Lilith: Origin of Succubi

Chapter 60

<~> Chapter 60

After our very refreshing bath the five of us changed into some light clothes and sat on the two beds in our room. We ordered a lot of food and talked about some inconsequential stuff while trying out different dishes. Unfortunately, I could only put off the conversation about my past for so long, it was too important to keep running away from. When we finished eating and the conversation reached a natural lull I decided it was time.

I sighed. "Girls, it's time I talk a bit about my circumstances."

The atmosphere of the room immediately changed, all eyes were now on me the two twins looked equal parts excited and anxious. I quickly cast [Zone of Silence], the effect was immediately noticeable as the murmur of the world around the bedroom fell away.

I steeled myself. "First things first, Do not reveal my secrets, or anything you suspect is a secret, to any one outside of this room. That is an order." The glowing blue of their collars intensified for a moment and both girls nodded resolutely.

"I don't really want to use your collars this way but now I can I fully trust the two of you without any reservations. The collar will force you to resist anyone trying to press you for information. I don't like it but in a way I think it will protect you two. I'm going to talk a bit about myself now, if you two have any questions, feel free to ask, just know that there might be a lot to talk about so some things are better left till the end." The twins nodded their head in reply.

"The best place to start, which will likely inform the most about me, is that I'm a [World Traveler]." Morrigan and Torien both widened their eyes at the revelation but didn't seem to doubt it so I continued. "Because of that, I don't have any memory of anything from before about two weeks ago. ...That's counting the days we all collectively lost in the dungeon. So in reality, I remember even fewer days than have passed since I've come to this world."

"Do you remember your past life?" Morrigan asked excitedly.

I shook my head. "I remember lots of things from my past world but I don't remember anything about my past life. Though it seems I may be able to remember some of it in the future. When I spoke to Charon, he told me that I shouldn't fear trying to regain my memories."

"Were you a Beastkin... or a Succubi in your past life?" Torien asked.

"I was a human in my past life, probably a m-" I hesitated. I suddenly didn't feel comfortable revealing that I used to be a man. "Probably an artist or an architect of some sort."

Torien's brows furrowed. "That does explain some things, like you not knowing much about various beastkin and their conflicts with one another but that kind of flies in the face of how you treat many of our kind. I've never met a human who is as open or kind to demi-humans and beastkin as you are. Saying you used to be human is actually the most unbelievable part of this so far."

I laugh. "Well, that's kind of a relief to be honest, I half assumed you wouldn't believe any of this honestly."

Morrigan had a grin on her face. "Are you kidding? You act way too weird, being a [World Traveler] really would explain a lot."

"Anyway," I say. "I'm pretty sure the world I came from didn't have any of the other intelligent races on it. No monsters or dungeons either."

Torien sighed. "Sounds like a much more peaceful place."

My face turned grim. "Hardly. Frankly, humans treating Beastfolk like crap isn't at all surprising to me. In my world we found plenty of reasons to kill each other, from resources, to money, to skin tone. We didn't have monsters and dungeons but people found lots of reasons to kill each other instead."

"So territorial disputes and the like, even though all of you were the same race?" Morrigan asked with a raised brow.

I nodded. "Well, from our perspective, different skintones meant a different race. But we were all identifiably human. No beastly body parts, no pointy ears, nothing."

"What about difference in magic?" Morrigan asked.

"No magic, no system either."

The twin's eyebrows both shot up. Morrigan's jaw even dropped, it was almost comical but she recovered quickly and continued. "N-no system? How did people protect each other from the mons- oh..." She leaned back with a puzzled look on her face.

I decided to keep going, "Right, so, humans fought and hunted with completely mundane weapons. No magic, no stats, no system skills. Because there's no magic, no monsters, no dungeons."

"Huh..." Torien looked cupped her chin. "What about slavery?" she asked.

"In most of the world slavery was abolished. Where I was from the entire idea of slavery is rather taboo. The only reason I'm interacting with this system at all is because I feel like I have to. First to free Bella, then you two. I find the practice rather... abhorrent."

Torien looked me in the eye. "Why is it that you have a gold slave token then, on top of what you spent for the two of us?"

Morrigan frowned but looked intently at me, also waiting for my answer. Bile rose in my throat and my hands shook when I thought back to the events of my first night in this world. I thought about Mark, being held down... I opened my mouth and closed it a few times trying to put together a sentence but the words wouldn't come to me.

Before I could put anything together Bella answered for me. "The night Lilith freed me from slavery, the man who had owned me earlier that day got drunk, broke into our room at the inn, and raped her." In unison the girls gasped and covered their mouths. "I was in the other room at the time so I was able to come from behind and knock him out despite him being many levels above both of us. Lilith used a power... similar to the one she used on Mimi and we sold her into slavery as punishment."

"He deserved worse than that." Morrigan said with an uncharacteristic amount of venom in her tone.

