Life in Vain: Jobless Reincarnation

33 – A Chat Between Fathers

A couple weeks had passed since Sylphy started coming over to play with Rudy at the Greyrat household. And during that time, Paul realized something.

Sylphy clearly had a crush on his smart son... but it seemed the part about smart people missing the most obvious things was true. Despite Rudy's intelligence, the kid kept missing all the obvious signs that Sylphy was crushing on him.

The bright smile whenever they talked. Laughing at whatever Rudy said. Making excuses to get close and hold hands...

And his son just ignored all of it!

...Well, not completely. While Rudy wasn't completely like the average Greyrat male who appreciated the female form, he did seem to have a natural talent for winning girls over.

Whenever Rudy was with Sylphy, his eyes were always clear and sincere. He smiled whenever she did something well. He praised her efforts. He always found a chance to call Sylphy cute or adorable. He naturally patted Sylphy's head and grabbed her hand to lead her around... And he was also super defensive of Sylphy, even to Zenith.

If Paul didn't know any better, he would have been worried for Sylphy.

After all, those were all things that Paul would definitely have done to steal a girl's heart if he could. And with the way Rudy did it so naturally, it'd be impossible for Sylphy to not fall in love with him. Especially when he was going out of his way every day to come up with more fun games and interesting magic projects to do with her.

But of course, Rudy didn't think about that at all.

It was enough to where Paul wondered if Rudy knew that Sylphy was a girl... but Paul quickly threw that out. Or rather, he wanted to throw that out.

It would be awkward if Rudy was doing all of that while thinking Sylphy was a guy... Though it *would* explain quite a bit-

Ah, wait. If that was the case, Rudy wouldn't have been so down after Roxy left.

He probably just had a thing for older women. Yeah, that was probably it. Compared to them, Sylphy *was* just cute and adorable.

But in a few years-

"You seem lost in thought, Paul. Care to share?" A male voice called out from the side.

Paul blinked and then remembered that he was still on watch duty in the forest with Sylphy's father. He laughed and said, "Sorry, Laws. Just thinking about our kids."

Laws adjusted his bow around his back and then leaned against the railing of their lookout perch. He scratched the back of his head, ruffling his golden hair, and said, "I still can't thank you enough for that, Paul. Especially allowing Luffy to stay over at your house all day to play with Rudy."

Paul walked over and leaned on the railing to the left of Laws. After that, he clapped a hand on the elf's shoulder and said, "Don't worry Laws. We're patrol buddies, right? Besides, the kids are having fun too."

"And I am forever grateful for that." Laws let out a deep sigh and said, "It had been far too long since Luffy had a genuine smile on her face when she returned home."

"Hm? Really?" Paul frowned and said, "Someone as cute and lively as her didn't smile?"

That was weird. Paul didn't remember a time seeing Sylphy where she *wasn't* smiling. Even without Rudy.

Laws looked at Paul.


Laws laughed. "Nothing." He smiled and said, "I was just surprised. I had gotten used to how others viewed Luffy that I forgot there were kind people out there as well."

Paul snorted and crossed his arms. "What? You think I'm some Asuran thug who'd get upset or fear someone just because they had green hair? Please."

Laws smiled. "Yes. I suppose that would be silly. Though..." He sighed. "You would be surprised at how many believe otherwise." He frowned and said, "The number of people who think that a spirit possessed Luffy or that she was swapped at birth... And the number of accusations towards my wife..."

Paul narrowed his eyes. "...Do you need me to step in?"

Even though he took a hands off approach to governing, Paul technically *was* the ruler of Buina village and the surrounding territories. It wasn't to the extent of owning the land or anything, but he did have the authority to resolve conflicts and settle disputes. And if something was interfering with one of his men... which would include Laws by definition due to the half-elf aiding with patrolling...

