Live broadcast of popular science about Emperor’s Mausoleum, ancient emperors were furious

Chapter 230

[However, at this time, a new problem arises. 】

[Why do you have a hunch?]

[From a psychological point of view, although there are many coincidences in the world, they all have a common characteristic, that is, they make psychological compensation for people who have premonitions. 】

[That is, it has a special meaning for this person.] 】

What do you mean?]

[Psychologists have traveled through the primitive tribes and finally found that the appearance of beetles means rebirth. 】

[The paranoia caused by extreme rationality of the female patient was reborn due to the accidental period brought about by the beetle.] 】

[In other words, the reason why Xiao Ming had a premonition of Xiaomei's appearance was because Xiaomei's appearance had a deeper meaning for him that even he couldn't explain. 】

[It is the meaning that causes the accident to happen.] 】

[In response to this, psychologists have proposed a concept called "synchronicity", which is specifically used to describe this kind of situation that has subjective meaning but lacks causal relationship. 】

[Of course, there is no scientific basis for this concept.] 】

[Psychologists have spent their lives trying to find a plausible explanation for this concept.] 】

"Ninety-nine-three" [The so-called synchronicity refers to the coincidence of events in a person's mind with the events of real events, and there is no causal relationship between them. 】

[After the psychologists put forward this idea, they were immediately attacked by the entire scientific community, who could not believe that as a leading psychologist, they could come up with such a metaphysical concept.] 】

[It should be noted in advance that even today, the concept of synchronicity is still regarded as a pseudoscientific term.] 】

[From a scientific point of view, such an event without a causal relationship can only be called an accidental event.] 】

[Of course, this psychologist is not the so-called god stick in people's eyes. 】

[He has spent his life trying to find a new logic to explain this phenomenon reasonably. 】

[For example, he had frequent exchanges with Albert Einstein, that is, Einstein's theory of relativity inspired his research on synchronicity.] 】

[Because the law of the interaction between space and time can no longer be explained according to the principle of cause and effect.] 】

[For example, as early as 1930, he studied the quantum entanglement phenomenon that won the 2022 Nobel Prize in Physics, and believed that the quantum entanglement phenomenon is the physical phenomenon that best represents the concept of synchronicity. 】

[Perhaps in microphysics, the phenomenon of synchronicity can be better explained.] 】

Warring States Period!

Qi country.

Jixia School Palace.

Zhuangzi was preaching to his disciples.

He and his disciples were watching the video on the canopy with relish.

"Teacher, this psychologist in later generations, seems to be in a similar direction to us Taoist students. "

One of the students said.

The other students nodded silently.

They all felt that this psychologist seemed to have something in common with the Taoist they practiced.

"Not bad. "

Zhuangzi smiled and nodded.

"You can get such an understanding, and I am very happy for the teacher. "

"Maybe it's because of different countries and different regions, so there are different interpretations of these mystical things. "

Just like this Western psychologist, the phenomenon of premonition and coincidence is called synchronicity. "

"But in our Central Plains, in our Taoism, there is actually another explanation, and that is fate. "

The students here listened attentively to Zhuangzi's sermon.


When Zhuangzi said this word.

All the students are like being empowered.

"Not bad!"

"Isn't that fate?"

"In our cognition, isn't the occurrence of this coincidence, or the appearance of premonition in reality, just because of fate?"

"I think it's more subtle to call this phenomenon fate than synchronicity. "

"Yes, there are all kinds of coincidences in the world, and the connections between people may be caused by wonderful fate. "

"Fate is very mysterious, how can it be explained with scientific truth?"

"This psychologist is a little too sharp, isn't he?"

The students of Zhuangzi did not understand it.

The psychologist had to prove an ethereal concept.

For Taoists.

This is the opposite.

Taoism has always followed the heart and went with the flow.

Fate has not arrived, so there is no need to force it.

When fate comes, accept it calmly.

Why do all that pointless research?

