Like No One Ever Was

Chapter 25

Nothingness. It surrounded me, I was one with it and everything. There are voids between everything, every particle of matter like the void in my stomach, I’m hungry-

“Focus.” Tulip’s stern words cut through my distraction but didn’t help me achieve that goal. I’m sure she’s got her eyes closed just like me, but she picked up on my distraction instantly. Her psychic abilities are interesting- enough of that! Recenter.

Trying to bring my mind back in order, I recalled where I was. I’m in the dojo with Tulip, we’re sitting on the wooden floor. The floor is connected to the ground, to the city of Alforanda. The city, a bustling mass of people and Pokemon, buildings and roads, all working together and connecting to each other, and out to the rest of the cities, to the whole land of Paldea. Paldea connected to the rest of the world through the seas and skies. I am one with the universe, and it is one with me.

That was a good start, but next, I needed to focus on what I was doing. I’m meditating, training my Aura. First step? Feeling the energies within me and around me and shaping them… at least in theory. A sharp breath of air escaped me and I heard Tulip sigh in response.

“What’s the problem?” I opened my eyes to see the purple-haired woman sitting there in front of me. She wasn’t dolled up as elegantly as she usually was, her purple hair hung down straight behind her back. Tulip was wearing jeans and a Gardevoir patterned t-shirt, that while casual, did nothing to hide how beautiful she was.

“I can’t seem to get a hold of the energy within me. You’re sure I’ve got a lot of it?”

This time it was her turn to sigh. “Yes, I’m certain. It’s easy for me to tell that much, your Aura is likely as great as mine, possibly greater.”

“Didn’t you say you were rather weak?”

Despite the question being rude, she was hardly upset at it. “Compared to the select few that can actively use Aura? Yes, I’m on the weaker end, though part of that is that I’ve barely had any training. It would grow if I trained it more, but my modeling and other duties eat into that. Your potential probably outstrips my own.”

Other duties mostly included modeling pro bono for her family’s business. Dendra mentioned to me that Tulip’s parents ran a software company. It was rather small compared to the massive companies Billy and O’Nare ran, but from what I gathered they were decently wealthy, especially with a rising star like their daughter helping in advertisements.

“Well, thank you for helping train me. I appreciate it, though I can’t see how I could have more ‘potential’ than you; sensing emotions was something you could do even without training, right?”

She nodded. “My training gave me better control, just focused on making sure I no longer was overwhelmed by what I could sense. It left me quite awkward as a child,” she gave a small, sad chuckle. It was hard to imagine someone as composed as her being like that, but I understood that Psychic powers were something that could be quite difficult to deal with as a child.

“I started training later than you have, but you should have noticed some influence from that energy. Not everyone leans to a specific Type, and some do have more subtle applications of that power than Psychics, but there might be some hint of it there.”

Shaking my head, I tried to reign in the hint of frustration I was feeling, knowing that the older girl would be feeling it as well. “Nothing I can think of, my life has been fairly normal.” Aside from the whole Isekai deal. I don’t even remember dying in my past life, so no extra ghostly energy or anything like that. “No conjuring fireballs, or grass growing where I walk, or draconic… dragoneyness.”

“Please take this seriously,” Her lips were set into a thin line.

“I am! It’s just hard. I can’t think of anything unusual, any special powers I might have and whenever I try to grasp this supposed energy within me, I can’t get a hold of it at all.” After a second I added: "Well, I think my senses might be better than other people's. I was able to hear a whispered conversation better from farther away than someone else who was closer, and my vision is excellent, for detail and distance. Not sure if that indicates anything other than general Aura use, however."

She made a non-committal 'hmm' noise. “I'll keep that in mind. Your personal energy, does it feel like water slipping through your fingers?”

“Not even that. Like there’s nothing there, or any energy there is dancing just out of reach, brushing just by me and unable to be held. Or maybe I’m just imagining it, and I’m not actually feeling anything at all.”

