Live broadcast of popular science about Emperor’s Mausoleum, ancient emperors were furious

Chapter 195

In addition to Zhu Yuanzhang, Li Shimin, and Ying Zheng.

Emperors and generals of all dynasties and generations are also reflecting on their own actions.

Liu Che: "It seems that I shouldn't take care of everything, and I've grown up, so it's time to give him power." "

Emperor Yang Guang of the Sui Dynasty: "Young man, hehe, how can young people nowadays be trusted? "

Wu Zetian: "My son, a rebel with Li Tang's blood, is not as good as a person from my martial arts family after all." "

Just when the ancients had mixed reactions to the younger generation.

On the canopy.

New videos are flashed out.

[The once-in-a-century blizzard, the most painful lesson in the history of the Spring Festival, forced Huaxia into a "infrastructure madness" precious video history Huaxia refueling precious images]

[This is definitely the most painful lesson in the history of China's Spring Festival, and the 400,000 restless crowd is like a flood, and the embankment will burst immediately under the influence of great anxiety. 】

[And the 4 soldiers have been sleepless day and night, and their energy has reached the limit, and they may fall at any time. 】

"Well, 400,000 people moving together?"

"That's too much, isn't it?"

"Boss, what does this Spring Festival mean?"

Zhu Yuanzhang's eyes widened.

looked at the crowd in the video strangely.

It is as dense as the flood "630" water.

There's no end in sight.

Zhu Biao also found the meaning of the Spring Festival in the unique functions of the video.

"Dad, Huaxia in the new era is different from our Ming Dynasty. "

"At that time, the whole world was dominated by economic development. "

"In the new era, in order to catch up with Europe and the United States, China encourages people to do business and economy, which also leads to a very large flow of ordinary people. "

"Let's just say that. "

"People in some places heard that the economy in other places was very prosperous, so they went to work in that place to make money. "

"These people often work outside the home all year round, and only during the Spring Festival will they return to their hometowns to reunite with their families. "

"And the transportation of the people during the Spring Festival is called Spring Festival. "

Zhu Biao's explanation is very detailed.

Hearing this, Zhu Yuanzhang nodded again and again.

"I see. "

"To put it bluntly, these people want to go home, and they all end up huddled together. "

Zhu Yuanzhang's brain is very smart.

I immediately understood the reason.

But at the same time.

He felt a little uncomfortable.

After all, the movement of so many ordinary people can easily exacerbate social unrest.

To know.

During the Ming Dynasty.

Ordinary people are not allowed to move around at will.

Not to mention crossing provinces.

Even if you leave your village or hometown, you need a special pass.

Of course.

From the perspective of the present.

Such a method of domination is too extreme.

But in the early years of the Ming Dynasty.

Being able to maintain social stability was the primary task that the imperial court needed to do.

If you let the common people walk around at will.

The empire of the world.

Maybe it will fall apart because of this.

The most typical example is the time of the Qin Dynasty.

After Qin Shi Huang ruled the six countries, he did not strictly require the common people not to leave their hometowns at will.

This also gave Zhang Liang and Xiang Yu, the remnants of the nobles of the Six Kingdoms, a very large space for their activities.

They traveled from city to city.

Let the people of the Six Kingdoms have a grudge against Great Qin.

Finally, after the death of Qin Shi Huang Yingzheng.

The Six Nations rose up.

Overthrew the rule of the Qin Dynasty in an instant.

The end result was that millions of civilians died in the war.

Zhu Yuanzhang also set such extreme rules in order to make Huaxia stable and not give other races any opportunity to take advantage of it.


When he saw 400,000 people walking around at will.

A sense of crisis naturally arises in my heart.

The crowd is so large.

If you don't keep it all, there will be some ill-intentioned people who will take advantage of the opportunity to make trouble.

For example, kill someone.

In the case of 400,000 people crammed into a ball.

It was impossible to find out who the killer was.

But as soon as such a thing came out.

400,000 people can cause a huge upheaval in an instant!

Come to think of it.

Zhu Yuanzhang couldn't help sweating on his forehead.

If there were a major upheaval of the magnitude of 400,000 people in his time, it would easily hurt the country's foundation.


The entire Ming Dynasty will be torn apart.

"In China in the new era, there are really enough people. "

"With so many people gathered together, is it really guaranteed that they don't mess up at all?"

Zhu Yuanzhang felt a headache when he thought about it.

"yes. "

"It's a bit too many, 400,000 people. "

Zhu Biao also thought so.

The people in the video who are in the Spring Festival have no end in sight, almost no different from the flood.

Just seeing it makes me feel terrible.

