Lilith: Origin of Succubi

Chapter 97

<~> Chapter 97

Bella led me out of the room with a gentle hand. She apparently asked around and was told about a room that was a bit out of the way and vacant at the moment. Perfect for a little dalliance away from prying eyes. My heart fluttered at the unusually forward nature of my beautiful deer girl. Her soft hand led me through the camp and to the room in question.

The room was pretty simple, an empty store room of some kind with a door that could be barred from the inside. After she locked us in I threw up a [Zone of Silence] giving us a bit more privacy from any nosy people among the group that was traveling towards the capital. I briefly thought about slasher movies where something horrible would go wrong to the vulnerable teens shagging with a serial killer on the loose. Maybe I was feeling a bit guilty sneaking off to have sex while other people prepared to leave for the day.

I gently knocked on a wooden barrel in the corner before refocusing on Bella. Now that we were so close to the action she started to falter a bit. I smiled and gently cupped her ass while pulling her close to me. Her large pink eyes looked up into mine, she bit her lip as her ears started to rival her eyes in color.

Her soft hand trailed small lines through the fur on the side of my cheek. "I was supposed to be the one seducing you this time," she said with a playful tone.

"It worked." I leaned in and kissed her. Her arms wrapped around me, pulling me even closer. Despite not even starting properly, this lead up was pushing my buttons hard. My arousal took the form of warm heat between my legs that begged to have something to clench down on.

Without even needing to prompt her further, Bella's hands found the buckle of my belt and she began to undo it, shortly followed by my pants. I let them drop to the floor without ceremony, my slick underwear following them. Before we went further I broke the kiss and led Bella over to a crate that looked like the perfect height. As I got myself settled I had a good view of Bella shimmying her dress up and pulling down her petticoats followed by her own cute pair of panties, revealing the much less ladylike shaft between her legs.

I held out my arms and beckoned her over before pulling her into a hug. I shivered when her shaft slid down between my lower lips, eliciting a surprised moan from my mouth. Bella nuzzled into my neck, gently kissing me while her shaft grinded against me, only turning me on more. It didn't take long before I felt desperate for it, it had actually been quite a while since I was last taken by her. I was feeling giddy, starved for this kind of attention from her.

Luckily I didn't need to wait much longer, my deer girl was quickly reaching the same level of impatience as I was. The tapered tip of her shaft finally shifted my folds apart as she slowly took me again for the first time in a while.

I moaned loudly when her shaft buried deeply between my legs. It felt incredibly fulfilling to be taken again after so long, scratching a deep itch in myself I hadn't even recognized was there until I was relieved of it. I quivered in Bella's grasp, Bella's shaft felt amazing inside me.

When I opened my eyes Bella's large eyes were looking down at me. Glimmering in the dim light of the room. "Are you okay? Are you ready for me to keep going?"

If my brain had been working better in that moment I might have recognized the consideration she was showing me, however all I could think about was much more straightforward. "Bella, FUCK ME."

Despite the demand I was still caught off guard when without any hesitation Bella did just that. It was quickly clear that neither of us had the patience to take it slow this time and I was drooling at the quick pace Bella started at. My fingers dug into the wood I was holding onto as Bella built up speed, in no time at all she had reached a pace that made the crate creak under me.

I felt my insides clench on her hard and she left me breathless when she pushed through it and brought me to my first powerful orgasm of the tryst. My head went back, I saw stars, and my hips shook from the pleasure. But Bella for her part just moaned, grit her teeth, and started thrusting even harder, extending my orgasm for much longer.

As the peak of it faded away I was already on my way to another. Bella was now leaning over me, her head in the crook of her neck as she panted in exertion with each thrust. Another moan escaped my lips as I was quickly approaching another peak, her shaft was throbbing inside of me now, her long thrusts completely replaced with the short jackhammering kind.

All I could do was lay there and quiver in pleasure as Bella held me tightly as she careened towards her own orgasm. I smiled, finding it somewhat amusing that of all things, it was fucking where my cute deer girl was her most masculine.

With a final thrust and a loud moan, Bella buried herself as deep inside of me as she could and her cock throbbed when her thick ropes of cum flowed into me. A brief worry of becoming pregnant flashed through my mind but quickly disappeared as soon as it came when my own peak once again hit its crescendo. My entire body locked up and my brain turned to pudding.

Bella laid on top of me for quite a while. Surprisingly her cock didn't flag at all, only continued to throb making my insides tremble and quiver all the more. The feeling made me clench around her shaft which only fed back around to her becoming more aroused.

Without a word between us she slowly started taking me all over again to my great pleasure. I wrapped my legs around her waist, encouraging her to thrust even harder into me. Before I even realized it our tongues were entwined, we kissed deeply while my normally demure deer girl was taking me like a beast.

