Lilith: Origin of Succubi

Chapter 53

<~> Chapter 53

I woke up the next morning in a bit of a daze. Again I was sandwiched between two girls, though this time I was between Bella and Mimi rather than Bella and Morrigan. I took a shaky breath and began to think about the previous night. That had been incredibly intense. My hips were a bit sore from all 'exercise' I had gotten. The girls must have pulled me onto the bed because the last thing I remembered was being halfway off the bed. I peered down between my two breasts and saw that at some point [Succubus Shapeshifting] had released and my normal genitals were back to normal. Well, my new normal at any rate.

Bella's face looked serene, probably more relaxed than I had ever seen her. Her face had a small smile on it, making her look gorgeous even when asleep. I looked over at Mimi next, her body was still, frozen like a statue and her gem-like eyes didn't give away if she was awake or asleep. It might have been concerning but I felt the magic connecting us, the soultouched bond between us was as strong as ever.

I whispered, not yet wanting to wake Bella, "Are you awake Mimi?"

She nodded to me and replied in an equally quiet voice, "Yes, I've been full of mana for a while now but I stayed here to protect you while you hibernated."

I smiled and ran my hand up the smooth golden skin of her arm. "Thank you Mimi. Did you enjoy yourself last night?"

There was a pause as if she didn't know how to answer. "Y-yes. I enjoyed it very much. I'd like to join you again whenever possible. If... it's not a burden of course." Her voice held a hint of embarrassment and uncertainty in it, I haven't seen this side of her before. The bright exuberance and excitement was replaced with unease.

"Of course you're welcome to join again. You're one of us, family."

She smiled. "Thank you Lilith!" She snuggled her head into my neck. I needed to tilt my head away a little to avoid our horns smacking into each other or getting tangled.

"I can't promise that you'll be able to join every time. Sometimes I'll want some alone time with Bella. Sometimes I could have alone time with you too if you like."

She pulled away and looked at my face. Or at least I assume so, it was a bit hard to tell what she was looking at. After a moment of silence she replied, "I think I'd like that too."

She looked away, her cheeks flushed an orangish gold. Mimi was always a little hard to read but if that action hadn't given it away, turning into a candlestick and sitting on the nightstand without another word did.

I looked back over at Bella who gazed back at me with her big pink eyes and a dreamy smile on her face. Rather than say anything she just leaned forward and pecked a small kiss on my lips.

I pressed my forehead against hers and just took a moment to breathe and relax. Sadly, moments like this can't last forever. I sat up and slid off the bed and looked around. Other than Mimi spreading each individual object across the floor to inspect them, there really wasn't much packing to do. We kind of dropped our bags by the door, took a bath and spent the rest of the night having sex.

I started to put some of the things spread out on the floor back where they came from, to the best of my ability anyway, and it wasn't long before Mimi started helping me out. I started to pull out my nice noble's clothes but after looking down I realized that very little cleaning up happened after I passed out last night. A lot of my fur was matted from all of the fun we had last night.

"Hey Bella, lets go take a quick bath before we get dressed for the day. We should probably try to look as nice as we can at the slaver's guild today. She nodded in response and finally got out of bed. She took a few delicate steps and had a weird gait. I was puzzled as I watched her awkwardly walk across the room before the realization of what happened finally hit me.

I felt my face get warm and I smiled awkwardly before saying something. "Are you still hurting from last night? Does your healing magic not work on that?"

"I... kind of like the feeling..." She looked away and hear ears flushed red in embarrassment.

I didn't have any kind of response for that but I would bet money that my face had a dumb looking grin on it right now. I stood up and took her hand and led her towards the door.

"Hey Mimi, we'll be back in less than half an- half a bell..."

"Okay! I'll keep cleaning up." I smiled at her, I was happy to see that whatever shyness she had shown this morning was already replaced with her normal bubbly atmosphere.

It didn't take long for us to quickly shower and find an empty bath. It was still a bit early in the morning, the sun wasn't quite up yet but would rise soon. Truthfully we didn't need to take a dip in the warm water but it would help me relax in preparation for what would likely be a stressful day. I wanted to put those thoughts aside so instead I looked at the notifications I had ignored last night.

