Live broadcast of popular science about Emperor’s Mausoleum, ancient emperors were furious

Chapter 184

Just when Zhu Yuanzhang was surprised.

On the canopy.

The video continues to play.

[The development and changes of the Army in the past 20 years, now that we know, then let's take a look at the development and changes of the Air Force. 】

[In 2001, the total number of fighters in China's Air Force was about 2,600, of which a large number were second-generation J6 and J7, a small number of J8 and Flying Leopards, plus dozens of imported Su-27s. 】

[In 2021, the total number of fighters in China's Air Force will be about 1,400, including 4 fighters and thousands, and the 5th generation aircraft J20 will begin to serve in small batches, with a number of about 80 aircraft. 】

[Fighter-bombers, about 500 in 2001, the main force is strong 5, the Flying Leopard 7 is less than 30, and in 2021 it is 216, mainly the Flying Leopard 7A, various aircraft, including early warning aircraft, electronic warfare aircraft, reconnaissance aircraft, etc. 】

[In 2001, there were no dedicated AWACS aircraft, only modified Tu-154s, the number of which was about 70 units. 】

[In 2021, including the Air Police 2000, the Y-8 jamming aircraft, the electronic reconnaissance jamming aircraft, the air communication command aircraft, the integrated investigation and combat UAV, the attack 11 stealth unmanned attack aircraft, etc.] ~】

[Bombers, in 2001 there were about 700 fighter-bombers, the models were H-6 and H-5. -】

[In 2021, the number will be about 200 quasi-strategic bombers, and the asterisk is the H-6K/6N-/6J series. 】

[The sixth master is still the sixth master, but there are not many letters left for him. 】

[But fortunately, I heard that H20 seems to be coming out soon.] 】

[Transport aircraft, in 2001, the Y-5, 6, and 7 tactical transport aircraft were the mainstay, with a number of roughly 400 aircraft, and a small number of Soviet-made Il-76s. In 2021, the number of strategic transport aircraft represented by the Y-20, as well as the 1276 and Y-9 that are old and strong, will be about 260. 】

[Tankers, in 2001, there were only 4 bombers with the bomb 6, and in 2001 there were about 18 tankers, including the bomber 6, 1278 and the Yun-20 version of the tanker. 】

"So many planes?"

"And so many styles?"

"I'm almost dazzled. "

In the video, various popular science introductions and the Air Force planes on display overwhelmed Li Shimin.

Seeing an airplane is perfect.

I didn't expect it.

The next plane is even more perfect.

The variety of types is even more incredible.

What fighters, bombers, transport planes and even tankers.

It's literally everything.

"Auxiliaries, fighters and bombers, I can understand. What about transport planes and tankers?"

Li Shimin asked excitedly while watching.

The eldest grandson Wuji watched it for a long time.

Eyes rolled.

He said confidently: "Your Majesty, the so-called transport plane, in Weichen's understanding, should be an aircraft used to transport supplies. "


"Could it be that in the future generations, soldiers, horses, money, and food can be transported by plane?"

Li Shimin's eyes widened.

The generals present were also amazed.

That's amazing!

To know.

On the battlefields of antiquity.

If you want to start a war, you need a lot of preparation.

Take the recent war between the Tang Dynasty and the Turks as an example.

Before the war.

Li Shimin has been preparing for three years.

It took a year to mobilize soldiers and horses!

That's right!

The war has not yet begun.

It took three years just to prepare.

It took a year to mobilize troops and horses!

In ancient times, marching and fighting were not like the songs in the play, a thousand miles a day, and you could reach the battlefield in the blink of an eye to decide whether you would win or lose.

First of all.

Mobilizing troops is a very big problem.

The army of hundreds of thousands seems to be imposing, but it is made up of soldiers one by one.

And these soldiers are all from all over the world.

Some are from Longxi, some are from Shandong, some are from Lingnan, and some are from Yanzhao.

These places are thousands of miles away.

I want to mobilize these soldiers scattered in the north and south of the world.

The order must be communicated first.

After the local officers verify that the order is correct, they will begin to mobilize local troops.

Wait until all the soldiers and horses are gathered.

It is estimated that it will take ten days and half a month.

Such operations can be carried out in more than one place, but in several or even dozens of places at the same time.

In some places, the assembly time is long, and in others, the assembly time is short.

When all the soldiers and horses in all places are assembled, they still need to walk a long way to the battlefield.

It will take several months.


The transportation of grain and grass should also be carried out in advance.

