Live Streaming: Great Adventure in the Wilderness

Chapter 172 - 169: Charge! Charge! Charge!

Chapter 172: Chapter 169: Charge! Charge! Charge!

The short spear and hunting knife gleamed with a faint blue luminescence, light as bright as the full moon.

The male tiger and the young lion roared simultaneously, the moment was so astonishingly similar that the audience could no longer distinguish whose roar it was; they were all stunned in unison.

The herd of deer was startled, their hooves fluttering in the air; the lynx’s fur bristled all over.

The reflection of the blade was the last vestige of the twilight.

The tip of the spear shot out a gleam of sharpness, seizing the last bit of light from the world, its sound cold and mournful like the wail of a ghost.

In an instant, the world plunged into darkness.

The stag whinnied, the lynx shrieked, but their cries were immediately drowned out by the thunderous sound of deer hooves covering the sky and earth.

The herd of deer ran, their hooves thudding on the icy ground like the charge of a thousand troops, shaking the very land!


Too noisy!


Utter chaos!

The live broadcast was engulfed in darkness, with only the commotion of deer hooves and accompanying roars and screams, the world seemed to be boiling over.

But in the next second, a dim light appeared.

Night vision mode was activated, the serene darkness was completely shattered, and the vision cleared again, leaving countless viewers breathless with tension.

Hundreds of stags spread out like a tide, countless hooves kicked up a cloud of snow, a gray surge rising on the snowy plain as if a black tide was approaching along the frozen river, carrying with it an overwhelming force.

The lame stag was a beat slow to react, realizing something was wrong only after its companions had fled.

The stag raised its head in alarm, looking up to see a full moon rising in the sky, and within that almost perfect orb, a shadow swooped down like a mighty eagle.

How could a man jump so high?

This thought flashed through the viewers’ minds, and in an instant, the stag’s neck was struck by the short spear, its massive head jerked askew from the impact.

The stag felt a pain in its neck, followed by a warm gush of blood and unprecedented panic; it leaped high with its hooves and turned to flee!

Bi Fang felt the heavy heartbeat in his chest suddenly lighten, and at the same time, blood mixed with dark sweetness surged from his spine into his brain.

He tensed his muscles and, after landing, burst forward, leaping out of the snowy slope!

From the snowy slope to the river’s surface was a drop of five meters, which could break the spine of an ordinary person, but he, brushing past the steep decline, touched the ground lightly and ran forward with the bent posture of a leopard.




His head buzzed with the rush of blood, so much so he couldn’t even hear his own deafening howl!

Chase, chase, chase!

Flee, flee, flee!

The viewers’ adrenaline spiked, never having seen such a scene, such hunting, comparable to a fierce tiger pouncing on its prey!

“Be careful!”

Yang Ziyun’s heart thumped wildly, nearly having a heart attack at the shout, only to realize that the warning was not for Bi Fang, but for Etienne!

Under the moonlight, they saw the lynx arching its body, ready to pounce!

Etienne’s heart raced as if it were about to burst from his chest, and suddenly something cried out from behind him.

But there was no time for him to react; the lynx, coiled to its utmost like a drawn bow ready to fire, leapt fiercely from the high ground, mouth wide open and roaring for the bite!

The cry from behind was youthful and chaotic.

It was Goose!

Etienne shuddered, the cold sweat he had been holding back seemed to open a floodgate, drenching him in an instant; in this critical moment, memories connected, and amidst the panic, he frantically threw off his cloak, then waved his hunting knife wildly.

The lynx was first startled by a buzzing drone, sensing danger mid-flight, followed by a somewhat lacking roar coming from ahead. As it was about to splatter its prey’s brains, suddenly its vision was obscured by a hemp cloth, and then its claws throbbed with pain.

Scalding blood stained his hands, feeling sticky all over.

Etienne shivered fiercely and slowly looked at the hunting knife in his hand, covered with a layer of hot blood, the sharp weapon gleaming with bright moonlight.

In a daze, the audience was surprised to see a face under the moonlight; it wasn’t Etienne, but Bi Fang!


It was still Etienne!