"Nope. "

"You're wrong. "

Zhuangzi shook his head.

"This psychologist is a great talent. "

It is precisely because of his exploration of the mysterious and unknown that the world is full of all kinds of possibilities. "

"For us Taoists, go with the flow, everything has its own laws. "

"But we don't have to force everyone to live in our Taoist way. "

"The fact that he has the courage to delve into this unsolved unknown is a remarkable move in itself. "

Hear here.

All the students nodded in shame.


Any one of the everybody in history.

In the beginning, weren't they all about pursuing the ethereal unknown?

Only by constantly and actively exploring can we become a generation.


[Psychologists have a patient named Jack, winner of the Nobel Prize in 1945.] 】

[And what he studied was quantum mechanics, and there were a lot of inexplicable coincidences in Jack's life. 】

[For example, the famous Jack effect, once Jack appears in the laboratory, the experimental equipment will be inexplicably damaged.] 】

[Otto Stern, a physicist, used this as an excuse to deny Jack admission to his institute.] 】

[In addition to this, Jack also dreams regularly, which he thinks may have some kind of suggestion.] (Read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

[Psychologists treat Jack's mental illness by interpreting his dreams.] 】

[Jack, on the other hand, is a psychologist's concept of synchronicity, looking for a physical explanation.] 】

[This gave rise to the later Jack-Jung conjecture.] 】

What do you mean?]

[In the phenomenon of quantum entanglement, what is the reason for the connection between two microscopic particles?]

[Because of the ........ meaning]

[It is because human observation brings meaning and makes them correlated with each other.] 】

[This coincidence of meaning production allows us to observe the connection that arises between two particles.] 】


Great Song!

Song Renzong period.

Young Shen Kuo was writing hard in front of his window.

He was writing a book that he wanted to pass on to posterity.

But after seeing the popular science of the video on the canopy.

He was instantly fascinated. []

Especially the so-called Nobel laureates of later generations, those amazing scientists, and the theories they proposed.

Quantum entanglement, quantum science, Jungian conjectures, microscopic particles, and so on.

He didn't understand the meaning of these terms, though.


Instinct told him.

This is a science that the ancients never discovered!

It is also a territory that the ancients could never touch.


Shen Kuo spied a glimpse of the future!

He was thrilled by it.

Sit in front of the window.

Shen Kuo could no longer suppress the excitement in his heart, splashed ink, and wrote all his thoughts in his book "Dream Creek Writings".

"One day, my writings will surely be immortalized!"

"In this world, there are not only stories of emperors and generals, but also legends of people like us. "


[And in our history, there is a work that is the same as that of the psychologist Jung, and that is the I Ching.] 】

[Jung ultimately failed, and Western science did not find a reasonable path for him. 】

[Then look back at our history, whether the emergence of the Book of Changes has found a mysterious and peeping path for us, the descendants of China. 】

And this is the secret of the I Ching. 】

[In the history of our country, since the Spring and Autumn Period, most of the 3.8-point scriptures and classics that have appeared are almost inseparable from the influence of the Book of Changes. 】

[The format of the book "I Ching" is not complicated, but it only introduces 64 hexagrams, representing 64 different scenes in the world and 64 different situations that people face in this life. 】

[The ancients usually used the way of throwing copper coins or arranging grass lovers to find the truth of life from the Book of Changes, which is the so-called divination. 】

[All the divination methods from ancient times to the present, although they seem to be very different. But in fact, it is all based on these 64. 】

[In order to eliminate the metaphysical part of the I Ching, modern people are more accustomed to thinking of it as a philosophy and regard 64 as the 64 truth of life. 】

[Once, the psychologist Carl Jung regarded the I Ching as his life mentor and wrote such a passage. 】

[I don't know Chinese, and I've never been to the East, but I can assure the West that it's not easy to find the right way to enter this great work.] 】

[It is so far from our mindset that if we want to understand this book thoroughly, it is imperative that we Westerners get rid of our prejudices.] 】。

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