This can take as little as three months, as much as half a year or even a year.

Three years to prepare for a big war.

This is by no means an exaggeration.

Of course.

Many people may also have heard that in the troubled times, there are years of war, where do their food, grass, soldiers and horses come from?

This is a matter of asking the local people.

The warlords in the troubled times fought each other, and all the grain, grass, soldiers and horses were taken from the people.

Whether it is rebellion or obedience, most ordinary people have only one result, and that is death.

This is why the ancients said that "the people are suffering, and the people are dying, and the people are suffering".

A big war.

Either prepare years in advance, or plunder the local population.

There are only these two options. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

That's how brutal war is.

But the emergence of the transport aircraft in the market has completely changed this situation!

As long as there is a transport plane.

Then whether it is grain and grass or soldiers and horses, they can be assembled in a short time.

After all, the speed of an airplane is far from being comparable to that of two legs.

Li Shimin and the officials of Datang have all learned about it from the previous video popularization.

The speed of the plane is very fast.

If you count it according to the distance of their Tang Dynasty.

It takes three days to get from Chang'an to Chengdu, to say the least.

In the case of being able to fly in the afterlife.

It only takes an hour to get there!

Efficiency and speed have increased to an astonishing level.

If you use an airplane to transport grain, grass, soldiers and horses.

It originally took three years to prepare for a big battle, but in the afterlife it can be shortened to half a month or even less!

It is the so-called soldier who is fast. []

The shorter the time to prepare for war, the greater the probability of victory.

A big war often determines the rise or fall of a country, and even more so the fate of millions of ordinary people.

It can well be imagined.

The appearance of transport planes, for these generals who are well versed in the battlefield, how huge the impact is.

Li Shimin is one of the representative figures.

"If you can really use airplanes to transport soldiers, horses, money and food, it will be great. "

"If I, Datang, have such technology and conditions, and be a small Turk, even the world will crawl at my feet!"

Li Shimin clenched his palms, and his mind was difficult to calm down.

He really wanted to travel through time and space to the afterlife, where he commanded a hearty battle.

How happy would that be?

At the time of Li Shimin's fantasy.

On the canopy.

The video continues to play.

[The Army and Air Force have been introduced, so let's focus on the Navy. 】

[In terms of navy and destroyers, in 2001, we only had 19 ships, only two 4,800-ton 052 and one 6,000-ton 051B. 】

[One modern-class missile destroyer, and the rest is a 3000-ton 051 destroyer. 】

[From the perspective of the navy alone, we were overwhelmed by the Japanese navy at that time, which may not be acceptable to many people, but that is indeed a fact. 】

[However, in 2021, we have a total of 41 destroyers, of which 5 are in service with the main 055 and 19 are 052D, and the rest are all new warships and deeply upgraded versions. 】

[Frigates, in 2001 there were about 42 053 missile frigates, but only 5 053H3 were barely usable. In 2021, it has about 100 frigates, including 30 Type 054A missile frigates and about 72 Type 056 frigates. 】

[Landing ships, in 2001, there were 16 large landing ships of the 072 series, each with a displacement of about 3,100 tons, and in 2021, there were 8 Type 071 integrated landing ships with a displacement of up to 25,000 tons, and 41 large landing ships of the 072/073 series. 】

[The number of conventional submarines in 2001 was 70, including about 50 Soviet-made Kilo-class submarines of the 4,033 class and about 17 of the 035 series. 】

[In 2021, the number will be more than 60, including more than 10 053G/B, more than 10 Suzhikilo-class, and about 20 or 30 039 series. 】

[In terms of nuclear submarines, there were only 6 in 2001, of which the attack nuclear submarine was the Type 091 with 5,500 tons, the strategic nuclear submarine was the Type 092 with 8,000 tons, and there were 19 nuclear submarines in service in 2021, including the attack nuclear submarine with 7,000 tons of Type 093 and the strategic nuclear submarine with 11,000 tons of Type 094. 】

[In terms of aircraft carriers, there were none in 2001, and the Varyag was at the mouth of the Black Sea and was embarrassed by Turkey. 】

[In 2021, we already have two aircraft carriers with a full load of 60,000 tons, and a quasi-aircraft carrier Type 075 amphibious assault ship with a full load of 4 tons. 】

[If you count the Hu Jian ship of more than 80,000 tons this year, we already have three!]

[The above is the change in the number of equipment of China's navy, land and air forces in the past 20 years. inches].

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