The audience found their memories in disarray, the similarity to that confrontation with the wolf pack in the wilderness was uncanny, as if that scene was unfolding once again!

Hunting Knife raised its right paw, blood dripping from it, while in its eyes burnt a cruel fire, and Etienne felt himself freezing over.

in the struggle just now, Etienne had luckily injured Hunting Knife’s right paw, but next time, he wouldn’t be so fortunate.

Hunting Knife licked its wound, eyeing the “massive” Etienne, its muscles tensing up all over.

But that leap had switched their positions, now Goose was right beside Hunting Knife, tempting it to try to snatch him from the fire, just one, and it would have a meal for the night.

Etienne keenly sensed the big cat’s thoughts and his body involuntarily moved to stop it, but he immediately regretted taking that step forward.

The previous attack had completely drained Etienne of all courage, being able to land a blow on Hunting Knife was already a blessing from Lady Luck.

Facing off against the meter-long big cat, Etienne panicked completely, his cold sweat pouring out, one foot uncertain whether to advance or retreat, frozen in place.

But to everyone’s surprise, Hunting Knife’s fur bristled, and it withdrew half a body length with its hind legs!

This one step by Etienne actually made Hunting Knife retreat half a step!

All the audience members were stunned.

Suddenly, Etienne understood something, a slight smile tugging at the comer of his mouth, he didn’t withdraw his foot, instead, he took a second step forward!

Beasts can smell your fear, the more afraid you are, the more they get excited!

Footprints were deeply embedded in the snow.

Bi Fang chasing the deer through the snow!

The herds of deer dashed wildly, running in the opposite direction, but the high banks on both sides, while facilitating hunting, also laid the groundwork for disaster!

The slope was too steep, even with the reindeer’s broad hooves and their natural snowshoes, they couldn’t help sliding down the slope, and in their panic, some big deer charged towards Bi Fang’s side.

Those huge antlers were at least half a meter long!

Damn, damn, damn!

The audience members were scared out of their wits, they had never seen a livestream like this, one wave settling down only for another to rise, with the situation on one side just stabilizing and another accident happening on the other.

Faced with the charge of the reindeer, Bi Fang could no longer worry about the limping reindeer he was chasing, he ducked, narrowly avoiding the antlers. But it wasn’t over, more panicked reindeer were on the run!

In the first-person perspective, the audience could only watch helplessly as about a dozen reindeer charged towards the front, the ice river shook, their solid hooves stomping like mad, a step onto any part of the body would immediately break bones.

Damn it!

Bi Fang hadn’t anticipated this scene, with the deer herd too close, there was no time to climb the snowy slope!

Even the most timid reindeer had blood in their eyes now!


Bi Fang adjusted his breathing, preparing to imitate a bullfighter against the deer, but then he suddenly heard a different sound.

Crack, crick!

Branch-like fissures spread across the ice layer.

It was too fast, the ground itself was trembling! With so many big deer, how could he dodge?

If touched by just one, the trampling that followed would leave anyone in an unrecoverable state!

In the blink of an eye, Bi Fang suddenly stopped, planted his feet firmly with a horse stance, and waited calmly for the charging reindeer.

He’s gone mad, absolutely mad!

Over two hundred thousand viewers watched this insane moment, unable to comprehend why Bi Fang was acting so recklessly, even picturing him being trampled into a bloody pulp.

The wild female deer, with its huge antlers over half a meter long, charged crazily forward, and the viewers simultaneously closed their eyes.

It was too late, everything was too late!

Only a very few viewers kept their eyes wide open, watching as Bi Fang actually reached out to grab the antlers!

Fast, accurate, ruthless!

He struck at the antlers like a venomous snake lunging ferociously!

The moment he grabbed a reindeer, Bi Fang instantly jumped, kicking off the reindeer’s shoulder, using the gentle force to turn sharply, borrowing the full strength of his body to make the reindeer veer and smash into the ground!

What is Tai Chi?

To move a thousand pounds with four ounces, that is Tai Chi!

The big deer hit the ground, accompanied by a shower of ice chips flying in all directions.

With nothing but white before his eyes, Bi Fang lost his balance and fell, plunging into the ice river he had smashed open.

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