Life in Vain: Jobless Reincarnation

7 – The Irresponsible Father

Paul yawned as he walked back inside. He unlatched his sword from his belt and hung it on the wall before taking a look around.

It was the afternoon, just after lunch time. The plan had been to do a patrol and then keep watch at the guardtower in the forest. Typical routine measures to make sure no wild beasts or magical creatures sprang up to attack the village.

Today though, one of the village guards offered to take over for him. A half-elf man named Laws. That meant that his day was freed up.

It would have been nice if Zenith was around too, but she was busy helping out at the clinic today and would be out until late.


"Looks like it's just me, Rudy, and Lilia, huh?" Paul muttered and then walked inside, closing the door behind him.

"Hm?" A light female voice echoed from the side. Shortly after, Lilia walked over. When she saw Paul, she let out a faint smile and bowed her head. "Welcome home, Master Paul."

Paul's neck felt itchy on hearing that and he rubbed the back of his neck. "I keep telling you, Lilia. Just Paul is fine."

"I could never do that, Master Paul."

Paul sighed at the flat denial.

He had been happy to run into Lilia again after all these years... and happier still that she didn't seem to hold 'that' against him. Also happy that she was as big as ever, but that was a different matter.

Still, since they were living together, he was hoping they could be a bit more intimate at least. Not completely. As tempting as Lilia was, Paul still loved Zenith and didn't want to do anything to hurt her.

But at least a first name basis...

Well, there was time. He was grateful enough that Lilia helped out around the house and helped watch Rudy.

In all honesty, without her... He sure as hell didn't know how to raise a kid. And he was sure that Zenith didn't either. Then there was the fact that the pregnancy was so unexpected and sudden...

"Well, that's fine." Paul smiled at Lilia and said, "We're just grateful you're here."

Lilia bowed her head again.

Paul looked around and said, "Where's Rudy? He's usually with you, isn't he?"

That kid was pretty clingy, so it was rare to see him away from Lilia. And Paul couldn't see him around anywhere.

"Young master is reading in your office, Master Paul."

Paul wrinkled his nose. "Reading, huh?"

Lilia tilted her head. "Is that a problem?"

"No. Just..." Paul scratched his head and said, "Well, Rudy's been a bit different from what I expected my son to be."

Setting aside the worrisome first few months where he was disturbingly quiet and didn't cry at all, Rudy was surprisingly bookish.

That definitely wasn't from him. Paul only read when he had to. And even then, he preferred jumping into things and figuring it out along the way.

It definitely wasn't from Zenith either. His wife was good at magic and healing, but she also wasn't an avid reader.

Maybe it skipped a generation? Paul remembered that his cousins spent a lot of time cooped up reading while he was practicing swordsmanship. And Zenith's parents were nobles back in the Holy Country of Milis, so maybe Rudy inherited some of that noble blood?

Still, it seemed like it wasn't a completely lost cause. After all, Rudy was a genius who managed to crawl around at a couple months and then start walking when he was barely half a year old.

"Papa will make a swordsman out of you yet, Rudy."

"Hm?" Lilia tilted her head.

"Ah. Nothing, Lilia." Paul shook his head and then stretched. "Did you feed Rudy yet?"

"Not yet. I was just about to prepare lunch for us. Would you like something as well, Master Paul?"

"Yeah. That'd be nice." Paul rolled his shoulder, stretching out his arm, and said, "I was planning to wait for dinner, but since I'm back already some food would be good."

Lilia sighed and said, "Some concern about your health would be good, Master Paul. It isn't good to skip meals like that."

"Meh. I'm used to it."

Being an adventurer would do that to you. It wasn't uncommon to go a week with just minimal rations, after all.

"Yes." Lilia nodded. "But think of the example you are setting for the young master." She frowned and said, "These days he only remembers to eat when someone brings him food."

Paul started to sweat. "G-Gee. Where'd he pick that up, haha?"

Lilia gave Paul a blank stare and then sighed. "I am going to cook. Would you go keep an eye on the young master?"

"Of course! I'll just leave you be then, Lilia."

Lilia nodded and headed back to the kitchen.

After that, Paul looked upstairs and muttered, "My office, huh?"

Was Rudy missing him that much that he spent time in there to make up for it?

...Maybe he should take Rudy out for some patrols then-

Ah, no. Zenith would throw him out of their room if he did that. She was still too worried about their cute little son to let Paul take Rudy out of the house.

Paul shook his head and then walked upstairs. Heading towards his office, he saw that the door was open. And inside, Rudy was lying on the floor, flipping through a book.

From what Paul could see, it seemed to be <Fedoa's Monsters, Ecology and Weaknesses>.

The book was relatively new. Paul didn't need it, but he was given it to use as a reference along with his post after his cousin Philip pulled some strings to get him his current job.

Which reminded Paul that he owed the guy. Still hated the Greyrat family and the stuffy nobles, but at least Philip was decent.

But anyway, Rudy was quietly flipping through the book.

If it was any other toddler, Paul would have thought that he was just flipping through and looking at the pictures. After all, those were pretty details and well drawn.

But when it came to Rudy, Paul knew better.

His son's light green eyes were narrowed in focus. Not only that, but they were carefully scanning the words first before flitting to the diagram, as if matching up what he read with what was drawn.

It was an odd sight. But it also made Paul proud.

He was sure. If Rudy was like this already, when he got older...

The last time Paul took Rudy out to watch him practice, he noticed that Rudy was staring at him just as focused as he was right now with the book.

If Rudy was like that while still just a toddler, Paul couldn't wait to see how he was when he got older.

But for now...

"Papa's home!" Paul walked in the office and held out his arms. "Come on, Rudy! Give Papa a hug!"

Rudy paused and looked up at Paul. He blinked and for a second, his eyes were sharp. As if annoyed at being interrupted.

Seeing that made Paul flinch. But then he got excited. It wasn't quite killing intent, but it was a good sign.

Paul definitely had a natural swordsman for a son. Argh... if only he could grow up faster! Why did kids have to be so tiny?

Rudy's eyes softened and then he pushed himself up to his feet. After that, he let out a cute smile and ran over with his arms out. "You're home!"

Paul scooped Rudy up and laughed. "Yep! Papa's home a bit early today because a friend helped out with work." He ruffled Rudy's hair and said, "Looks like you've been studying a lot though. You interested in monsters and adventurers?"

"Mm!" Rudy nodded and said, "It's cool!"

Paul sat Rudy around his shoulders and then said, "You bet it is! Running around looking for treasures, fighting monsters and getting stronger, living life on the edge... and then all of the hot babes too!"


Paul coughed. "I-I mean... Um, don't tell Mama that. Anyway... Let's go have some fun! You've been cooped up inside the house for a while, so how about you let Papa take you out on a stroll?"

"B-But, my book-"

"You can read later."

Dammit. Maybe that conversation a while back about Rudy learning magic left an impression.

Paul would have to fix that.

"Right now... Let's head outside. Papa will show you something a lot cooler than a dusty old book like that."


Rudy sounded dejected.

Hearing that made Paul feel a bit guilty. If Rudy really wanted to just read... No. Rudy clearly liked watching Paul do sword training last time, so Paul would just have to do some more to keep him interested in the sword.

"Let's go!" Making sure Rudy held on tight, Paul ran off.

"Gah! Papa! Too fast!"

Paul laughed and said, "Don't worry, Rudy. I've got you."

Now... there was a giant boulder lying around somewhere, right? The last time he cut one in half, he got a bunch of chicks impressed and got laid.

That meant that it would definitely impress a kid too, right?

Right. So... sword slashing time, go!

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