Bella nodded. "Well... I won't argue against that but the changes Lilith made were... significant. From the outside it might have looked like a mercy but I was there, she made sure his punishment would fit the crime. Regardless, the auction apparently went well and it gave us the money to get the two of you instead."

All of the distrust that had shown through Torien's expression was gone at this point, replaced with a sympathy that made me even more uncomfortable. It made me feel weak.

I took a shaky breath. "A-anyway, so that's the first secret, let's talk about the second one now."

I took a moment to collect myself, put my thoughts in order, and tamp down my emotions before I continued. "My race, according to the system, is a Succubus. Though apparently it has a skill that disguises me as a Beastkin in the system. I also have the [Origin of Succubi] title, meaning I'm the first ever succubus in this world."

Morrigan was paying rapt attention but Torien jumped to ask the next question. "So... is a succubus a type of human from your world then?"

I shook my head. "No. Succubi were fictional creatures in my world. In the world I came from, we had fictional stories about a lot of things here. Monsters, dungeons, elves, demons, just like magic, all of these things were just fictional. Although the stories about this kind of thing were quite widespread. First as superstition and folktales and later as entertainment. From our stories Succubi were demons that thrived on sex."

Both of the girls immediately look guarded in a way they hadn't been before this point. Torien glared at me. "I thought you said you weren't a demon. Did you lie about that?"

I smiled and shook my head. "No. When I first came to this world, I had been summoned as a demon. The person who had summoned me, apparently, drew too much blood from himself as part of the ritual and died. I had been a demon up until we entered the dungeon together. However, after our first encounter with an actual demon, the way that I saw demons and how I saw myself were too far apart and my Origin title altered our race from a Demon with a subrace of Succubus to just Succubus alone."

"Your title is powerful enough for that?" Morrigan asked.

Bella cut in, "Remember the story about the Origin of Moraley?"

Morrigan looked deep in thought for a moment before she turned to me with wide eyes. "Oh shit..."

"Yeah." Bella nodded. "This secret is actually much more dangerous than just being a world traveler."

"Moraley?" I ask.

"That's not important right now." Torien glanced at Bella for a moment before returning to me. "What were you planning to do to us in the dungeon before that?"

I frowned. "Nothing. I am not a demon. I have been completely truthful with you. Other than allowing you to continue to assume I was a Beastfolk, I haven't lied about anything. My Origin title even keeps recognizing my actions as neutral or positive and seems to support my race moving farther and farther from what the definition of a demon is here. All of my traits have begun to no longer support evil actions and instead only support good ones further."

"W-wait back to a thing you said earlier!" Thankfully Morrigan decided to change the subject. I looked over at her and she was mildly blushing. "You said that Succubi are demons that thrive on s-sex. What did you mean by that?"

I looked away and blushed a little myself. "Well, where I'm from there's a lot of conflicting stories about Succubi. The one common factor is that they always either need sex to live, or are empowered by sex. Even though they're usually depicted as some form of demon, their intentions are all over the place. Some are evil and lure people into sexual encounters that drain away all of their essence, some are neutral and trade favors for sex, and some are cooperative and help people... usually in exchange for sex."

Morrigan was mumbling to herself before looking up. "Sex to live... Is that why you weren't eating in the dungeon? WAIT, WAS THAT WHY YOU TWO WERE HAVING SEX IN TH-" She cut herself off and covered her mouth, blushing red.

I glanced at Bella who was even more embarrassed than I was at this point. Torien looked around. "Wait, you two had sex in the dungeon? When was this?"

Morrigan looked away. "I... saw them through the door when I was going to ask about looking for valuables... I told you I couldn't find them but they were... busy."

Torien looked over to me with a raised eyebrow. "Do you know how incredibly dangerous that was? Even more so in retrospect, since we later found out Mimics were pretending to be the furniture."

I looked over to Mimi who actually blushed in response... her reactions were becoming more and more natural by the hour.

Torien followed my eyes to Mimi. "You're not saying you were there Mimi?..."

"Yeah! I watched them having fun on the bed, last night I got to join them too!" When she replied any form of embarrassment dissolved as if it hadn't been there. Or, well, maybe she was just mimicking it in the first place.

Morrigan gasped and looked wide eyed at Mimi. "Y-you got to join them?... both? ...a-at the same time?"

I needed to change the course of this conversation a little before things got out of hand. "Look, that's n-not important. Succubi have a trait called ahem... sexual appetite that basically replaces our normal sustenance. We can eat normal things but it doesn't actually satisfy our appetite. We have to... have sex in order to sustain ourselves and if we don't we get too horny and make bad decisions... We needed to have sex in order to continue on, so we would be clear headed. Especially since we weren't sure how much longer clearing the dungeon would take."

