Life in Vain: Jobless Reincarnation

47 – A Contract between Fathers

Paul frowned and looked up at Philip. "...Are you sure this is necessary?"

"You heard Father. Even though you're strong enough to beat every other Greyrat out there right now, you're lacking political strength. If you march in and start killing people to try and oust Pilemon, the royal family won't take kindly to it. In the worst case, they might pull some strings and send the Sword God over, you know?"

Paul's frown deepened.

Philip leaned forward and then opened his eyes, staring at Paul. "You know how this world works, Cousin. Give and take. It's true that we're related... and it's true that you're strong. But strength isn't enough in this world. At least, not at the level you're at. If you were one of the Seven World Powers, things would be different. But you're not." He tapped the table and said, "But this will change things. If you sign this, we won't just be related. We'll be family. And that gives Boreas a reason to move."

Paul crossed his arms. "What if I don't want to? What if I decide to just gather forces on my own and go at it alone?"

Philip leaned back. "Well, you can do that. Like my father said, since you've grown enough of a spine to fight back against him, he'll at least stay neutral. But." He narrowed his eyes. "Are you sure you can protect everyone like that? Are you confident that you can stop another even like before? Ghyslaine says that you're on par with her, but you're still one person."

Paul was quiet.

That was true. He was just one person. Even if he was strong enough to tie against Ghyslaine now, he was far from confident to fight off the entire Asura Kingdom.

...But Rudy wasn't.

Paul was sure of it. Given time, Rudy would definitely reach that level.

Rudy hated being called a genius, but Paul's son was a monster that could turn the entire world upside down if he had time.

Probably literally considering what he saw the kid experimenting with in his free time.

Then there was Sylphy who was just as much of a monster.

And Roxy... who thankfully got the letter in time.

But that meant pulling him into this mess. Instead of letting his son live a normal life like he wanted, it would mean dragging him into a world of backstabbing and death at every turn.

No. At this point, that was inevitable.

Since Pilemon had sent that goon and the people dissatisfied with his rule learned that Paul was a triple Sword Saint from that knight's report, it was only a matter of time.

...They could leave. Zenith had family back in Millis-

Ah. But then that meant Aisha and Lilia couldn't come. Since that place was strictly monogamous, they would be actively shunned and discriminated against.


Paul grit his teeth.

It was because of him. If Paul had trained harder when he was younger, he might be a Sword King right now in all the sword styles. Or if he stuck to one, he could be a Sword Emperor, maybe even a Sword God.

And if he hadn't so thoroughly gotten rid of his family ties... No, if he had sent even one letter back after he left to check up on his father...

Philip gently rested his hands on his lap and said, "Come on, Cousin. This deal doesn't hurt you at all, you know? It's a win-win. You get our support... and I get to build up a reputation to get a second run at things to be the next head of Boreas."

Paul glared at him and said, "I'm not someone who's okay with using their children as chess pieces, Philip."

"I'm not." Philip leaned forward, turning serious as well. "You've met my daughter. I don't mind her taking after Father, but at this point I'm worried for her future. With this, I can at least have some security."

"And what about Rudy? What if he doesn't like her? No, how do you know that Eris will like Rudy?"

Philip hesitated and then said, "I don't. But if your son is as brilliant as you are in sword fighting, I'm sure they'll get along fine. And even if they don't, it's fine if it's just on paper. After all, you're like that, aren't you? Married to Zenith, but with that maid on the side?"

Paul narrowed his eyes. "Lilia is not just a maid. She's just as much my wife as Zenith is."

Philip stared at Paul.

Paul glared back.

Philip sighed. "You really have changed, huh?"

"Of course. Being a father does that to you. At least." He narrowed his eyes and said, "It should. Though it seems my cousin is fine throwing his children to the wind."

A fist slammed against the table.

Philip's. His normally closed eyes were wide open in fury. "You have *no* idea what that is like, *cousin.* Unlike you, I had to fight the succession battle. And I lost. I lost, and lost both of my sons to my damned older brother. So don't you *dare* lecture me on what it's like to be a father. You haven't even tasted a *hint* of powerlessness yet."

Paul was quiet.

...That was true. He didn't know what it was like to have his children taken away from him. And if that happened... he was sure that he'd snap.

But Philip hadn't. Even after all that happened to the guy, he didn't snap or lose his cool.

Paul used to think that was just because he was a coward. But in hindsight...

"...I'm sorry." Paul let out a deep sigh and then bowed his head. "I'm in the wrong. I didn't think about your circumstances, Philip."

Philip paused and then let out a sigh as well. He waved his hand and said, "It's fine. And stop that. It's not like you to lower your head, Paul."

