Live Streaming: Great Adventure in the Wilderness

Chapter 168 - 165: The meat seems to be running by itself!

Chapter 168: Chapter 165: The meat seems to be running by itself!

“They’re going to sue you for forging documents, and you, you promised me…”

“I don’t care about that at all, sue me if you want to, just give me back my phone, now!”

“Calm down, calm down! Sit down!”

“My son is still out there! In the wilderness!”

“Get away from me!”

“Sir, calm down!”

“Don’t touch me! I need to go find him, now!”

“Alright, you’re only going to make things worse like this! And Bi Fang went with him, he’s very capable, Etienne will be fine.”

“But they didn’t take anything with them! No food, no water, no tents! All the routes are in the wild! It’s too hard, too hard!”

“Didn’t Etienne take a backpack…”

“It’s full of papers, papers!”

Inside the police station, Elvan was arguing with Johnny and others nonstop, and the previously quiet police department was filled with a clamor of voices.

“What on earth is going on? Why are there suddenly so many people here?”

A male officer handed a coffee to a female officer, and the two leaned against the wall, watching the crowd inside the room argue.

The female officer took a sip and summed up, “Forgery of a permit for a glider- led goose migration project, and they also released the geese without authorization. That bald guy was going to capture the geese to take them back, but during the argument, that guy’s son took off in the glider; now everyone is frantic.”

“Is the situation serious?”

“Not really, but there might be penalties, and an adult has gone with the kid too; they should be back soon. I heard there’s even a live broadcast, but I can’t see it because it’s behind a firewall.”

The male officer said helplessly after hearing the whole story, “Kids these days really cause too much trouble.”

“You’re telling me, if my son did something like that I’d spank his behind raw!” Another portly officer chimed in, “Although, animal protection is getting out of hand these days, did you guys hear about that Tesche thing? It was also caused by an environmental group.”

“Oh, what happened?” Both officers were curious.

“Tesche was built in Huaxia in just ten months, started production in a year, quick as if they rode a rocket, their stock price even doubled. After tasting success, Tesche’s boss wanted to build another factory in Germany, guess what happened then?”

More people gathered around, “What happened?”

“Obviously, the local government was welcoming, tax revenue, jobs were all good for their record, they immediately approved a large tract of wasteland, even saying the German factory would be built faster than the Huaxia factory.” “Of course, German engineering is the best in the world.”

“Who says so, Huaxia’s construction speed is number one in the world now.”

“Impossible, absolutely impossible, Huaxia might be fast, but the quality is not good, Germany is the most powerful, number one in manufacturing precision! I’ve climbed over the firewall and seen it myself, even famous Huaxia personalities say so, their sewers don’t clog or flood even after a hundred years, and parts from a century ago wrapped in oil paper are still new.”

“Didn’t Germany just get flooded the other day? Almost two hundred people died…”

“Wait, what does this have to do with animal protection?”

“Of course it’s related, they were going to cut trees and flatten the land, which was planted with some economical-valueless decorative forests just for the looks. The very first day they started to cut trees, they were sued for destruction of greenery, ecological damage, and soil erosion, but there wasn’t even a river nearby.”

“Moreover, it was just wasteland, nothing there but a few mouse nests. After a few months, Tesche agreed to plant three times the artificial forest elsewhere to settle it. Not just that, there were also water usage issues, the locality only had a little over 8,000 residents, fewer than the number of factory workers. They protested about the water being used.”

“In the end, Tesche had to relocate wolf packs, move lizards and ants homes. They thought it was all settled until suddenly they found snakes hibernating underground. The environmental group got a court order to halt the work, and they have to wait until the snakes finish hibernating and are relocated to start working. Now it’s almost two years and they haven’t even built the fence.”

“That’s why I hate animal protection.” A nearby officer voiced out.

“Exactly, I feel the same way, it’s completely unnecessary.”

“It’s precisely these actions that cause a lot of trouble for genuine animal protection efforts.”

As Bi Fang was gliding, he was educating the viewers on the difficulties faced by animal protection nowadays, as well as the misunderstandings many people have about it.”