My brain felt like it was barely functioning now, I was only able to relax and fall into the pleasure of her rough thrusts. It wasn't a surprise when I quickly felt myself peak once again. I felt breathless as my long sustained moan could be heard through our kiss. The air felt sweet when Bella finally broke the kiss and she moaned loudly when she reached climax again.

This time she pulled her shaft from me before taking a shaky step back and looking down between my legs. I was panting now, still quivering from the powerful orgasms and basking in the afterglow. I could also feel the energy that coursed through me from feeding on the sexual mana in the air. My eyes empowered by [Mana Sense] lingered on the aspected mana floating around us and I was lucid enough to watch the two of us absorb it into our bodies, feeding our [Sexual Appetite]. There was something... special about knowing that this intimate moment between us was also nourishing to our changed bodies.

I gave a small start when I felt Bella's tongue slip across my vulva. In my moment of distraction of watching the aspected mana in the air, I didn't notice Bella had slid down between my legs. Her large eyes now looked up at me as her long tongue slipped inside of me. I moaned when she hit a sensitive spot bringing a smile to Bella's eyes when she dug in further. A shiver ran down my spine and made my hips quiver when it hit me that Bella was using her tongue to clean me of the cum she had deposited herself.

By this point I was already spent and took this as more of a wind down than an encore. When Bella came back up from between my legs she had a mischievous smirk on her face. I had a pretty good idea what she might be planning but I decided to indulge her regardless.

When her lips met mine her tongue pushed some of our mixed cum into my mouth, once again reminding me of how fucking good it tastes to my now altered taste buds. I squeezed her plump ass before returning her kiss with gusto, leaning into her and enjoying our closeness.

We probably laid on that uncomfortable wooden crate for much longer than we probably should have, just enjoying the closeness between us as the afterglow faded away.

"I love you Bella. Thank you for pulling me away for this, I didn't realize how much I needed it."

She leaned in and kissed my neck before laying her head on my shoulder and looked up at me. "I needed it too." She ran a finger up the front of my shirt. "I don't mind sharing with the others... but sometimes I need some time with you all to myself."

I kissed the top of her forehead. "Me too. Lets make sure we don't miss opportunities like this, where we can be alone from time to time."

A cute smile formed on her face. "I was also getting hungry. In the succubus sense. We need to make sure we're full up, since sex is even more important to us than food is now." She gave off a cute giggle. "Such a weird thought to be honest."

"You're telling me," I said with a smile. "Come on, we should probably get back to the others. Staying in a room with the sound off for too long probably isn't the best idea."

I got up and started putting my pants back on. Bella had less to put back on but had to adjust her outfit quite a bit more to look presentable. There was lots of ruffles and frills to put back in place after all. She didn't look annoyed with it though, she smiled as she made a point of putting everything back in its proper place, happy to do it. A grin spread across my face as a contrasted the cute girl in front of me with the one that was like a beast thrusting into me less than thirty minutes ago.

I dropped my magic and unbarred the door. The anxious part of me worried I would open the door to find everything on fire, as if to punish me for my moment alone with my girlfriend. Luckily there was no such trouble. Instead it was a normal day, the adventurers busy getting their stuff together before we set back out on our adventure.

I almost crashed right into Bella when she suddenly stopped in front of me.

"What's wrong?"

A flush of excitement rushed through [Soultouched Connection] all at once.

-- "Lilith! Lesser Succubus turned into just Succubus!" --

I quickly switched to speaking through the bond. -- "What does that mean? Did anything else change?" --

There was silence for a moment while Bella got that far away look in her eyes that I associated with focusing on the system.

-- "No... nothing else looks different. I'm not even sure what triggered it exactly, but I haven't checked my system since after I healed you." --

-- "...well... We did just have sex..." --

Bella's ears turned red, somehow even the casual mention from me would still trigger it.

-- "Thats... true but would that be enough to trigger it? What was the point of becoming a lesser succubi at all then?" --

I shrugged. -- "As if any of this makes sense. It's not like I got a handbook on being a succubus when I came here. Hell, it might just because my Origin title decided to do it randomly." --

Bella hesitated. -- "Well... maybe. But in the past I got a notification when your title changed something. I didn't get a notification about this change at all. All that's different is that 'Lesser' went away in my race entry." --

-- "We'll just have to ask whoever becomes a succubus to keep an eye on it." --

-- "True... That means you do intend to turn others into succubi then right?" --

Now it was my turn to hesitate. -- "I don't know... we should talk about that later though. With everyone." --

I put the question off for another time. For now, we have other things to take care of.

Hello! Hope you enjoyed this one, it's been a little while since these two had some alone time. Next time things start to heat up as the group approaches the lands closer to the barony. Thanks for reading and see you next time!

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