Life of Debauchery with Harem of Goddesses

Chapter 95: Mountain Stallion


This was the chapter that I stockpiled months ago.

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Karan and the group reached the city gate by riding on the beasts. There was a group of guards that stopped them.

"Who are you? What's your intention to come here?"

The head guard asked loudly. He was in clothes made from fur that seems to be as same as the fur of the beasts.

"We are here on the orders of Zhong Empire to increase the trade relations with your city-state."

Jiwon came forward and stated.

The head guard nodded as he already got the message that there will be visitors from Zhong Empire. He gestured to other guards to open the gate and let them in.

"You can go but please leave the beasts outside! We will take care of them till you leave!"

The guard said.

Seeing no reason to take the beasts inside the city, the group left the beasts and entered the city.

Upon entering the city Karan got a village feel from it.

There were no proper buildings but mostly huts. Though the huts sized vary from a small family hut to a large wide hut that can accommodate hundreds of people.

The people of the village seem to be devoid of any materialism as they were wearing just simple clothing made of fur and the shops had no extravagant items.

The appearance of people differed that from the people of Daguo as here they had light brown skin and more refined features compared to pale skin back in their sect's continent.

This mediocre-looking city or more specifically a large village is very important to the Zhong Empire. It is the largest producer of the beasts that Karan's group traveled on, Mountain Stallions.

A considerable part of Daguo, especially the northern part, is covered with snowy mountains where only these beasts can be used as mounts. The fur, from the Mountain Stallions, is also a hot commodity among people of the Zhong Empire, so greedy merchants or traders want these beasts.

Mountain Stallions were also present in the northern part of Daguo that was under the Zhong Empire but a rebellion broke out and they lost the supply of beasts from there. Without them, it difficult to pacify the rebellion.

The disciples from Crescent Moon Sect were tasked with negotiating a deal with a large supply of Mountain Stallions to the Zhong Empire.

This task would have been easy if the city-state of Parvatnagar had a king.

The previous king had been assassinated. Most people assumed that the rebellion had a hand in it as he was ready to supply the beasts.

Now, the city-state was on the verge of succession war between the two offsprings of the previous king and the disciple also had to involve themselves in it.

"Karan, we have a talk with Prince Harsh tomorrow, what should we do today?"

Esha asked.

"Let's get some rest and travel in the city to know more about these kids of the king. I have someone to meet too."

Karan replied.

The group reached the palace where the royal family stayed. Similar to other buildings in the city, it was no way a beautiful building but still it was grandeur.

The palace servants received them and each was given a separate room for their stay in the city.

After receiving a double-blowjob from the sisters, Mami and Mina, Karan left with Esha to check the city.

Since Esha and Karan's appearance was similar to the people of the city compared to the other disciples, they were welcomed warmly by the locals. It was very easy to strike conversation without raising doubts.

They asked about the current political scenario of the city-state and mostly got similar responses.

"Prince Harsh is strongest and a capable leader in our city, but he is not benevolent like his father."

"Princess Ishita is a very lovely girl but at the end of the day she's a woman, I don't think she can protect our city well."

These two were the most common responses from the people of Parvatnagar.

Karan was sure that the "Princess Ishita" was the Ishita she met during climbing Mount Hua.

Harsh and Ishita were kids of the previous king and were claiming the throne. Ishita was the older one that's why there was a conflict otherwise Harsh would have been crowned the king.

"How can they say that Ishita can't be a good ruler just because she's a woman?!"

Esha was angrily walking while stomping her feet. The misogynistic comments from the locals had managed to piss her a lot.

"Haha, you sound very angry, Esha!"

Karan teased her as he caught up to her.

"I'm angry and rightfully so!" Esha turned towards Karan. "Karan, we should support Ishita in this feud and strike the deal with her, so we can win the tournament too!"

"Of course, Esha. We will support her. You know I always support women empowerment!"

Karan said with a prideful smile.

"Hehe, you are. But only beautiful ones, right?"

Esha asked to tease him.

Karan winked at her and they went back to the palace to rest for tonight.


The next day, Karan, Esha, and Jiwon went for the meet with Prince Harsh while the rest stayed in their rooms.

Harsh was a tall man with a large body. He had a domineering aura around him. He was sporting a beard on his face.

Next to him, a bald muscular man sat. His face was rugged and had a scar on it. His eyes showed that he had seen countless battles in his life.

Other than the two, several guards were standing, ready to defend their prince in case of an attack.

"Welcome, ladies and gentlemen! Please have a seat!"

Harsh stood up and gestured them to sit down for a talk.

Karan and the girls sat in front of him while Karan in between.

"I bet you have an idea why we are here, but let me tell you, Zhong Empire wants Parvatnagar to continue to supply them with Mountain Stallions and also increase it."

Karan demanded.


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