[Anal virginity taken through consensual sex]
[Sexual Appetite upgraded]
[Sexual Appetite] now generates 50% more lust aspect mana for each person involved in the sexual encounter after the first.
[+20 Karmic Energy]
[Level increases by 2]

Hmm, rather than getting a new skill I got an upgrade to Sexual Appetite this time. Considering I was having a threesome when this happened I guess this kind of change makes sense. I just wonder how this whole thing works, it seems pretty focused on my actions. Is this because of my Origin title or something else?

That reminds me, I also got another ability last night but never looked at it since we were still in the middle of having fun.

[Karmic Seduction - Innate Ability]
Your charismatic words have convinced yet another person to share their first sexual experience with you and your desire for consensual sex has pulled you even farther from the path of a demon. Your [Charisma] is improved by the magnitude of your Positive Karma. This passive bonus can be toggled on or off at will.

Merely reading the text for this triggered another message.

[Karmic Balance has been Altered]
[Karmic Balance] now only improves luck with Positive Karma.

It had been a while so I decided to look at *[Karmic Balance] again to refresh my memory.

[Karmic Balance - Innate Ability]
Through [Luck] or skill you have defied your nature as a demon and seduced someone into taking your vaginal virginity consensually rather than by force. Due to your nature, your [Luck] is improved by the magnitude of your positive Karma.

I vaguely remember this ability working with negative karma in the past so that's what the change must have been. These changes struck me as odd though. If anything it felt like the changes were designed inherently to continue pushing me further away from being a demon. Granted, I didn't want to be a demon, especially the kinds of monsters they call demons here, but this felt mostly unprompted. Why is it that just having consensual sex was enough to fundamentally change how one of my skills worked though? To be honest it was kind of a nerf to that skill, even if it wasn't one that affected me.

Charon was a god and directly interacted with me. It wouldn't be too crazy of an idea for these system messages to be related to a god too. Rather than the [Status] system being indifferent, all of my messages have been personalized. Saying things like: "you have defied your nature as a demon." Was one of the gods looking over all of my actions and encouraging me to walk further away from "the path of a demon" as they put it?

I sighed. I should keep going down this line of thinking but not right now. Right now I have a concrete goal. I need to figure out a way to get Morrigan and Torien out of the Slaver's guild so we can keep adventuring together. It had only been a short time but those two really grew on me, I want to do everything I can to get them back with us. I just hope that whatever money I got from... that other sale is enough to free them from slavery.

There was another notification,

[Seductress class unlocked]
[Seductress] Level 1
Unlock Condition: Have the Charisma stat at 200 or higher. Your charisma is now twice as effective on those sexually attracted to you. Gain 20 Magic Control and 5 Magic Force per class level. This class grants the ability to learn and use charm magic. Gain skills related to sex and persuasion easier.

This kind of class definitely feels in line with what a succubus should be doing. I might have considered switching to this class had it given a more immediate benefit. Double effectiveness sounds nice on paper but that wasn't really the kind of attention I was hoping for during the upcoming transaction. Sure I could leverage this if it came down to it but I don't think it's needed right out of the gate.

I opened my status next.

Name: Lilith [Surname Undefined]
Race: Succubus [Race Hidden - Displayed as Beastkin (Sheep)]
Gender: Female
Class: [Intermediate Swordsman] Lv. 1
Level: 29

Stat Spread:
Strength: 50 (53)
Vitality: 100
Charisma: 10 (230)
Luck: 20 (240)
Finesse: 40
Magic Control: 50
Magic Force: 40
Speed: 10 (30)

Karmic Energy: 2200

Unallocated Stat points: 40

Haggling Lv. 1
Swordsmanship Lv. 35
Illusion Magic Lv. 3
Light Magic Lv. 5
Light Manipulation Lv. 4
Uuna Riding Lv. 13
Linguistics Lv. 10
Ritual Magic Lv. 3
Drawing Lv. 8
Mana Sense Lv. 4
[New] Luck Magic Lv. 1