“Don’t become despondent. The training takes time, have patience.” Grimacing, I nodded. Intellectually I knew all of that, but emotionally… I’m just getting frustrated, which isn’t helping. Look how hard and tirelessly Miles and Dun have worked for their gains. I can put in at least this much.

After our session, an hour no closer to progress, we stopped. “If this doesn’t work in a few months we’ll try something new.”

“Alright, thank you. How much should I pay you-”

“No.” The words to try to convince her died on my tongue as I saw the determined look on her face. Dendra had been reticent to accept pay after winning our bout until I showed her comparative prices for training from a martial arts master and the added benefit of one-on-one teaching and she acquiesced to a decent sum each month for the weekly lessons. This is different though.

“Those who have learned Aura teach it for their own reasons.” Or don’t, I thought, recalling how she had danced around the topics in front of the Professors. “The talent is rare, and not everyone can learn to harness their Aura. My teacher taught me it was a duty to pass that gift on to the next generation.”

“Does that mean I’ll have to as well? Or that I can’t tell the general public about it?” She shrugged, and I could see a certain lightness in her posture. Being under the spotlight almost all the time can’t be easy.

“The choice is yours. I’ll admit, I didn’t really understand the duty to pass it on until I met you.”

Part of me wanted to declare that I’d teach anyone, make it public knowledge. More people could be found and possibly helped if it was something more people were aware of. But then again, are there that many people who are getting hurt by the fact that Aura isn’t common knowledge? Would it cause strife if it was well known? Invasive experiments, onerous demands to try and force kids to practice while they were young?... Probably not, honestly, this world is an incredibly kind one, and even the strongest Aura master pales in comparison to a Pokemon. Still, I should think about it, and learn more about it, before making any decisions.

“Thank you then,” I stood up and gave her a small bow. “Again, I appreciate you training me.”

“You’re welcome,” she rose as well, stretching out.

“By the way who is your-” She shook her head. Makes sense. If they really cared for me to know how they are, they probably would have helped out with the teaching here. I wondered if the unnamed teacher even wanted me to be taught - it had taken Tulip a fair while to ‘learn everything she needed to know’, and given how spotty even that knowledge was, I imagined some of that was resistance on her teacher’s part.

I could admit to myself that I was tempted to find out who this mysterious teacher was, and what secrets they were keeping, but I pushed that part down. It was generous enough that they and Tulip were giving me anything; I could have searched for years and not found any hard answers about Aura.

“It’s my pleasure to teach you, though I’m afraid I must be going. I’ll only be able to train you once a month or so, unlike Dendra due to my schedule.”

“I should be going too. I’ve got a new music teacher to meet. See ya later!” I shouted, rushing out the door and down to where Rotom had called a Flying Taxi for me.

“Bzzt, you’re almost as eager for this as you were for your lessons with Tulip,” Miles noted, floating in front of me as I hopped into the basket.

“It should be a lot of fun,” I said blandly while reaching out and pulling up a note document on the phone. There I typed my more sensitive answer.

‘Music is something I loved and was incredibly common in my first world. But I only ever listened to it, I never learned how to make it. Wasn’t great at singing and didn’t know how to play any instruments. If I learn how to play, I can bring back some of the great songs I loved.’

There will be some limits of course. A lot of elements are subtly woven into the lyrics that just wouldn’t make sense here. Replacing those will be a lot harder for a song than it is for a story as I need to not only find a similar meaning but also try and keep the right cadence and rhythm of the song.

‘I see.’ Miles messaged back.

‘Also… it’s a chance to try something new. I have no experience with playing music before, so I’ll be judged based on how well I actually learn it, not on how much I was able to remember.’

Miles (and Dun), knew well about my past life and some of the more complicated feelings I had on that. It’s part of why I’m so hard on myself at times and other people tell me it’s fine. Would they be saying the same if they knew how much experience and knowledge I already have? They praise me enough already.

