Live Streaming: Great Adventure in the Wilderness

Chapter 231 - 228: Can't Lose Even Once?

Chapter 231: Chapter 228: Can’t Lose Even Once?

The surging waves swept over like mountains, and when Bi Fang looked up, it felt as if the sky was collapsing, stirring up immense fear!

This wasn’t just a wave, it was as if the heavens had fallen!

Even through the screen, the audience could feel the immense pressure, similar to the giant tsunami heading towards human cities in disaster movies. They held their breath and silently prayed for Bi Fang on the life raft.

Natural disasters are always the most terrifying, beyond the reach of human prowess. Even the most skilled survival experts are no different from ordinary people when faced with giant waves.

And Bi Fang only had a life raft that could capsize at any moment…

The giant waves drew closer and Bi Fang held tightly onto the tent, clinging closely to the raft, trying to minimize wind resistance to prevent the life raft from being overturned by the wind before the wave hit, or the body of the raft not flipping while the tent flew away, which was not very sturdy.

But he couldn’t dismantle the tent either. Once removed, rainwater would pour directly into the raft, increasing the risk of capsizing. Moreover, the temperature was dropping. If his body came into direct contact with the rainwater, Bi Fang wouldn’t last long in the cold weather. The energy drained by hypothermia was enough to cause him serious trouble, and it was difficult to say whether he could survive.

The Horsetail Kelp on top of the tent had also been packed away, and everything on the boat was securely fastened by Bi Fang to prevent them from falling into the sea due to the rocking of the boat.

The ocean seemed resourceful, but without tools, it was nothing but a “desert.” He couldn’t afford to waste any resources, even a drop of water could be critical to his survival.

The drone swayed in the wind and rain, but the footage it captured was still stable.

Jerret gripped the remote in his hand. He wasn’t worried about the drone; it was the latest, most advanced model, custom-made from Huaxia, with a high cost that most ordinary families couldn’t afford. Even in a Force 7 wind, it could operate stably.

His only concern was whether Bi Fang would be okay. According to meteorological data, the sea state had reached Force 5 and might even approach Force 6!

At sea condition Force 5, waves are three to four meters high, and the wind reaches Force 6. Fishing boats pitch violently and must reduce their sails, even fully, to avoid capsizing. Fishing is highly risky, and travel is not recommended.

At sea condition Force 6, waves are four to six meters high, and the wind reaches Force 7. Fishing boats halt their outings and shelter in port, and those at sea need to anchor to stabilize their vessels.

Even at Force 5, if not operated properly, fishing boats could capsize, let alone a small life raft.

Could it really withstand this?

Before long, the first wave hit. Bi Fang desperately searched his memory for knowledge to ensure he had done everything possible. The rest was up to fate.

The life raft pitched wildly as high wave crests formed, surrounded everywhere by larger white foam peaks, and sometimes, spray.

The crests of the waves took up a large area on top of the peaks. The wind began shearing away the wave crests, turning the broken waves into foamy streaks along the direction of the wind.

The first wave of streaked giants swept across, and the audience was nearly suffocated. The air in their shelters grew thicker and more viscous, like gel, encompassing everyone, leaving no room to struggle.

More terrifying was that the glue-like air surged into their respiratory tracts. This eerie air gel, soft like a long tongue, slid down the windpipes, completely blocking their lungs.

Bi Fang was stifled by the immense pressure, his heartbeat skipping a beat. Above his head, the dark blue giant wave writhed like a giant serpent, and in the blink of an eye, it swept beneath the life raft.

The tent, which had some semblance of structure, collapsed instantly under the tremendous uplift force, clinging tightly to Bi Fang’s body. From the perspective of the airborne drone, one could clearly see a human shape outline.

The more timid audience members began to scream. From the first-person perspective, they felt as if they were on a roller coaster, equally thrilling and fast-paced, but this type of “roller coaster” could be deadly!

The black sky above was heavy with storm clouds that spun rapidly in Bi Fang’s vision, like a kaleidoscope, giving him an unreal sensation. The howling wind, the rotating clouds, the oncoming mist—it all seemed as if time was rapidly flying by beside him.

The circular life raft adapted well to the giant waves. It didn’t capsize but kept rising with the wave. Bi Fang tightly grasped both sides of the raft, flattened as if he was on a pancake, feeling an extreme sense of G-force.

Bi Fang exerted all his strength to lower his center of gravity, ensuring the raft’s stability.

When he reached the highest point of the giant wave, his speed also dropped to the lowest. The audience held their breath, not daring to utter a sound, watching the valley floor slowly approach, like a person on the guillotine waiting for the blade to fall.

The next second, a feeling of weightlessness suddenly struck!

Bi Fang could feel his lower abdomen involuntarily tightening, sending chills throughout his body. It wasn’t a spasm, but rather a conditioned reflex formed over thousands of years of human evolution.

Whenever the human body is in a state of weightlessness, it feels tense. The body thinks you are falling from a great height and rapidly considers which way of landing could minimize injury. The tightening of the lower abdomen helps you adjust your posture more easily.

Bi Fang plummeted from the peak to the trough, feeling as if he were standing in the void of immense heights, with nothing left in the world but himself and the silent, black sea.

Potential energy transformed into kinetic energy.

Adrenaline surged desperately. If Bi Fang were to take a urine test at that moment, the result would likely indicate that his adrenaline contained trace amounts of urine!

The audience, at that moment, could no longer bear the tension; from a first-person perspective, they only felt themselves plummeting downwards, unable to restrain from screaming.

The life raft shot towards the valley floor like an arrow, as if it would crash into the seabed the next moment, boat and man perishing together.

Bi Fang knew this was the most critical moment, and also the most difficult one. The slightest deviation could cause the massive force of impact and inertia to flip the life raft completely over, plunging him into the abyss of Hell.

Blood surged like rivers, blue veins bulging.

He clung tightly to both sides, shifting his body’s center of gravity backward, desperate to lift the life raft just a little bit. Just a few centimeters would be enough, to keep the angle of descent below sixty degrees—that would be safe!

The surging waves gleamed with a deathly black light, like a scroll leading to Hell itself.

All of Bi Fang’s will was devoured by that black light in an instant. His body trembled violently, and as if on the brink of doom, a tremendous force burst forth within him, suddenly tipping the life raft upwards!


Lightning struck the sea surface, instantly vaporizing a vast amount of seawater. The steaming mist dispersed, and was rapidly blown away by the fierce winds, as if nothing had happened.

The life raft crashed violently into the bottom of the wave, throwing up a mass of white spray. After a violent jolt, Bi Fang opened his eyes and found that he had safely survived the giant wave.

The audience opened their eyes and could not help but cheer and jump for joy—they did it, Bi Fang had survived beneath the massive waves!

Even a life raft could survive the violent storm, not due to luck, but because the person on board was Bi Fang! He was the hope, the guarantee of everything!

Having conquered the land and sky, he had once again extended his reach to the sea, leaving his mark!

But was it over?


The storm was just beginning!

Bi Fang’s brows were tightly knitted, blue veins throbbing at his temples.

What awaited him were not just one giant wave, but hundreds and thousands of them!

With each one,

he could not afford to lose!

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