Limits Of The Flesh In DXD

Chapter 64

So instead of dealing with the Greeks partying and debauchery for the next couple of days to celebrate the games that were held previously, Sirzechs had teleported Artemis, Ei, Arcueid, and myself into the hellscape that was the dividing area between the Greek and Devils territory in the Underworld. Funny enough it wasn't just a normal hellscape of corrupted jungles that had terrible monsters coming out of them all the time.

But the hellscape was actually the Aztec's underworld territory Mictlān but they lost all rights to the said underworld when they faded or were slaughtered by the invading Abrahamic beings of all three races of Angels, Devils, and Fallen Angels who killed off the native gods of the Americas over the years. With their afterlife/underworld being turned into an overgrown jungle filled with monsters that kept low-power beings from going in.

"So what will you do with this primal forest? I do hope you don't plan on actually destroying it." Artemis spoke up with a hesitating tone to her voice but I shook my head smiling as I laid my hand on a pitch black tree and even as the microbards of the tree tried to fill me with paralytic toxins so I would drop dead so the tree could absorb my nutrients. I ignored those toxins after just isolating them as I went about pulling at the warped and mutated biology within.

"Come closer please," I spoke to Artemis and she raised an eyebrow, and then I gently took her so I could use her body as a template so after a moment the tree seemingly shuddered as from the bark grew out a very voluptuous woman with green hair and I even made leaves that grew over over private parts... And for the kicker, I gave the Dryad the Beelzebub bloodline allowing her to form mental partitions to control many different things and think at a greatly accelerated rate.

"The fact that you can create a true living soul and person out of naught but corrupted wood pulp. Is scary even to a goddess like myself." Artemis spoke softly as she took in the dryad I formed took the form of Kii from Monster Musume and I took a breath creating a soul with some actual intelligence was exhausting for my own soul. "So is this to be my daughter? I can feel a connection to her through my domain of childbirth and the wild..." Artemis continued with her voice turning tight as she came closer and inspected the Dryad I made that would match any fertility goddess in her curves.

"You can consider her as such if you desire, she will be utterly loyal to me, but if you wish to claim her as your daughter that is fine... But I would wait as I plan on creating another one, this one being the future queen of the megafauna here in a Chimera." I spoke and she frowned at my words but I realized what she was worried about.

"No!" I said firmly. "The Chimera will not be some abomination but instead a collection of bloodlines that will allow her to rule the corrupted monsters within the jungle with ease so long as Tiamat doesn't come out of the Familiar forest to pick up some beasts." I finished with a wry smile as Sirzechs did warn me that the Primordial dragon mother came to visit this area at times to pick up the less corrupted monsters to fill up her Familiar forest.

"Don't judge master, as anything he creates will love him and won't cause him any issues... Other than burning down a house maybe when they try to cook." Arcueid spoke with a wry smile as she eyed Ei who flinched at the reminder of how she attempted to cook with Klee and somehow turned a pot of water into a hydrogen-powered rocket that shot through the roof of the kitchen.

Artemis just looked at the completely assured face of Arcueid who said I could do no wrong and then just facepalmed, and I could even hear her muttering through her hand. "Dear gods of Olympus I have been married to a poor boy who is being gaslighted by his own creations... What do I do Nyx?" She seemingly prayed but I paid no mind as I waited for my new creation to awaken.

Soft green eyes looked up to me and I realized she took after Medusa's more slow and calm personality as she gently lifted her arms up towards me. "Master..." She whispered as her hands finally met my shoulder and I snickered internally as I felt her body already producing copious amounts of happy chemicals within her body and even similar sensations forming within her soul as she attempted to seemingly pull me down to snuggle with her as Medusa was so fond of doing in her large Gorgon form.

So I gently held her hands as I made her so that even when I returned to Earth she could follow me back by infecting the native trees with her bloodline and allowing her Beezlubub bloodline that was mostly used controlling stupid amounts of drones or for her any number of magical tree's but her core body would be remaining here to protect the borders. "Your name is Kii and the protector of the plants of this forest," I said laying out the core of her being and her eyes lit up a bit with a bit of purpose in her life.

All my creations despite them having their souls were sort of lost creatures at times if they didn't have a prime directive. Ei was my guardian and strongest creation with her divine and holy lightning but Arcueid who I didn't give a prime directive was even more fixated on me than anything else and would regularly sleep for literal days in my shadow trying to stay as close as she physically could without getting in my way. So I made sure to give Kii her own prime directive in watching over this forest.

Artemis hummed and poked Kii's cheek making it dent inwards cutely and making the dryad look up at Artemis inquisitively and then tilt her head to the side and speak words that made Artemis freeze. "Master is that Momma?" She asked innocently as vines from beneath her slowly crept around the two of us, and I rolled my eyes and allowed the Dryad the snuggles it wanted as I could feel it already doing what I wanted in forming connections with all the nearby plant life. And more interestingly her own power expanded with her being able to pull at the magical energies that seeped into all the corrupted forestry around here.

Artemis even as pinkie-thin vines gently pulled her onto the bed of thick moss and wood was still frozen with her face locked into a blue screen of death as I could all but hear her raging thoughts that probably went along the lines of. 'I have a fully grown child after only being married for a single day!" But either way even as Ei and Arcueid looked on fondly I just relaxed into snuggling with my new creation that was as energetic as a sloth.

But hey Kii's boobies were soft and thus made a good snuggle pillow. And after all the stress with the Greeks nonsense, I wasn't going to deny a little power nap before I got to more work.

Just as I closed my eyes I froze as realized something that made me hysterically giggle. "Kii... You were made from a kind of maple tree right." I started and her soft green eyes blinked before nodding in silent agreement then I pressed my head down a bit harder on her boob and then from the nipple was the Canadian nectar of the gods... Kii was fucking leaking maple syrup.



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