Laws shook his head. "It's fine." He sighed and said, "The problem was solved. The children who harmed Sylphy won't do so any longer... and even if they tried now, Sylphy is learned enough in magic to defend herself." His eyes turned sharp and he said, "Especially if a child is cruel enough to attempt another abduction."

Paul clicked his tongue and said, "I still can't believe those kids pulled that off. I thought their parents were good people, but after everything that happened..."

It was inexcusable. A group of four children grabbed Sylphy, restrained her, brought her deep into the forest and left her there while running away for their lives.

They didn't admit it, of course. And their parents didn't either. Especially the women.

In fact, there was one nosy bit-

No. That wasn't good. Paul needed to break that habit of cursing. He already got scolded by Zenith and Lilia about Rudy starting to curse now too.

So... Nosy bimbo. Right.

There was one nosy bimbo who insisted that her son was the purest saint ever and would never do something like that. In fact, she even accused Rudy of setting the entire thing up as an excuse to play hero and wanted some compensation for having their good name pulled through the mud.

Obviously, that wasn't true.

And obviously, Zenith immediately beat her black and blue until she apologized.

Zenith healed her afterwards, of course. But after that no one bothered trying to pin the blame on Rudy.

And Paul didn't believe it either.

After all, his genius- Ah. 'Very intelligent' son had been spending that morning working over both Zenith and Lilia to come around to the idea of both sharing Paul and accepting a relationship between the three of them.

...What was he thinking about again?

Right, the weird bit about the kids.

Even if they were malicious, Paul didn't think that kids would go that far just to bully someone. Even if that someone was supposedly a monster.

He had made it clear throughout the village and to every villager that the forest was dangerous and had been getting more dangerous over the years due to an unknown mana build up.

And while kids were stupid, they weren't dumb enough to-

Ah, no. Kids were that dumb.


Laws sighed and said, "What is done is done. But again, thank you." He smiled and said, "You are a good friend, Paul."

Paul laughed and wrapped an arm around Laws's shoulder. "Glad to hear it! So don't be mad when you call Rudy son-in-law in the future, alright?"

Laws's eyes widened before he let out a bright smile. "It would be my honor."

"...You know, this is the part where you're supposed to reject ever having Rudy as a son-in-law and say that you'd never hand your cute daughter over, Laws."

"Hm?" Laws blinked and said, "But Rudy would be a wonderful son-in-law."

"...Hah." Paul slumped over and said, "This is karma, isn't it?"

Paul had to elope with Zenith without her parents' blessings. Even now, he never got a letter or hint of acceptance from her parents despite the fact that he saved her from a terrible fate and helped her stand on her own feet in a rough world when she became an adventurer.

And then here was his son, doing the same thing. But instead of being rejected by the girl's father, he was already thinking of Rudy as a son-in-law! No, considering he walked over the girl to their house every day, didn't he already consider her a part of their family...?

Laws laughed and then shook his head. "Well, it is still a bit too early to be considering such things." He smiled and said, "Although I must admit that it would be nice to have family outside of just my wife and child for once."

"Hm?" Paul frowned and said, "What do you mean?"

Laws fiddled with a wooden pendant around his neck and said, "I was a bastard abandoned child. My mother left me with the church and I grew up in an orphanage. By Milis or whatever other divine deity, I survived and managed to obtain a decent life and loving family... but I do wonder at times what it would be like to have other relatives. A father, a mother... siblings." Laws sighed.

Paul clicked his tongue and leaned back against the rail, staring at the sky. "Well, they aren't all they're cracked up to be. Your family can turn out to be your worst enemies."

Like his cowardly uncle Pilemon who tried to block Paul's requests for help in the Notus family at every turn and forced him to reach out to his cousin Philip in the Boreas family instead.

Or the Notus family in general who were perfectly fine with Paul being out in the countryside but who would no doubt make a fuss and try to oust him and his family if he tried moving in closer to the Asura Kingdom-

No. Considering how bright Rudy was, they'd probably try to get rid of them instead.

Heh. That'd end well.

