Life in Vain: Jobless Reincarnation

81 – Child – With Great Power…

A... cage?

Dad looked at me and said, "You're scared. We're all scared. We don't know how strong this Being W guy is or what he has in store. But we have to check. It's fine training here in safety, but that won't last forever. You saw Gisu, right? Being W tried to pull a fast one on us. We caught it, but what if we don't next time?"

"And what does that have to do with you running off by yourself?" I glared at him and said, "It's stupid. You're stupid. Why are you stupid?"

Mom narrowed her eyes and said, "Don't talk like that to your father, Rudy."

"What? It's true!"

Dad laughed and waved his hand at my mom. "It's fine, Zenith." He looked at me and nodded. "It's true. I'm stupid. But Rudy. Didn't you know?" He grinned and said, "Even masters have to be careful in front of absolute fools. Not to mention that an idiot who doesn't know or fear the enemy's plans is the best one to ruin them."

Master Roxy tapped her fingers on the table and slowly nodded. "That... is a fair point. If Being W has been quiet because he is working plans behind the scene to spring them when we least expect it, then it would be wise to throw some chaos into the works to disrupt them."

"Right?" Dad pointed at Roxy and then looked at me. "See? Your beloved Master Roxy gets it."

"But that is assuming that is not his intention." Roxy continued and frowned. "The problem we face is that we do not know the extent of Being W's abilities. If he is a god, is he omniscient? It appears that he is not, but how far below that bar is his gaze? Can he perceive the future? The past? And what are his capabilities? What if he directly manifests?"

I pointed at Roxy too and said, "Do you see? It's too risky for you to go alone. But if I come, we won't have that risk."

I was confident. If Being W tried anything, I would be able to thwart it. And even if we were surrounded by enemy forces, I could mow them all down and get us out of there.

In the worst case scenario... Well, no matter how strong a person was or how good the magic was in this world, that was only to the level of what they knew about the world around them.

I had an entire repository of knowledge from a separate world because of my past life. And while I didn't recall much, if any, of that past life anymore, I still remembered what I had learned.

And if push came to shove, I had enough mana to brute force phenomenon like Sylphy did.

Unraveling the molecular bonds of the person in front of me and turning them into a puddle of goo. Modifying healing magic to override the body's homeostasis and cause rapid cell-division to induce either aging or cancerous tumors...

Barring that, I could also create a plague or virus. Something that spread rapidly and mutated quickly. Non-lethal at first, but then quickly adapting. And one that spread through the air.

Or maybe one that latched onto mana and self-empowered through that?

I had countless ways to end things if Being W flipped the table or crossed the line.

So it didn't have to be like this. Dad didn't have to risk his life by going alone. And if I was there, we didn't have to worry.

Dad stared at me and then let out a deep sigh. "It seems like I messed up, huh?"

I blinked and stared at my dad. "...What do you mean?"

Dad shook his head and walked around the table towards me. After that, he placed his hands on my shoulder. "Rudy. Listen to me very carefully."

I looked up at him and slowly nodded. "I'm listening."

"You're still young... But these are the years that will determine the man who you're going to become the rest of your life."

I gave him a blank look and said, "Dad. I'm eight years old."

"The fact that you can say that means it's even more true." Dad gave me a serious look and said, "Rudy. You're young, but you aren't a kid. Hell, you're more mature than I was when I ran away from home."

...I couldn't really argue with that.

It was true. I was young, but I wasn't a child. I knew better than most and I had the capacity to understand the world around me since I was born. And I technically had lived a life already, even if it was cut short and I couldn't recall it.

Dad patted my head with his left hand and said, "I know how much you love all of us. I know how much you worry about seeing us get hurt. But you can't focus on just your family."

"Why not?" I brushed his hand off and said, "Who cares about everyone else? I'm fine as long as everyone here is safe."

Dad sighed. "Rudy." He shook his head and said, "If someone like you doesn't care, who will?"

I froze.