Paul laughed and then raised his head. "That's true. But I'm not above showing respect for people worthy of it." He stared at Philip and said, "Plus, you're right. I haven't tasted powerlessness. But I'm also not as strong as you, Philip. I'm not the type to sit by and endure while my family suffers. And even if that means I go down swinging... as long as I know they'll be fine, it's alright."

Philip nodded. "I'll be sure to tell that to your wife."

"Grk. You know what I mean!"

Philip smiled. "Yes. I do. It's why I gave you the job, after all." He picked up Paul's untouched glass of wine and started sipping on it. "My dear cousin, showing up on my doorsteps and begging me for help because he became a father... I was surprised, you know?" He took a sip and said, "I heard about you from Father. And there were times I envied you for being able to run off like that. If I had even a *shred* of your talent..."

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be." Philip sighed and said, "That's just how life works." He set the glass down and looked at Paul. "We all have our own talents. Yours just happened to be a set that could let you run off alone. Mine... Well, I'm weak. But because I'm weak, I learned how to cut people out from underneath. So." He gave Paul a serious look and said, "I'll stop beating around the bush. Since you've gone out of your way to throw your pride away, I'll throw away my pretenses and say it directly."

He pushed the paper towards Paul and said, "Sign it. I want Eris to have someone she can turn to in case something happens in the future. Just like you, I want to protect my child. And if you do this, we can work together to protect your children as well since we'll be proper family instead of distant relatives."

Paul hesitated. "...I understand where you're coming from, Philip. I really do. But..."

Paul thought about his son. And he thought about the girls in his son's life.

Rudy wasn't aware of it yet, but he already had two girls in mind. His smart and cute Master Roxy as well as the sweet and caring Sylphy.

If Paul signed this, that meant the door on that would be shut-


Would it?

Paul frowned and carefully reread the contract. "...Just to double-check. This doesn't mean that Rudy has to *only* have Eris, right?"

"Of course it doesn't." Philip let out an exasperated sigh and said, "I know my daughter. And while it'll be a Milis sanctioned marriage, it isn't like it's binding to only have a single wife. You would know that better than most, wouldn't you? Besides, my daughter has a bit of a... reputation, shall we say? Outsiders would only see it as a negotiated term to have any chance for the contract to go through."

"And your wife agrees?"

Philip suddenly looked weary. "Hilda... Well. She also wants the best for Eris, but she's become resigned to the way things are."

An expression of heartache and regret.

Seeing that, Paul subconsciously brushed his pendant.

And then he decided. "Alright."

Philip blinked. "Alright?"

Paul nodded and held out his hand. "If you promise to help me protect my family, I'll promise to help protect yours. And we'll see about taking your sons back from those older brothers of yours too."

Philip gave Paul a blank stare. And then he laughed. A genuine, deep laugh that shook his whole body.

"Hey!" Paul frowned and said, "I'm trying to be serious here!"

Philip waved his hand. "I know. It's just..." He let out a genuine smile and then shook Paul's hand. "...It's been a while since I've met someone stupid enough to have faith in me."

"Well, I can say the same thing, so I guess we're both idiots. Must run in the family."


Paul finished the handshake.

Philip looked down at the papers and said, "Then I'll file these for us. I'll leave a copy with you afterwards."

"Don't I need to sign it?"

"A handshake's enough. Unless you're worried about me betraying you?"

"No. I trust you. Well, I trust you being a proper father at least."

Philip stared at Paul and muttered, "I see what Father was talking about. He really has changed."

"What was that?"

Philip waved the papers and said, "Don't worry about it, Paul." He stood up and said, "Just musing to myself."

Paul stood up as well and said, "If you say so. But then..." He frowned and said, "What should I do now? You got a plan on how we're going to do this?"

"Give me a few months. The next major gathering will be in the spring. Father said that we'll head off then if you've signed this. In the meanwhile... I suppose you should get acquainted with your daughter-in-law."

"Right. ...Right." Paul muttered. "Oh crap. Daughter-in-law... How the heck am I going to explain this to Zenith and Lilia? And Rudy?"

"Your problem, not mine."

"H-Hey. You don't think that I could-"

"Deal's done."




Philip cracked a smile and then chuckled. "Relax, Paul. I'll help you explain things later. A-As long as you help me explain to Hilda."

"...You didn't talk to her about this either, did you?"

Philip cleared his throat.

Paul groaned. "Whatever. Now, who's the girl that my son's going to marry?"

"Ah. Eris should be training with Ghyslaine in the courtyard right now. If you'd follow me..."

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