Lilith: Origin of Succubi

Chapter 70

<~> Chapter 70

I woke up to the twin girls talking on the other side of the room. At a glance the two seemed to have been up for a while, Bella was still asleep. Before I got up all the way I decided to take a look at my level ups from last night and look over my [Status].

[Oral virginity (receiving) was taken through consensual sex]
[Racial trait Pleasure Sense created]
[Sexual Appetite has increased to Level 5]
[+20 Karmic Energy]
[Karmic Resonance adds 430 Karma to your Karma pool]
[Level increases by 2]

[Pleasure Sense - Racial trait]
You continue on your journey of bringing those you love and enjoy to pleasure. This trait will bring you closer to those goals and help you improve your bonds. Your ability to intuit and perceive the pleasure and erogenous zones of your partners is now improved.

Kind of an interesting one, this is an ability that doesn't directly help my survival like most of the other ones but it does sound fun. I can't say I really needed the help but maybe it will be fun to play with in the future.

[Vaginal virginity (receiving) was taken through consensual sex]
[Innate ability Induce Arousal created]
[+20 Karmic Energy]
[Level increases by 2]

[Induce Arousal - Innate Ability]
Your mere touch brings arousal to those you choose to give your attention to. Now you are able to channel your innate magic to do so as well. Spend a small amount of Karma to induce arousal in a target you are touching. The higher amount of Karma spent the more intense the reaction is, up to a cap. This magic has a saturation limit and will lose effectiveness if used too frequently on the same target.

This one I find very interesting. It has the potential of being useful in a few different situations. Involuntarily making someone horny seems like it would have lots of applications.

[Soultouched Connection has increased from level 2 to level 3]

[Novice Prostitute has increased from level 1 to level 2]
[Learned Prostitute Passive Resist Disease]
[Learned Prostitute Class Ability - Magic fingers]

[Resist Disease - Common Passive Skill]
Prostitutes come in contact with people from all walks of life and usually much more intimately than the average person. This skill is a barrier of defense against some of the worst dangers of the profession. Unfortunately it is not an impenetrable shield against all diseases either. This skill will protect against most mundane diseases save for the most pernicious and tenacious of them. This skill does not protect against magical diseases nor does it prevent pregnancy.

Now this one is interesting. Not exactly because of what it does for me, though the effect is welcome, but because of what it implies for this world. One of the main issues with prostitution was the spread of STI's so if this is a common passive that bodes well for the health of prostitutes in this world. I hadn't really considered it, maybe in part because of misgivings like this, but visiting a brothel would potentially change things a lot for us Succubi.

[Magic Fingers - Common Prostitute Ability]
Nearly all prostitutes share one feature in common and that is their ability to please their partners with their hands. This ability lets you channel small amounts of magic into your fingers to titillate and tease your partner better.

Whew, I can't wait to try that one out. One night of fun and I got 4 levels for it. Pretty crazy.

First, let's change my class to [Novice Magic Swordsman] then allocate my points.

[Novice Magic Swordsman]
Unlock condition: Have the Strength, Finesse, Magic Force, and Magic Control stats all above 50 and have the Swordsmanship Skill above level 20. While this class is equipped, gain 20 Speed plus 5 Magic Force per class level. Spellcasting can now be channeled through swords as if they were wands. Enhancement type spells are more effective and last longer. Gain skills related to melee magic casting and wielding a sword easier.

Right onto stats, I have 50 stat points to allocate. I think I'll put 20 in Speed to get it up to 50 before my class bonus and put the rest of the 30 into Magic Force since this is where my power will likely come from as I learn more offensive magic.

With that done, lets look over my [Status] for the day.

Name: Lilith [Surname Undefined]
Race: Succubus [Race Hidden - Displayed as Beastkin (Sheep)]
Gender: Female
Class: [Novice Magic Swordsman] Lv. 1
Level: 34

Stat Spread:
Strength: 50
Vitality: 100
Charisma: 10 (127)
Luck: 20 (137)
Finesse: 50
Magic Control: 50
Magic Force: 80 (85)
Speed: 50 (70)
Endurance: 10

Karmic Energy: 1170

Unallocated Stat points: 0

Available Classes:
Black Cat Lv. 10
Seductress Lv. 1
Novice Prostitute Lv.2
Novice Merchant Lv. 7
Novice Light Mage Lv. 5
Novice Illusion Mage Lv. 1
Novice Swordsman Lv. 1
Apprentice Swordsman Lv. 1
Intermediate Swordsman Lv. 1
Novice Magic Swordsman Lv. 1

Haggling Lv. 15
Swordsmanship Lv. 35
Illusion Magic Lv. 3
Light Magic Lv. 5
Light Manipulation Lv. 4
Uuna Riding Lv. 13
Linguistics Lv. 10
Ritual Magic Lv. 10
Drawing Lv. 11
Mana Sense Lv. 4
Luck Magic Lv. 1

Class Abilities
Merchant Skill - Calculations
Prostitute Passive - Resist Disease

Prostitute Passive - Magic Fingers

Special Passives:
Special drop rate up
Double Down

Innate Abilities:
Karmic Balance
Karma Awareness
Karmic Resonance
Karmic Retribution
Dominating Authority
Karmic Hypnotism
Soultouched Connection Lv. 3
Induce Arousal

Racial Traits:
Infernal Heat Resistance
Infernal Cold Resistance
Sexual Appetite Lv. 5
Succubus Shifting
Soulbound Companions
Lubricating Saliva
Pleasure Sense

[World Traveler - Hidden Title]
[Origin of Succubi - Hidden Title]
[Dungeon Destroyer]
[First Explorer]
[Early Intervention]

Light Magic:
[Light Orb]
[Light Beam]
[Light Signal]
[Light Scribing]

Illusion Magic:
[Zone of Silence]

Luck Magic:
[Melee Hex]
[Coin Flip]
[Die Nudge]

My stats are looking nicer and nicer. Now if only I could get my hands on some of those enhancement skills that apparently synergize with my class. Truthfully I would enjoy just spending time hanging out playing with my magic but after that dungeon I have this odd sense of urgency building inside of me. I don't know what it is exactly but my experience with the dungeon and the town since then has kept me somewhat uneasy and on edge like something bad is going to happen soon. Perhaps I'm being paranoid but the way things have been going makes me want to trust my gut on this one.

