Life in Vain: Jobless Reincarnation

13 – Toddler Period – Misfit Student and Teacher

It was an embarrassing mess. Because I panicked, my body's instincts took over and I blubbered like a child. Devolved into hysterics like an insane person.

What was wrong with me?

Ah, right. I was still just a kid, and kids weren't good at controlling emotions.

Also, seems like bottling up all of that regret and self-loathing really wasn't a good idea.

Whoda' thunk?

Maybe I should start a journal... Play it off like, "I've been having these weird thoughts lately. Like, is any of this for real? Or not?"

Anyway, it somehow worked out. I didn't really mean to force them to change the way they treated me, and I also didn't care *that* much if they treated me differently.

...Well. That was what I *said* but it seemed like my emotions were different.

Stupid kid body.

Right. Mom and Dad.

They didn't put any high expectations on me. They couldn't get around the fact that it was clear I wasn't a normal kid now, but they weren't pushing me to go be a world-class swordsman or magician. Instead, they were supporting me in whatever I wanted to do.

Good parents. Definitely not like some other parents that I knew. Not that it was a bad thing either way. It was just... that had been a lot of stress. It also caused a lot of mental problems that I apparently never worked out.


Let's hope I don't have a mental breakdown again in the future.

Anyway... Because they knew that I was a 'prodigy' now, my parents treated me a bit more formally. It was a bit more rigid. But at the same time, it was also more relaxed.

...It was hard to explain. They were a bit more hesitant now in expecting me to do things. But at the same time, they were more relaxed in how they treated me and didn't seem as worried as much.

But overall, it was clear that they still loved me.

I had to thank Miss Lilia for that. It seemed like she had a conversation with my parents at some point, causing them to relax.

She was really nice like that... In fact, it was almost like I had two moms.

If Zenith was the kind and bubbly supportive mother who wanted the best for her kid, Miss Lilia was the quiet and unconditionally supportive mother. The sort who would still love her child even if he turned out to be a criminal, probably.

...And also a lot like my previous mom. Maybe that was why I gravitated towards her a bit.

Still, I loved both of them equally.

In any case, since I asked nicely, it was decided to get a magic tutor for me.

I was a bit worried at first considering how far out in the rural area we were. Also because I didn't know how to react to my tutor.

If he was someone who wanted me to walk a certain path, if he wanted to push me to be something I didn't want to be... that would be bad.

I didn't think my parents would allow that, but I also didn't want them to waste their money...

Eventually though, we found one. Someone accepted the job offer as an in-house tutor.

My parents said they would receive her. And since I was nervous, I decided to go calm down like how I always did: with magic.

So, while my parents grabbed my tutor, I walked out to the back of our house and practiced.

Maybe I could figure out why the heck <Splash flow> was so different from <Water ball>...


Roxy Migurdia had found a job offer. Because she was running low on funds, and because it was a secure job, she decided to take it.

A simple task. Become an in-house tutor for a low-ranked knight's child.

It was out in the countryside and while it paid decently well, it wasn't enough to entice too many adventurers or proper magicians other than the old ones.

But it was perfect for her. She had just graduated from the Ranoa Magic Academy and had trouble finding a job. She was also tired of adventuring, so she wanted to try her hand at teaching for a while. And the job seemed like an easy one, so she decided to take it.

So, wearing her brown magician robe and gathering up her belongings in her bag, she set off to the village.

But the parents were strange. A handsome young man with built muscles. A beautiful young woman with a kind and sweet smile. And both coming out to meet her like they were out for war... before becoming shocked when they saw her. They quickly got over that though and started laying out some ground rules.

But those rules were even stranger then they were.

"First of all," the mother said. "You shouldn't push Rudy. He's very smart, but he's self-conscious about his talent. Teach him the basics and what he wants to learn, but please be patient and don't rush him, even if he picks it up right away."

From that, Roxy thought that the child might be slow. Or that this might be a pair of parents who didn't know how to spend their money. Especially after the father talked.

"On paper, you're a tutor. But think of this as more of being a resource for Rudy. Even if you're just here to answer his questions, that's enough. Ah, and we'll be training swordsmanship in the afternoon, so try not to exhaust him too much."

Paul and Zenith Greyrat.

Roxy thought they were a bit too ambitious. Hiring a magic tutor for a child who might not even have a talent for magic...