“I wonder who my tutor will be?”

“No idea, bzzt. The Masters of the house picked them out specifically.” For a moment I wondered if that meant I’d be taught by the same guy who taught Ortega. Getting the former Headmaster of Uva Academy does sound like something they’d do- no, wait. He’s the current headmaster right now, isn’t he? Yeah, I don’t think that even Mom and Dad could get someone that important. Not like I need anything like that though, just an ordinary girl learning guitar for the first time.

I decided to push out any worries about my Aura or teacher away and just appreciate the moment, enjoying the breeze as we flew along.


“Hassel!? Dragon Trainer of the Elite Four, Hassel?!” I squealed and shrieked out as I saw the man standing in my living room. He had short, bright yellow hair, styled differently than what I knew from the games, but that and his dark green overcoat/cape combo (and the fact that I’d seen him in several videos in this life) made his identity clear.

“Ahem. Yes, that is who I am. However, I am also, as of today, your music teacher!” He declared proudly, trying to shake off the awkwardness my first outburst had caused. I was just confused.

“Music? Not art?” As soon as the words escaped my mouth, I realized they were wrong. Shit! That must be later in the timeline!

He blinked. “I’m more known for my musical talents than my artistic ones, but yes, I teach art. I’m surprised you know about that, you must be quite the fan.” He scratched the back of his head awkwardly. He was a musician too? I mean, I guess that sounds right. I must have just forgotten it.

Still, I was now stuck in a position where my new teacher was feeling awkward. I gotta convince him I’m not a crazed fan or anything. “I just watch a bunch of videos online, I like battles and stuff. You’re not even in my top ten favorite battlers, honest!” I was pretty sure that sold the point, with how he doubled over and clutched at his chest as if I’d shot him. Great job brain, 10/10, no notes.

Hassle straightened up after a moment and resumed his stoic demeanor. “Well, I guess it’s a good thing your parents didn’t hire me as your battle coach then.”

“I didn’t mean it like- I’m sorry,” I forced out, unable to meet his gaze and wishing the ground would just swallow me whole.

His sigh sounded at least slightly fond. “It’s fine. Still, we should probably get on with your lesson. You’re learning the guitar, correct?”

“Yes!” I said, eagerly leading him up to my room, waving at Cyan as I passed by her room. Once inside I pulled out my case and began getting my birthday gift out. Still, I couldn’t help but ask him a bit more about his job. “I’m surprised you have time to teach me. I thought you’d be busy with all your Elite Four duties and stuff.”

“They said you were a bright young girl,” he mused out loud, giving me a curious look before moving on. “I indeed have many obligations that take up my time and energy, but it’s important to make time to engage in one’s hobbies. Especially when I get such wonderful opportunities like this.”

Read: Billy & O’Nare paid him a loooot for this. That wasn’t to say that I thought Hassel wouldn’t have taught me otherwise, but the offer probably pushed my name to the front of any hypothetical list.

“What hobbies do you have?” He asked as he motioned for me to pass him the guitar.

I did so and answered “Battling! I love it.” Despite everything that happened at the Junior Tournament, I still love to battle. I just, might not be as big a fan of tournaments anymore. Then I thought more about the question, watching him tune the guitar and taking mental notes (Miles was hovering nearby to take digital notes in case I forgot). “I guess that isn’t a ‘hobby’ though. I’m gonna be a Champion one day, so that’s more of a job.”

I saw him twitch ever so slightly like he was trying to hold back a laugh. “Music might be your hobby then.” I frowned instinctually, something he caught as he stopped testing and tuning my guitar. “You do want to learn, right?”

Nice of him to be so considerate, to make sure his student wants the lessons her parents have paid for. “I do, I really do. I have a bunch of ideas for songs in my head and I want to get them out into the world.” I just didn’t know if that would qualify as a ‘hobby’ or not.

