Life in Vain: Jobless Reincarnation

58 – Child – Transparency is Key

I stared at Master Roxy, waiting for her response.

I told her everything. How I noticed Being W, who I called Whitey at the time. How he tried to break up my family by subtly influencing their thoughts. How he was around and appeared to be the cause of why Sylphy was kidnapped and abandoned in the forest. And how he seemed to be pulling strings in the background around Norn's birth, laughing and putting me in that Xanatos Gambit at the time.

And also how he recently tried to directly influence me in that fight against Ghyslaine, feeding into my anger to make me see red before trying to do something to my mind.

...Which in hindsight was probably why I was a bit off.

I didn't know what he did or exactly what happened, but I clearly remembered seeing that other place. Not to mention the nightmares I had about Dad's death and the scenes I could barely recall.

Then there was that weird old man and the broken magic circle I saw just before waking up.

But anyway, I told all of that to Master Roxy.

As I did, I felt a huge weight lift from my shoulders. One I didn't even realize I had.

It was similar to what I felt in that dream after seeing my past life's final moments and bidding farewell to my old family.

Well, except that I physically felt better after telling everything to Master Roxy.

Probably because I knew I could rely on her.

After all, Master Roxy was a real genius. Not only that, but she was someone who polished up her natural genius with hard work and experience.

So if there was anyone who could help me sort this stuff out and help me protect everyone, it was her.

Except, Master Roxy looked troubled.

I frowned and said, "Um... Did I say something wrong?"

Roxy sighed. "No, Rudy. And thank you for telling me." She patted my head and said, "You've had it rough, haven't you?"

I felt my eyes watering and quickly looked away, blinking through the tears. "I-It's fine. I'm Master Roxy's disciple, so it was fine."

Roxy laughed and said, "Hey now. What did I teach you about when people say they're fine?"

"...That it's usually a lie and that they're upset. Also that something sweet helps them feel better."

Roxy coughed and said, "T-There's that last part, yes. But focus on the first part in the future, okay?"


She nodded and then crossed her arms, thinking. "But how insidious. To think that there was something like that... Well, I suppose that explains why things unfolded the way they did in Shirone. Maybe I was too harsh on that prince then."


Roxy shook her head and said, "Don't worry about it. But I take it you haven't told your parents about this?"

"I haven't." I rubbed the back of my neck and said, "Even if I did, since they can't see mana they can't really do anything about it, right? Ah, but I did make some accessories to make sure they aren't affected anymore. Holy mana repels Being W's mana, so I made some jewelry and wrapped a lot of magic circles together out of that. Kind of like what you did for my wand."

Roxy blinked and then she covered her face. "Why are you like this, Rudy? Am I just a bad teacher? Or is this just Paul's blood finally showing up?"


I tilted my head, confused.

Did I say something wrong? Ah. Maybe she was upset at me copying her work...?

Before I could ask about it, Master Roxy shook her head and then said, "Rudy."


"You see me as your Master, right? Meaning that you'll listen to what I tell you to do?"

I immediately nodded. "Of course!"

"Then from this point onwards, don't keep things like this to yourself. Even if you have a good idea about how to solve things, talk to me or your parents about it first. Or even Sylphy, like she asked you to. No matter how much you know, one person can only see so much at a time. It's important to have multiple perspectives on things, especially when it comes to potential dangers."

"...So you're telling me to not be like my dad then?"

Roxy paused and then let out a deep sigh. "Right. Please do your best to avoid being like your hot-blooded father who runs off to try and run a coup on the main branch of an ancient Asuran noble family."

"Got it."

In other words, more transparency, less acting on my own. I could do that.

...Hm. Maybe that was what this was all about?

Did Being W want me to start doubting people and then start acting on my own? No, that I knew better than everyone else and so my opinion was the only one that mattered?


I could see it playing out like that. In that dream I saw... Yeah. I would definitely never have forgiven Dad in there or trusted him to do anything ever again. And since he was out of the picture, I'd gradually start taking on more responsibilities to care for Mom, Mama Lily, and my younger sisters.