Dad looked at me and said, "All it takes for the bad guys to win is for the good guys to stand back and do nothing. Now, Dad isn't a good guy. I'm doing better, but I grew up in a place where doing bad things was normal. Expected." He glanced at Lilia and looked away in shame.

I noticed and frowned. "But you changed, Dad. You're a good person now."

He laughed and said, "Well. If my genius son says it, maybe it's true. But then... if it's true, I have to show it. And if I've become a good person... If I'm a good guy now, then I can't let the bad guys run free."

I stared at my dad and said, "But that's stupid. You can't stop all of them. Saving just this one girl isn't worth it."

"Maybe." Dad nodded and said, "But it's who I'm trying to be. And it's probably a bit too late for me to change." He laughed and said, "Hell, your dad has a lot of bad habits that he keeps falling back to. I've kicked a bunch of them, but a few still come back every now and then. But you're different." He stared at me and said, "You can be good or evil, Rudy. Hero or villain. You're this young, but you already have more power than almost everyone else in the world. I would bet my life on that-"

"Please don't."

Dad laughed and said, "Right, right. But it's true. You have power, Rudy. Enough power to change the world for better or for worse. But with that great power, there must also come great responsibility."

I was quiet.

I knew those words.

...I didn't know if Dad was just subconsciously drawing on them or what, but I remembered those words.


'With great power comes great responsibility.'

It was famous. A quote that pretty much everyone knew.

And something that I knew too. But I hadn't thought about it at all.

After all, I didn't have great power before I died.

But I did now.

...Dad was right. For once, he made a good point.

The only thing that was required for evil to prevail was for good men to do nothing.

And people didn't wake up one day deciding to become evil. It was a gradual acceptance. Letting one small act go because it was convenient. A cascade of compromises until there was no where left to fall and you relished where you stood.

Dad made good points. Even so...

"That still doesn't explain why you have to go, Dad."

...It was just a distraction.

Dad laughed and said, "Fine. If that didn't convince you, I guess I can't." He sighed and stepped back. "You're young, Rudy. But I guess you grew up before I realized it. And it seems I set the wrong example. So I won't stop you from coming along. But... I'm asking you." He looked at me and said, "Let me do this. I've messed up twice already... but third time's the charm, right?"

I clenched my fists.

He was stupid. His reasoning was complete garbage and he was being reckless again.

I didn't want to let him do this. At least, not outside of my sight.

But before I could say anything else, Mama Lily spoke up. "It's fine, Rudy."

"Huh?" I looked over at Mama Lily. "What do you mean?"

Mama Lily looked at my dad and said, "Your father is reckless when he runs off on his own. So we can't let him do that... But you're the same. So that won't do."

I blinked and then pouted. "What do you mean? I'm nothing like Dad!"

Dad clutched his chest as said, "Ah. My poor heart. My beloved son is rejecting me out of hand... So this is how my father felt..."

They were serious words, but the light-hearted smile on Dad's face showed that he was joking.

I glared at him, but then looked at Mama Lily. "Setting aside me being like Dad... What do you propose then? Master Roxy going with Dad?" I looked over at Master Roxy.

Master Roxy hesitated. "I would, but..."

Dad laughed and said, "I'm afraid your beloved master's reputation would make that difficult. Especially considering how much she stands out."

I blinked and looked at Master Roxy. "What reputation?"

She coughed and said, "I-It is complicated. And involves quite a few misunderstandings." After saying that, she pursed her lips and looked away, making it clear she wasn't going to say anything else.

I sighed and then looked at Mama Lily. "That's what Master Roxy says. Miss Ghyslaine is going, but I still think it's not enough..."

Mom hummed, twirling her blonde hair. After a while, she nodded and said, "Ghyslaine's always been good at picking the right outcome... but you're right. She and your father have always been a magnet for trouble."

Dad pouted and said, "That's not-" He paused and then frowned, eyes moving as if counting something in his head.

