Limits Of The Flesh In DXD

Chapter 31 Commissoned Chapters sponsored by The Kriegan and others

The arrival of my new Servants in Yubelluna, and the cat girl twins Ni and Li was... Disappointingly simple because there was no trade between peerage pieces or whatever. Apparently in order to get the newly female Riser some motivation the Phenex family used like thirty years of stored-up Phenex tears they had been saving for a rainy day to bribe Ajuka Astaroth to retrieve the girl's evil pieces.

"Them lacking Evil pieces is a disappointment but also them not mutating into a monster after being taken from Riser is a decent trade-off," I said as I took in the silent three girls before I looked to Rayna Phenex the matriarch of the Phenex family.

"Yes... So, Jake as I have asked previously. What do you desire for my son Riser to be turned back into his male form?" She asked and I wanted to roll my eyes as I thought I had made myself clear enough at this point.

"He is an ass and I have little interest in turning him back... Tell you what. Get me a blood or tissue sample from either Ddraig or Albion from when they were alive, and I will change him back." I said throwing out what I considered an impossible request as such regents from the Heavenly Dragons were probably long used and if someone did actually have them...

Well, they would charge the Phenex family an arm and a leg. So, such a price should be a good enough punishment for Riser.

"I see," Rayna spoke closing her eyes as she contemplated my demand before she nodded, and her eyes opened back up to stare at me. "Such a trade will touch upon the foundation of the Phenex clan with how much it will cost... So how do I know you will keep your word?" She asked and for a moment I was stumped before I shrugged.

"I have no reason to lie to you. I have the power to make him a very fertile young woman and I can just as easily turn him back into a man... Sure, he annoyed me and all, but if I am compensated with something so great then you can depend on my own pride making me keep my own word." I spoke and Rayna nodded as she herself knew all too well the weight of pride.

"Very well I will speak with my husband and my eldest son, and then we will do our best to find what you desire," Rayna said nodding her head to me before looking to the three girls who were all but sold to me. "You three... You now belong to Jake so serve him faithfully." She said with a frown before she was engulfed in a teleportation array.

With Lady Phenex gone now, Rias walked over from where she was simply watching the proceedings and allowing me to take control of the dealings between me and the Phenex clan.

"Jake, how do you plan on ensuring their loyalty to you?" The redhead asked bluntly, and my mind immediately went to mindwiping them, but such a fate was not fair at all, as they weren't really my enemies.

But Yubelluna surprised me as she stepped forward walking towards me and as she got within a couple of feet of me, she dropped down to her knees and bowed before me. "I was merely a human orphan who got picked up by Devil recruiters and sold to the Phenex family. I have no great ambitions; I have no designs. All I desire is a master who will treat me fairly and I will serve that master will everything I have." She spoke bluntly as she kneeled in front of me swearing fealty to me in her own way.

"So you just want to be owned by a caring master huh," I muttered as I laid my hand upon Yubelluna's head for a moment she flinched freezing up as she was well aware of what I could do with merely touching someone but she her violet eye's dilated as I flooded her mind with endorphins as I began head patting her. "Thats an easy price to pay... So be a good servant and I will treat you good in return. Ok?" I said and controlled the blissed-out girl's muscles to make her nod as her eyes all but rolled up.

"And what about you two? What's your story." I said looking up to Ni and Li as Rias had gone to sit back down and didn't get a good look at how I fried Yubelluna's brain and possibly addicted her to my touch.

"Nyah! We want a master who will give us a home and eventually give us strong babies." Li the redhead cat girl spoke bluntly without any shame, and I heard Rias choke on the tea she was sipping in the background.

"Ni and what do you want?" I asked the demurer blue-haired cat girl who smiled softly at my question.

"Master, me and Li were both street rats before we got picked up by some Devils who referred us to the Phenex family. All we both want is a home with warm food and if we do good can we get the weekends to just laze around in the sun?" She asked almost like she was negotiating a work contract or something and I could only scoff at her request due to how simple it was.

"Alright Fine! I thought you three would have some deep issue or hate me for taking you from Riser but if all you want is common decency then that's fine... Now come with me I need to give you girls a tune-up and make you worthy of serving me in any case." I muttered as I helped Yubelluna back up to her feet and got a good eye of her breasts as her widely cut open dress shook with the motion.

"Rias you interested in watching? Or are you going to class?" I asked after seeing it was like 10:00 AM and it only being in the middle of the week, so school was most certainly in session which was where everyone else in Rias's peerage was.

"Hmm... I will help teleport you and these new adorable servants to your new home and give you a tour of your new place. Then can we spend some time alone together Jake?" Rias asked me nervously and I realized with how Rias's peerage was busy with school this could be a good chance for me and Rias to have some alone time.

"Alright, Rias I would like that," I said offering my hand to her and then pulled the other three girls closer to me so Rias could capture them in her slower-moving teleportation array that sent me back to my new home.



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