Special Passives:
Special drop rate up
Double Down

Innate Abilities:
Karmic Balance
Karma Awareness
[New] Karmic Seduction
Karmic Resonance
Karmic Retribution
Dominating Authority
Karmic Hypnotism
Soultouched Connection Lv. 2

Racial Traits:
Infernal Heat Resistance
Infernal Cold Resistance
Sexual Appetite Lv. 4
Succubus Shifting
Soulbound Companions
Lubricating Saliva

My Charisma now joined my Luck in the ridiculously high without even trying category. One thing was for sure, if this were actually a video game, there's no way this would exist because it's way too unbalanced. Two skills are giving me 200 free Luck and Charisma right now. I'm not going to complain about it obviously but it does make me wary. Even though all of this looks like a game sometimes, it isn't one. There could be other people out there with just as ridiculously broken skills as I have, so I need to be cautious.

I thought about how I should distribute my stat points. My skills looked kind of all over the place, Vitality was my single highest stat at the moment which felt odd. Though at the same time, that was probably a pretty safe bet. Right now an entire third of my total levels was in Vitality. I looked over my other stats. I decided to put 10 into [Magic Force] to get it to a round 50 and put 20 into Speed to get my current effective speed to 50. Following the same logic I put the last 10 points into Finesse. I just hope I wasn't spreading myself across too many stats. Minmaxing is normal in a video game but it feels really different when each point has such a direct impact on my body.

[Novice Magic Swordsman class unlocked]
[Novice Magic Swordsman] Level 1
Unlock condition: Have the Strength, Finesse, Magic Force, and Magic Control stats all above 50 and have the Swordsmanship Skill above level 20. While this class is equipped, gain 20 Speed plus 5 Magic Force per class level. Spellcasting can now be channeled through swords as if they were wands. Enhancement type spells are more effective and last longer. Gain skills related to melee magic casting and wielding a sword easier.

I sat up straight in the bath when this notification popped into my mind. This was exactly the kind of thing I had been hoping for. It wasn't too different from my previous class but it was the exact kind of route I was going for. Another interesting thing of note was this novice class had similar stats to the Intermediate class I had been using, which led me to believe this class probably got more powerful than the Swordsman line of classes did. I hesitated though. I can only change my class once per day and I wanted to leave the option of switching to [Seductress] open if necessary. As much as I wanted to check out my new class, now is not the time. Instead I did a little bit of mental math for what my new stats would be when I switched to this option later.

Stat Spread:
Strength: 50
Vitality: 100
Charisma: 10 (230)
Luck: 20 (240)
Finesse: 50
Magic Control: 50
Magic Force: 50 (55)
Speed: 30 (50)

The tiniest dip in Strength for extra points in Magic Force felt worth it and the added Magic Force would only grow. I was practically giddy in excitement. The only real downside was that I didn't have any enhancement type spells yet but hopefully leveling this class would give me that. The other issue with it was that I now had to choose between [Black Cat] and [Novice Magic Swordsman] when leveling. Right now it felt much safer working on my new class but I suppose I really don't know too much about the classes in the first place. Luck Magic seemed powerful but the Magic Swordsman class line would probably give me a more solid foundation to work with and capitalized on my current uneven spread of stats. It made me feel like splitting my stats between using a sword and using magic had paid off and it wasn't like I couldn't use the luck magic I had even if wasn't as strong without Black Cat equipped.

I looked over at Bella, finally ready to face today's challenges. She seemed to have gathered that I had been paying attention to my [Status] this whole time because when I looked over, she smiled and begun to get out of the bath.

Once we got back to the room. I changed into my nice tailored Noble's clothes, put the ornate looking Mimi sword into her sheathe on my belt and put on my pack. It was time to get back the twins.

Hello! Having a character level up a bunch after sex is kind of funny but it tends to make chapters after sex chapters have a lot of system leveling stuff in it haha. Next chapter it's time for Lilith to go bring back the twins!

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