“Well why don’t you try and sing one for me and we can work from there?” He offered, and I tried to keep my face calm while panicking internally. I might not have been lying, but I have no idea how to translate these songs to make sense in this world.

“Uhh, I don’t know how to play the guitar yet,” I deflected.

“Just sing the words, we’ll see if we can add the music after,” he said softly.

My mind was racing, put on the spot as I tried to come up with something that would work. Devil went down to Georgia? No, there’s no devil or Georgia in this world. Ghost Ship of Cannibal Rats? Of course not, that mentions rats and practically no songs reference regular animals here. The Pretender? Ah, that one really needs instruments backing it up and I don’t even want to try it until I’m good enough to play something. Eye of the Tiger? Don’t remember anything other than the chorus.

A dozen other songs flashed through my head, songs that I either couldn’t remember well enough to sing properly, or that just didn’t work. Hassle was starting to look concerned, too.

“Gi- give me a mome- no.” I stopped, cleared my throat, and began to sing.

“Gimme gimme gimme some time to think.

I’m in the bathroom looking at me,

Face in the mirror is all I need, ooh.”

Hassel stopped, donning a considering mein as he took in my words. It’s not perfect, I know. I could hit the notes better but- screw it, this will do.

“Wait until the reaper takes my life,

Never gonna get me out alive.

I will live a thousand million lives, ooh.

My patience is waning, is this entertaining?

Our patience is waning, is this entertaining!”

The chorus came into sharp clarity in my mind and I got more into the song, throwing my head about as I started to get into it; wasn’t the same without the instruments to go along with but something in my heart lifted just to hear those old words again.

“I-I-I got this feeling yeah you know,

Where I’m losing all control,

Cause there’s magic in my bones!

I-I-I got this feeling in my soul,

Go ahead and throw your stones,

Cause there’s magic in my bones!”

Stopping there because I wasn’t 100 percent sure of how the next line went, I waited for my tutor’s response. There was a long moment of silence before Hassel began slowly clapping his hands together. “Wonderful! Truly wonderful-”

“Shhh! Shut up!” I harshly warned him, causing him to step back in shock. I thought I heard it, just now…

Another ‘CRACK’ sound came from the other room, and I knew for sure this time it wasn’t any weird clap. “It’s happening, it’s happening!” I shouted out before racing off.

“What!? What is happening?!?” A very confused Hassel shouted, trailing behind me. By the time I got to my sister’s room, her door was already being flung open.

“Nims, it’s happening!” Cyan exclaimed eagerly before rushing back inside.

“Could someone explain what is going on?” I ignored Hassel, figuring it would be easier to just let him see.

Within Cyan’s room, we beheld the Egg. It was still in the Incubator, but that had been placed on the ground with the top taken off. Within the water-filled container we could see the egg, cracks already spreading throughout it.

“Oh my.” That was all Hassel had left to say as the cracks spread a bit farther apart. A piece here and there chipped off, but not enough to see within, until suddenly the whole shell shattered, and a Popplio burst out from it.

“Pop?” The newborn questioned, shaking some of the water off its blue fur, looking curiously at all of us. Hassle and I were standing back letting Cyan take the majority of his focus. He had a transparent blue frill around his neck and white fur around his mouth, topped with a pale red nose.

My sister was frozen in place until he cocked his head to the side, hanging off the edge of the incubator with his flippers. “Ahh, you’re so adorable!” She squealed, rushing towards him. He still seemed a little confused but was calm - hers was a voice he had heard often while in his egg, so subconsciously he equated Cyan with safety.

“Lio,” He said proudly, puffing up a bit, before that caused his tenuous grip to slip. Before he could fall back in, Cyan rushed forward and scooped him up. She’s usually so tidy, but she doesn’t care about the mess being made at all right now.

I smiled at the scene before inspiration hit me and I rushed over to Cyan’s desk, grabbing a pen and paper and quickly jotting it down.

