Limits Of The Flesh In DXD

Chapter 62

The next series of games I didn't take part in as some other devils took up their places to do magically enhanced versions of games like Shotput, Discuss, or other track events. The only time when Sirzechs asked me if I wanted to go back to represent for another game was during a wrestling match.

And seeing the seven-and-a-half-foot-tall naked dude covered in oils that were to be my opponent I bluntly told Sirzechs that I will literally make his hair blue and throw the match if he asked me to do something like that. So we lost that match as the devil who reluctantly got into the ring ended up screaming and crying out about how the Greek started whispering sweet nothings and calling him bubba, and doing other things...

"Not let us have a remission so that our great faction leaders can tally up the score to discuss our further dealings!" Apollo called out dramatically but as he was talking I couldn't mistake the heated looks he was sending my way as Artemis was sitting beside me.

After she woke up from her unconscious state after the many means of incapacitation that were used on her, she was silent. She didn't rage, she didn't cry. No, it was very eerie how cool her expression was as not even Grayfia's typically placid face in public showed so little emotion or thoughts.

And then there was Apollo clearly pinning for his now 'lost' sister as he clearly didn't want to accept this match. Honestly, I wanted time to understand what the fuck Sirzechs was thinking about accepting this. Or if he was thinking at all and was actually ensnared by Aphrodite.

As much as I wanted to think that as a member of the top ten most powerful beings in the world, he was immune to Aphrodite's charm and divinity... But you can never know and for all I know she could have been saving her powers for literally centuries for this very moment to fuck over her rival and natural enemy and I was just the useful patsy.

"We won the majority of the games so at best things will turn out evenly probably," Serafall said wryly and I couldn't help but roll my eyes at how shameless the Greeks were when the negotiators came in and started trying to discredit all the wins we did snag so they could get ahead in points to say nothing of the bets of some games which would then be turned over to the Greeks as winnings.

But Sirzechs was patient and calm, he didn't burst into rage at their shamelessness nor did he throw any kind of fit. Instead, he calmly refuted their claims and left them no leeway for them to maneuver into a position of power.

Maybe his constant dealings with the splinter factions in the Devils were in fact of some worth or something, as he kept the negotiations on the edge of their toes and sweating as Sirzechs actually pointed out the cheating down in one of the games on the Greek's end. When during the midget throwing contest, the Greek Midget Tosser used a spell to augment his strength internally when those games were supposed to be done with the person's natural strength.

Honestly, I was thinking adding some magic to the game would make it even better... Like making a rocket spell attached to the midget's feet or something for when he got launched.

But hey I was simply a reincarnated devil, what did I know of ancient Greek showmanship games?

Once the negotiators left with a magical scroll stamped with Sirzech's magical signature the man slouched into his seat and seeing as no one else who was Greek was there besides Artemis, I bluntly asked what had been weighing on my mind so much. "Sirzech's did Aphrodite mess with your head?" I asked and the fucker actually smiled wryly like he got caught doing something bad while Serafall, Artemis, and the others looked at me like I was crazy.

"What do you mean? Aphrodite has been in her seat at the Olmypian booth the entire time eating her damned grapes?" Serafall asked with an odd light to her tone and Grayfia herself nodded in assent but spoke up softly.

"Did Ddraig catch her using her divinity on you or something?" Grayfia questioned with care for my own well-being clear in her voice. And still, Sirzechs was looking like a kid who got caught with his fucking hand stuck in the cookie jar, when the heavy ceramic lid closed on it...

Imperciebtly Sirzechs shook his head and I matched it with a frown before making something up on the spot as it was clear Sirzechs wanted to keep this bullshit close to his chest for whatever reason... As my brother-in-law, I could give him the benefit of the doubt so I looked back to Grayfia's crimson eyes and shook my head. "No, I just was wondering if she would try to mess with Sirzechs during the negotiations with how much they have been trying to fuck us over," I explained, and although Grayfia didn't appreciate my crass language she nodded in understanding.