So to that end, I think it's time for our little group to get back to adventuring. Since we're still waiting on the guild to finish up with the check on the dungeon, maybe we can do a little bit of gathering and hunting in the forest near the town. After we collect our equipment and personal trunks of course.

I got up and stretched, drawing the attention from the twins. Morrigan turned away and blushed with a small smile on her face. Torien had more of a wry expression but didn't really tease either of us about last night. I had the suspicion that Torien had actually been awake but decided to give us what privacy she could under the circumstances. I hoped getting their new uniforms would give us better options for renting rooms. ...though, it would be pretty sad if all of us 'had fun' in one room while Torien slept in another all alone. Eh, I should probably think about this some more but I decided I would worry about it later.

I peeked outside through the shutters. It was morning but not quite 'early' morning anymore. Something like 9 or 10. Maybe it would be nice to explore the city a little bit before we picked things up.

"Honestly I'm a little surprised," Torien said behind me.

I looked over. "About what?"

She pointed at Bella. "How was she a farmgirl? I don't think I've seen her wake up first yet."

Morrigan snickered in response and I smiled while shaking my head.

I scratched my horn while looking out of the window. "You know, I don't need much sleep. I rarely get all that tired, and when I do it's usually mental fatigue more than actual sleepiness. I thought it was part of being a Succubi but Bella hasn't inherited that trait. It isn't even noted anywhere in my [Status] either. I suppose it could be because I'm a Succubus and Bella was only a Lesser Succubus the last time we talked about it but it seems odd that it wouldn't be noted anywhere."

Morrigan nodded her head. "Does that imply there is more to your background than just your status implies then?"


I looked over at the bed. Mimi had taken my place and was now cuddling Bella from behind. It was rather cute but I didn't think she was helping move things along.

We spent the next twenty minutes waking up and chatting. Bella stumbled into the bathroom once we finally got her to wake up and she looked like a completely different person when she walked back out just a few minutes later. It was funny seeing Bella walk into the bathroom as a zombie and walk out as her normal bubbly and relaxed self.

The first few hours of the day were spent pretty casually. The five of us walked around town and explored it a little, since half of us haven't really seen much of the town yet. Though the twins had been here for a while now, they didn't really have the time or ability to really look around and check things out other than the day Bella and Torien had spent shopping.

I've called it a city a number of times in the past but Morrigan informed me that, even though the place is relatively big, this was still considered a town relative to how large actual cities are. Traehall only held a few hundred people rather than the multiple thousands or hundreds of thousands some of the cities could have. It kind of boggled my mind just how large settlements could get when you can supplement construction and agriculture with magic. If it wasn't for the danger of monsters and dungeons I suspected the civilization would be a lot more advanced here than the world I came from. The monsters were an ever-present check on their potential.

The town was broken up into four different areas. First was the low income district. It wasn't exactly slums or anything but everyone in this area were mainly laborers, worked in the various shops in the town, or were apprentices to some of the craftsmen in the area. There were some beggars and vagabonds but since the town was a relatively new the homeless population was still pretty low. Also, since slavery was legal here, many people were either enslaved through debt or signed an indenture contract rather than starve on the street. Meena and Twill's shop was set up near the edge of the low income area and the market area.

Easily the largest part of town was the market/adventurer's guild part of town. This had the adventurer's guild and all of the shops that supported adventurers. Since this town was kind of aimed at adventurers who explored the kingdom's frontier, most of the shops in the city catered to adventurers to at least some extent. There were also some shops that were redundant to the shops in the traveler's area but were priced better since they weren't as conveniently located. They also had a lot more supplies that were specialized for adventurers such as rock climbing and cave diving gear.

The traveler's area was a pretty obvious part of town that catered to people traveling through. Lots of inns, restaurants, stables, and provision shops were in this area. The prices were a little marked up so anyone who actually stayed in town for any length of time usually avoided this area. They provided everything people would need while traveling through in one centrally located road connected directly to the gates of the town. It was also the only place in the entire town that constantly had traffic, except at night once the gates closed. It was also a little dangerous since there weren't any formal rules other than "don't attack people" but on the plus side, it also had the largest number of guards after the market.

The last area in the town was the luxuries area. This is the part of town the slaver's guild existed in, though that building was actually close to the edge to be located relatively near the adventurer's guild. This area had all of the most expensive shops in town. The first thing that might come to mind would be jewelry and fashion stores but while those do exist, the majority of the shops are for high end magic items, equipment, books, and specialty material stores like paper mills and expensive textiles.

It was around an hour or so after noon when we decided to head over to Ameliana's shop to pick up the twins' new equipment. I was both excited to see the new gear, yet mildly dreading it. As we headed over I wondered just how much their new armor would resemble the french maid outfit that the woman in the slaver's guild wore.

Hello! A bit of leveling up and maintenance this chapter. Lilith often gains more abilities by having sex than actually fighting monsters sometimes, doesn't she? I guess that's just how things go for Succubi. Next time we finally get to see the twins' new outfits before things get moving again! Thanks as always for reading!

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