Paul might have been slacking a bit around the time Rudy was born, but years of trying to fend off his smart son and his wily tricks made him improve. He was confident that he could take a Sword King and he could at least stall a Sword Emperor. Everyone below that though...

And then there was Rudy to consider. He was a polite and kind kid. And he also had a weird thing about not being called a genius... but Paul could tell.

Rudy had a temper. One probably worse than Paul's. And considering how much Rudy knew about magic and all of the crazy things he was teaching Sylphy, like chantless incantation and directly manipulating elements...

Well. Paul wasn't a person who wanted to tempt fate, but he was kind of curious to see just how his son would react if those idiots tried something against his family.

Just a bit.

Laws sighed. "I suppose that's true. Well. Better to focus on what we do have than what we do not, right, Paul?"

Paul pushed himself back to his feet and said, "Sounds like a plan. And speaking of what we have versus what we don't..." He scanned the forest and said, "It looks like we've got another boring day. I don't see or sense any more magical creatures. And from what Rudy told me last time, the weird mana causing the trouble should be gone now too since he set up his barrier spells."

"Mm..." Laws looked out and nodded. "Yes. I don't see any threats either."

Paul glanced at Laws and then said, "Well then. Let's say you and me hit the pub and turn in a bit early?"

"E-Excuse me? The pub?" Laws shook his head and said, "I-I don't think that I should. After all, I still have to pick up Luffy and then return to my wife-"

"Bah." Paul waved his hand and said, "She'll understand. You're the most responsible man of the house I've ever met. A night out is fine. Besides, you're due for a bit of unwinding after all of that stress."

"...That is a good point. And I suppose it would be nice to relax with a friend for once."

"Right? So come on. Let's get going and then chat over a nice mug of mead. Share stories... like how good your wife is in bed."

"EXCUSE ME!? T-That is *much* too private to-"

"Zenith's great. She seems uptight and traditional, but when she's in bed, hehehe..."

"T-That..." Laws looked around the surroundings and then whispered, "Is that true?"

"Oh yeah. And Lilia too. You'd never think it from how polite she is, but..."


A massive headache.

Paul opened his bleary eyes and rubbed his temple. "What hit me?"

The last thing he remembered was talking with Laws in the forest- No. They made it back and to the pub. But then-

"I did."

"Hu- Bwaha?!"

A flash of pain struck his face, making the headache even worse. But then a warmth spread throughout his body and the pain went away.

Paul blinked again and then realized he was home, laying on the floor in the living room.

He also wasn't alone.

Zenith was standing directly in front of him with her arms crossed and her eyes frosty. She was also the one who hit him.

Lilia was standing next to her, looking completely disappointed.

Behind those two was Laws, awkwardly rubbing the back of his head while standing next to his wife... who also looked extremely upset.

Meanwhile, Sylphy was standing by her mom and dad, looking completely confused.

And then the last person in the room, the one standing right next to him and who cast the healing spell...

Rudy lowered his left hand and then held it out to help Paul up. "You are a terrible influence, Dad. Seriously. What made you think it was a good idea to go drinking with Mister Laws without telling anyone?"

"Ugh... Thanks, Rudy." Paul grabbed Rudy's hand and pulled himself up.

...Huh. Rudy was stronger than he thought if he could do that, actually. Was the kid doing secret training somewhere?

Bah, he could think about that later. For now... 

Paul looked to Laws, trying to see if he could get an explanation from the guy.

When Paul did that, Laws immediately bowed his head and clapped his hands together. "My apologies, Brother Paul! I couldn't lie to them so I told them everything!"

Paul froze. 


...Everything? That meant...?!

Even all that stuff about the different positions and sweet spots?!

Paul glanced at his wife and partner.

Zenith glared at him.

Lilia gave him a cold stare.

Paul groaned and rubbed his face. "Dammit, Laws. You didn't have to take my talk about family being your worst enemy so literally..."

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