet bitch!!” Manori declared and threw a dagger at Katara.

Fortunately Katara dodged it but unfortunately she didn't see the second. The dagger pierced right through the side of her stomach. Blood spat out the wound along with a screech of pain that rang out her mouth.

“YOU DAMN BITCH!!!” Zuko roared and launched himself at the girl.

First he came with a swinging back kick that hit her face and turned her twisted 360. He proceeded to follow up a swinging front kick with his other leg. The force combined to send her away a few meters but she somehow did a somersault to land perfectly in a fighting stance.

“You have grown stronger since we last met,” Manori teased. “Pity it doesn't change the outcome of this fight!”


A little ways away a group of three were resting away from the pool of lava that suddenly shot out of nowhere. Sokka was lying flat butted on the ground from sheer exhaustion while Iroh and Suki leaned against a thick tree trunk.

“How did he manage to do that?” Suki asked the question they were all thinking.

“He has some kind of connection with the spirits but I cannot quite place it,” Iroh answered.

“So you're saying a spirit helped him out?” Sokka asked from the ground as he continued to catch his breath. 

“A spirit most likely helped him so yes,” Iroh replied.

Sokka felt a bit intimidated that Zuko had help from a spirit. His thoughts returned to when Zuko explained about his journey into the spirit world. Perhaps he really did encounter something which he couldn't explain. Since he couldn't return to the Fire Nation without the Avatar it left him no choice. It still didn't excuse how Zuko behaved however.

Suddenly the ground opened up before the three. A shadow emerged from the hole to reveal itself as Dolo. His breathing was erratic and his body was sweaty all over.

“He took the Avatar and the girl,” the boy said before collapsing into unconsciousness.

[A/N: Read 5 to 10 chapters ahead on my patreon available now. 


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