“All sorts of so-called ‘public interest organizations’ in quotes go out of their way to hinder your actions with all kinds of absurd reasons, they like to take the moral high ground and talk to you about the rights of rats.”

Nowadays, animal protection has been totally warped into two types.

One type is the traditional animal conservationist, hassled at the forefront of protecting endangered species.

The other kind is the “cute animal conservationist.” They are capable of extreme behaviors such as stopping trucks carrying dogs for meat on highways, releasing animals from labs, and hurling insults and threats at others.

“Those so-called animal conservationists online all share a common trait, they are extremely self-centered: ‘I feel that your behavior hurts my tender sensibilities, so I must crush you to feel better myself.'”

“They wallow in a form of self-gratification as their main purpose, commonly referred to as ‘self-hype’.”

“What these people want to protect is not any animal but their eyes, which they feel have been sullied by seeing such animals, adhering to the mentality of ‘out of sight, out of mind.’

Cats and dogs are cute and need protection, but would you protect an ugly yet endangered toad?

If you can’t do that, don’t call yourself an animal protector.

You’re not worthy.

“The key is that these people have relatively high incomes, either from corporate settlements or gratuitous donations. Who would make donations? I wouldn’t dare guess.”

[Holy shit, that’s terrifying when you think about it!]

[I feel like it’s the competitors!]

[They’re literally using slogans to eliminate rivals! This feels like a tactic to dupe the public.]

[No wonder, these foreigners are ruthless!]

[No kidding, animal protection is getting out of hand overseas; lobsters even have to be stunned before boiling.]

[Right, I heard they’re required to give pigs toys, and it’s illegal not to. Their brains have gone watt.]

“True animal protection should be like Professor Elvan, aimed at rare animals. Essentially, it’s about giving humans a way out, saving a potential future for humans, rather than worrying about ‘mouse rights.'”

The glider flew hundreds of meters in the sky, soaring as if riding the wind with great freedom. Bi Fang pulled the control bar, tilting the glider’s nose upwards to ascend further while changing the viewpoint.

The airplane soared into the sky like an arrow shot upward, creating strong air pressure. The forest beneath grew more distant as the plane surged towards the heavens and disappeared into the clouds.

The viewers in the live stream could feel the surging power of the air currents around them. Bi Fang circled above the forest, gazing at the mountain ranges to the southeast—layer upon layer, like green barriers.

This first-person perspective of flying however one wished brought immense shock and enjoyment to the audience.

[I’ve dragged the attic fan out to simulate the airflow!]

[Damn, why didn’t I think of that? Count me in, taking out the summer fan!]

[Remember to blow it in your face with your mouth open—wooo wooo wooo— it’s just like experiencing it firsthand, such strong immersion!]

[Old Fang is showing off! The guy above is even more brilliant, stop talking, I’m already flying, wooo wooo wooo~ ~ ~ ]

[Manslaughter by manhood]

After flying for over half an hour, Bi Fang followed the route on the map, passing through the mountains to another tundra area.

Etienne, sitting in the back, looked at the mixed green and white grassland and asked curiously, “Has it snowed here?”

“Maybe, Finland is close to the Arctic, and even one-third of the country is within the Arctic Circle. It’s November, so it’s quite normal to encounter snowy terrain. According to the map, it might take us another two or three days to fly out of Finland.”

Bi Fang circled once, preparing to leave the area. It was around one or two in the afternoon; if they delayed, they might have to spend the night in the snowy wilderness, which would be a severe test for the Goose.

However, after flying for another fifteen minutes, Bi Fang suddenly changed his mind. He stepped on the pedal, making the glider circle in the sky.

“Etienne, do you want to eat some meat?”

“Meat? Where’s the meat?”

Etienne searched curiously, finding nothing even after looking for a while because Bi Fang hadn’t brought any food.

“I didn’t bring food.” Bi Fang pointed towards the ground, “But look below, there’s meat running.”

On the snow-covered ground, a herd of reindeer ran freely.

They looked as small as ants moving during a rainy day.

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