Logging 10,000 Years into the Future Novel

027. Master (6)

"Hoo hoo—"

The small room almost becomes a steamer.

Strong white air filled the entire room, and if someone stepped into it, they would almost think they had entered a sauna.

Lu Sheng is the source of this white gas.

Every pore on his body was emitting thick heat, his whole body was like a kettle that had been boiled.

In the hazy water vapor, the muscles on Lu Sheng's body could be seen shaking slowly and rhythmically.

It seems to be breathing, becoming fuller a little bit.

The explosive power contained under the skin can be felt even with the naked eye.

Soon, Lu Sheng finished the last move.

But he didn't open his eyes, but just sat there.

His chest heaved up and down, a large amount of white air was inhaled from his nose, and then exhaled from his mouth, like spirit snakes swimming in the room.

I don't know how long it lasted, the water vapor in the room gradually dissipated, and Lu Sheng slowly opened his eyes.

"This "Stellar Body Refining Technique" is worthy of being the most powerful body refining technique ten thousand years later, and it has developed the potential of the human body so much that it is simply unimaginable.

If this continues, maybe a star can really be bred in my body..."

"The "Natural Breathing Method" is also amazing enough. It seems to have a strong recovery ability. Without the cooperation of this breathing method, the effect of body training would not be so good..."

Lu Sheng clenched his fists hard, feeling the explosive power between his fingers and palms, his face showing a bit of joy.

"The vitality has increased a lot.

The effect of Lingji Zhuangxue Decoction is very good. With my current physique, it is almost enough to drink two servings a day, and I can't absorb any more.

Calculated in this way, twelve medicinal soups are enough for me to drink for six days. After six days, I will find a way to prepare some more. "

"Jingle Bell--"

The mobile phone beside him suddenly rang.

Lu Sheng picked up the phone.


"When? A week from now."

Before the other party could speak, Lu Sheng hung up the phone with a calm face.

It was the young man in the charity hall who secretly rented his adjustment room to call him.

The other party said what the eldest lady of their Xingshan Hall wanted to see him now.

Lu Sheng said yes, but the time must be the next time he needs to use the mixing room.

"Next, it's time to concentrate on practicing."

Lu Sheng never forgot what he was carrying on his shoulders.


"How? What did the other party say?"

He Lingsu stared at Ma Fei expectantly.

"Hey, give me the phone, and I'll tell him myself!"

He Lingsu snatched Ma Fei's cell phone directly, and before he could answer it, he heard Ma Fei's helpless voice.

"It's already hung up."

"Then call back."

He Lingsu didn't give up, but soon she heard a prompt from the mobile phone that "the user you dialed has turned off".

"Ah, I'm so anxious to death!"

He Lingsu thumped Ma Fei's cell phone twice as if venting, which made Ma Fei next to him look pained.

Miss, that's my mobile phone, if I want to smash you, I'll smash your own.

"Miss He, in fact, that person has already agreed to meet us..."


He Lingsu's beautiful eyes lit up, "Really?! What did he say?"

"He said yes, but in a week's time."

"One week?"

The surprise on He Lingsu's face quickly faded.

"One week is too long, too many variables, no way."

He Lingsu shook his head.

She had just experienced the thing of being taken first, but she was only half a day late.

One week?

The day lily is cold.

"Miss He, now it's not about whether we can do it, but whether the other party can do it. The initiative lies with the person..."

Ma Fei patiently explained to He Lingsu.

"Of course I know that the initiative is not with us."

He Lingsu said coldly: "It's just that I can't wait for this week."

He Lingsu ordered Ma Fei: "From now on, you will be responsible for helping me find that master, the sooner the better. I will reward you five thousand for completing the task one day earlier... No, one Ten thousand dollars!"


Hearing that there was a reward, Ma Fei immediately cheered up.

"Miss He, you must keep your word!"

"When do I say nothing too much..."

He Lingsu was a little impatient. Her current mood was both excited and nervous, eager and frightened. It was difficult to describe the emotion of worrying about gains and losses.

Ma Fei happily counted how many rewards he could get, then suddenly remembered, and said worriedly: "Miss He, are you making a mistake? The person who asked me to borrow the allocation room was only in his teens, or A high school student...will it really be the pharma master you mentioned?"


He Lingsu frowned slightly, and whispered to himself: "Then maybe there is a master pharmacy standing behind him..."


Ma Fei nodded with a vague understanding.



At the dinner table, Lu Dahai, Zheng Yufen and Lu Qinghe stared at Lu Sheng with wide eyes, as if they were listening to him telling a story.

"You mean, you bought this thing for me with a scholarship?"

Holding a white flashlight-like instrument, Lu Dahai asked again in disbelief.

"It's a blood moxibustion instrument."

Lu Sheng corrected, and then took out another two thousand yuan and put it on the table: "There is still two thousand yuan left, and I will use it for my mother's food expenses."

"Is there any left?!"

Lu Dahai's eyes widened, wondering whether his eyes were dazzled or his ears heard wrong.

Zheng Yufen was overjoyed, she put two thousand dollars into her arms, and hugged Lu Sheng and babbled.

"My son can get a scholarship too! It's amazing..."

Lu Qinghe next to him couldn't help muttering: "What kind of scholarship can have so much money? What kind of scholarship can you get..."

"Study Progress Award. My blood value has risen rapidly during this period, so I was awarded."

Lu Sheng didn't bat an eye when he told a lie.

Lu Qinghe obviously didn't believe it, and wanted to say a few more words, but after meeting Lu Sheng's eyes, he closed his mouth again.

Lu Dahai and Zheng Yufen obviously believed it.

The main reason is that Lu Sheng has changed a lot recently, especially his appetite, it's amazing!

They have seen all these changes, plus the good thing that their son has won an award, so they have no reason to doubt it.

"It would be nice to keep the money to buy tonics, what kind of blood and instruments to buy, isn't this a waste of money..."

"Oh, my son won a scholarship for the first time, so what's wrong with buying you a gift? Besides, you've been complaining about your backache recently, and it just happened to be useful. I watched TV and said, this thing works really well..."

"How could it be better..."

Lu Dahai talked about waste, but in fact, he was happy in his heart.

Before I finished the meal, I took the blood moxibustion instrument and ran to the sofa alone to tinker.

Her mother, Zheng Yufen, also beamed, counting the two thousand dollars over and over again like a baby, thinking that she would save it for Lu so that she could use it for college.

Lu Sheng saw all this in his eyes, and his heart was peaceful and soft.

He practiced so desperately because he wanted his family to live a better life.

Let father Lu Dahai feel more relaxed, let mother Zheng Yufen not have to worry about money every day, let sister Lu Qinghe...

Lu Sheng turned his head and glanced at Lu Qinghe.

Lu Qinghe was staring at him furtively. After noticing his eyes, he immediately turned his head to the side, pretending to be indifferent and nonchalant.

Well, Lu Qinghe doesn't count for now, let's talk about it later when she becomes sensible.

Lu Sheng silently added a sentence in his heart.


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