There was Master Roxy around too, as well as Sylphy... But Sylphy supported me no matter what I did. And while Master Roxy was a genius and someone I respected, she also wasn't family. If push came to shove, after being upset at all that Dad did...

Yeah, I'd push her away too.

After that, I'd probably be obsessed with growing strong enough to make those things a non-issue in the future.

And then, haughty with mana and magic, I'd suddenly get the rug pulled out from under me by Being W when I least expected it. Probably by taking advantage of how I kept to myself more than other people and then using that to drive a wedge between me and my family.

Maybe even have Norn or Aisha grow to hate me and blame me.

A soft bop on my head.

I blinked and realized that Master Roxy was staring at me.

"What did I just say, Rudy?"

I laughed and rubbed the back of my neck. "Sorry, Master. I was just thinking about how close it was to having all of this ruined." I frowned and said, "When you keep things to yourself, it's really easy for other people to start mistrusting you. Especially since they can't read your mind. And in that silence, misunderstandings start growing... and before you realize it, you mistake love as indifference and disdain."

I could definitely see it.

Well, it helped since Dad was doing his best to serve as a negative role model...

Which reminded me that I needed to beat that lesson through his thick skull as well.

And that I also needed to patch things up with Mom and Mama Lily for Dad too...

This was his second big mistake now.

...Well, I guess that falling in love with Mama Lily really shouldn't be considered a mistake.

A better thing would be that this was his second big 'event' now. A major event that tested not just my mom's patience this time, but Mama Lily's as well.

If there was a third... I had a feeling that would be it. Things wouldn't ever be the same.

After all, trust was both easily given and easily lost.

I paused, suddenly realizing that Master Roxy hadn't spoken for a while. "Master?"

Roxy blinked and then let out a wry smile. "Sorry, Rudy. I was just thinking about my family." She sighed and said, "As always, you have better insight than I do."

"Hm? But Master's a genius."

Roxy poked my forehead and said, "A genius isn't perfect. And the moment that a genius thinks they are, they're bound to fall from grace."

Yeah. I knew *that* lesson all too well...

"But in any case..."

Master Roxy took a seat to my left and then reached out to hook my chin, pulling it towards her. After that, she leaned forward.


I felt my face heat up and instinctively leaned back.

"Don't move."

A serious voice.

Hearing that from Master Roxy, I stopped being embarrassed and did as she asked.

She stared into my eyes with her own, frowning. And then after a few seconds, she muttered, "You really keep on doing ridiculous things, Rudy."

I blinked. "What do you mean?"

Roxy shook her head and leaned back. After that, she said, "Did you notice something strange when fighting the Dragon God? Maybe in how you saw the world?"

I paused to think and then nodded. "Now that you mention it..."

There was a point in the battle when time slowed to a crawl. Near the end there, I could perceive Orsted even though he was moving at a normal speed in the slowed time.


Seeing mana as different colors, temporarily losing my vision, suddenly being able to track superhuman speed...

Did I suddenly awaken something like the Shar*ng*n?

I mean, it *was* a moment of high emotion and tension, but this was *mana*, not chakra!

Ah. But wasn't chakra originally divine power distilled down to mortal men or something? And in this world, magic was originally something that only elves and spirits could use until humans figured out to replicate it.

...Maybe it was better to just not think too hard about it.

Just like the fact that the freaking Dragon God of all people said that I inherited a bunch of traits from Demon God Laplace.

At least, for now.

Roxy nodded her head and said, "As I thought. It seems like you managed to awaken a set of Demon Eyes."

I frowned and said, "It seems like it, yeah."

And now I really wanted to test if I actually had the infamous pinwheel eyes.

...It would definitely explain how I could so easily copy magic spells. And why my memory seemed to be so good. And why I noticed Being W influencing my parents. AND why I could keep up with Orsted.

...Though a few of those things were also because I had been training for a while on those specific traits...

Ugh. Why was mana so complicated? It would be really nice if I just had a handy guide or someone around to tell me exactly what it was so I knew its limits and properties...