"It would be great if these 400,000 people could be trained into an elite army. "

Zhu Di is still accustomed to looking at problems from the perspective of a commander-in-chief.

When seeing so many people for the first time.

He couldn't help but think of expanding his armament.

Just when Zhu Yuanzhang's father and son sighed.

On the canopy.

The video continues to play.

[The chaos of the Spring Festival of 400,000 people made the country suffer a lot at that time, and what led to all this was the snowstorm of 08. 】

[The pain of this Spring Festival also forced Huaxia into an infrastructure madman. 】

[In August 2007, a global financial crisis broke out, and China was not spared. (Read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

[Especially in the Pearl River Delta region, as the most developed region, on the eve of the Spring Festival in 2008, a large number of factories had no choice but to close, and countless migrant workers became unemployed. 】

[Therefore, at this moment, for them, since the money cannot be earned, going home has become the only thought. 】

[So a large number of people, carrying luggage, flocked to the train station. 】

[Although the country has advanced the start time of the Spring Festival by 6 days, there are too many unemployed people, and soon the train station, which can only accommodate 4 people, will be overcrowded. 】

[After feeling that the atmosphere was different this year, the local people quickly made the right choice and continued to draw manpower from the surrounding area to maintain order. 】

[But Guangdong Province, which has the largest number of migrant workers, has more people on their way to the train station.] 】

[But when people enter the train station full of joy, they see that there is not a single train on the entire station tracks. 】

[The big screen is full of red evening notifications.] 】

[As for when the train will arrive, no one knows at all.] 】

[In the northern part of Guangdong Province, under the influence of La Niña, a once-in-a-century snowstorm swept through the southern part of China.0]

[As the blizzard continues to move south, more and more urban power systems have been seriously damaged, and the most severely affected is the Xiangjiang River. 】

[23 consecutive days of rain and snow have made the city surrounded by white.] 】

[During this period, the average precipitation in the region reached a 50-year record of 131.5 mm.] 】

[The tower was covered with thick snow and huge ice picks, which eventually led to the complete collapse of the entire city's power grid. 】

[The whole process was cut off from water and electricity for nearly 10 days, and 4.6 million people were trapped in the city and tortured by the bitter cold. 】[]

[As a section of the Beijing-Guangzhou Railway, the power outage here will cut off the Beijing-Guangzhou Railway and freeze our fragile railway system!]

[After countless southbound trains arrived, they were forced to stop because they could not run due to lack of electricity. 】

[More than 200,000 train crews are stranded here, and even airplanes, flights, and highways are all closed. 】

[The communication line between the north and the south of our country is completely paralyzed!]

In order to restore power as soon as possible, brave and fearless power workers climbed the tower against the snowstorm and knocked off the ice picks and snow on the tower with a hammer. 】

[But in an extremely harsh environment, accidents still appeared.] 】

"There was an accident?"

"Dad, this feels serious. "

Zhu Gaoxu in the Yongle period saw the situation in the video.

I couldn't help but pinch a cold sweat in my heart.

This was one of the greatest crises he saw in modern China.

The power system, airplanes, flights, railways, roads, everything, all of them were paralyzed.

The north-south traffic arteries were all cut off.

To know.

Modern China is different from their Ming Dynasty, and there must be more than a billion people to say the least.

This massive nationwide transportation system was paralyzed.

It will affect hundreds of millions of people!

This is a very sensitive stage.

In case it is not handled well.

Perhaps it will be a bigger problem.

"yes. "

"Hundreds of millions of people are moving at the same time, and people want to go home for a reunion, but it just so happens that the transportation system is all paralyzed. "

"If we can't stabilize the mood of hundreds of millions of people, I'm afraid there will be a big problem of 2.8. "

"But trying to stabilize the emotions of hundreds of millions of people is even harder than climbing to the sky. "

Ginger is still old and spicy.

The elderly Zhu Di saw through the essence behind this crisis at a glance.

That's the change in the mood of the common people!

This is no ordinary time.

The outbreak of the economic crisis has made the people very dissatisfied in their hearts.

Their only thought is to go home for a reunion.

If even this wish cannot be realized.

That is, the roof leak happened to rain overnight.

In this case.

Ordinary people may choose to swallow their hearts and bear all this silently.

But that's hundreds of millions of people!

Even if there are only 10,000 people who vent their resentment, these emotions will be like sparks that will instantly burn the entire China of the new era!

"Daddy is right. "

"It seems to be an ordinary Spring Festival trouble, but the hundreds of millions of people involved behind it are the real crisis. "

Zhu Gaochi understood what Zhu Di meant.

Zhu Gaoxu also suddenly realized.

He finally understood why he always felt uneasy.

It's because behind this ordinary crisis, there is a greater danger!

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