“Nemona? What are you doing?” She asked me before turning back to Popplio. “Oh, right, that’s Nemona, my sister and I’m Cyan. I’m going to be your trainer. She can be a bit weird, don’t worry about it.”

“Popplio!” The small Pokemon cheered, still sounding a little confused on the matter, but trusting that everything must be good if Cyan was happy.

“Here,” I said, quickly handing her the paper, which she awkwardly held while still cradling Popplio. “It’s a song, for the occasion, well part of one- just, sing it.” Popplio’s big eyes glanced between me and Cyan. My sister read over it quickly and slowly nodded, taking a deep breath before beginning.

“What can I tell you of the world?

When I know I still have so much to learn

How can I keep you safe? How will you find your way?

What can I tell you of the world?

I want you to have it all

Want you to trust yourself and fear no fall,

Want you to turn out to be, so much better than me,

I want you to have it alllll.

Ohh the places you’ll go, with your eyes so wide,

With heart in your hand, with your sword at your side,

Oh the mountains you’ll move, the tears you’ll cry,

Oh the places you’ll go,

Little love of mine.”

Cyan sang it quite differently than I remembered, which made sense considering that I didn’t have time to write any directions to go down with it. Her voice also grew watery towards the end, and she muttered something after about “Why’d you have to write something so sappy?”

It was hard to hear, however, over the enthusiastic clapping Popplio gave my performance, squirting out a small jet of water from his mouth in appreciation. “Pop popplio!”

My new music teacher was also making it difficult to hear my big sister's criticisms. “That was, so, so… beaudiful!!” Hassel wailed, the tears streaming down his face putting the Water Type to shame.

“Arceus, I can’t believe an Elite Four could be such a crybaby,” Cyan said while wiping away at her face and using the water Popplio was making to otherwise obscure her own tears. She saw me opening my mouth and decided to quickly deflect “And what was that about being ‘so much better than me, huh?” Jeez, and I was just going to say that Hassel reminded me of Izuku from My Hero. Well, I’d say he ‘reminded me of a story idea…’.

Popplio added in his two cents, miming at his chest and a void by his body. I squinted for a moment before figuring out his questions.

“Wow, everyone’s a critic, huh? It’s just a good message, Cyan. And the ‘heart in your hands, sword at your side’ thing is a metaphor, Popplio. Where you say something to represent another thing without outright saying it’s like that.”

The blue seal lion tilted his head to the side as if to say ‘Why not just say that outright then? Stupid,’ before turning away to demand another round of the song from Cyan. Taking my cue to step back, I tugged on Hassel’s sleeve and we left.

As we exited, I noticed Miles had been hovering behind us, taking photos of the big moment.

“Nice work, Miles.” They gave me a big grin before flying back into my pocket.

Once back in my room, Hassel had composed himself once again. “Apologies for my outburst, it was just such a moving display. And that song you wrote! Off the cuff no less, you’ll make an excellent musician someday.”

“Oh, no, I had been working on that one for a bit, that moment just reminded me- and that song isn’t even finished, that’s just the first part. Plus I think I made a few mistakes there…”

“I’m sure you’ll make a fine musician, regardless. I can see you being announced at venues all around-”

“No. Well, I might be famous one day, but it’s not for music. I just need a way to get the songs out of my head properly, I’ll probably give them away once I can do that.”

“I- really? But then why would you be famous?”

Locking on to his amber gaze I declared “Because I’m going to be champion someday. The greatest champion ever.”

He held that stare for a moment before shifting, straightening his tie, and taking off his jacket to hang off my chair. “Excuse me, it just felt a little stuffy for a moment. I’m sure you’ll succeed at whatever you put your mind to, young lady. For the moment though, let’s get back to your lesson; in all the excitement I almost forgot about it! Now, here’s the first chord you need to learn…” I settled down opposite Hassel, paying close attention as he began teaching me how to play the guitar.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.