At that time, Sylphy walked over, carrying a stack of cups and a small teapot. She smiled and said, "I got tea, Rudy! Ah, and for you too, Miss Roxy."

An ice table suddenly formed in front of where I was sitting.

Sylphy set the teapot on the table and then poured a cup of tea. "It's honey and berries, so it'll be sweet and yummy!" She blew the cup a bit to cool down the tea and then handed it to me. "Here you go!"

I took it from her and smiled. "Thanks, Sylphy."

"Mmhm!" She poured a cup for Roxy and handed it over.

Roxy took the cup with a small nod. "Thank you, Sylphy."

Sylphy nodded back and poured herself a cup before sitting down to my right. Sipping her cup, she let out a content sigh and leaned against me.

Master Roxy stared at me and raised an eyebrow.

I blinked and tilted my head. "What?"

Roxy shook her head and then looked at Sylphy. After that, she looked at the ice table and said, "I have to say. You truly utilize mana in a way that I never even imagined possible, Sylphy. To directly manipulate elements to your will..."

Sylphy sipped on her tea again and said, "Rudy is just that great of a teacher."

I sipped on my tea as well and then sighed. "You give me too much credit, Sylphy. Most of what you can do you taught yourself."

"That's not true!" Sylphy frowned and said, "I learned how to do all of my magic from the games we play. So I learned from you."

"I don't think that's how teaching works..."

"Well, I say it is. So there!"

I laughed and then shook my head. "Fine, fine."

Sylphy smiled.

Roxy let out a sigh and muttered, "To be young and carefree again..."

I tilted my head and said, "Master is still young, aren't you?"

Even after the past few years, Roxy still looked the same as she did before.

...Which meant she still looked like a young teenager instead of the twenty-something woman she should be right now, but that was a good thing. Aging gracefully was something all women wished for, after all.

Roxy chuckled and then said, "And you still need to remember to ease up on the compliments. What will you do if your dear Master falls in love with you, hm?"


Master Roxy? In love with me?

I felt my face heat up and then laughed. "Master sure likes to tease."

Roxy laughed as well and then said, "Well. Someone has to keep you on the straight and narrow."

Sylphy frowned and then hugged my arm. "Hmph."

I blinked.

Roxy smiled and sipped on her tea. After that, she said, "In any case... It seems like we'll have to wait until tomorrow to begin our magic lessons again." She sighed and said, "I'll have to spend some time fixing up my magic circles again after they broke."

Sylphy leaned over to look at Roxy and said, "Well maybe you wouldn't have to if you learned how to use mana directly, Miss Roxy?"

Roxy sighed. "True. But not everyone can be born a genius at mana manipulation like you, Sylphy."

I nodded and looked towards Sylphy. "That's right. Different people pick up on different things quicker, Sylphy. Besides, Master Roxy has only recently started being able to see mana. It's really hard to break long time habits, you know? Imagine if you suddenly had to use magic with chanting instead of just using it."

Sylphy blinked and said, "But Rudy can do everything, can't you? Chanting, magic circles, and imagining like me? Aren't you even more of a genius then?"

I laughed and said, "I just take really good notes and work really hard. I bet anyone else could do the same thing if they had the same start I did."

Sylphy frowned and said, "Rudy. You're looking down on yourself again."

"Hm? But it's the truth?" I looked at Master Roxy and said, "Right, Master? If you could see mana from the start, you'd be about the same that I am now, wouldn't you?"


I blinked. And then I laughed. "Master's being humble again... I got it. I'll do my best to not get a big head."

Roxy frowned. "That's not what I-" Her frown deepened and she looked at Sylphy, as if to ask a silent question.

Sylphy nodded in response.

Roxy sighed.

I frowned. "Hey. Didn't Master just say to not keep things from people?"

Roxy nodded. "I did. But this is a girl's secret, so I'm afraid you'll have to just accept that fact."

Sylphy nodded as well and said, "That's right, Rudy. It's a secret understanding between me and Miss Roxy. Sorry."

"...Right. In any case-"

The front door slammed open, letting in a frigid wind.

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