Limits Of The Flesh In DXD

Chapter 37 Sirzechs enthusiastic walk.

If Sirzechs current emotions could be summed up in a single word right now. That would be Wrath... Just like how he knew the Sitri Patriarch was coming down with the sleeping sickness himself but to think even his own father was coming down with it. Not even to mention how someone else knew and had taken the steps to poison him and bring about the unending coma as well as his death even sooner than it should.

Sirzechs couldn't help but have the smallest smidgen of doubt that maybe Jake may have pulled something in order to send him on this wind goose chase but in the end the Satan Lucifer knew all too well that Jake's biological control needed physical contact and at no time was he within hundreds of miles of his father at any point in his short lifetime... So, it was obvious that he had nothing to do with it.

With a loud crashing noise Sirzechs all but violently tore through the wards surrounding the Tepes clan castle as he through pure power pushed his form through the wards destroying them with his aura of unleashed Power of Destruction that wafted off his form.

"Halt! Lord Lucifer, you have not set an appointment or diplomatic meeting what is the meaning of this!" The guard captain roared as he flew over his terrified subordinates like a cloud of shadows and bats, but Sirzechs only stared at the barely Ultimate-class Vampire for a moment before he looked to the castle in the distance.

"I am here to meet with your king now. Take me to him" The red-haired Satan said bluntly as he paid the arrogant vampire a single glance before he walked towards the castle with all the poise of a man on a mission and being impossible to stop.

"Block him! The Tepes clan isn't the backyard of Devils to stomp around with no care!" The vampire guard captain yelled out spitefully and although the vampires didn't directly attempt to attack Sirzechs and instead held their spears out to block his way...

But whether it was their spears, their magic, or even their bodies. All things in front of Sirzechs disintegrated in the black and red haze of Power of Destruction that surrounded the anxious Satan that couldn't give a shit less about these vampires in his path.

"Begone or die. I am going to meet your king whether you like it or not." Sirzechs spoke one last time to the guard captain as his head cleared and he realized how undiplomatic he was being and how it could later bring issues to his own faction.

But if needs must he was fully ready to slaughter these ignorant fools that dared to stand in the way of a Satan and one of the strongest beings in the world.

"Sirzechs Lucifer... It's been a while since I have seen you." A voice carried through the thick mists that surrounded the Tepes castle and Sirzechs snorted at the attempt at being mysterious and just continued walking towards the castle as the voice clicked its tongue and spoke again. "Guards stand aside the best you can do is get the dust of your annihilated bodies onto his cloak."

All the guards happily stood aside as they were well aware that they were heavily outmatched by the single Satan as no weapon could even approach his Power of Destruction cloaked form.


A couple minutes later Sirzechs Lucifer was standing in front of an arrogant-looking young man with blond hair who was lounging on a large ornate throne with a chalice of steaming hot fresh blood.

"Marius where is your father? I have no time for your games." Sirzechs snapped in disgust at the profligate Tepes clan heir. Marius Tepes was known to be one of the more depraved vampires and was in the category of a glutton who glutted themselves upon instead of the needed single human's worth of blood in a couple months, instead regularly hunted, tortured, and feasted upon dozens of ordinary humans every couple weeks.

"Hmm Father dearest is currently busy? For a long while at that... So, now Lucifer what do you want with my humble Tepes clan?" Marius spoke swirling his chalice of blood before taking a sip at it and shuddering in joy apparently at the taste.

"Your sister Valerie Tepes. I am here for her." Sirzechs said bluntly and Marius's eyes snapped up at the red-haired Satan as a flash of fear before it cooled as he shrugged. "Sorry, my worthless little sister died years ago when she and that brat from the Vladi family escaped... Pity that I suppose." Marius carelessly spoke as he took a deeper draft from the chalice before he set the chalice aside.

"So what? Was this meeting to have Valerie and that Gasper kid reunited? You wanted to play savior or something and reunite the runts of the Tepes faction Haha! Marius laughed at his own joke but choked as Sirzechs power pressed down upon him.

"I am the Satan Lucifer... Do you think yourself so clever that you could lie to my face child? Take me to her now or I will kill you and find her myself. This no game I will uproot this entire faction here and now because you want to play your little sociopathic games with someone that far eclipses you." Sirzechs calmly explained to the Vampire who all but pissed himself at the sight of his literal. death staring him in the eye.

"Very well... Follow me." Marius spat as he realized he had no way out. He either submitted now leading the freak of nature to his sister despite her value so she could be taken. Or he could mouth off and be killed by the deadly serious Satan who would face little to no repercussions as the vampires themselves would cover it up to save face about how a faction strolled in and killed a leader of their own faction and absconded with a Longinus wielder and left without a single scratch.

Needless to say, Marius led Sirzechs deeper into the castle and eventually they arrived in a heavily warded room with only a single thin bed in the middle of the room with nothing else in it, and within the bed was the thin and emaciated form of Valerie Tepes and seeing her Sirzechs could feel the distinct feeling of a Longinus close to the surface all wielders had.

Valerie Tepes was a soft beauty with long blond hair and moderate-sized breasts that pushed up her thin sheet of a blanket and Sirzechs couldn't help but think how this room was not only a prison but a form of torture as the walls and ceiling were a uniform white painted color with the vampire princess being unable to see the matching white floor at all so all she could see at any point in time was the white walls and painfully bright white lights that were at all times aimed at her.

"Well take the bitch away... Oh, and here it's been customary to give a gift to all people of note who visit. Even if you have been nothing but a respectable guest, I won't lower myself to your level." Marius said trying to be petty as he passed a bottle of red wine... Or almost certainly blood to Sirzechs who eyed the bottle for a moment.

"Don't worry I am willing to drink it in front of you. In fact, I am quite fond of the vintage... Hunted it myself as it were. Haaa little orphan virgin girls living in the abbeys of a nunnery orphanage. The hints of Holy Light give us evil creatures a nice kick with each sip Hah-"

As Valerie weakly looked over to Sirzechs, she could only blink with dead eyes as her brother's head exploded like a watermelon as Sirzechs back hand pass through it in the same moment the bottle of blood exploded in his other hand coating the room's walls and floor in vibrant red.

"Fucking monster... Devils aren't evil creatures. reminds me of that fool Rizevim Peh." Sirzechs spat on the headless corpse of the vampire before the Satan took a deep breath and advanced on Valerie after erasing the wards surrounding the bed in the middle of the room.

But as Sirzechs looked at Valerie his face turned into a grimace as he took a hand and pinched her cheek and then even slapped her cheek slightly to test her. The girl's face only rolling at the impact, but no emotion or discomfort rose to her face.

"Valerie Tepes." Sirzechs tried calling to her and the blonde vampire only blinked languidly at the red-haired man who sighed and palmed his face as he realized an iron fact at this moment.

Valerie was all but a vegetable at this moment after probably overusing her Longinus Sepiroth Graal and such a thing couldn't be fixed by Jake due to it being a soul issue... That and if she even had a soul with the Graal just being stuck in her soulless husk as her body hadn't died yet.

"Dammit!" Sirzechs cursed as he took a deep breath and grabbed Valerie and princess carried her out of the castle through a tunnel he created with a blast of Power of Destruction.

Then as soon as he flew out of the castle's ward system, he teleported back to the Underworld to see what Jake could do with Valerie and if he needed to go to Ajuka and borrow a Sacred Gear extractor.



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