"See?" Mom sighed and then looked at Mama Lily. "We really do need someone to buffer them in this. From what I've heard about Philip and Sauros, they don't seem much better than Paul." She frowned and said, "We really need someone with a cool head about all this..."

Mama Lily nodded. "Yes. Which is why I will be going along with Paul."


And then everyone started talking at the same time.

"No way!" Dad crossed his arms.

"You can't, Lily!" Mom protested.

"It is far too dangerous, Lily." Master Roxy frowned and shook her head.

"I don't want you to go and get hurt, Mama Lily!" And I tried talking her down too.

Mama Lily smiled and then shook her head. "I appreciate the sentiments from everyone. But Paul was right in part." She frowned and said, "We must probe Being W's actions. If too many of us go, he will be cautious. But if we present a tempting opportunity..."

Master Roxy placed her right hand on her chin and said, "He will take the bait."

Mama Lily nodded. "That is so. And in doing so, we will buy more time through delaying whatever plots he has set afoot."

I shook my head. "No. No way. Absolutely not. You're going to get hurt! Or worse!"

"I will not."

I stared at her and said, "And what makes you so confident, Mama Lily? You might have healed from your old wounds and trained a bit more, but you're not a fighter!"

She nodded. "This is true. But I am confident that I will be fine."

"How?" I frowned. "...Do you know something we don't?"

Mama Lily smiled. "No. But I have faith." She looked at Paul and said, "My beloved husband is a person who fights the hardest when there is someone he must protect within his sights. And..." She turned to look at me. "My beloved Rudy is a genius who can defy even the heavens above and perform miracles. So... Why don't we try it once? Or... is my faith mistaken?"

I felt my heart tremble.

It was there.

The same as my past life.

Towering expectations that I couldn't hope to meet.

Not only that, but they were from the one person who I thought would never have them of me. The one who supported me unconditionally this entire time.

Mama Lily was quiet, just staring at me with that soft smile.

Dad clenched his fists, but he turned to look at me, not saying a word either.

I glanced at him and looked at Mama Lily. And then...


I decided.

It would be different. I would make sure that this time would be different.

With great power came great responsibility.

...And with that quote, there always came a death in the family. ALWAYS.

But I wouldn't allow that. Not this time.


"Master Roxy." I looked at her and said, "You. Me. Your bedroom tonight."

"P-P-PArdOn!?" Master Roxy turned a deep red and her voice cracked.

I paused, realizing how that phrasing sounded. But I ignored it and said, "We're going to create an absolute defense field. And we're going to make a sword that can cut through anything."

"O-Oh." Master Roxy cleared her throat and said, "Of course."

I stared at Dad and said, "You're forbidden from dying or letting Mama Lily die. Got it? If anything happens, I'm ending this world. I'll become the Demon God, murder everything in sight and then recreate everything."

Dad laughed and said, "Well. I guess I'll have to work hard to prevent that, then."

A light-hearted reply. But Dad's eyes were firm. Determined.

Seeing that, I gave a curt nod and walked off.

There were preparations to make.


The depths of the forest by Buina village. There, Technique God Laplace knelt down beneath a tall tree and dug through the soil with his bare hands. And after scraping away a few handfuls of dirt, he pulled something out from the ground.

Laplace stared at the item he dug out and muttered, "Your life wasn't in vain, Rudy."

As to what that item was...

A small urn made with magic. And also one that had flickers of powerful mana coursing through it. Mana that seemed to not belong in that world, distorting the space and gravity around it.

Holding the urn in his hands, Laplace gave it a solemn look and said, "You lost everything you had, but you've set things up for us to win everything back. Well, I guess you could never have predicted this would result after your trip to warn your past self, but that's what happens when mortals attempt time travel..." He shook his head and then looked up at the clear blue sky. "You can rest easy now. Your past self couldn't finish the job, but I will. Well, 'we' will."

Silence. There wasn't a response.

But of course there wasn't. It was just a strange urn, filled with the ashes of someone long dead.

