Live broadcast of popular science about Emperor’s Mausoleum, ancient emperors were furious

Chapter 37

Seeing that his precious grandson was so knowledgeable, the old man Zhu Di smiled without laughing, glared at his sons and said: "A few of you are not as good as my grandson, if you quarrel again, I will put you in prison, old man." "

Zhu Gaochi and Zhu Gaochu stopped moving in an instant.

Zhu Zhanji was of course very happy to get Zhu Di's praise, so he suggested: "Grandpa, it seems that Qin Feng has released several videos, in addition to you and grandpa, it seems that I and my father are also mentioned, as well as my future son, why don't we take a look together." "

The old man Zhu Di nodded: "It's okay, anyway, in the future, you will be in charge of the Ming Dynasty, old man, I'll see how far you can go." "

Zhu Zhanji happily clicked on the next video.

[Zhu Gaochi, who is he?].

["I have done great things in my life, God has made me the emperor for a month, the emperor for a day, and I also want the world to know that the person who sits in that position regards the world and all living beings more seriously than himself!"].

["I just want everyone in the world to eat and wear clothes. "】

[Hundreds of officials shouted: "Long live Emperor Hongxi!"].

"Zhu Di is the Northern Expedition again, the Yongle Grand Ceremony, and the Western Ocean, and then the Ming Dynasty didn't jump, I feel that Zhu Gaochi is too awesome. 」

"In fact, Renzong only served as emperor for ten months and Xuanzong for ten years, but in just these eleven years, he has achieved the famous rule of Renxuan in history."

"Zhu Gaochi has always been in charge of the country, basically, Zhu Di is only in charge of fighting, and all the officials above the fifth rank in the world are out of the prince's mansion. 」

"Actually, Zhu Di is Zhu Gaochi's general of the expedition to the north. 」

After watching Zhu Gaochi's video, the elderly Zhu Di was stunned, and Zhu Gaochi and Zhu Zhanji's father and son were all stunned.

"Boss, you've only been an emperor for a month?".

The elderly Zhu Di looked at Zhu Gaochi distressedly.

He actually doesn't like Zhu Gaochi's son very much, not to mention that he is obese, and he is sick all over his body, and he always disagrees with him.

He wanted to go on the Northern Expedition, but Zhu Gaochi said that he was unwilling.

He wanted that concubine, and Zhu Gaochi also wanted to cross the bar, saying that it would affect his health.

But when he heard the news of Zhu Gaochi's untimely death, the elderly Zhu Di felt a faint pain in his heart.

"Dad, life and death are fateful, even if I am the emperor for a day, I have to do my duty. "

Zhu Gaochi smiled freely and said something similar to that in the video.



Zhu Zhanji's eyes were red, and he was speechless sad.

"Alas. "

The elderly Zhu Di sighed, patted Zhu Gaochi's shoulder, and said calmly: "Boss, I have suffered you all these years, and I have to be the prince in the capital, and I have to manage the country, and I have to raise military salaries, so I can go on a northern expedition with peace of mind." "

"Those boys in later generations are also talking about the image, if it weren't for you, I'm afraid the Ming Dynasty would collapse in my hands. "

"Saying that the old man is your general of the expedition to the north is not bad at all. "

Zhu Di laughed and laughed at himself.

"Dad, don't say that, I'm just a butler, you're the helmsman of the empire. "

Zhu Gaochi is in a bright mood, and he will not be proud and complacent because of some praise from later generations, otherwise he will not be famous for centuries.

"Good boy. "

Zhu Di nodded approvingly, not wanting to continue this heavy topic, so he instructed Zhu Zhanji and said: "Boy, after I leave the field with your father, it will be your turn." "

"Let me see if you have lived up to my expectations, old man. "

Zhu Zhanji nodded heavily and nervously clicked on the next video.

He is also looking forward to whether he can become an admired emperor like his grandfather and father after he becomes the emperor.

[The country is humiliated, foreign enemies invade, if no one is a general, I will be a general!].

A picture slowly unfolds.

Zhu Zhanji was wearing a white brocade robe, kneeling on the ground, tears dripping from his eyes, and splashing ink on his hands.

The sad music slowly sounded.

Zhu Zhanji's voice began to sound along with the picture.

"If I am a king for ten years, I will follow my father's example, take the hearts of the people as my own heart, take the thoughts of the people as my own thoughts, and never live up to the trust of my father and grandfather. "

"When I was young, I wanted to be a painter and enjoy the famous mountains and rivers all my life. "

"When I was old, I lay in bed, hung my paintings all over the walls, and traveled the world. "

"But then there were so many rights and wrongs that I forgot about it. "

"I regret it. "

The screen turns.

On the grassland desert, hundreds of thousands of elite Ming troops were neat and quiet.

Zhu Zhanji, dressed in armor, rode on a war horse, and walked slowly in front of the army.

"The sun, moon, mountains and rivers will always be there, and the Daming rivers and mountains will always be there!".

To put it mildly, the voice is not very loud, but it is very penetrating.


Hundreds of thousands of troops chanted together.

"The sun, moon, mountains and rivers will always be there, and the Daming rivers and mountains will always be there!".

Blood and passion!

Hot blood beats in everyone's pulse!


Zhu Zhanji shouted, and he shouted almost frantically: "The name of the world is the name of the world! When the prosperity of Xuande comes, the world will see that it will be a different Ming!"

"Everyone, go slowly!".

A line of words appeared in front of everyone's eyes.

[In the first year of Xuande, politically attached importance to the rectification of officials and finances, improved the status of the cabinet, appointed virtuous ministers and good generals, stopped using soldiers, and saved a large number of manpower. 】


"666, Zhu Zhanji is a hexagonal emperor, proficient in literature and martial arts, poetry and songs are even more handy, he is handsome and romantic, when the emperor is like this, there are no regrets in this life. 」

"My God, these emperors of the early Ming Dynasty are all top-level existences!"

"Da Ming's luck is added, it's just different!"

"Good boy!".

The old Zhu Di's excited blood surged, and he exclaimed: "It is worthy of being the grandson of his grandfather, and if he can do this, it can be regarded as fighting for our old Zhu family." "

Zhu Gaochi's eyes were also full of tears, what he was most happy about was not to see Zhu Zhanji galloping on the battlefield like his father Zhu Di, but the words that Zhu Zhanji said, taking the hearts of the people as his own heart and the thoughts of the people as his own thoughts.

This is what a good emperor really has to do, and it is also the thing that Zhu Gaochi was most worried about before his death.

Zhu Zhanji has taken Zhu Di as an example since he was a child, but Daming can no longer withstand the toss, if there is another Zhu Di, Daming may be at risk of losing the country.

But obviously, Zhu Zhanji has matured, he is not the second Zhu Di, but the first Ming Emperor who is proficient in everything Wen Taowu!

Zhu Gaochi Wentao is full of level, but he can't understand everything.

His father Zhu Di is a Ming god of war, but he doesn't like to read.

His grandfather Zhu Yuanzhang is a top-notch martial artist, but like Zhu Di, his literary talent is not good, although he has also made up for it after becoming the emperor, but compared with Zhu Zhanji, it is obviously not enough.

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