Limits Of The Flesh In DXD

Chapter 93

Dozens of bloodlines, biological cheats, and conceptual destruction made me reach the vaunted Super/Satan class of beings. And in my terrible form I was destruction and death incarnate.

When Azazel, and Micheal sealed away the casino hotel. It swiftly became the reality that they were protecting the hotel from my own passive attacks as the acid rain I conjured with the Serpent of the End carved furrows in the enemies' flesh making them scream and then fail with their barriers falling with their loss of concentration.

And when exposed to the deluge of acid rain falling down their screams were quickly silenced as their bodies all but melted by the magical acid rain.

The buzz of billions of magical bees tore through the air as I fell upon the heir of the Beelzebub bloodline who screamed as his highly toxic bees that could easily kill high-class devils couldn't find purchase within my scaled-covered massive body. 

Not that his bees would work on me with my biological manipulation anyway.

And his only base High-Class magic other than his bees most certainly couldn't hurt me in my Serpent of the End from that was covered in D'draig's Balance Breaker armor. To say the least, I was stupidly durable right now and I knew of no one who was actually as durable as I currently was!

My claws rent the pathetic Satan heir of the Beelzebub bloodline in two with his chest getting cut in half even as he tried to choke down one of Ophis's snakes of power. But... He couldn't exactly digest the snake into his body with his stomach and even his lungs having been ripped off could he?

"Dumbass... The Beelzebub bloodline of controlling magic bees is best used for killing endless mooks. Not faction leaders." I snarled as I ignored an admittedly powerful blow hitting my back from some jacked-up dude with purple silver hair. 'Oh, Heracles huh?' I thought as I moved away from the corpse of Shalba Beelzebub and then with a tail swipe, I smashed Heracles across the battlefield with blood being shot from his mouth as I shattered some ribs in the single attack.

My instincts screamed at me and I looked up to see Cao Cao dropping towards me at high speeds with the glowing spear of light that was the True Longinus. And I froze under the deadly holy light coming to peirce my head and instantly kill me!

My form glowed a dull silver that was a mockery of holy light and a cold grin of bloody fangs was the answer to Cao Cao's panic-stricken face as the True Longinus's spear point of holy light just went out like a light bulb whose switch was flipped.

And even as a swirling purple mist of Dimension Lost attempted to grab Cao Cao to save him. With a deep exhale I exhaled a tide of Power of Destruction flames that washed over Cao Cao and killed him with the dimensionally shifting mists evaporating under the all-devouring flames.

"Truly this man is a monster even worse than that Sirzechs." I heard a voice speak and then my vision went dull as a massive impact struck my head I couldn't help a cry of pain as something uppercut me in the jaw sending my massive form into a backflip that made some people scream as I crushed them under my bulk.

'Fucking Loki!' I cursed seeing the blue-haired fuck was somehow wielding the DXD Thor's fucking massive hammer and in the corner of my eye, I grimaced seeing the corpse of fucking Odin being shaken to pieces by the god-killing wolf Fenrir.

Odin had seemingly lost the fight against Loki who was backed up by his children Fenrir and the dragon king Midgardsormr otherwise known as Jörmungandr the massive dragon king laid out with several massive holes in its body from Odin obviously and even as I adjusted myself and dodged a swing of Mjollnir from Loki I saw Rossweise was also laid out with an arm missing and other smaller wounds across her body.

"How do you even have Mjollnir Loki!?" I snapped out exasperated as he was now the most dangerous entity on the field as with the death of Shalba and Cao Cao. Only Loki and Fenrir were any real danger to me now as the rest of the sacred gear wielders and mages were being swiftly slaughtered down to the man by Gabriel and my creations.

My tail smashed into Mjollnir and I mentally flinched as the damned hammer was bypassing my durability with its innate divinity that had something to do with killing giants or beings of unusual size... And in my massive form, I certainly fit that template.

I flared the Lucifer Denial of the Divine at Loki making him snarl but he grinned through the pain of my power burning away at his divinity as he snarled through bared lips. "Dear old Odin actually made Mjollnir and Gungnir immune to divinity negation you upjumped brat!" 

He brought down Mjollnir again towards me and I actually had to tank the blow on my side as I screamed in unholy agony as Fenrir had properly joined the fight with his fangs sinking into my flesh without any resistance but then the crown above my head spun as the flesh crown of Mahoraga adapted my body to Fenrir's dimension and immortal slaying fangs.

"Get fucked by a horse again Loki." I spat as I blew flames at the Norse god who teleported away and idly I saw Ei zip through some people with limbs flying before a scream rang out that died instantly as she took off Creuserey Asmodeus's head with her divine lightning-coated sword.

Fenrir snapped his jaws around my face and I held in a cry of pain as his fangs dug into my draconic scale-covered face but his fangs didn't sink in without resistance anymore. And in his shock at not being able to just rip my face apart, I struck the god-killing wolf.

I grabbed the wolf by his throat with my own fangs and I ripped his throat out and then even as his father cried out in rage and slammed Mjollnir onto my back and on the back of my head I ripped more of the divine wolf's throat out. Until I exposed his windpipe and once I pierced it I exhaled a great wave of flames inside Fenrir's body.

"Let my son go, you freak!" Loki roared and I screamed as he lined up a hit and I felt an eye pop as he smashed Mjollnir into the eye and I lost all sight in the eye and it would take me a good while to regrow and reconnect a new eye so I just looked hatefully at Loki who was panting with exertion as he hefted up Mjollnir with great effort.



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