...At least, that should have been the case.

But then a deep and bone-weary sigh echoed. When it did, the urn shattered and the ashes inside dissolved into ambient mana.

Laplace watched it fade and then nodded.

After that, footsteps echoed from the distance, shortly followed by a mature female voice. "So you're here after all, Master."

Laplace looked over to see Rostelina walking towards him, wearing a gray robe.

"I thought I sensed you." She looked over towards the tree and then frowned. "But what are you doing here? Weren't you making preparations?"

"I am." Laplace nodded and said, "There was an item here that was slowly turning the area into a dungeon, so I wanted to make sure that was settled first."

"Hm?" Rostelina tilted her head and said, "That phenomenon wasn't from Roxy or Rudy's magic circles?"

"It wasn't." He glanced at the tree and looked at the surrounding area.

It was where he saved Sylphy. Or rather, where 'Rudy' saved Sylphy. Laplace simply bought time and broke open the veil Being W made to conceal her.

But even if he hadn't, someone else would have.

Laplace shook his head and then rested his hand over his sword. As he did, a crimson tree flickered to life... and continued flickering.

Most of the branches were gone now, leaving only the main trunk and a few tiny offshoots.

Seeing that, Laplace clicked his tongue. "No point relying on the future anymore if that guy's given up on it as well."

The past couldn't be changed, and now the future was a blank slate.

Laplace had a few sketches of what it could be, but clinging to those would lead to trouble down the line.

Still, he knew what to prevent... and what to allow to pass.

And the first of those...

Laplace ruffled Rostelina's hair and then said, "Be good and watch over the kids for a few years. It's going to happen soon and they'll need your moral support."

Rostelina huffed and said, "I'm not a child anymore, Master. And I already know. Although..." She frowned and said, "Are you sure this is fine? If Hitogami's stopped using his <Future Sight>, can't you directly intervene now? ...Can't you save them?"

Laplace stopped and then slowly shook his head. "I can't. And even if I could, I won't. After all..." He looked back at Rostelina and said, "I told you, didn't I?" He looked away and said, "I am not Rudeus Notos Greyrat."

And he wasn't.

Laplace had the man's memories. Laplace saw the man's potential futures. And Laplace knew the man's regrets.

But he wasn't Rudy. Not anymore.

"Great! Then I don't have to worry about stealing my granddaughter's man away from her when I do this, right?"

"Hm? Do wha- Mmph?"

Rostelina pulled her lips back from Laplace and then let out a sly grin. "If you're going to work hard for a few years, you're going to need a *lot* of mana. So... I'll do my best to top you up, alright? Ma-su-tah?"

Laplace sighed. "You lewd woman."

"Only for you! Now... let's get started."


On the destroyed mountain in the Crimson Dragon mountain range, Orsted clenched his hands, marveling at the thrum of power coursing through his veins. After that, he nodded and said, "This should be sufficient." He stared into the distance at the Milbotts region. "...Rudeus is still young, so I should wait. But for now... Tristina Purplehorse's abduction should be around this time. Let us see if this is enough to defy Fate."

Muttering to himself, the current Dragon God descended from the mountains, his white coat fluttering behind him.


In an endless void, a certain misty white figure calmly stared at a floating model of a flat world beneath him. As he did, his eyes flitted towards certain white lights shining across the major continents. "...Let's see how you handle this, you cheater. You're not the only one who can flip the board over."

A pair of lights flickered from the Holy Land of Swords, slowly moving towards the Milbotts region. A bundle of lights blossomed within the Milbotts region itself, focused around the Notos territory. And with that...

Cracks formed across the model. Tiny tears in space, forming a web over the entire world.

"I didn't get to where I am today by playing fair. Just you wait. We'll see how your neat tidy plans hold up when I throw absolute chaos into the mix. He. Hehe. Hehehe!"

Jokes on you, Hitogami! My plans went out the window long ago! Ha. Haha. Ha...

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