Live Streaming: Great Adventure in the Wilderness

Chapter 163 - 160: The Second Ignition Method Finally Appears!

Chapter 163: Chapter 160: The Second Ignition Method Finally Appears!

Etienne carefully looked at Bi Fang, who had been expressionless ever since he appeared, the same look as his mother’s when he didn’t do well on a test, leaving Etienne completely puzzled about the situation.

Is this what the Huaxia people call being inscrutable?

“I don’t know if what I did was right or wrong, but sometimes we can’t predict the outcome, we can only make decisions based on the current situation that may be correct, and that’s my consistent rule for survival.” Bi Fang patted Etienne’s left shoulder, “Let’s go, I told you, you’re heading in the wrong direction, turn thirty degrees to the left, lead your geese on their migration.”

“Oh ho!”

Etienne finally understood and let out an excited roar. He stepped on the pedal, changed the direction of the hang glider, and flew towards the distant mountains beyond the layers of clouds.

With Bi Fang’s support, Etienne’s confidence soared. With the world’s number one explorer helping him, what else was there to worry about?

Our hearts were full of passion and resolve, unstoppable!

The live audience saw this dramatic turn and tears of excitement came to their eyes. This moment was truly cool!

[Awesome! I just knew Old Fang would never let us down! ]

[Even though it’s a bit risky, I feel like Old Fang can definitely do it! Not even wolves, prehistoric creatures can stop him, what’s migrating some geese?]

[ + 1, seeing that Johnny I just felt he was no good, balding and with a face full of wrinkles, how can such a person become an animal conservation inspector? I suspect he faked the report because it was too troublesome!]

[ “You’re letting your values be swayed by his looks, a fake report is impossible. If that were the case, his life would be over, why would anyone do that?” ]

[Who knows, we’ve seen this kind of thing before, I swear I’ve seen similar news before.]

[How come Etienne’s father still hasn’t shown up, he should be able to watch the live stream, right? He hasn’t been kidnapped, has he?]

The test result was positive, but honestly, Bi Fang also felt there was something wrong.

Each of the eighteen geese was more vigorous than the last, none of them looked sick at all.

There definitely was a mistake somewhere.

But that’s something for Elvan to worry about.

Having already flown, might as well fly to the end, it’s not like committing murder or arson. Considering Elvan’s position, the worst he’d face would be a fine, maybe detention for a couple of days at most.

As for Bi Fang himself, he wasn’t worried at all, with his current status, France couldn’t even penalize him.

Bi Fang pulled out the large map, studying the leverage points and made sure to avoid the camera, lest someone use the routes marked on the map to interfere by figuring out their position.

Migration isn’t just a simple matter of direction, Bi Fang hadn’t visited every place on the map, and to know if he had reached them, he needed to work out the latitude and longitude.

Now that his backpack was lost, Bi Fang was soaked to the skin, with two daggers on him and nothing else, and the cold wind made him shiver. If it weren’t for his strong physique, he would likely have caught a cold by now.

Bi Fang looked ahead into the distance, and his excellent vision quickly allowed him to spot a lake. He patted Etienne’s shoulder.

“Etienne, fly towards there, let’s find a lake to land in first.”

Bi Fang didn’t ask Etienne to move so he could take over, changing pilots on the glider was too dangerous.

Following the direction pointed out, Etienne too saw the lake hidden behind the mist, made sure the geese were following closely, then he stepped on the pedal and pushed forward the control bar; the hang glider started to descend rapidly.

During the landing, Etienne was a bit afraid and he muttered softly.

“First control it, then surrender yourself to it.”

Hearing these words, Bi Fang tensed up, realizing that the situation wasn’t so simple. He had just seen how skillfully Etienne had been piloting, thinking the other had plenty of experience, but it now seemed this wasn’t quite the case.

Bi Fang grabbed the beam, watching Etienne control the hang glider circling above the lake, wobbling closer to the water’s surface.