Well, it was their money. And if it was just teaching theory or answering questions, she didn't mind. It was a bit disappointing, but a job was a job.

Or so she thought.

The parents brought her around into the courtyard. As they did, the mother, Zenith, looked at Roxy and said, "Now remember. Don't treat him any differently than a normal child, okay? And try not to have too high of expectations for him."

"Yes, Miss." Roxy bowed her head. "I will keep that in mind."

In other words, treat him like an idiot child and be patient. Or rather, be a babysitter.

...It was a bit frustrating, but again, a job was a job.

And then they walked into the courtyard and she saw the child she was supposed to be tutoring.

They called him a child, but in truth, he was more of a baby. Short, a bit chubby. Perhaps no more than three years old.

Objectively, it seemed like it really was just a babysitting job.

...If not for the ridiculous sight before her eyes.

A hundred floating orbs of water, floating all around him. A pudgy and cute face fixed in concentration. Fingers spinning like a conductor, moving the orbs here and there. And making some orbs freeze and shatter while others turned into snowballs.

Then the child brought his hands together, spinning the balls as one.

A swirling mass of water. Not just a giant water ball, but a water cannon. No, <Splash flow>. But wasn't that an intermediate spell...?

The child aimed it at the sky and then swung his hands out. With that, the water shot into the sky with a loud bang. But before it went too far, the water cannon dispersed, turning into droplets of water. Like rain.

But before the rain reached the earth, they dissolved, turning into a faint mist.

Impossible. A level of mastery and control that Roxy had never seen before.

Not only voiceless incantation, but the sheer mana required for such a feat...

And the child was only three years old...?! No, the kid was insecure about his talent?!

What did that make her then!?

"Rudy!" Zenith called out and waved. "We brought your new tutor!"

As she did that, Paul walked to Roxy and said, "Remember. Treat him normally."

Casual words. Even so, it was said with a sharp tone. Not a threat, but a severe reminder.

With that, Roxy calmed down.


Even if he was like this, he was still a child. And that's why Mister Paul and Miss Zenith were like that.

He was a talented, god-blessed talent... but he was also a child.

And it was her duty to teach him properly.

When she thought about it like that... Roxy relaxed.

The child, Rudy turned around and tilted his head.

Roxy froze when she saw his gaze.

Sharp and clear green eyes. A gaze with focus and analysis that seemed like it was taking apart everything in front of his eyes.

An expression that didn't belong on a three year old.

But that expression quickly faded, turning into pure childish excitement. He ran over and then held out his hand, smiling. "Hello! I'm Rudy!"


Roxy realized it then.

It was like that.

Seeing that uncharacteristic expression switching over to such a childish one...

It was like her. A child born different from his parents and surroundings. But one who wanted to be accepted and get along regardless.

Roxy adjusted her hat and let out a soft smile. Holding out her hand, she said, "It's a pleasure to meet you, Rudy. My name is Roxy."

"Nice to meet you, Miss Roxy!" He grinned and shook her hand. After that, his eyes widened and he said, "Are we starting right now?"

Paul laughed and said, "Excited to start already, huh?" He waved Rudy off and said, "Go learn your magic, Rudy. Dad will just go out to work then."

Zenith smiled and then patted Roxy's shoulders. "We'll leave you two to get to know each other." She waved at Rudy and then left. "Bye Rudy! Have fun!"

"Bye Mom! Bye Dad!"

And then they were alone.

Roxy stared at Rudy, unsure of what to say.

Rudy stared back, his eyes sparkling with expectation.

"So." Roxy eventually spoke up and said, "...What would you like to know?"

Rudy nodded. "Miss Roxy's a really great magician, right? Could you go over the basics with me? I have an old textbook, but I think it might be outdated."

Roxy let out an internal sigh of relief.

Good. The basics. That was fine.

"Also, is it true that mana pools don't increase? Mine keeps growing. At the beginning, I could only make a few water balls, but the more I practice the more I can make. And it's not just me being more efficient. I can feel myself using the same amount for each water ball, so there's definitely more in me. Ah, and why do magic circles and incantations do the same thing with different methods? And why does no one overlap the two? Oh! And do you know any of the magical theory behind the magic circles? I was curious about the pieces and..."

...Okay. Maybe this job wouldn't be so simple...

"...Miss Roxy?"

Roxy laughed and then stood up. "Let's go inside first. This might take a while."

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