Life in Vain: Jobless Reincarnation

53 – Child – Devotion and Support

"Are you sure I can't just-"

"No, Rudy. You are still recovering from mana exhaustion."

"But I just want to-"


"But I feel-"

"No. And my answer will not change even if you continue nagging me for another hour."

I pouted and crossed my arms.

Sylphy giggled and then patted my head. "It's okay, Rudy. Just rest up until you're back to normal, okay?"


It was noon. After that mishap with Roxy and seeing the insane magical array that she developed I dragged her outside and politely requested that she taught me what she did to make it.

Politely requested meaning I nagged her about it for an hour.

I had some ideas on how she did it, but it was also completely different from the way I would have implemented something like that.

If it was me expanding on <Magic Arrays>, it would have been a stack of compressed and 3D magic circles that freely swapped out as needed to be configured into the spell needed. With that, a magic circle could be used as a core and then serve as a control module.

In programming terms... I would have predefined the interface and class for each spell, then instantiated a new object for each spell in a main method before running input through a UI to activate methods on that object.

In normal terms... I would have built up a toolbox of spells to be used at a moment's notice and pulled each out as needed.

But as expected, Master Roxy took my idea and ran with it, making something even better.

My way of doing things would have been reliant on me as the user. Kind of like how an idiot wouldn't be able to use a computer, my idea was something that only someone specialized in it would have been able to use, like me or Master Roxy.

Sylphy didn't really understand magic circles... or rather, she didn't see the point in them when she could just make things work, so she wouldn't be able to use it.

But Master Roxy's... It was ridiculous.

Her version of <Magic Arrays> was basically a clockwork mech made of magic circles. I couldn't even begin to see how and where it all began and ended, but it was set up to automatically react to outside events, chain together to cast spells using ambient mana, and then disperse or reform as needed.

Not only that, but it wasn't centralized. Instead of having a control module, it just... kind of worked all the time when it was there. Like a permanent loop with feedback built-in to update it and churn out new pieces. And because of that, Master Roxy was free to move, chant spells, or cast separate ones from those that her <Magic Arrays> had.

I wanted it. Like, real bad.

But I didn't want to be annoying, so I let it be for now.

...Definitely needed to secretly start experimenting on making something similar though. It would be the perfect countermeasure to surprise attacks against people faster than me, like Ghyslaine had been.

But for now...

I took a look around.

We were sitting outside by Mom's tree. As always, it stuck out from the surroundings because of its bronze bark and fluffy white leaves with golden lining. And as always, it emitted a familiar warmth from the radiating healing mana.

That didn't mean that warmth was actually there though. The leaves were covered in snow, and the area around the tree had snow drifts as tall as I was.

Emphasis on 'had'.

Sylphy, being the resident Queen of Winter had shoved all of the snow away and left everything cleared for us to relax.

And then Master Roxy, being super cautious about my health had placed down a big magic circle to warm the surroundings, making it feel like spring despite being the dead of winter.

All of that to say... magic really was incredible.

And I *really* wanted to start practicing again.

But since Master Roxy insisted I didn't... and since mana exhaustion was apparently a super serious condition, I would listen to her.

For now.

But tomorrow...

Roxy sighed. "I'm starting to think I really should have stuck around longer now, seeing as my precious disciple is so nonchalant about his health."

I gave her an innocent look and said, "But I learned everything from Master Roxy. Didn't you stay up late a lot to practice and study magic?"

Sylphy narrowed her eyes at Roxy.

Roxy cleared her throat and said, "Y-Yes. But I'm much older than you, Rudy. Growing children need their sleep more than someone like me."

"...But Master Roxy's still growing, aren't you?"

Roxy blinked and then walked over to pat me on the head. "Stay cute, Rudy. But also start watching your tongue. You don't want to be like Paul and be a no-good heartbreaker."

My eyes widened and I quickly nodded. "U-Understood, Master."

Right. I couldn't be like Dad.

He was lucky that Mom and Mama Lily had a good relationship together, and that I was there to convince both of them to get along. If not for that... it would have been messy. People would have been crying and resentful on both sides.

Nope. Definitely had to stay single or pick a single lady. Besides, I wasn't like Dad who liked more than one girl anyway. Heck, I didn't even think I actually liked a girl like that yet anyway.


...Right. D-Definitely not yet.

"Rudy?" Sylphy tugged my shirt.

I flinched. "Y-Yes, Sylphy?"

She pointed at my sword, leaning against the tree and said, "Are you going to practice sword fighting instead of magic then?"

I sighed and slumped my shoulders. "I guess so. Since Master Roxy says I can't practice magic, I might as well work on that instead."

Sylphy frowned and said, "Why can't you practice magic?" She looked at Roxy and said, "Miss Roxy doesn't seem that special. And it's your mana, isn't it? Don't you know better than anyone else how you feel?"

Roxy's eye twitched.

I noticed and quickly said, "I do. But Master Roxy has a lot of experience with these sorts of things, so-"

"But she's not you." Sylphy looked back at me and said, "Miss Roxy might know a lot, but Rudy's a lot smarter. You think that Miss Roxy's magic circles... thingy is cool, but it's nothing that you can't do, right?"

"I-I mean... Technically...?"

If I sat down and took notes about Master Roxy's <Magic Arrays> I could probably replicate it. Though it would take a few years at least... it was technically possible?

Roxy cleared her throat and said, "It may be true that Rudy has a much sharper mind than I do-"

"I don't."

"-But that does not mean that he should march ahead without consulting anyone else, especially after suffering such drastic consequences. You may not be aware because you are a child, but mana exhaustion is nothing to scoff at."

"And you might not know because you're an adult, but knows a lot about mana! More than you, I bet!"

I looked between Sylphy and Master Roxy.

Sylphy crossed her arms and moved in front of me, as if protecting me.

Master Roxy frowned and adjusted her hat with her right hand.

"Um..." I raised my hand and said, "You know, I don't mind-"

Roxy lowered her hand and said, "I am happy that Rudy found a friend to support him. But there is a difference between support and blind devotion that allows reckless actions."

Sylphy nodded and uncrossed her arms, lowering her hands. "And I'm happy that the Master who Rudy cared so much about came back to help protect everyone, but you don't get to say what Rudy can or can't do. He's already worrying about enough things already."

...Should I be stepping in on this conversation? I feel like I should be stepping in on this conversation.

But I also had a feeling that things would get messy the moment I did. Just a sort of gut feeling.

So instead...

Execute diversionary tactic!

"Hey." I pointed off randomly into the distance and said, "Who's that?"

"Hm?" Roxy paused and turned to look over there.

"Eh?" Sylphy paused as well and also turned to look.

Good. Tactic, successful- Wait.

I blinked, realizing that neither Roxy nor Sylphy were moving. Instead, they were staring in the direction I pointed with serious expressions.

Roxy, pursing her lips and reaching for her staff.

Sylphy, trembling a bit but then forcibly standing her ground by taking a step forward.

I frowned and then turned to look where I pointed.

And then I froze.

It was a man. One with silver hair and golden eyes. A harsh, no nonsense gaze, a white coat with a fur cloak that concealed his entire body beneath it.

But more importantly than that...

A dense and familiar white mist radiating off of him. Not holy mana, but instead...

"Being W...?"

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