Through the violent shaking of the camera, the audience also felt anxious for the two on the screen.

The pontoons started touching the water surface.



The moment the pontoon touched the water, it was like hitting mud. The glider shook violently, and Bi Fang’s butt tingled, but the plane quickly stabilized, gliding on the lake surface.

The geese landed one after another, darting into the water to frolic.

The propeller turned, and the two of them glided to the lakeshore and went ashore.

As soon as he reached the shore, Bi Fang drew his hunting knife and handed it to Etienne.

“Etienne, go find a dry spot and use this to dig a pit, it doesn’t need to be too big. Then find some dry stones to lay in the pit; I want to make a fire,” Bi Fang instructed.

Etienne excitedly took the hunting knife, which he had seen many times before, and the thrill of finally holding it in his hand spurred him to immediately look for a suitable spot nearby.

Having given his instructions, Bi Fang quickly stripped off all his clothes except for his swim trunks and started doing standing push-ups on the spot.

[Wow, starts stripping without a word. I suspect the broadcaster is aiming for something racy.]

[Cut it out, not impressed (pulls up pants).]

[True to form, talking tough once your pants are pulled up.]

[That physique, those muscles, ladies, my vision is clouded by beauty.]

[Just now there was frost on the clothes, it looked so cold, is it nearly zero degrees here?]

“Because of the swimming just now and the long exposure to the wind, my limbs have become stiff, and I’m feeling somewhat drained,” Bi Fang said. “In such a situation, the first thing you should do is to take off your clothes.”

“Wet clothes will not only fail to keep you warm but will also keep draining away your body heat, making you sick with a cold.”

“So we must exercise more to increase blood flow and quickly warm up the body. Traditional push-ups are no longer sufficient for me. Here, I recommend everyone try the Burpee Jump!”

“This exercise is also known as the standing push-up, combining a series of movements such as the squat, plank, and jump. It can raise your heart rate to its peak in the shortest time, which is perfect for our current situation!” [What? Old Fang is no longer satisfied?]

[Goodness, you’re great at getting to the crux of things!]

[Clearly a pro at finding loopholes (amused).]

[So good at finding loopholes, I suspect you have a problem. Come with us.]

[It’s no use, he could pick locks with a toothpick. Oh, I forgot, there’s only two minutes. It’s too late, you’re done for.]

Bi Fang took a few deep breaths, then leapt into the air. He crouched quickly, performed a push-up on the ground, and leapt up again, repeating the process.

After a dozen rounds, his heart rate rose sharply, and his blood warmed up again. The parts that had been frozen stiff also began to thaw noticeably.

“Phew… indeed, I feel much warmer now. The Burpee Jump is globally recognized as a ‘fat killer’ and is an effective way to burn fat and get fit. It works over 70% of the muscle groups in the body. If you want to lose weight, you should do this exercise,” he continued.

Bi Fang spoke in Huaxia, and Etienne, standing by, could not understand, but he knew that Bi Fang had frozen himself for his sake and felt a twinge of guilt.

Warmed up, Bi Fang went to a nearby bush to look for suitable materials to start a fire.

“The situation is urgent this time, and I didn’t bring my backpack, so I can only rely on the most primitive method to start a fire. But it’s not Fire-Making by Wood-Drilling, that’s too slow. This time I choose the simpler bowstring method,” he explained.

[Awesome, waited three episodes, finally, we get to see Old Fang teach a new method.]

[Now that you mention it, it does seem that way…]

[Tears of joy, Old Fang promised to show us different methods for starting fires, and today that promise is finally fulfilled.]

Bi Fang laughed in response to the barrage of comments: “In the past few occurrences, the situation has been urgent, and it’s only now that I’ve finally found the opportunity to demonstrate this.”

The Bow Drill Fire Starting method is a common way to generate fire through friction. Like other friction fire-starting methods, it is easier to perform and can even be used in damp environments.

Soon, Bi Fang found the materials he needed in the bush.

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