Bella cut in, "In hindsight it was really dumb to do that there but we were already having trouble thinking straight because we hadn't had sex for a while by then... I didn't even realize how much it was affecting me too until afterwards. Plus we later found out Lilith's cursed sword eats her sustenance..."

Torien looked exasperated by this point. "Wait... you're telling me your cursed sword that is supposed to make you hungrier makes you... hornier?"

I clear my throat. "I um. I can confirm that it does seem to work that way."

Torien just sighs and shakes her head.

I scratch my horn. "I uh... didn't expect this conversation to go this direction."

There was a pause before Morrigan finally asked a question. "So you are actually not a demon right? Even if you were, you aren't now?"

"Yes, I'm a Succubus. Because of my Origin title and apparently by my own perspective, I am not a demon."

Morrigan nods. "You did help us destroy a demon spawning crystal. Even though Demons care little about killing their own, destroying a spawning crystal would still likely be... unpleasant and counterintuitive for a regular demon."

Torien looked over to Mimi. "So, what did you do to Mimi? You said you turned her into a Succubus too?"

"Yup! My race says Succubus Mimic! Just like I said before."

Torien smiled at Mimi. "I believe you, I doubt you'd be one to lie about that."

Mimi tilted her head. "Why?"

Torien smiled and shrugged her shoulders. "Eh, no reason. I just don't think you would bother lying about it."

There was silence for a little bit until Morrigan looked at me and asked another question. "What's it like being a beastkin now? You don't seem to dislike beastkin but do you like being one yourself?"

I looked down at myself before answering. "Truthfully, I kind of really love how I look and feel. While I'm... not exactly sure what my old body was like, I think that this new one feels much more comfortable and... sexy than my old one." I said with a bit of a blush.

"W-what about attraction to others, who do you find attractive?"

I could tell Morrigan was fishing but I didn't mind. "I think I like humans, beastfolk and demi-beastfolk, as well as both men and women. I wouldn't say that I'm not picky, I do have preferences, but in terms of categories, everyone is on the table for me so far."

"R-right." Morrigan said with a tiny smile.

I laughed a little. "You know, this kind of ended up as girl talk by the end huh?" the others laughed with me, I felt a little relieved I was able to cut the tension a little bit.

"Th-there is something else I'd like to say." Bella said.

The four of us turned to Bella.

She looked a little on the spot but continued despite that. "I um. I also haven't always been a beastfolk or a... a girl either. When Lilith did the thing she did to Mimi to me earlier, I transformed from a human man to what I am now. I um, maybe it's not important but I wanted you all to know..."

Bella looked really vulnerable, almost on the verge of tears and afraid of rejection. I could see that I wasn't the only one to notice.

Morrigan got up and sat next to Bella before pulling her into a hug. "It's okay Bella, I don't think any differently of you, neither does Torien, I promise." She sniffed and returned the hug, a smile on her face. Torien nodded along and confirmed Morrigan's words. I teared up a little just from watching, I was happy and relieved that these two would accept her. It stirred up some bittersweet feelings inside of me but they were just echos of the memories that were lost. After a while Morrigan let go of Bella, the room had been quiet till Bella had calmed down.

I stretched, already feeling fatigued from the long and rather stressful day. "So, do you two have any more questions? It's... been a rather long day for me."

"Just one more thing..." Torien hesitated. "Do you... want us to become succubi like the three of you?" she asked.

I shook my head. "Not unless you want to."

Morrigan looked up "What if it allowed us to take off our collars?"

I was sure my mouth hung open... I never considered that possibility. "I... well, that would be fortunate. But the oath has its own obligation... If you decide to become succubi I won't object. I don't know if it would allow you to take your collars off or not though. If it does work that way, I promise to free you two, you have my word. But ultimately it's up to you two."

The twins looked at each other before Torien looked back. "Give us some time to think about it."

I nodded. "Of course, there's no rush. Consider it an open offer."

The four of us got ready to sleep and we split up between the two beds. I sighed and slid under the covers with Bella, glad to finally lie back and relax after the long day. Mimi stood next to the bed on my side and looked nervous, trying to figure out if it was okay to join us. I smiled and waved her over. She beamed back at me and quietly joined us under the covers, snuggling into my side. Bella seems extra clingy right now too, so I wrapped an arm around her and pulled her close to me. "You were really brave tonight," I whispered to her. I kissed her on the head but she seemed to already be softly dozing. I closed my eyes and let all of the tension flow out of my body, relaxing between the two girls on either side of me. After a long day I passed out.

Hello! Sorry for the late chapter today! I've been busy all day and haven't had a chance to post the chapter till now. To make up for it I'll be posting a bonus chapter tomorrow. (Monday the 8th PST) Also, this chapter has some cut content exclusive to $10+ patreon subscribers. It's non-canon and I chose to rewrite it when it was cut so it's not like you would be missing a lot by skipping it but I thought I'd mention it for anyone who is interested. Thanks for reading!

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