"As to your question Jake... No Aphrodite did not mess with my head, in fact, my vision is 'very clear.'" Sirzechs pitched in and I caught that slight weight he put on when speaking about the clarity of his vision so I just took a breath and cleared my head.

But before I could relax Artemis who was sitting beside me shifted and yeah there went my lowering tension levels as she took the moment she folded her leg over the other one to get my attention.

"And what will my duties be as to your wife." She asked dully with so little inflection in her voice as she used some kind of magic to speak to me that I wondered if something inside of her broke when Aphrodite fucked with her.

For a moment I literally ignored her as she spoke directly to me via magic but when I didn't answer she actually went above and beyond to force a confrontation between us as she spoke aloud this time for all to hear. "Ladies and gentlemen, please excuse me as I wish to discuss private matters with my betrothed." And then she waved her hand creating a drape of soft silvery moonlight that encircled our forms separating us from my booth mates and now I was locked into a closet's worth of space as Artemis actually moved her chair to sit in front of me so I was forced to look at her low cut dress with red fringes before I actually locked eyes with her cool blue eyes.

"So." She raised an eyebrow and my face twitched at her brusque question. "What will you have of me?" She demanded folding her arms under her prodigious breasts and pushing them up which was distracting with how they were bigger than Rias's and a match for Akeno's maybe even exceeding their size.

"What do you want then!?" I demanded in turn. "I didn't ask to marry you! I didn't ask to be pulled into these damned games and most of all as a virgin goddess why the hell did you accept this then?!" I retorted and for a moment Artemis's eyes turned stormy and glowed with the steely silver of the moon before she visibly stomped down her anger.

She seemingly chewed on her thoughts... And oh as she spoke I realized how fucking far Aphrodite games went as the deal and bet for the first game was not at all this, "The bet was between the production method for Evil Pieces so that we could mass produce Demi-Gods to make the Olympians themselves stronger... And on the reverse side of the deal was for either myself or Hestia to marry the winner of the duel." Artemis snorted as she shook her head derisively. "Obviously Hestia would rather kill herself than be forced into a marriage and my father seeing as I lost the duel, to begin with, decided to make the other women Hera and Aphrodite among the Olympians happy in sending me away." She said coldly before her eyes refocused and locked onto my own.

"I ask the final time Jake Baris. What are your intentions towards me?" She said with a heavy tension in her words.

I smiled and then I gently took one of her hands into my own making her freeze at my abrupt action while she was acting so dominantly I was silently building up power and as I took her hand I could hear Ddraig's roaring laughter as he himself helped me do this and once I took her hands and reorganized my thoughts seeing into her divine self a soft whisper of "Multi Boost!" Rang out and Artemis's eyes rolled up as I boosted Asmodeus's passion flames to their limits.

Funny enough the record holder by far of the most nuns and angels made to fall into depravity was bar none the wielders of the Asmodeus bloodline with their bloodline literally being mind break hentai personified... All four of the Satan Devil bloodlines were made to fuck over god and their angels in some way or another and the Asmodeus bloodline was made to break the tools of god.

Artemis literally just slumped forward keening softly with her body locking up into a seizure of mind-bending pleasure that melted her thought process and she collapsed once again tucked into my chest like a lover. I just played it cool when Artemis's light screen came down around us and my booth mates saw Artemis sitting in my lap all snuggled up against me.

So even as Apollo sent a glare at me and my own friends in the booth snickered at how close we looked I leaned into Artemis's ear and spoke ever so softly into her ear. "I don't care if I am your husband daddy, or master... Don't try to intimidate me into doing what you want." And with that said I just folded up my knees a bit so I could wrap my arms around her and honestly...

Artemis was fucking hot, so if hate fucking the tsundere out of her was needed I would do so without much grief about the workload. I knew from feeling her bio-chemistry warped as it was with her divinity messing with her that she was, in fact, interested in me after beating her in that 'race'.



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